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The Possession of My Beloved

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Chapter 52:

    So determined to pay attention, Lu Xian’s words are also mixed with half truth.

    Only said that their **** bureau received a bid a few years ago, and it was a big **** from Yangshan named Mr. Ziyu. From this, he became acquainted with the son of Tzuyu. to become a deep friendship.

    Later, by chance, Mr. Ziyu had an ore business in the northwest, and the round-trip transportation had to be escorted by a special person. At that time, the business of the **** was very poor. But hundreds of escorts in the **** office were all waiting to eat.

    It was also for a living, so Lu Xian ignored his niece’s advice and decided to take the risk and ask Ying to earn some smuggled quick money.

    Shenwei Escort has the natural convenience of transportation, and the network lines are all ready. So the two sides have cooperated until now. It was only later that he was shocked to hear that his niece had an accident and did not want to do anything for Yangshan anymore, so he proposed to hand over.

    No one came to take over from Yangshan. He was an old man, and he sensed something was wrong, so he arranged for the other people from the Shenwei Escort to evacuate.

    But it was a step too late, and King Sui’s men suddenly came and attacked. Fortunately, there are many people on the barbarian side who have a deep friendship with them, and they are allowed to escape here.

    It was just that he was seriously injured, so his **** Liu Kun went into the city to buy medicine, accidentally saw Miantang, and stayed for a few more days, waiting to meet her.

    Cui Xingzhou listened calmly, and suddenly asked, “You went to the northwest to transport coal and left Liu Miantang alone on Yangshan?”

    Miantang also raised her head to look at her uncle at this time, but at this moment she remembered what Mama Li said before that she was the concubine of the son of Ziyu.

    At that time she only thought it was absurd, but now… she thinks it may be true.

    Lu Xian gritted his teeth, knowing that the relationship between his niece and Ziyu could not be concealed, so he simply told the truth, which made Miantang die, and prevented that Ziyu from coming to pester Miantang in the future .

    “It’s also because I didn’t take good care of it. Miantang was young at that time, and the girls in the boudoir were just beginning to fall in love. That Ziyu was a gentle and elegant son, so the two had some ambiguous feelings…Mian Tang is good at managing accounts, so he took care of some daily accounts in the cottage for that Ziyu. However, Miantang is a good boy, and Ziyu did not talk about marriage, so he naturally abides by the defense etiquette, but that Ziyu is affectionate, except for She provoked my niece, and she was in a relationship with other women, causing other women to frame her. She was about to leave early in the morning, but she was killed and fell into the water… Now Yangshan has been recruited, even if Miantang manages the bill for him, it will be fine Amnesty, you can’t punish her, Lord Jun. As for the smuggling of minerals, it’s all my own greed, and it has nothing to do with others.

    The King of Huaiyang believed what Lu Xian said. After all, whether Liu Miantang was innocent or not, no one knew better than him.

    As for the murder of Miantang, it really has something to do with that son Tzuyu Huaxin. Lu Xian’s words were not much different from what he had guessed before.


    If it wasn’t for his previous deceitful words to deceive Miantang hadn’t been exposed by the embarrassment, today’s trip to the temple would have been very rewarding.

    Thinking of this, looking at Lu Xian’s pale and haggard face, Cui Xingzhou gave him a reassurance: “Smuggling iron ore, it should be cut according to the law. But if Mr. Lu can cooperate obediently, I will also Treat each other with courtesy, and let Mr. Lu survive this disaster safely…”

    These words are very peaceful, if you don’t think about it carefully, it seems that you can’t hear the threat. He said this not only to Lu Xian, but also to the woman who had been turning her back on him.

    When he finished the trial, Lang Zhong also helped him with acupuncture and moxibustion to relieve the pain and healed the wound.

    Lu Xian was frightened all the way, and never got a good sleep. Now it has fallen into the hands of officers and soldiers, but he slept warmly and drank hot soup.


    Miantang sat by the side, dumbfounded, and didn’t speak until Lu Xian shouted dry mouth in the dream, and she got up and went out to find water.

    But I didn’t expect that as soon as I got out of the tent, I saw the military master Cui Jiu standing there with his waist straight. I don’t know how long he waited.

    Miantang doesn’t like to deal with liars who are full of lies, so she doesn’t look at him with half-folded eyelids, and goes straight in circles to avoid him.

    But Cui Jiu was fed up with Liu Miantang’s cold eyes, grabbed her by the wrist, and pulled her into the carriage.

    “Let go, what are you doing? I’m going back to take care of my uncle!”

    Cui Xingzhou was unmoved, and still did not let go: “He has a military doctor and a servant I sent to take care of him. Can you, a girl, be able to pick up urine or wipe yourself? Stay there for work. very?”

    Miantang just heard what Uncle said and believed it. The eldest uncle said that he had been in love with that son Ziyu before, but it coincided with the situation she had seen in a dream to get along with son Ziyu.

    However, someone broke the tendons of his hands and feet. Who is so cruel to commit such a vicious attack? In fact, Miantang still had a lot of questions in her heart to ask her uncle.

    Now she doesn’t want to think about the bad debt that Cui Xingzhou used as bait, and she doesn’t want to talk to him again.

    But Cui Xingzhou decided to tell her everything.

    Because she was young, she didn’t know people well, and she helped Zhou to abuse, he didn’t care about her. But now that she has committed herself to him, even if she doesn’t go to church, she is his woman.

    She is almost nineteen now, and she is not a child, she should know some worldly ways. Although he was in the ruined temple, he had the heart to let her relieve his anger, and he deliberately didn’t hide, and was slapped by her. But she should also understand that if she can act like a shrew at any time, she will not be able to live after that?

    So when the carriage entered Wuning Pass and arrived at the house where Miantang lived temporarily, Cui Xingzhou dragged her down, ignoring Mama Li and the maids who greeted her all the way.

    Mother Li was anxious about Miantang going out of the city alone.

    Although I knew for a long time that Miantang’s identity was not simple, I also knew that Wang Ye was just using Lady Liu.

    But the moment the scam was exposed, Mama Li still sighed in her heart.


    Unfortunately, the flower in the mirror and the moon in the water are not long-lasting.

    Now the mirror is broken, the moon is hidden, the deception set by the prince has finally come to an end.


     After Cui Xingzhou entered the room, he closed the door tightly.

    Miantang felt that she had never noticed Cui Xingzhou so rude before, what kind of gentleman did he look like? She touched her sore wrist, laughed angrily, and looked at Cui Xingzhou mockingly.

    For a while, Mrs. Liu did not raise her eyebrows, so she took off her clothes and poured water. The King of Huaiyang poured two glasses of water. she.

    But Miantang didn’t answer, she just turned her eyes coldly, not looking at Cui Jiu.


    Miantang admires his ability to make big things small. How thick-skinned that you are not ashamed to pretend to be a relative?

    She turned her beautiful eyes, squinted at him, and said, “Master Cui Jun taught me how to calm down and not be annoyed by a little girl who was deceived and lost her reputation.”

    Cui Xingzhou felt that she should talk to her about the truth, so he thought about it and said: “…you were seriously injured, I ordered someone to salvage you from the water and treat you with all my heart. This…help I always deserve the name of my benefactor, right?”

    Liu Miantang did not speak, but her eyes were slowly turning red and mist.

    Cui Xingzhou looked down at her and said nothing, and said, “Think about it again, I never lied to you to call me husband at first. You made a mistake and called it wishful thinking!”

    “You…you…” Liu Miantang was so angry that she was speechless, and only pointed to his nose with the tip of her hand.

    Cui Xingzhou took her hand and continued: “At first, I really did have the intention to use you to attract the Yangshan cultists, but later I found out that someone on Yangshan was unfavorable to you, so I couldn’t worry about you, and I focused on you Staying by my side has safeguarded your well-being… But when I went to war later, I was afraid that you would wait for me, and it was my intention to let you live your own life. My leave letter is written… My identity may be false, but right What’s wrong with your caregiving affection?”

    Liu Miantang was speechless. As Cui Xingzhou said, although he deceived himself, he also saved his life.

    But this fake Cui Jiu said it for granted, which is really annoying. She stared straight into his eyes and said, “So, if I chased after thousands of miles, I would be chasing after you, and in the end I slept with you, Lord Jun, for a few places, and it’s because of my jealousy that I tarnished your innocence, Lord Jun. ?”

    Cui Xingzhou took her hand and said slowly: “This, you don’t wrong me, if I didn’t drink the wine you matched, I wouldn’t be like that… just that Who can resist Jiujin? When you treat me as a eunuch, can you sit still?”

      The little girl may have passed, and I have to accept that the military lord does not dislike it, and it is very useful, so the grievances and grievances are cleared up, so let it go, don’t put on the name of the military lord’s wife again, and mistake the reputation of the military lord!”

    After she finished speaking, she got up, opened the box, took out the luggage and wrapped it, and prepared to pack some clothes, which she would take to the barracks later.

    The eldest uncle smuggled iron ore, and the guilt is hard to escape. She is also a Lu family member, so naturally she has to advance and retreat with her uncle.

    Cui Xingzhou was never patient with coaxing women, but today he has said all his good things, but Lady Liu seems to be completely uneducated, and she still wants to pack her bags and run away, which is really stubborn!

    He strode over, stretched out his hand, and lifted the wrapping skin!


    Cui Xingzhou knew her old problems, and immediately dropped the wrapping, frowning and reaching out to massage her acupuncture points skillfully to relieve the pain on her hands.

    After coming to the Northwest, Cui Xingzhou and Zhao Quan have studied some massage methods seriously. When it is raining on a cloudy day and Miantang is in unbearable pain, he always “just happens” to come back to replace Massage your hands and feet…

    As he said, there is indeed a bit of real in his friendship…

    The sweetness of the two of them getting along is still in front of you, how can you make people forget it?

    Miantang’s tears finally poured out, and drops the size of soybeans fell on the back of Cui Xingzhou’s hand that was massaging her.

    Cui Xingzhou never realized that crying without choking can be so tormenting. He hugged her and said distressedly: “Don’t cry, I don’t want to leave you alone, darling…”

    But Miantang pushed him: “What is your real name? Do you have wives and concubines at home?”


    If he has a wife, then what is she? Is it not the outer room?

    Cui Xingzhou avoided answering his first and last name, but only said what Miantang was most concerned about: “I don’t have a wife…”

    To be honest, he didn’t know why, but he was suddenly very fortunate that he broke off his marriage with his cousin before the expedition. But if he were to say that he was the King of Huaiyang at this moment, the sentence “I didn’t marry a wife” would inevitably seem a little lacking…

    When he said it, Miantang breathed a sigh of relief, only to realize that he was holding his breath just now. She waited again, waiting for him to say his name. But he didn’t speak any more, obviously he didn’t intend to tell her, and his heart sank again.

    After a while, the pain in her hand gradually eased, and he said: “Although it is spring, but the Golden Armor Pass is in the canyon, which is the wind vent, and it is much colder than Wuning Pass. In a few days, when your uncle’s injury is stable, I will send someone to send him to Wuning Pass to recuperate. You also stay at home obediently these few days. Your uncle knows the reason why King Sui is collaborating with the enemy. I will definitely not let it go. With me protecting you, I will never let anyone touch you in the slightest.”

    Mian Tang understood that Cui Xingzhou didn’t mean to scare him. The Sui King of Huizhou was indeed difficult to deal with. There are only a few people around the eldest uncle. Once surrounded by the people assassinated by King Sui, their lives will be at risk.

    So after thinking for a while, she nodded slowly.

    At this moment, Mama Li said cautiously outside the door: “Master, Madam, dinner is ready, can you eat?”

    Cui Xingzhou and Liu Miantang had tossed for so long, but they didn’t eat, so Cui Xingzhou asked Mama Li to bring food.

      It looks like something that clears the heat and defeats the fire.

    Miantang couldn’t bear it, so Cui Xingzhou silently added vegetables and soup to her.

    After eating, Miantang felt that Cui Xingzhou was going to stay overnight. She silently got up and picked up the quilt and pillow and went to squeeze in the maid’s room.

    Seeing that she was still embarrassed by her, Cui Xingzhou was also angry, and only said in a deep voice: “You stay and sleep, I’ll just leave.”

    He got up and walked out of the house. After leaving the yard, he turned on his horse and returned to Jinjia Pass.

    In the following days, Cui Xingzhou did not go to Wuning Pass again.

    And he did what he said. After Lu Xian’s injury stabilized, he was sent to Wuning Pass.

    In the small courtyard of Wuning Pass, there are distinct factions.

    Mama Li and Fan Hu both exposed their identities as monitors, and their status in the small courtyard plummeted.

    Fang Xie and Bi Cao swore to the sky that they were sold by human teeth. After they didn’t know what Mr. Cui’s identity was, they finally managed to maintain their loyalty in the heart of Mrs. degree, and occasionally get a smiling face from Mrs.

    The rest are all ignored by Mrs.

    Lu Xian has regained some energy now, but he can talk to his niece.

    But he decided not to tell Miantang her identity on Yangshan. The identity of that class of sons is too terrifying. If others find out, Miantang will no longer be able to marry and have children like ordinary women, and live a safe life.

    After all, which man would dare to marry the head of a female thief who rose up on the mountain? Even though he was Liu Miantang’s eldest uncle, he was still frightened by his niece’s daring actions from time to time.

    To be honest, with that kind of memory, the niece will never be able to integrate into any house in her life. Can you expect a female thief who only dares to teach the rebels to lead the life of such a bland husband and child?

    However, Liu Miantang lost her memory, and the thrilling and stirring memory of that part of Yangshan was wiped out in her mind.

    As an elder, Lu Xian felt that this was actually God’s mercy.

    Only now, she has been deceived into being a husband and wife for almost two years. As an uncle, he sighed in his heart for a while, always feeling sorry for his younger sister who passed away early, for not taking good care of his niece, and making her step wrong, every step of the way.

    “Miantang, did he tell you his name and identity?” Lu Xian asked tentatively when his niece was giving him medicine.

      I know in my heart that he and I are not the same kind of people. After the matter of King Sui is resolved, if he keeps his promise, we will leave the northwest and go back to find my grandfather…”

    Lu Xian didn’t expect that his niece would not hesitate, and he had already made a decision in his heart. From this point of view, Miantang’s temperament is the same as before the amnesia.

    “But…you and him…if it spreads out…”

    Miantang didn’t want to let her uncle worry too much about herself, and said as lightly as possible: “I’m not a famous person, everyone in the world can know me? In the future, I will be out of the Northwest, where I can’t make a living. This kind of thing is nothing more than people living together when they are in trouble. How many temporary couples were there in the countryside where they fled? When they settled down, the Lushui couple also dispersed, but I didn’t see any of them dying. Live, let people be responsible to the end!”

    Miantang is telling the truth, in the folk villages, at the juncture of life and death, it is the idea of ​​​​survival, and the famous chastity festivals are reserved for the women in the Gaomenhou mansion. Among the humble people who are struggling in the mud pit, the virginity of a daughter is no better than the steamed bread!

    So Miantang really didn’t take her own loss too seriously. And… she didn’t sleep with a fat, big-eared, greasy man.

    Although he knows that Cui Jiu is a liar, but he looks so good, no matter how he looks at it, he can’t be picky about being fat or thin, such a handsome appearance, even when deceiving people, can show Out of some lovely people to love.

    Miantang has been asking herself for the past few days and feels that she can’t be counted as a disadvantage. Although in her memory, she couldn’t pick out a man to compare with Cui Xingzhou, but the appearance of such a son is really hard to find in this world, not to mention that in addition to his appearance, it is even more difficult to pick a man with a good waist.

    Fortunately, Cui Jiu took both of them… Thinking about it this way, Miantang’s heart became clearer and clearer.

    However, not everyone is as thoughtful as she is.

      I don’t know how much he listened to what he and his uncle said.

    Miantang has done self-examination in the past few days. I felt that I was so rigid with his words a few days ago, and I really didn’t know the current affairs. After the sensuality and stubbornness of the bright girl faded away, the slick Liu Niangzi made her debut.

    “Master Cui Jun is back? Why are you standing at the door, it’s windy here, come in and sit… Have you eaten yet? I’ll ask Mama Li to make your favorite stew.” Miantang smiled and greeted him warmly.


    How could Cui Xingzhou not see that she was dealing with herself? Look at the graciousness with that smiling face! It’s exactly the same as when she was in a china shop in Lingquan Town, when she met a customer who had a lot of money and stupidity!

    And listen to what she said just now, he is just a bowl of porridge for her to satisfy her hunger, and when she has something else to eat, she can miss him…A woman is like a villain, with a weak nature Cold is not easy to raise, and he has thoroughly learned the holy teachings of the ancients.

    It’s just that the two have been separated for so many days, but she still looks pink and peach cheeks, her eyes are soft and bright, and she doesn’t seem to be too lovesick and sad.

    Looking at her bright red lips with a smile, Cui Xingzhou only felt that there was an uncontrollable rush of blood in the blood vessels like a snake…

    Cui Xingzhou has had a bad few days, the “old disease” recurred, and he began to lose sleep every night.

    Little servant Mo Ruyue worked a little harder along with him. When Grandpa practiced boxing under the moon, he had to wait with a water bottle towel. After these few days, the eyes of both the master and servant were red bloodshot.

    Mo Ru felt that it was not the way to go on like this, so he guessed the master’s meaning, and tentatively asked Wang Ye if he wanted to go back to the drug store in Wuning Pass to find some medicine to drink.

    The lord did not speak at that time, he just lowered his head and wrote the documents. After a long time, he asked him to prepare a horse and go to Wuning Pass. It seemed that his proposal was accepted.

    But now I can see that the medicine that can cure the prince is not in the medicine cabinet drawer of the medicine store, but standing in the doorway of this small yard.

    But that “medicine” is so slippery that it’s hard to swallow, it’s really not a good thing!

     But don’t reach for the smiley man. Miantang is no longer angry with herself now, and she has finally made some progress. Cui Xingzhou tried to ease his face and said, “I want to eat the spicy stir fry you made…”

    Miantang is not only good at spicy fried crabs, but also very good at spicy fried meat slices.

    Listening to the commander’s order, Miantang nodded immediately and said, “Okay, then I’ll make two for you to eat.”

    The waiters responded calmly, as if they didn’t tear their faces and quarreled fiercely a few days ago.

    That “military lord” is too harsh! Cui Xingzhou never imagined that he would miss the sweet and soft “husband”…

    Mian Tang took Cui Xingzhou’s food list and went to the kitchen to prepare meals.

    She was in a bad mood a few days ago, and she also made a lot of cold faces towards Li’s mother. Now that she has figured it out, she feels that she is going too far.

    In any case, Mama Li never mistreated herself in her daily life. Her abdominal pain during menstruation was relieved by Mama Li’s medicinal soup and careful care. a lot.

    So when she was wearing an apron in the small kitchen, Miantang sincerely apologized to Mama Li and said “I’m sorry”.

    The author has something to say:  Meow~~

    Cui Junye: I am not as bad as you think!

    Marshmallow: Mmmm… The little girl is unbearable, definitely beyond your imagination~~

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