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The Guide Wants to Obey the Script

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Du Nai was indeed a ruthless person. After untying the restraints on his hands, without hesitation, he directly grabbed the suppressor and pulled it out from the back of his neck, blood and flesh clinging to it. The pain shook his whole body, but his face was full of pure satisfaction.

Xiao Zhenyun knew there was something sinister behind that grim smile. Every pain Du Nai endured, he’d unleash it twofold on Xiao Zhenyun. 

The current situation was totally in favor of the MP. In a big organization like this, there might not even be ten S-level guides, yet here they could pull out four at once. They could use Xiao Zhenyun and Si Chu’s lives to force Si Di and Xiao Jiali to surrender, but the masked individuals didn’t go that route. Xiao Zhenyun could tell; they were watching with interest as the Tiger Sentinel and Xiao Jiali battled. One, to drain the Tiger Sentinel of excessive energy, and two, to assess the capabilities of these defective specimens through real combat.

Du Nai staggered to his feet, dismissing the guide trying to help him, clutching the blood-soaked suppressor, and heading toward Xiao Zhenyun.

Si Chu, with Xiao Zhenyun on his back, was about to dodge backward, but the masked individuals restrained him again, pulling Xiao Zhenyun away from him, facing down, pressing his head down and pulling open his collar, revealing the fair and fragile nape.

“Little uncle!” Si Chu struggled angrily, but the next moment, a tentacle intruded into his spiritual domain. The fourth guide was recklessly attacking his defenseless spiritual domain, leaving Si Chu writhing on the ground in pain.

Throughout, Xiao Zhenyun made no resistance. All his focus was on his spiritual power. His strong recovery speed filled his spiritual pool again after the attacks from those two guides. Though Xiao Zhenyun’s spiritual power level was low, its continuous flow was his advantage. Unlike the surging, fierce long whips, his power was diffuse and elusive, like thin mist, cautiously traversing among the other three forces, ready to strike. Soon, he was accepted by his sentinel’s spiritual domain, re-establishing the spiritual link with Si Di.

The Sentinel finally regained his ability to move from the spiritual domain’s intense pain. He raised his eyes, immediately locking onto the positions of the three guides in the desolate, messy abandoned factory.

Xiao Zhenyun’s face was firmly pressed into the gravel-covered cement ground, instantly breaking the skin. He winced, his eyebrows furrowed, and heard Du Nai, with a hint of pity, laugh above him, “Just a little scratch, and you’re in such pain… Chairman, you’re quite delicate.”

“My spiritual power level is only C-grade,” Xiao Zhenyun struggled to look at the Sika deer guide crouching beside him, forcing a smile, “Wearing this doesn’t make much sense for me… You might as well keep it for MP research, see if you can replicate a few.”

“Whether it makes sense is for me to decide.” Du Nai slowly squatted down, playing with the suppressor in the palm of his hand. “I just enjoy seeing beautiful people vulnerable. Your face lacks some color; let me add a touch of vibrant red for you.”

“You seem to have a significant hostility towards me,” Xiao Zhenyun, struggling to maintain the spiritual link with Si Di, tried to gain a slight breather amid the pressure. “What’s the reason? It can’t be that you also like Si Di, and I snatched your love away, right?”

Xiao Zhenyun swore he was just talking casually, trying to find a topic to stall for time.

But Du Nai suddenly erupted in anger, “You’re asking for death…” He clenched his teeth, his left hand forming a claw, firmly gripping Xiao Zhenyun’s nape, while his right hand lifted high. It didn’t look like he was fitting a spiritual suppressor; it looked more like he was about to snap Xiao Zhenyun’s neck.

Xiao Jiali no longer hesitated; he ripped off the sensory suppressor, doubling his responsiveness, swiftly dodging the Tiger Scout’s next attack, then bracing against his spiritual claws, charging straight towards Xiao Zhenyun without looking back.

At the critical moment, a low-speed bullet suddenly came from outside the factory, penetrating Du Nai’s right palm with high force, shattering the suppressor and his hand bones. Du Nai screamed in pain, collapsing to the ground from the bullet’s impact, clutching his right hand where bone protruded from the torn flesh, wracked with pain and fury.

“I seem to be a bit late, huh? Dealt with a couple of roadblocks on the way, it took a bit of time,” Hedgehog spun a pistol in his left hand, carrying a sniper rifle in his right, strolling casually from the darkness into the light. “Hmm… Not late; I arrived just in time.”

The arrival of Hedgehog clearly put the two masked individuals in a panic, as if they sensed losing control of the situation.

Xiao Zhenyun had been wondering why Hedgehog hadn’t shown up yet. The Dark Sentinel, who could compete with Si Di, shouldn’t have been fooled by the kidnappers’ demand for Si Di alone. It didn’t make sense for Si Di to come alone, and he actually did. Not only that, Xiao Zhenyun was also puzzled why the MP people stayed inside the factory, how they determined that Si Di would obediently come alone with the agreed hostage.

Listening to Hedgehog’s pompously brief explanation, Xiao Zhenyun realized that there were more infiltrators from MP than just the ones in the factory, with two lookouts outside, presumably also experimental subjects, likely a sentinel and a guide. They were there to judge if Si Di truly came alone. Hedgehog’s delay in dealing with these two companions led to his tardy arrival.

Seeing Xiao Zhenyun break free, Xiao Jiali breathed a sigh of relief, finally able to focus entirely on dealing with the Tiger Sentinel.

Hedgehog’s arrival further eased the pressure on Si Di. The spiritual attacks from three guides quickly diminished to two, then reduced to one, almost wishing that all four guides would simultaneously suppress Hedgehog.

The Dark Sentinel was indeed a formidable opponent. S-level Sentinels were rare, and an S-level Dark Sentinel even rarer, with fewer alive worldwide that one could count on a single hand. The reason why the Dark Sentinel is called the ‘Dark Sentinel’ is definitely not because the Hedgehog is dark; rather, it was challenging for him to cooperate with most guides. Yet, guides found it exceedingly difficult to harm him in the spiritual domain.

The MP brought out four S-level experimental guide subjects specifically to counter Si Di, and having an extra Si Chu wasn’t a problem. However, who could have expected that an S-class dark sentinel would appear here.

The remaining guide attacking Si Di assumed that, with Xiao Zhenyun’s C-level spiritual power, a decline in his condition would quickly show. With unrestrained force, the guide intensified the attack, indeed cornering Xiao Zhenyun’s spiritual power into a tight spot, as if it would be squeezed out again in the next moment.

However, strangely, this feeble spiritual force clung stubbornly to the spiritual barrier, firmly rooting itself like ivy. As long as it wasn’t entirely expelled in one breath, it would continuously refill, leaving no room for a breather.

The guide faintly sensed his spiritual domain buzzing, emitting a strange sound, similar to the noise made when using a straw to drink water, like the squeaky sound when forcibly inhaling even after the cup is bone dry.

Suddenly, his eyes widened, and the spiritual attack abruptly ceased. Xiao Zhenyun’s spiritual power took advantage of the pause, swiftly rolling back and repairing the damage caused in the spiritual domain moments ago. Then, a misty wall formed, impermeable to any leakage.

Si Di took a deep breath; Tai Ji could finally leap out of the spiritual domain, angrily pouncing towards the two guides in the corner. The guide hiding in the distance had blood streaming from eye sockets, mouth, and ears, collapsing straight to the ground, unexpectedly dropping dead.

The formidable power naturally came at a steep cost: the S-level guide’s spiritual power was overdrawn, and his life was completely wiped out.

“The battle data has been transmitted to headquarters.”

“Then let’s go quickly…”

Xiao Zhenyun overheard the conversation beside him. He looked up to see the two black-robed masked figures, before leaving, attempting to eliminate Xiao Zhenyun and Si Di. But before they could act, Hedgehog’s bullets came flying. The masked individuals had to abandon their attack, instructing the Tiger Sentinel and the remaining guides to cover their retreat, quickly helping up Du Nai, and leaving in haste.

Du Nai had strong murderous intent. While fleeing, he didn’t forget to aim his gun with his left hand at Xiao Zhenyun. However, just as Si Chu moved to protect Xiao Zhenyun, Du Nai abruptly lifted the gun, targeting his true objective—Xiao Jiali. He aimed at his back and pulled the trigger.

Tai Ji and Hedgehog’s Fer-de-lance simultaneously attacked the Tiger Sentinel, providing ample space for Xiao Jiali to evade. He mobilized the sentinel’s perception skill, narrowly dodging the bullet, leaving only a graze on his shoulder.

His spiritual domain could never fully heal, making it challenging to control his five senses smoothly. The dissonance of sounds left Xiao Jiali dizzy. Like other experimental subjects, he had to burn his life in exchange for abilities that did not belong to him.

But he had to admit, after removing the sensory suppressor, he felt incredibly light and agile. It was as if he had finally shed an invisible membrane enveloping him, and every pore exuded a refreshing sensation.

Xiao Zhenyun frowned and shouted at him, “Go back and put on the sensory suppressor!”

Xiao Jiali snapped out of his daze, just as Hedgehog picked up the sensory suppressor from the ground and tossed it to him. He quickly put it on, suppressing his overly sensitive senses.

Then, Hedgehog swiftly approached Xiao Zhenyun and Si Chu. Half-kneeling, he instinctively moved to untie Si Chu, but then realized something. He glanced at Xiao Zhenyun, stood up again, and said, “I’ll go after them.” With that, he quickly disappeared behind the factory, holding a gun.

“Hey, hey?!” Si Chu struggled and shouted, “Untie me! Let me go with you!”

Not long after, the two guides bled from all seven orifices, succumbing to death, while the Tiger Sentinel, who had consistently shown abnormal behavior, persisted longer than them. He fell into mental madness after the death of his spiritual body, causing significant trouble for Si Di. Meanwhile, Si Chu continued clamoring on the ground to untie himself and join the fight. Xiao Jiali hesitantly tried to get closer, but Xiao Zhenyun’s cautious voice interrupted him, forcing him to continue facing the enemy.

“Little uncle, please, little uncle, quickly,” Si Chu squirmed closer to Xiao Zhenyun. “Help me untie… or help me remove this spiritual suppression lock and sensory suppressor from the back of my neck. I’ll let Xiao Mu bite the rope…”

“Then come a bit closer.” Xiao Zhenyun’s tone was insincere. “Closer…”

Shortly after, Si Di led the Tiger Sentinel, now completely irrational, out of the factory. Xiao Jiali hastily followed, and at the same moment, the elusive Hedgehog appeared behind Si Chu. Swiftly crouching down, he used a prepared sack to cover Si Chu’s head, pinched his jaw, forcing him to open his mouth, and tied a cloth around it.

Si Chu: “…”

Si Chu yelled crazily and disjointedly, “Who?! What’s going on?! Let go of me! Brother, little uncle!!”

The visible acceleration of the Tiger Sentinel’s life depletion due to spiritual chaos made him appear like an extinguished candle. He fell to the ground, and his death was even more miserable than the guides’. Xiao Jiali looked at the corpse in the bushes, as if seeing his own future.

Feeling dejected, Xiao Jiali followed Si Di back into the factory. Suddenly, he heard Si Di’s scream, “Little uncle!”

Xiao Jiali looked up to see Xiao Zhenyun fainted on the ground, while Si Chu had mysteriously disappeared. Outside the factory, the car Si Di drove here emitted the sound of starting. Si Di, supporting the unconscious Xiao Zhenyun, couldn’t break free to chase after them. When Xiao Jiali ran over, all he could smell was the lingering exhaust from the departing vehicle.

“Oh no, oh no!” Xiao Jiali fretted, spinning in circles. “Mr. Si Chu has been taken by them. Captain Si, what do we do!”

Si Di gritted his teeth, his eyes turning red. “I won’t let them get away!”

Xiao Zhenyun chimed in: Your acting is a bit too much.

Si Di: Nonsense, I was genuinely emotional.

Xiao Zhenyun: With your acting skills… when we go back, let’s pretend to be sick together and let Xiao Jiali explain it to his uncle.

Si Di: That sounds good. I was thinking the same.

Despite the unexpected twists and turns, accidents, and various unforeseen events, after going round and round, the outcome turned out well. They successfully kidnapped Si Chu. Hedgehog skillfully evaded surveillance, took a detour, and then drove directly into Xiao Zhenyun’s underground garage.

Hi everyone! (●っゝω・)っ~

I hope you’re all doing well! I wanted to let you know that this novel will be going on a hiatus until the second week of May. I’ve got a super important exam coming up, so I need to focus all my energy on studying for now.

I had hoped to have enough chapters stocked up to avoid this hiatus, but I got caught up translating my other novels MLGHSP & VFMESR, which only had 20-30 chapters left. I’m really sorry about that!

But don’t worry! Once I’m back from my break, I’ll be focusing solely on GWTOS and MLRAMB, updating them on alternate days. So please bear with me during this break.

In the meantime, feel free to check out my other novels! Here’s a quick rundown:

– VAIP (completed): An interstellar mpreg ABO novel that’s full of surprises!

– WTADWORACB (completed): A short novel featuring an adorable AA pair—it’s quite spicy!

– YTSOA (completed): An ancient short novel with a clever fox top and an innocent mosquito bottom!

– MLRAMB (hiatus): An ancient mpreg cultivation novel with a wholesome and cute story!

– VFMESR (ongoing): An interstellar ABO novel featuring an adorable tyrant King and hostage Prince couple!

– MLGHSP (ongoing): A historical mpreg Regent-King novel with a twist!

Speaking of MLGHSP, every review this novel has is a good one. But I don’t know why this novel has a low rating and fewer readers compared to my other novels, which surprises me because it’s such a gem! Maybe the plot summary or starting didn’t grab people’s attention, but trust me, once you get past the initial chapters, it’s a rollercoaster of emotions! If you’ve got some spare time, give it a chance—I’d love to hear your thoughts!

Thanks for your understanding, and I can’t wait to see you all again in May! Take care and happy reading! ヾ( ˃ᴗ˂ )◞ • *

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