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The Possession of My Beloved

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Chapter 44:

    Mian Tang was grateful for Brother Fan’s help several times, and only treated him as a real brother. I heard that he hasn’t married yet, and he has even booked a ticket. When he returns to Lingquan Town, he will make a list of the girls of the right age in the neighborhood, and pick the most virtuous one to come to him and talk to him.

    Fan Hu was not good at words, and was even more afraid that he would shake off the details of the prince, so he just nodded silently, lest the lady come to talk about him again.


    Since the last sweet medicine, my husband seems to have just married her, and he has become very clingy, especially like to kiss her.

    Miantang forgot everything after marriage. Although she also knew that the husband and wife had to be intimate together in order to have a child. But the husband said that she was not in good health and was not suitable to have children, so naturally she couldn’t make out.

    This is a matter of course for Miantang, who knows nothing about married life.

    But now she wants to say, even if it’s not for having a baby, it’s good to be so sticky and intimate!

    This day, when the husband entered the tent again in the middle of the night, Miantang usually sewed his clothes, and asked the question in his heart: “Yesterday, the blue jacket you wore is still new, why is it? It’s getting so old today? My elbows are all broken…”


    He said casually: “My colleagues live in the same tent at night, and occasionally they wear the wrong clothes when they wake up in the morning…”

    Miantang nodded without doubt. If this is still in the North Street of Lingquan Town, and the official came back wearing other clothes, there must be a house hidden in the house.

    But now my husband is in the military camp, sleeping with a bunch of rough men who don’t like to take a bath. It’s really hard for the officials who have been pampered!

    So after sewing the clothes a little clumsily, Miantang carefully instructed her husband: “It’s okay if someone wears a coat by mistake, but the close-fitting clothes should be taken care of, don’t talk to others Randomly wearing the wrong underwear…”

    Cui Xingzhou nodded silently, suddenly feeling that the lame lie could actually come to an end.

    Miantang is a good girl, she treats her beloved with sincerity and sincerity, why bother to deceive her?

    So he decided to open up and say who he was. It’s just that these words have to be foreshadowed, so Cui Xingzhou asked after pondering for a while: “What do you think of King Huaiyang?”

    Miantang was preparing hot water for her husband to soak his feet, and when he heard him suddenly mention the Northwest coach who couldn’t be beaten, he didn’t care much, and truthfully said: “For Dayan, it’s naturally a rare sight. The loyal pillar of talent…”

    Hearing this, Cui Xingzhou smiled slightly and said, “Actually…”

    But before he could finish speaking, he heard Miantang say again: “But if this prince is a husband, the woman who married her would be a bad luck for eight lifetimes!”

    Cui Xingzhou looked at Miantang’s beautiful profile, and forbearance, did not kick the water basin under his feet, and asked, “…how do you say this?”

    There was no one else in the tent at this time, and Miantang was not afraid to talk about officials, and said truthfully: “This prince has too many romantic lawsuits, but the business girls in Lingquan Town are unwilling to take responsibility. It made Miss He worry about gain and loss, and she had to live. Now it’s just a fight, and she has to break off her engagement with her long-term fiancee, which is a gimmick to make a name for herself. Who do you think Miss Lian has provoked? It’s so pitiful, I got divorced in a good way… If I were Miss Lian, I would have to splash the night incense in front of the prince’s horse!”

    Speaking of this, Miantang became more and more angry, the most terrible sin of this dog king is to bring the bad children of Zhenzhou, and actually set off a bad trend of Heli ability to fight the enemy!

    It’s annoying!

    Only after she finished speaking, there was silence in the small cowhide tent. When she looked up at Xianggong’s face, she found that his expression was gloomy and unhappy.

    “Husband, what did you want to tell me?” Mian Tang asked after realizing it.

    Cui Xingzhou had thick black eyelashes and a cold light on the tip of his nose, and said coldly: “The water is a little hot…”

      Hold her tightly.


    Cui Xingzhou sighed slowly, lowered her head and put her lips…

    After some intimacy and sweetness, Cui Xingzhou had to rush back before the night patrol at the camp.

    When he got out of the cowhide tent, he saw Li’s mother boiling broth on the fire not far away, ready to eat on the road during the day.

    Now it’s moving to the northwest, the weather is cold, and the thick broth can be frozen into aspic. It’s more convenient to cook noodle soup and eat it.

    Mother Li was close to the small tent, and from time to time she could vaguely hear the frolic of some children.

    Now that she came out of Lingquan Town, the little lady Miantang has no rebels to catch, but why does the prince still have the attitude of cheating and becoming more addicted?

    She suspected that the prince was infatuated with Liu Miantang’s beauty, and planned to make a fake show.

    Perhaps in the eyes of the father, someone like Liu Niangzi, who has no strong father and brother to protect, and is alone, is really easy to deceive. Even if the lady finds out later that she has been deceived, she will have nowhere to ask, and she will be less verbose.

      Poor Lady Liu chased her husband for thousands of miles, and finally got it done, but she was nothing more than a concubine of the prince’s army. I don’t know if the high gate of the palace will allow Lady Liu to step over after the war in the future!

    Mother Li was about to take a long sigh, but unexpectedly, the prince, who had just left the tent, was one step ahead of her, and let out a long sigh.

    The tall and handsome young man looked up at the sky full of stars with his hands behind his back, as if he was thinking about some difficult military matters in the army…

    Cui Xingzhou is really worried.

    He has always acted promptly and decisively, but he was in a small tent, and he didn’t know how to reveal the truth to Miantang.

      But even if it is to convict the swaying prince of the crime.

    According to Liu Miantang’s disregarding temper, she immediately packed her things and got on the carriage and left.

    But King Sui’s people have already set their sights on her. If she is not by his side, once King Sui sends someone again, she is very likely to be arrested and let the really lecherous king humiliate her…

      let her know.

    As for Miantang’s way out after the war, he has also thought about it, he always takes her with him, and carries a sedan chair into the palace to be safe.

    At that time, he will find a way to make her exiled brother regain his fame, clean up his stains, and become a peace official. At that time, Miantang will have a maiden family she can rely on, and she will be a girl from a clean family, and she can be regarded as a concubine.

    The child she gave birth to in the future cannot be returned to the Cui family’s genealogy!

    Looking at the sky full of stars, Cui Xingzhou thought for a long time, and even thought about whether Miantang’s first child would be a boy or a girl…

    Thinking about this for a while, Cui Xingzhou’s annoyed mood inexplicably improved, stepping on the hoarfrost in the night, leading the servant Mo Ru and a few relatives, all the way briskly toward the camp go…

    It’s just that he is also a prince, but Liu Pei, the king of Suizhou, is not very happy.

    He just got the news that the group of people he sent to kidnap Liu Miantang all fell apart halfway. According to the people who searched the past, the death of those people was so appalling that they were gnawed by the wolves to expose their bones.

    I heard Sui Wang frown deeply, secretly surprised.

    When I heard that Liu Miantang’s nominal husband had joined the army and she chased him all the way, King Sui thought it was the best time to get this frustrated female thief, so he sent Someone to stop her.

    Because he was worried that Yangshan’s grand-nephew, Liu Hao, would also have such thoughts, he specially sent a skilled martial artist.

    I didn’t expect that the woman was so powerful that she bound the masters and fed them to the wolves. Her tendons have been broken, shouldn’t she have lost her martial arts skills?

    The King of Sui wanted to send people to follow, but the woman’s carriage was very close to the large army. It seemed that two consecutive groups of spies were found by the scout cavalry patrolling deserters in King Huaiyang’s army. No return.

     King Sui had no choice but to give up temporarily. But in this way, his curiosity was strongly aroused. At the same time, a question also came to mind – is Liu Miantang’s current husband really a businessman?

    However, although he had some doubts, he did not intend to pursue it. No matter what kind of person her husband is, since he joined the army, the outcome is doomed. After all, there is no return to the ghost gates like Jinjiaguan.

    He knows the truth. The court has now become a mess. There is no comprehensive preparation. The one who went to the northwest this time can be said to be a lonely army, with no food and grass inside and no reinforcements outside.

      Falling into the hands of barbarians, I don’t know what will happen!

    The king of Sui thought, and felt that he must get this lady Liu before the barbarians.

    After a long journey, the army of King Huaiyang finally reached Wuning Pass, an important town in the northwest, before the deadline set by Long Live. .

    Cui Xingzhou knew that Liu Miantang could not continue walking with him, so he told her to settle down temporarily at Wuning Pass.


    Cui Xingzhou even drew a detailed escape route for Liu Miantang by taking advantage of the military map in hand.

    That waitress is so detailed and long-winded that even Mrs. Liu can’t stand it anymore.

    “Husband…The general gave you the military map to make it easier for you to explore the terrain and dispatch the army. If he knew that you had studied the escape route first, I’m afraid… It will shake the heart of the army!”

    Mian Tang was embarrassed to ask her husband if he wanted to be a deserter, so he could only remind him politely.

    Cui Xingzhou said with a sullen face: “If you don’t come, I won’t study these, remember! Once the Golden Armor Pass is lost and the brute come, don’t care about any soft luggage, first Escape into the mountains and talk about it!”

    Liu Miantang pursed her lips and did not speak. She knew he wasn’t joking. Once Jinjiaguan is lost, it is equivalent to opening the door for tigers and wolves to enter the Central Plains.

    A soldier like Husband who defends the city will hardly survive…

    Cui Xingzhou couldn’t care less about telling Miantang too much, he wanted to wait for the soldiers to enter the Jinjia Pass to defend against the enemy immediately. When the time comes, I’m afraid it will be difficult to accompany Miantang every night when he is on the road.

    But Liu Miantang didn’t feel lonely and boring.

    Mian Tang originally thought that the wife of a family member like her, who had chased the army all the way, was the only one. Who would have guessed that when she arrived at Wuning Pass, she found that she had never left her husband, and that she was not the only one who accompanied her over the long distance.

    It turns out that many of the strong men who joined the army this time have no money to spare, only the broken house and many craftsmen. Now that the husband was called to join the army, some of the mothers-in-law who were in love with the husband could also think about it.

    Therefore, a few days after Miantang arrived at Wuning Pass, there were many people from Zhenzhou to inquire about the traces of the large army, followed by the villagers of Zhenzhou.

    In the next few days, the accompanying women came to Wuning Pass to settle down.

    For a time, the village in the backcountry suddenly became a little lively.

    Liu Miantang’s husband, Cui Jiu, is also capable. When she arrived at Wuning Pass, she set up a house for her there the next day—because the battlefield was not far from Wuning Pass, many local People were worried that Wuning Pass would be affected, so they visited relatives and friends and vacated many mansions.

    Because of the hasty purchase, compared with the mansion in Lingquan Town, the newly purchased house is a little rough and rough, but it is also better than a simple tent and a wind meal.

    The military relatives who defected to their husbands like this obviously speak foreign accents. The atmosphere is no less than that of Lingquan North Street.

    Those who can leave their homes and businesses are all craftsmen wives with craftsmanship, and there is no land in their hometown. Although the time came in a hurry, only carrying poles and baskets, but set up a stall, you can open and make a living. Skills such as making pots and pots are quite rare in the local area. Villagers from all over the country come to line up to repair pots. After making money on the spot, they can rent a house to live in.

    Although the war is tense, in the rear, the life of the people must continue, and the business of repairing pots is very profitable.

    Liu Miantang was very envious when she saw such a woman with a craftsmanship. She left Lingquan Town too hastily, and she didn’t give much explanation on the counter. It was all to see if the shopkeeper she hired could act conscientiously, operate honestly, and turn in all the profits.

    Fortunately, she brought a lot of money and silver. Even if she didn’t make a living for a year and a half, she still had enough to eat and drink… But Miantang, who couldn’t be idle, was always a little unwilling.

    Liu Miantang has also met a lot of women who are military relatives in the past few days. Because they know that they are military relatives, they also take care of each other quite a bit.

    Because Lady Liu was one step ahead, she had already settled down, so she warmly helped other women settle down.

    Meeting the woman whose son was sick on the road, Miantang also lent her carriage to help the woman go to the neighbor to find a doctor.


    When the sun was just right, everyone was holding a pile of dirty clothes, chatting while washing, and it was also enthusiastic.

    Miantang’s hands and feet are afraid of the cold and can’t touch cold water, but she always comes with the two little girls Fangxie Bicao, and by the way, helps other women with children to look after their children.

    Where there are many women, there are naturally many anecdotes. There was a woman in the military family whose husband was the head soldier of the commanding battalion of the army.

    He met his mother-in-law by taking advantage of the opportunity to come out of the customs to deliver the vegetables at the rear. So the lady surnamed Wen had some fresh and hot news to share with the women.

    When Mrs. Wen heard someone complaining that the soldiers in Jinjiaguan were not able to be taken care of by women, and didn’t know how they were doing, she curled her lips and said, “Those are ordinary soldiers who can’t be taken care of, If you are a general, you can’t be short of food and clothing wherever you go. I heard that the commander-in-chief, King Huaiyang, brought a concubine, and King Huaiyang sleeps with that beautiful concubine every night, and it’s a good life!”

    When everyone heard this, they all widened their eyes and felt sorry for the Miss Lian who was divorced. However, in their opinion, it is normal for someone with high status like King Huaiyang to have three wives and four concubines. Even if you are on the battlefield, the nobles can’t be short of people to take care of them, right?

    Miantang was once reprimanded by her husband for being careless with her words, so she pays attention to this. She feels that it is better not to spread the word that this kind of coach enjoys chasing shadows in battle at this time.

    So she sat on the big rock beside the stream, while giving some fruit to a few dolls to eat, and said: “Since I heard about it, it means that it is a matter of chasing the wind, so don’t spread it. Besides, if King Huaiyang’s concubine really comes, maybe it’s among us, wouldn’t it be embarrassing if you talk and let the master hear?”

    When those mothers heard it, they laughed for a while: “Since you are the concubine of the prince, how can you hang around with us? Speaking of which, among us, Lady Liu is the only one you look out for, and you are the one with the other. If there is one who has the maid and the widow and the driver, it is you! Then don’t sue us with the lord!”

    Liu Miantang laughed and scolded: “I’ll do it, I absolutely can’t spare you talkative mothers, asking the lord to catch you for slapsticks, one by one, they can’t escape!”

    For a while, there was a lot of laughter and laughter by the stream and stone, until everyone finished washing their clothes, and then they went home and dispersed.

    When Miantang returned home, Li’s mother had already prepared her meal. After Miantang finished her meal, she had nothing to do with the military map copied by her husband.

    Golden Armor Pass is indeed a place with dangerous terrain, and it has the aura of being a man in charge of the pass. If there are good generals to guard, and the food and grass are not worry-free, it can also be safely guarded.


    On the side of Cui Xingzhou, there is no harmony and tranquility in Wuning Pass.

    It can be said that there is a lot of bad news on his side. The imperial court has clearly sent messengers to say that the army’s food and grass will not be available for a long time after the spring, and he has to find a way.

    Such irresponsible words made the soldiers below slap the table with rage.

    But Cui Xingzhou had expected the fact that the imperial court was unreliable early in the morning. So when he came out of Zhenzhou, in addition to bringing some food and grass, he also asked the soldiers to transport another batch to the northwest.

    If you eat frugally, you can barely survive the winter and the green and yellow spring.

    As long as there is no danger of running out of food and stabilizes the morale of the army, even if it is dragged, he can also drag those brute soldiers to death.

    So when he entered the pass, he let the enemies under the pass yell and scold him. He just ordered his soldiers to guard the gates of the city, but he did not go out to meet them.


    This kind of dead pig is not afraid of boiling water, and there is no way to call it a barbarian. They could only send scolding soldiers who were familiar with the Central Plains dialect to scold them every day, and in one moment, they even scolded the genealogy of King Huaiyang over and over again.

      It shows the breadth and depth of the Central Plains’ scolding.


    Miantang has been with Wuning Pass for more than a month. She didn’t see her husband leaving the pass. The business of buying and selling medicinal materials is finally a business of making money.



    “You don’t know how to see a doctor, and there are no decent people in the store. How can you open a pharmacy to dispense medicines?”

    Liu Miantang weighed the medicinal herbs in a decent manner and said, “There is no decent man in Guan, and the owner of the only medicine shop also fled. The people in Guan also need to get sick and see a doctor. Yes. How can there be no pharmacy? I will put it down and add more medicinal materials. The front-line medicinal materials are in short supply, and my husband has no medicine to use. I can do my best! Here it is. I have memorized everything in my spare time. The so-called long-term illness becomes a doctor, there is no seven points, only three points of medical skills are close to me!”

    As soon as Mrs. Miantang boasted about Haikou, a neighbor came to the door: “Oh, Mrs. Liu, please help me to see why I have diarrhea after taking the medicine you caught yesterday. incredible?”

    Liu Miantang didn’t care about her husband, she hurriedly opened the paper bag to look at the medicine she had caught, and flipped through the medical books on the side. After several confirmations, she calmly picked out the medicine. I brought out some herbs, then added some more, and gave it to the neighbor: “Uncle Meng, you have a temper, you have diarrhea, and it is just the time to detox. If you go home and eat it now, you will get twice the result with half the effort, and the medicinal properties will be more obvious.”

    When she spoke, she spoke with unspeakable self-confidence, like an experienced old doctor. Thank you for leaving.

    But Cui Xingzhou could see clearly from the side with cold eyes, that the previous medicine was clearly laxative such as croton lotus leaf – this daring little lady is not afraid that she will give people the medicine and catch people’s lives ?

    But Miantang is calm: “Zhao Shenyi said that when he first started seeing a doctor and prescribing medicine, he would also make mistakes. A good man also learns slowly, not to mention if he is seriously ill, I will If you don’t answer at all, don’t worry about it!”


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