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The Possession of My Beloved

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Chapter 60:

    Lu Wu didn’t know what Miantang had in mind, listening to her words, he just thought it was a child’s coquettish behavior, so he just laughed indifferently.

    Mian Tang also laughed, but her smile was more intriguing.

    The next day, she called her eldest uncle and asked how many regular customers of the Lu Family Escort Bureau were left.

    Lu Xian was a little ashamed when asked by his niece, and said with a face of shame: “Our **** bureau used to take long darts, but later because of the dart loss, he lost his reputation and the rest All of them are short-dart businesses in several nearby states, those who don’t make money stay, but just enough to support a few buddies, it’s better than nothing.”

    Miantang asked again about the water and camel transport that the Lu family also operated in the past. Without exception, there was not much money left.

    Miantang nodded and said to her eldest uncle: “My grandfather doesn’t want the money I made before, you know his old man’s stubbornness, but the family is in a hurry to use the money, and that village is mine. My grandmother’s dowry can’t be sold at all, since that’s the case, it’s better to make allowances for the family, check the business in the security bureau, and pay me the price, so that if the family has money, they don’t need to sell Zhuangzi.”

    Lu Xian turned to look at her suspiciously after hearing this: “What are you trying to do? Your grandfather won’t let you make trouble again, so you should stay at home honestly, after a while, Finding a good matchmaker and saying that kissing is the right thing to do…”

    Miantang didn’t wait for the uncle to finish the chatter, and only asked: “If you don’t sell it, I will try another way to toss it, and then the uncle don’t say that I am ignorant, and I will give it to my family. court disaster…”

    If the other children in the Lu family said this, Lu Xian would only think that they were young and vigorous, and said something tough. But it was Miantang who said this, and Lu Xian’s heart beat violently.

    After all, he didn’t have amnesia, but I know what this little aunt can break through! Since she wants the little mess left in the **** bureau, she will give it to her. She has something to do and can be more honest in Western State.

    Now Lu Wu doesn’t care about family affairs. So Lu Xian thought about it, and went to discuss with the second child. After hearing this, Lu Mu asked, “How much money is Miantang going to give?”

    Lu Xian said honestly, “One thousand taels…”

    Lu Mu’s eyes widened when she heard it. With that short dart game, she could earn 100 taels a year and burn high incense, but she actually bought it with 1,000 taels of silver?

    So he cautiously asked Lu Xian, “Someone on Yangshan said that she had collected a sum of money to escape privately, would it be…”

    “It’s a fart!” Lu Xian scolded his second brother fiercely, “The gang in Yangshan who unloaded and killed donkeys will only put a bucket of **** on Miantang’s head! If Miantang really takes it With that large sum of money, Yangshan’s grandsons can be so peaceful and honest, not coming to seek Miantang?”

    Lu Mu hurriedly put out the fire for her eldest brother: “I didn’t say that our Miantang did this. It’s just… Where did she get so much money?”

    Lu Xian slightly suppressed his anger and said, “You don’t know Miantang’s ability. She took advantage of the ban in the northwest to sell some black-tailed fat sheep. The sheep are sold by the catty liang, and the gold is expensive. She also made some money, probably subsidizing the family in disguise like this. “

    Lu Mu nodded after hearing this, and praised that Miantang was a good child who thought about the family, and then said: “Since Miantang thinks about the Lu family in his heart, it’s not good for eldest brother to cool the child’s mind. She is a girl, and when she gets married in the future, she will also rely on our Lu family for support. If our family is lying on the air, the girls in the family will not know how much anger they will suffer in the husband’s family in the future! “

    Lu Xian sighed when he heard it, and finally Lu Mu helped him make up his mind and agreed to exchange the rest of the **** for Miantang.

    Although Miantang is also a Lu family member, her surname is Liu after all. So on the day when the **** agency signed the contract and changed its owner, Miantang asked someone to hang up two strings of firecrackers. With the sound of crackling, the old plaque of the “Shenwei Escort Agency” for decades was taken off.

    The onlookers watched the new plaque hang, their eyes widened, and they carefully read the words on the plaque: “Liang…heart guard!”

    Someone shook their head and said, the new owner of this security guard is not very knowledgeable, so the name is not as good as the old name of the guard.

    But Miantang turned a deaf ear to the comments of the people behind her, and only smiled and looked at the plaque she wrote with her own handwriting.

    Because the new **** bureau opened, she recruited some other guys, some of whom were orphans that the Lu family had sponsored for a long time.

    There is a young man named He Quansheng. Hearing that the granddaughter of the Lu family bought the **** bureau, she volunteered to be a escort. His father was also an **** of the Shenwei Escort back then, but unfortunately he contracted typhoid fever and died because he was out of town and did not receive timely medical treatment.

    Mian Tang was sitting on the counter of the **** bureau drinking tea, looking up and down across the tea cup, this young man, with thick eyebrows and big eyes, is quite handsome. So he asked, “You’re going to be a bodyguard, but what’s your ability to watch the house?”



    “Good fist! Unfortunately, our **** bureau has a small appearance, but we can’t get too much pay, are you willing?”

      , always told me that when I grew up, I would repay the kindness of the Lu family’s upbringing. I went to go to the uncle, but the uncle said that he was not short of people, but you lacked capable people… I don’t want monthly money, the Lu family has already I’ve given my mother and me ten years of monthly money. When you don’t need me anymore, I’ll leave.”

    Miantang nodded when she heard this. My grandfather had been benevolent and righteous all his life, and he was not a greedy wolf with white eyes. So she pointed to the plaque on the top of her head and said, “Although my temple gate is dilapidated, it has the word ‘conscience’ on it. You are a young generation with a conscience, so naturally you can stay here.”

    Therefore, Miantang’s small dart board is officially open for business.

    The opening of a new dart bureau always needs to gain some popularity, and sometimes it is necessary to lower some dart silver to attract some customers, and even pull out the merchants who come to the door within a month, and reduce the signboard of half the dart silver. .


    Only saying that this granddaughter of Mr. Lu is really worrying, there is always something wrong! From ancient times to the present, I have never heard of a female boss in the **** industry who broke through the door!

    Sure enough, in the days to come, the gate of the conscience **** bureau is full of emptiness.

    However, the head of the house, Mrs. Liu, is not worried, she still eats and drinks every day, and from time to time, she goes for a stroll in the canal to see the withering scenery of the winter by the river.

    When I come and go, no one in my family can look down on it.

    On this day, when the female relatives of the two rooms gathered together to cut cloth and cut clothes, aunt Shen couldn’t help but fell to Miantang: “Your uncle is a confused person, how can you be confused? I’ll give you the **** money. Father heard about your ridiculous things a few days ago, but he scolded your two uncles with blood and only asked them to return the money to you… The money was divided into three parts by the second uncle, Your uncle didn’t move the share that was given to us as a dowry. As for…”

    Second aunt Quan interrupted the eldest sister-in-law: “What is the money of our family’s Jiangmiantang? The eldest brother is doing business in the northwest and owes a lot of debt. With a solid eye, I thought about cashing the money from the **** agency to fill the hole for my eldest brother. As for the other two, it was not shared with anyone, but it was divided into public use and future emergencies.  … A while ago, our second child, Lu, also borrowed some money from my dowry and paid for the public expenses. Now that he has exchanged the money, he has to pay back the money he owes me, right?”

    Everyone was silent for a while. Everyone knew that the Quan family always seemed to have an endless dowry. Since people said so, it was difficult for anyone to check the accounts of the second room.

      He smiled and said, “There are so many places where the money is used in the family. If you sprinkle it all at once, there will be no money back. Since my grandfather scolded and scolded it, I should ask my two uncles to use it. As for my future dowry, the two Auntie don’t worry…”

    Second aunt Quan hurriedly said: “No! Miantang’s child doesn’t really want to do business in the **** bureau, but he is just trying to help the family in a different way. Sister-in-law, don’t be embarrassed, we Miantang is rich now, this amount of money is nothing to her…”

    Shen shi still wants to talk, but the topic has been brought to the Su family who is coming to see each other, only that the Su family will soon go to Xizhou, and then everyone will help. Now, treat the distinguished guests well, and let the two girls in their family achieve a happy marriage.

    Everyone was chatting and laughing for a while, and Shen shi couldn’t make it worse, so he brought up the topic of letting the second room return the money.

    Besides, Young Master Su, who was eagerly awaited by the Lu family’s second room, finally came to Xizhou on time on the second day.

    For this son of the Su family, the facade of the Lu family has been renovated by the second house.

    But Miantang did not stay at the mansion to meet the future son-in-law with the Lu family, she is also entertaining today.

    Because I used to do royal business with the He family in Lingquan Town. So Liu Miantang made sure that the He family would come to choose a good dye for coloring in the past few days.

    Man Dayan looked at it, only the emerald green condensed from the saliva of a tortoise produced in Xizhou. This color is very elegant on the porcelain plate. And it has always been monopolized by the He family.

    Miantang heard from He Zhen before that his father likes to eat the local crispy duck and drunk crab with big tongs in Xizhou, so every year when he comes to buy emerald dye, he comes to Xizhou State for a few days.

    Thinking of this past event, Miantang calculated the time and walked around the dock of the canal every day.

    And the people who got off the boat turned out to be two people. Except for the second master, He Zhensan came to Hezhou with his father.

    When she saw Liu Miantang wearing a hood and a cloak, He Zhen exclaimed in surprise, “Mrs. Cui, didn’t you go to the northwest? Why are you here?”

    The He family lives in Lingquan Town, so naturally they don’t know about the breakup of the Cui family’s fake couple in the northwest. She has had a lot of sadness in her heart recently, and seeing Madam Liu was like seeing a savior, when her father turned around to explain things to the boatman, she quietly said to Miantang: “You’re gone, I don’t even have anyone to talk to… you You know, King Huaiyang, he… he is about to be married!”

    Liu Miantang slowly raised her head and looked at He Zhen silently. The He family was a royal merchant, and they knew a lot about things in the capital.

    He Zhen was immersed in her own sadness and said: “I heard that the Queen Mother intends to marry her own daughter to the King of Huaiyang… After this… there is no hope.”

    Miantang knew what He Zhen meant. Since ancient times, which concubine dared to take a concubine casually? Cui Xingzhou became the son-in-law of the queen mother, and in the future, he could save the thought of marrying, and could only focus on reconciling with the princess.

    He Zhen originally fantasized about King Huaiyang’s divorce, and she may still have a glimmer of hope. Who would have thought that he would marry a princess in the future. In this case, it would be better to marry his virtuous cousin!

    She said what she had been holding back for a long time, but she did not see Lady Liu comforting her as before. She just looked at the river in silence, her expression as calm as a windless river.

    He Zhen was a little embarrassed and asked, “By the way, you haven’t said it yet, why are you here?”

    Miantang seemed to wake up, and smiled slightly: “Come here to see the Caoyun.”

    He Zhen did not doubt that he had him, so he warmly recommended: “My family’s familiar Cao’s boat line, the price is fair, but the delivery is guaranteed, you might as well go to his house to deliver the goods.”

    But Miantang shook her head firmly and said, “I don’t need his house.”

    He Zhen asked strangely, “Why do you say that?”

    Mian Tang smiled and asked directly: “I heard that his family was spun off from Shenwei Escort to receive **** orders privately, and then he started his business. Not long after he established the ship line, the cargo orders he received, Nine times out of ten, officers and soldiers will set up cards, and the second-tier vehicle and vessel tax will be charged. Even if the amount of darts and silver is not much, it can be combined to be more expensive.”

    The He family entrusted the Cao family ship with fuel every time, and sometimes asked them to transport porcelain back to Xizhou and to the capital.


    However, Mr. He has been in business for a long time, and he used to entrust Shenwei Escort to deliver the goods. Later, he was born in the Shenwei Escort, and he also changed his shipping according to the crowd. It seems that since then, there has been an increase in vehicle and vessel taxes. However, he sent the shopkeeper to follow the boat, and it was indeed taken away by the officers and soldiers.

    Mian Tang listened to He Erye’s words, and smiled again: “The shipping routes have been revised by various escorts. That vehicle and vessel tax is not promulgated by the imperial court. The Cao family changed the old escort. I went to Lianzhou, which is heavily taxed. The officers and soldiers of Lianzhou colluded with many shipping companies. The overcharged tax is divided into four or six with the shipping companies of the **** agencies. One trip to the **** agency earns two copies of the money, which is hidden in this way. A tricky boat trip… If it was me, I wouldn’t dare to use it.”

    Although the He family used boats all the time, they were not darts. How did they know there were so many doorways. However, he had to admit that he had been taking advantage of him for many years, and Erye He was not very reconciled, so he justified for them: “But the current route that the Cao family is taking is a day faster than before!”

    Miantang didn’t bother to argue with him, and asked directly, “Can’t Mr. He ship the goods a day earlier, so he has to use money to balance it? That’s right… Your family is not short of these money, but it looks like I’m waiting for this, but I have to be more careful, otherwise it will be a lot of money in a year!”

    Seeing that Miantang turned to leave, He Zhen asked, “Then where are you looking for, Mrs. Cui?”

    Miantang’s head is not good either, but there is something in his words: “If I need to use things to transport, I must find that newly opened conscience **** agency. The boat line under his family is really good!”

    After speaking, Miantang brazenly raised the banner for her family, and then got on the carriage and left, leaving only the He family father and daughter looking at each other.

    This lady Liu’s shrewdness, who doesn’t know about Manlingquan Town?


    The father and daughter discussed it and decided not to eat the crispy duck first, but to go to the conscience **** that Mrs. Liu said. Although their He family is not bad for money, but as Liu Niangzi said, they can save some shipping costs, and the profit in a year is also very considerable.

    When they went to the escort, an old gentleman received them. After asking the price and seeing that they were all new ships, Erye He decided to transport some unimportant goods for the time being and give them a try To test the waters, if his family is reliable, he will follow the example of Lady Liu and use conscience instead.

    So Conscience Ship finally opened. Received the first order after changing the plaque.


    Because they know that the lady’s remaining money will be used to buy a boat.

    Miantang was not worried. Although she deliberately misled the He family and her daughter, everything she said about the Cao family boating was the truth.

    The Cao family’s money is not clean, and there are tricks hidden in it. Once it arouses the suspicion of customers, it will lose its credibility and it will be difficult to retain old customers.

    After the He family switched to Conscience Escort, they would not dare to use large goods for the first order, so Miantang bought not many ships, which was enough to handle.

    The route of the freight was drawn by herself. When Zhao Quan was transporting military rations to the northwest, he had inadvertently told her that in order to facilitate the transportation of military rations, the imperial court opened the rivers of the four counties. Local officials are not allowed to set up cards along the way, and if they are found, they will be severely punished.

    In addition, there are many military ships coming and going, and the river is very safe. Many small merchants who can’t afford a **** follow the military ships far away, which is safer.

    The He family tried the Conscience Shipping Line and found that the price of the newly established water transportation line was reasonable, and the delivery time was not slower than that of the high-priced line.

    He Erye immediately moved all his business with Xizhou to the Conscience Escort.

    His family has a large amount of goods at one time, so after two orders, the book of the **** will be revitalized, and you can continue to buy new ships.

    I don’t know why, Cao’s shipping company has tricky things, and it is getting more and more popular. Many merchants who have contacts with He Erye have also changed their contracts to conscience shipping.

    Not long after, the Cao family asked to see Miss Liu.

    The person who came was the elder Cao Cao, who brought a few old Yen from the security bureau to sit in the town, claiming to be here for his nephew. But that face was ugly in front of him.

      There is no reason for the **** to pry other businesses. If she doesn’t come up with a formula today, he will drag her to Lu Wu to judge.

    The remaining old men with unshaven beards also pulled aside, looking like they were trying to persuade Master Cao to calm down, but in fact they were accusing Miantang of being inauthentic.

    Miantang remained calm when he was talking nonsense, until Master Cao had almost finished speaking, Miantang slowly gave him a look and said: “Dare to ask Master Cao, you entered Escort of God?”

    Master Cao stared, which one of these seating halls is not the old Shenwei Escort? But…the name of the **** agency has indeed changed, and it is called the conscience **** agency.

    Thinking of this, he still groaned angrily: “Even if this is not the Shenwei Escort, it is still the property of the Lu family! Don’t be sloppy with me, the little girl’s family is so inauthentic. , it’s strange that your grandfather doesn’t scold you to death!”

      I bought my son from the Lu family with real gold and silver. How can it be regarded as the property of the Lu family? Your father Cao’s love for the Lu family is priceless, and your kindness is as heavy as a mountain. It seems that you are the reborn parents of the Lu family. , that’s the Lu family’s business, what does it have to do with me?”

    When she said this, Grandpa Cao stunned, not knowing what to say. Because now the head of the Conscience Escort is indeed Liu, not Lu.

    But she is so rude to her own business, so that his shipping company has no orders in the past few days, how can he agree? So just ignore this one, and angrily want to pull Miantang to see Lu Wu.

    But before his hand came over, a young man with thick eyebrows and big eyes raised his hand and pushed him aside, staring at him: “Old man! Dare to touch our lady try?”

    The people on the side recognized that this was the descendant of the He family, and quickly said: “Hey, how dare you hit your uncle, when your father is alive, you have to call Cao Ye. Big brother!”

    He Quansheng stared and said, “Who is his family? My mother said that one must be conscientious. When my father died, who of all of you here came to help our mother and son? It’s all the Lu family. You are taking care of us. When you were working in the Lu family, did you do long-term work for nothing? In which month did you not receive rich monthly money? How did you end up being the ancestors of the Lu family? I look at you all and feel ashamed to lie, but you are too embarrassed to come to the **** to make trouble. Others don’t know, but I know how you hollowed out the **** little by little!”


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