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The Last King of Darkness

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Chapter 129: trapped

The consumption of spiritual energy by the spirit boat also made Rhode clearly aware that although his spiritual energy is growing rapidly, it seems far from being strong.

Without [Justice Execution], without Thunderstone or Spirit Spear, he can do little damage.

Still too weak!

In the next few days, Rhodes hunted the monsters harder.

The intensity of the Kuroshio also increased rapidly, and soon surpassed the previous peak.

The range of the guardian fire was reduced to two hundred yards, and the pressure on Jianguan was enormous, but everyone was very confident, because reinforcements from Liguang Fortress would come soon.

But three days later, the reinforcements still disappeared, the intensity of the Kuroshio exceeded imagination, and some very difficult monsters appeared before the sword pass.

The most troublesome is a monster called “Terror”.

They were shaped like a huge, swollen dead baby, with a long umbilical cord dragging under them, and huge slits full of barbs.

They are poisonous all over and continue to affect the spirits of those around them.

They are also very capable of climbing, surmounting 90-yard walls in seconds.

Whenever a Terror appears, everyone must go up the walls to fight it.

As the battle continued, many people developed symptoms such as trance, babbling, and sudden amnesia.

Steelhands knew that their spirits were polluted and they had to rest in the vicinity of the fire for a period of time and could not participate in the battle. This undoubtedly intensified the pressure on Jianguan.

But if they are forced to continue fighting, the spiritual pollution will intensify. Once the infection spreads to the soul itself, it will be over.

To this end, Steel Hand, Darkleaf, Mor and others have formulated a detailed combat rotation method, and Mina, as a researcher, engineer and pharmacist, has prepared specially-made potions to cleanse the filth in the souls of the warriors.

Of all of them, only Rhodes is an exception.

He fought the longest on the walls and fought the horrors the most, but never showed any mental symptoms.

Rhodes’ explanation for this is that his mental resistance is very high.

Moreover, “grass” can purify the filth.

This claim is backed up by Mina, who says that in studies of plants, they found that grasses can indeed purify water from dirt.

The environment full of green grass also has a soothing effect on the spirit.

From this, it can be deduced that the fire named “Grass” should also have a similar ability.

In this regard, Steelhand couldn’t help but sigh, if Rhode was my son, this life would be worth it.

His words represent the voice of the majority

With such a man who was not afraid of filth, Steelhands immediately changed tactics.

Whenever the terror appeared, everyone would support or cover Rhodes from a distance, and he himself rushed up and killed the terror one by one.

It’s not that there is such a good thing, Rhode will definitely beat everyone in Jianguan into sons.

With a father like me, you can be proud too.

The Terror was simply the fattest soul Lord had ever seen.

A soulless soul with at least 700 souls, and more than ten spirituality and a fear trait.

Although I don’t know what the fear trait is used for, it doesn’t prevent Rhodes from collecting them.

In this way, after the fifth day, Rhodes once again had 60,000 soulless souls.

Back in the room, he immediately entered a dream

As soon as he looked up, he saw the words engraved on the top of the obelisk.

Soul Strength: 1100

Soul Stars: 4

Humanity: 109

Divinity: 35

Soulless Soul: 60922

During this time, the most consumed is human nature.

The human nature that adds fire to [Justice Execution] every day is 9 shares. The higher the intensity of the stars, the more human nature needs to be added. And the [Spiritual Boat] that was forced to ignite in advance, but also 1 copy.

10 in total,

Humanity is diminishing all the time in fighting the Terror, and on average, you need at least 1 for every kill.

Sometimes it’s too slow, so you need 2 servings.

Rhodes has killed more than 40 and used nearly 50 copies.

And 1 serving equals 10 points.

Rhodes has used almost 1,000 points of humanity. It wasn’t because he brushed so hard that it would have been used up long ago.

Do a little more.

Rhodes thought.

He came to the front of the obelisk and put his hand on the tablet.

In the deep night sky, four stars flashed with different lights.

Rhodes moved his gaze to the bright yellow star like a ribbon, and with a thought, he threw all the soulless soul into it. The flames of the stars began to leap and burn violently

But far from the limit.

Rhode stepped up his strength, the soulless soul in the upper right corner quickly descended, the flames began to burn violently, and bright yellow light illuminated the night sky.

Suddenly, the light froze.

Rhodes immediately poured out his soulless soul with all his strength, and countless black and white flocs fell into the flames of the stars.

It was shaking and struggling, as if something was about to break out of its cocoon.

Suddenly, the flame shrank inwards and burst into bloom, bright yellow light enveloped the night sky, and the burning spark seemed to burn through the stone tablet.

Rhodes looked away.

(justice execution]

[Status: Excessive Burning]

[Star Energy: Psionic Quintet]

[Injection: Complete Soul]

[Add Fire: Humanity]

[with quantification: not available]

[Potential: Golden Fire]

[Intensity: 1000]

[Description: I cried because I was helpless, I just want to hug you who are so helpless

So strong!

Rhodes was almost blinded by the golden light.

Sure enough, blazing fire, golden fire, and eternal fire, these three potentials are transformation.

Stars have reached a new stage, and many needs and descriptions have changed.

Especially these descriptions made Rhodes always feel that they were some kind of tombstone or epitaph.

Maybe when I’ve read all about dreams in the Book of Knowledge, I’ll understand what they are.

Rhodes thought.

Taking a look at the text on the top of the obelisk, it has become:

Soul Strength: 1240

Soul Stars: 4

Humanity: 109

Divinity: 35

Soulless Soul: 1122

Rhodes couldn’t help but stunned, the combined strength of the other three stars was only a fraction of [Justice Execution].

And the soulless soul consumed by [Justice Execution] is at least more than 100,000.

It also leaves the other three stars far behind.

Now, the star has reached its final stage.

It needs a whole soul.

As long as it crosses this stage, it has reached a complete state and no longer needs to consume human nature.

Rhodes found sadly that now the human nature that [Justice Execution] adds to the fire every day has become 10.

100 points of humanity is only enough to add once.

so sad

But Rhodes soon discovered something more worrying.

His supplies are a little short.

Due to the frenzied use during this period, he only had less than 200 real silver bullets left, only 20 Leishi bullets, and 10 Fengling bullets.

The soul ashes have been used up, and there are two wooden puppets left.

The only luck is that there are still a lot of materials for the sealing bullet. Rhode made 90 sealing bullets and used up the last material.

Gotta save some time.

Rhodes thought.

Why haven’t the reinforcements arrived yet?

This question is also a question in the hearts of everyone in Jianguan.

Gangshou has been sending letters to Liguang Fortress to inquire.

But the letter was like a rock sinking into the sea, and there was no reply.

They also did not receive any information from Liguang Fortress, Giant Fortress or King City.

Nobody knows what’s going on.

Even the material supply team has not been here for a long time, and the supplies of the fortress are almost exhausted.

The joy had long since disappeared from them, and everyone was a little uneasy, guessing whether the pressure of the Kuroshio was too great, affecting the team’s schedule,

Only Rhodes encouraged them as much as possible, saying words full of hope, making Jianguan a little lively atmosphere.

And just like that, they persisted for two more days

On the seventh day, a very serious problem arose.

Not enough medicine.

The most important thing is the spirit tree dew and the soul red crystal.

The former is one of the important components of Mina’s preparation of spiritual potions, and the latter is an important material for restoring psychic energy.

Meditate only by the fire and it will take at least three to four days to fully recover.

During this period of time, a large number of terrors appeared.

They are not strong in combat, but mental pollution is the bane of all warm life.

No matter how far away it is, it is impossible to leave Jianguan Fortress, and it will still be affected.

Psychotropic potion is a must.

Just when everyone was worried, Rhodes suddenly sighed.

“Mina, you really should sleep with me for a month.”

Mina’s face turned red.

Although she often said something inappropriate, she knew in her heart that it was a joke, but Rhode said it, but it didn’t seem like a joke.

She said angrily: “What the **** are you talking about, you little brat! You are still making trouble at this time… Rhode said unhappily: “It’s great to call you big brother, will you die?”

Loosen the cufflinks, hold a bottle full of spirit tree dew in one hand, and hold a hand full of soul red crystal in the other.

Putting them on the table, Rhode squinted at her. “Am I right? Should you sleep with me for a month?”

Suddenly, words exploded in front of me.

Thanks from countless people +3292


“My God! Where did you come from?

“You have so much more?

“Rod, you really are our angel!”

“I’ll sleep with you for a month!”

“I’ll be with you for two months!

“I’m three months!”

“I’ll sleep with you from now on!”

Rhode’s face is black, you old, ugly and muscular brothers, who wants you to accompany you?

Isn’t it fun to smell the big sister?

Steelhand said with a smile on his face, “Mina, go get the medicine, and I’ll keep the Soul Red Crystal.”

He turned his head and stared at Rhodes with burning eyes.

“Any more?

Rhodes sighed, “There’s more.

Spirit tree dew and soul red crystal are common materials. His personal preparation materials are distributed every week, and they exist in various rewards. Rhode does not use it himself, and has saved a lot over the years.

He originally planned to sell the money, but this time he donated it again.

And Mina ran faster than anyone else, and she didn’t reply to her request for a month’s sleep.

No one shouted, “Big brother is great.”

“Big brother is great!”

Rhode was overjoyed, turned his head and saw that it was the little fat man again.

All right.

never mind.

So, with the supplies provided by Rhodes, the supply returned to normal.

But the crisis did not pass,

The reinforcements have been missing for a long time. Steel Hand looks at the direction of Liguang Fortress from the city wall every day, but he never sees a shadow.

And the intensity of the Kuroshio is increasing sharply. Darkleaf and Morr know at a glance that this is the main force released by the front line.

They should not appear before this low gate.

There’s definitely something wrong with that.

After deliberation, everyone thought that there must be something wrong, and they had to communicate the situation here to the outside world.

The Raven courier may not be able to deliver the message, a courier must be sent

After a difficult decision, everyone decided to send the fastest and strongest melee capabilities, Darkleaf and Beorwood, to carry out this task.

Gang handwritten a long letter, detailing the current situation of Jianguan, then stamped the steel seal of Jianguan, pressed his own handprint, and solemnly handed it over to the two of them.

“That’s our hope, and it’s all up to you.”

Beorwood carefully took the letter into his arms and smiled: “Don’t worry, Beorwood of Barley Village has never lived up to his mission.

Dark Leaf nodded: “Let’s go around the back of the dead mountain, first go to the giant fortress, and then send the letter to the Liguang fortress. The route is very safe, and the target is very small. Beauwood and I are both high-speed fighters. Even if you encounter a monster that you can’t handle, you can run away.”

Rhodes hesitated,

He wanted to use the spirit boat to send it there.

But then thought that if he left, the Terror would have no way to deal with it.

Moreover, the spirit boat is too energy-consuming, and he has not been able to fight for a long time.

Before leaving, Beorwood patted Rhodes on the shoulder and said with a smile: “Little guy, don’t worry about women all day long, exercise well, I look forward to the day when you become a burning star.”

Rhode’s face darkened, do you see me like a hungry ghost in color?

“If there is a day, I will invite the three most popular top cards in Hongfang Street to play with you for a month, and I will never break my promise, haha.

In the laughter, Beorwood took big strides and walked out of the Sword Pass Fortress with the dark leaves.

Bah! You are the hungry ghost!

Rhodes returned to the city wall angrily and continued the fight.

There was a little expectation in Jianguan, and the atmosphere finally improved.

And Moore also sacrificed his ultimate move to stimulate the power of the guardian fire one by one.

This is an uncommon method, because it will damage the root of the guardian fire, which cannot be recovered no matter how much phlogiston is added.

But now the situation is critical, the black tide outside is overwhelming, and the pressure on the psionic generator is huge.

If it is not used, Jianguan will soon fall.

Rhodes also saw the power of fire for the first time.

When Mor stimulated the guardian fire, Rhodes felt as if the sky was bright, and the strong light shot from the center of the fort penetrated through countless monsters, and burned them to ashes without even the flames emerging.

Only a few stronger monsters can hold out for a few seconds, but the end result is still a pile of ashes.

However, the power of fire only lasted for dozens of seconds,

When it fell, the darkness came back a thousand times faster.

The fire range was also reduced from two hundred yards to one hundred and sixty yards.

Instead, it was more depressing.

The monsters weren’t all wiped out either.

Soon, monsters were piled up in front of the sword pass, and the pressure on the psionic generator was full again.

But anyway, the powerful monster was killed.

There is no way for the weak monsters to be cleaned up. They can only defend the city wall, kill monsters that threaten Jianguan, and try to use fire to kill hordes of monsters.

If there is a situation that cannot be dealt with, it can only inspire the fire of guardianship.

Rhode gave all the phlogiston in his inventory to Although it can’t restore the guardian fire, it increases its strength somewhat, and it can kill monsters faster.

the eleventh day.

The sword pass is approaching its limit.

Whether it is Liguang Fortress or the messenger, there is still no news.

The only consolation is that the Terror finally did not appear.

This greatly restored the combat effectiveness of Jianguan.

Rhodes also used the two tree man puppets to the extreme, and they ended up being a pile of tattered branches.

Moore decided to bury them one by one and send them into the fire.

The twelfth day.

There was a turnaround.

A gigantic bug came from outside Jianguan.

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