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The Best Director

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Chapter 60 Chapter 60: Her Name was Juno

Soon, it was already the middle of July. High School Musical had broken $201,000,000 at the box office in North America. This broke the $188,000,000 record Grease had created in 1978. Although in consideration of inflation, Grease actually still was on top, they had both ushered in the teen craze for singing and dancing. In this regard, they were equal.

The $201,000,000 was basically the final figure at the box office. Like all crazes would end one day, there were only over 300 cinemas where High School Musical was still on at the moment. It would be off the big screen very soon. The teen comedy American Pie replaced it in the cinema as the most popular teen movie. It nabbed the first spot at the box office in the week of July 9th to July 15th in its open weekend.

However, crazes were not still. They moved to other places. High School Musical was on in Europe, South American countries, Australia, New Zealand, Hong Kong, and other places in early July. This positive and warm teen movie with a youthful vibe did not disappoint the audience. It was received with enthusiasm again across the world.

Flames Films were receiving their cuts from the partner cinemas. With the mode of 90/10 split with a minimum floor of 70%, in the end, Flames Films got nearly 58% of the box office split before tax, which was $115,000,000. Setting all kinds of taxes aside, the company got more than $85,130,000 after tax. Taking off the production cost of $8,000,000, the promotion cost of $10,000,000 in North America, and other costs in copies, transportation, and so on, which amounted to $5,000,000, the company gained over $62,000,000 as net revenue from the movie’s screening in North America.

Flames Films announced a new production project in early July. They would shoot a sequel for High School Musical. The budget for the movie was $30,000,000. Since the stars in the movie had gotten much more popular, their paychecks also rose dramatically. For example, Tom Welling’s paycheck rose by 10 times. His pay for a movie was between $3,000,000–$5,000,000 in the current market. That was the main reason that the budget of the movie rose. In addition, they also needed to hire a producer and a director.

Yes, as Flames Films announced this project, they also declared the new movie would expand and extend the diegesis of the first movie, and the original cast would reunite in the sequel. However, Wang Yang would not be the producer and director of the new movie. He would only be the playwriter of it.

The fans of High School Musical were quite disappointed at the news. Would the High School Musical without Magic Yang be the same High School Musical? Many fans commented on the official website of Flames Films, saying that they hoped Wang Yang could remain as the director of High School Musical’s sequel. At the same time, in the movie industry, almost no company or filmmaker understood what Wang Yang was thinking. Since he would be the playwriter, it meant he did have some ideas about the movie. In that case, why wouldn’t he direct the new movie?

In fact, Wang Yang’s ideas were quite simple. Or you could say he did not have any ideas. That was why he was not motivated to direct the movie. He had already tried a teen musical. After this big meal, he would not have the appetite for another one in the short term.

“Now that you won’t direct High School Musical 2, do you have any ideas for a new movie?” This was what the media and his fans felt most curious about.

In the interview, Wang Yang responded openly, “Not for now.”

The fans were let down once again. The media commented, “From the April of 1998, when Wang Yang was expelled from the University of Southern California to April 28th, 1999, the day High School Musical was released, Magic Yang brought us two movies in only twelve months. He was moving extremely fast, but it seems he is going to take a rest now. When will we see the third movie directed by him? Maybe in one year. Maybe in several years.”

In several years? Wang Yang would not agree with that, but even he himself was not sure when he would shoot another movie. He was not short of money, and was even “the youngest billionaire”. Shooting a movie needed impulse and passion, but he did not have any of this for the moment. He did want to take a rest. It was very often that one would find impulse and passion in life.

During this time, Wang Yang was really enjoying his life. He was having a “summer vacation”, tasting the sweetness of love every day, spending time with Jessica. He also hung with Zachary, Michael Pitt, Harry George, and other friends from time to time. He was even thinking about adopting a dog so that the new dog could keep Danny company every morning when they walked them. However, thinking it over, he gave up the idea.

“Life” was a huge responsibility. If he adopted a dog, he would bear one more responsibility. It would be fine if life went on like this. However, what if he suddenly got busy someday? He could not guarantee he could take good care of the dog, so he had to be cruel to Danny so that the latter had to walk alone.

Another morning came. Wang Yang was self-disciplined enough to get up without an alarm clock. He’d moved to this new place more than a month ago. The spacious, two-story house was simply decorated. He did not have many things in the house. After changing, he practiced some Chinese kung fu on the lawn in front of the house. Then, he jogged along the tree-lined track in the neighborhood. He and Jessica would meet at the same place every morning to do some running together.

Breathing the fresh air, Wang Yang really enjoyed the greenness along the track. Then, he saw Jessica in the distance, in a sports suit, and wearing a ponytail. He waved at her with a smile and ran toward her. He greeted her, “Hi, Jessica. Good morning!”

Jessica smiled at him, but the smile was a little tentative. However, Wang Yang did not notice it. Looking around, he said with a grin, “Where is Danny? I’m not seeing him.”

“I asked Joshua to walk him,” said Jessica.

Wang Yang said with a smile, “Oh, okay. Then it’s just us today.” He had run a few feet away as he spoke, but Jessica remained in the same place. He looked back. Seeing her frowning and hard-faced, he stopped involuntarily. He walked back to her. “Is there anything wrong?”

Jessica looked at him. She seemed to be struggling. She wanted to say something, but she held her tongue. Wang Yang put his hands on her shoulders gently. He said, “Jessi, tell me what happened.”

“Yang.” Jessica took a deep breath. The fresh air made her feel more comfortable. She said quietly, “Yang, I think I might be pregnant…”

Pregnant?! Wang Yang was struck dumb. Then, frowning, he smiled. He said, “Jessica, is this a prank?”

Jessica shook her head and said, “No.”

Wang Yang’s face froze. He flushed in an instant. He said in a dumbfounded manner, “Are you serious?”

“Yes…” Jessica looked at his eyes. Then, she lowered her head again. She said, “I have missed my period for two weeks.” She lifted her head. Looking at Wang Yang, she said, “It could have been the night of the fundraising dinner party. I was in my unsafe days, but I took a pill the next day. But…” She breathed out. Frowning, she went on, “This morning I did a pregnancy test. But the stick showed the test result was invalid. I don’t know what happened.”

Oh, my God! Wang Yang wiped the sweat off his forehead. His heart was beating very fast. Jessica was pregnant? He looked around, unsettled. Seeing the worry and fear on Jessica’s face, he tried to adjust his breathing, telling himself “Calm down. Calm down! She isn’t necessarily pregnant!”. So, what then? He said after thinking, “Jessica, let’s go to see a doctor later.” Pulling Jessica into his arms, he soothed her, “Don’t worry. Everything will be fine.” He was soothing himself, too.

Leaning against his chest, Jessica nodded silently.

They could not concentrate at all during the morning run. They had breakfast together after the run. Then, after looking for information about hospitals on the internet, they made an appointment with a female doctor in a nearby private clinic with a good reputation. They drove to the clinic in the afternoon.

They were both very silent on the way, absorbed in their own thoughts. Holding the steering wheel, Wang Yang glimpsed at Jessica sitting in the front seat. A question arose in his head. “What if, what if she is really pregnant? What should we do?” He was very stressed by such a possibility. He told himself to stop thinking, soothing himself that it was probably not the case.

They arrived at the clinic very soon. After parking, they walked into the clinic together. Although they were new, popular idols, no one seemed to recognize them in the clinic. On one hand, most of their fans were youngsters. On the other hand, the clinic was kind of a heavy place where no one would care so much about stars.

The two were sitting outside of the gynecology department, waiting. Looking at the middle-aged women with a huge, pregnant belly sitting opposite them and nurses moving around in the corridor, Wang Yang felt something strike his heart. He could not breathe smoothly. Holding Jessica’s hand, he said, “Take it easy.”

“I am good, Yang.” Jessica smiled at him. She seemed to recognize Wang Yang’s nervous mood. She comforted him instead. Smiling, she said, “Yang, don’t be afraid. I know hospitals and clinics very well. I am here protecting you. No one will hurt you!”

Her joke made Wang Yang smile. He answered, “Okay. You are my Tanya.”

Sometime later, when a pregnant woman had left the consulting room, it was their turn. They walked into the consulting room together. The doctor they had an appointment with was a white, female doctor in her forties. Her name was Ashley Joey. She was sitting behind her desk in a white gown. Nodding at the two walking into the consulting room, she said, “Miss Jessica Alba, please sit down.” Jessica greeted her. Then, she sat down into the chair in front of the desk. Standing next to her, Wang Yang said politely, “Hello, Doctor Joey.”

Ashley Joey had been informed of Jessica’s situation in the call to make the appointment, including the fact that she was only eighteen years old. Frowning, she said, “Young lady, are you on pills? What kind of pill is it? And how long have you been taking it?”

Jessica thought for a few seconds and then told her everything. Shaking her head, Ashley said helplessly, “That is the only regular contraceptive pill. If you are not taking it on a long-term basis, there is a great chance you will get pregnant.” Both Jessica and Wang Yang got nervous. Ashley added, “You didn’t use protection and you were in unsafe days. What you should have taken is emergency contraception.”

Then, she threw Wang Yang an intentional or unintentional serious look. Wang Yang instantly felt embarrassed and very guilty. About the protection, it was his fault indeed. However, Jessica flushed because of embarrassment as well. She was too careless, indeed. It was she who had taken the wrong pill.

“You are young, but sometimes you still need to think about the consequence,” Ashley Joey said calmly. Then, she asked Jessica about her physical conditions. “Okay. Your period could just be late due to the effect of the pill. But you could be pregnant, too. You need to do an hCG blood test.”

Both Wang Yang and Jessica nodded. They had looked up on the internet before coming to the clinic. They knew that, if Jessica was really pregnant since it was still fewer than five weeks along, a B-mode ultrasound scan would not be good for the fetus. Besides, since the urine test was invalid and it was already afternoon, a blood test was their only option left.

They left the consulting room for the place to do a blood test. A nurse helped Jessica draw blood. Then, she took the blood sample for testing. Jessica and Wang Yang were sitting in the corridor, waiting for the test report patiently.

Both of them felt uneasy. They kept changing their postures as if they were sitting on pins and needles. After a long while, Wang Yang suddenly spotted a shady-looking man out of the corner of his eye, staying at the end of the corridor on his right side. He took a closer look at the man and found it was a middle-aged, white man carrying a camera. He seemed to be looking for something. Taking another look, Wang Yang kept his voice down involuntarily. “Oh, sh*t! That’s Cole!”

“Where?” Next to him, Jessica got nervous, too. She looked toward where Wang Yang was looking. Then, she said in surprise in a low voice, “It’s really him. What a bummer!”

They both panicked. If they were photographed by Cole, the whole world would learn about this the next day! They were rattled due to a guilty conscience. Anyway, how would Cole know the reason they were in a clinic?

“My God. I think he found us.” Wang Yang looked away from him. He was a little bit anxious. Seeing the nurse who had drawn blood for Jessica come out with a pile of slips, he hurried to get to his feet. He came up to her and posed a question. “Are those results of the blood test?”

The black nurse answered, “Yes.”

Wang Yang said immediately, “Please give us Jessica’s report! Jessica Alba!”

The nurse flipped through the slips. Picking out a slip and taking another look at it, she asked, “Hmm, Jessica?”

Over where they had been sitting, Jessica called him anxiously, “Yang!” Cole had already seen them. He was running toward them with the camera. Wang Yang was so nervous that he grabbed the slip from the nurse’s hand. Grasping Jessica’s hand, he ran the other way down the corridor. The black nurse shouted annoyedly behind them, “Hey!”

The two kept running. Before they knew it, they were already outside of the clinic. They got back into the car, panting. It took them some time to calm down again. He gripped the test report in hand. His palms and forehead were all covered with sweat. Next to him, Jessica was staring out of the side window. Sitting still, she asked, “Yang, what does the test report say?”

Breathing out, Wang Yang opened the test report, very unsettled. He looked toward the result column. His mind went blank instantly. He felt dizzy. He murmured, “Positive.”

“Positive…” Jessica felt extremely weak after hearing the result. She leaned back against the back of the seat helplessly, taking small, quick breaths. She was pregnant with Yang’s baby. However, she was only eighteen! And they had not gotten married yet!

Wang Yang put the test report down. Gripping the steering wheel, he was in a trance. A voice kept echoing in his ears, “Jessica is pregnant. Jessica is pregnant…” He stayed there quietly for a long time. Then, he started the car silently. He drove home. Looking at Jessica with a blank expression next to him, he wanted to say something, but his mind was also blank. He did not know what to say or what he even should say.

Everything happened so fast. He had only been a nineteen-year-old young man the previous day, enjoying his youth with his girlfriend. But all of a sudden, this day, he was told he would be a father!

Oh, God! Wang Yang took a deep breath. His hands gripping the steering wheel were shivering. Life was a serious thing. He’d given up adopting a dog because he could not guarantee he could take good care of a dog. However, he would bring a new life to this world? His baby! He was been ready. He had never thought about it. Him being a father? The father of a real baby?

Leaning against the back of the seat, Jessica was staring at the ceiling of the car. She was also very bothered. She’d started to read baby-care magazines from a young age, looking forward to starting a family with the man she loved and having a baby with him. She had been looking forward to it since she and Wang Yang had started to date. She thought they would get married a few years later and then have a baby, living a great happy family life together since…

At the moment, the baby thing was suddenly before them. They had not had enough sweet dating life yet. Neither had they been married… she was panicking. What kind of changes would the baby bring? Would anything change between Yang and her? Could she be a good mother? Could she give the baby a wonderful family in which it could grow up happily?

Neither of them spoke to each other in the car. The air was kind of cold. They got out of the car when they arrived at Wang Yang’s house. They walked in and sat on the cane sofa in the living room. But still, they did not talk.

“Yang,” Jessica suddenly said after a long time. She turned to Wang Yang seriously. In a determined tone, she said, “I am going to keep this baby.”

Looking at her, Wang Yang said immediately, “Of course!” Holding her hand tightly, he said seriously, “Jessica, I have never thought about you getting an abortion. And I definitely would not agree even if you wanted to.” Jessica’s eyes lit up. She grinned happily. Although Wang Yang was not Catholic, he was against abortion. He pulled Jessica into his arms slowly. Touching her belly, he said in a gentle voice, “This is our baby. Maybe it’s a girl. She will cry and laugh. She will be very cute. She will call us daddy and mummy, and she will film things on a DV… abortion? No! That’s insane!” Looking into Jessica’s eyes, he said, “We will bring her to the world! No matter what happens in the future, we will face it together.”

“Yang…” Jessica was beaming. She suddenly lifted her face to give him a kiss. “I love you.”

Wang Yang smiled. He wrapped his arms around her very tightly. Jessica’s body also relaxed. She closed her eyes. Leaning against him, she felt their feelings were deeply connected. Both of them were enjoying this sweet and warm moment. A long time passed. Wang Yang suddenly said, “Jessica, let’s get married!” He knew Jessica had always been expecting marriage and family, and she was Catholic. The baby would need a family, too. He wanted to be a good father, and the first thing to do was to start a wonderful family.

Jessica trembled. She looked up at Wang Yang and saw his sincere face. He went on, “Would you marry me?”

She pressed her lips into a thin line when she heard him proposing to her. Tears welled up in her eyes. She suddenly grinned. Nodding, she said, “Yes, I would.”

“Thank you!” Wang Yang kissed her on the forehead. With her in his arms, his body rocked her from side to side. He joked, “Think about it. I will be twenty and you will be nineteen next year, and we will have a baby. That is kind of cool, isn’t it?”

Smiling, Jessica said, “Yes, it is very cool. The youngest daddy director?”

Wang Yang smiled. He said seriously, “We will be great parents!”

Jessica nodded hard. She agreed, “Yes, we will!”

The two hugged each other like this for a long time, encouraging each other. At dusk, after Jessica had gone home, the living room became empty and quiet again. Wang Yang lay on the sofa alone, staring at the ceiling. Although he had made up his mind, he was still kind of lost about the future. Would he be a good husband? A good father?

He could give his family and his baby the best thing in the world, but life was not just about material wealth. The maintaining of a family and the growth of a child meant more than material wealth. Both he and Jessica were so young. They even did not know each other completely yet. And they were going to get married? Sometimes he even could not take good care of himself. He was so careless. Would he be able to take good care of his wife, his baby, and his family?

Wang Yang breathed out. He picked up the cellphone from the side table. He browsed through his contacts in the phone, intending to find a friend to talk to. There were things he could not tell Jessica because, in front of her, he needed to be a strong man who could give her confidence. He needed to be the one who took all of the responsibilities and resolved all her problems for her. That was what he was supposed to do. He browsed for a while. Then, he dialed a number. As soon as the phone got connected, he said, “Michael, it’s me.”

There, Michael Pitt knew something was not right as soon as he heard Wang Yang’s hoarse voice. He asked caringly, “Yang, is there anything wrong?”

“Phew, I don’t know where to start!” Staring at the ceiling, Wang Yang shook his head and burst out laughing. He seemed to be laughing at himself. He said, “Michael, Jessica and I are getting married. I am going to be a father…”

“Well…” Michael Pitt realized what had happened immediately, and he was dumbstruck. After staying silent for a while, he said, “Yang, it’s shocking. This is going to be a headline. But you know, as your friend, I’ve always got your back. Absolutely. Yang. Congratulations.”

“Michael, I just…” Smiling, Wang Yang let out a sigh. Calming down gradually, he said, “I just don’t know whether I am really ready for this. I am trying very hard to tell myself that I need to be a great father, and I will be a great father. But I am just not sure. It happened so suddenly, and a new life is such a serious thing!” he said incoherently. “You know, I had never thought about those things. Getting married at the age of nineteen and being a father at the age of twenty? I never thought that would happen to me. I like Jessica, but just now, you know what? I didn’t have the nerve to say ‘I love you’ to her. That is so heavy. I have no idea whether I can be a great husband. Maybe I am just a jerk who is always hurting others… why would things be like this? My God! F*ck! Sh*t!”

Michael Pitt listened to Wang Yang swearing silently. He did not speak until Wang Yang had fallen silent. He said, “Yang, I don’t know much about those kinds of things, because I have never been in love.” He laughed self-mockingly. He went on, “But you are not a jerk. We all know that. You’ve brought happiness to others. You’ve brought dreams to others. You have been doing fantastic. I think you will be a great father and a great husband. You just need to have some faith. If you want to do it, you will make it. This is not for dreams. This is for happiness.”

Michael’s words calmed Wang Yang down. In fact, he had never really made up his mind. He was just pretending he had made up his mind. He had been afraid of taking responsibilities all this time. Why was that? Wang Yang kept thinking. Was family a chain? Was he afraid he would be fettered? He thought he was still young, so he did not want to be a husband or a father? Or he was just afraid that he would not be a great husband or a great father, and he would hurt others?

Wang Yang gnashed his teeth. He suddenly said, “I don’t want to be a jerk!” If he did not want to hurt others, he would need to do it and do it well! What family was like? It was useless to think about that at this moment. To know what it was like, he had to experience it in person. He finally cleared up all of his doubts and made up his mind. He said resolutely, “Thank you, Michael. Yes, I can do it. I will be a great husband and a great father!”

“Yang, go for it,” replied Michael Pitt with a smile.

Wang Yang’s house was only hundreds of feet away from Jessica’s house, but Jessica felt she had been walking for a long time. She had been preparing a speech in her mind, putting it this way, or that way… when she got home, seeing Mark and Cathy Alba sitting on the sofa watching TV and Joshua stroking Danny’s belly not far away, she suddenly forgot every sentence she had prepared. She held her tongue.

“Jessica, you want to say something?” Cathy knew her daughter had something on her mind, so she asked, encouraging Jessica to speak it out. Mark Alba also looked at his daughter, puzzled.

Jessica pursed her lips. She finally regained her courage. Looking at Mark and Cathy, she asked, “Dad, Mom, Yang and I are getting married.”

Both Mark and Cathy were flabbergasted. The whole room became deathly silent. Danny sprang to his feet. Then, Joshua shouted, “Good heavens!” Staring at her, he asked, “You two are getting married? So fast?! Are you serious?!”

Mark Alba stayed calm. No one could perceive any emotional change in him. Jessica sounded very sure. Cathy knew her daughter was not joking, so she asked gently, “Jessi, what happened?”

If Jessica and Wang Yang had been twenty-five and twenty-six years old, Mark and Cathy would not have thought there was anything wrong with them getting married. Instead, they would be joyful and happy. However, the truth was that they were only eighteen and nineteen years old, and they were getting married suddenly without any sign? Something must have come up.

Her parents’ gazes made Jessica lower her head out of shame. She did not speak until some moments later. “I am pregnant with Yang’s baby.”

Joshua opened his mouth wide. Mark Alba’s brow raised. He closed his fist tight secretly. His knuckles cracked. Cathy could not help but knit her brows. She said, “What?!” Getting pregnant as an unmarried woman at the age of eighteen was a tremendous disaster for a pious Catholic family. Some extreme Catholics would even sever ties with their daughter.

Jessica’s face was very red. Lowering her head, she added, “We are getting married next month.”

Mark Alba took a deep breath. Throwing his daughter a glance, he said in a profound voice, “You are an adult. This is your own business, as long as you know what you are doing!”

Jessica said to her father, ashamed, “Dad, I am sorry.”

Mark Alba waved his hand. Covering his forehead with one hand, he exclaimed with sorrow, “Next month. Not much time left for us to prepare for the wedding. We will need to get moving tomorrow.”

Jessica broke into a smile instantly.

“Jessi, come with me.” Cathy got to her feet and walked upstairs. Jessica followed her into her own bedroom.

Mark Alba, still sitting on the sofa, suddenly gave the sofa a punch. Looking at his petrified son, he said, “Joshua, next time you see Wang Yang, give him a good beating for me! Kick him in the a*s and beat him to a pulp. That d*mn jerk!”

Joshua touched his head, feeling awkward. He said, “I have actually thought about that, but I think I would be the one who gets beaten.”

Closing his fist and clenching his teeth, Mark said in anger, “He’d better stay out of my sight!”

In the bedroom, Cathy and Jessica were both sitting at the edge of the bed. Looking at her daughter, Cathy asked, “Are you sure you are pregnant?”

Jessica nodded. She said, “I missed my period for two weeks, so I thought I could be pregnant. So, this afternoon, Wang Yang and I went to a clinic. I did a blood test there.” Shrugging her shoulders, she was kind of calm by then. She added, “It came back positive.”

“What about the hCG level?” Cathy asked again.

Jessica was lost. Shaking her head, she said, “I don’t know. I didn’t check the test report. Yang checked it.”

Frowning, Cathy asked, “Positive doesn’t necessarily mean you are pregnant. What did the doctor say?”

Jessica shook her head again. She said, “There was a paparazzo following us. We were not mentally ready yet, so we were very scared. We panicked. We ran away as soon as Yang got the test report.”

Cathy showed a helpless smile. Patting her daughter on the hand, she said, “Jessi, I haven’t noticed you puking lately or losing your appetite for food.”

Thinking it over, except this day, she always had a good appetite for food. “No, I am not having such symptoms.”

Cathy said with a smile, “Maybe you are not pregnant at all. Anyways, we should at least know the hCG level.”

Maybe I am not pregnant? Jessica was struck dumb. However, that did not cheer her up. Yang and she had discussed everything this afternoon. They would get married next month and take one year off to expect the baby. They would start a happy family and be great parents… if she was not pregnant, none of this would happen.

Cathy asked again, “Does Yang have the test report? Give him a call and ask him about it.” She patted Jessica on the shoulder. Then, she got to her feet and walked out of the room.

Jessica got her phone. Looking at Yang’s number displayed on the screen, she did not dial it immediately. It was weird that before Yang had proposed to her, she had been afraid that the pregnancy thing was true, but at the moment, she was kind of afraid that she was not pregnant…

This night, Jessica did not ask Wang Yang about the test report, but the next day, her period, after two weeks’ delay, suddenly came. Jessica was totally dumbstruck. She seemed to feel relieved, but somewhere deep in her heart, she also felt rather disappointed.

In the morning, Jessica saw Wang Yang on the tree-lined track. Wang Yang had been tossing and turning last night, and many things had become clear to him. He had also made up his mind. He broke into a smile as soon as he saw Jessica. Walking over to take her hands, he said excitedly, “Jessica, I have thought about the baby’s name. If our baby is a girl, I want to call her Juno…”

“Yang…” Seeing him so happy, Jessica felt as if her heart was being clenched by a hand. Juno? Gnashing her teeth, she said, “Yang, it came today.”

“What?!” Wang Yang shouted at what he had been told, his eyes wide open. He managed to calm himself down. Then, he said, “Then, how do we explain the blood test report?”

Shaking her head, Jessica said, “I dug a little. Positive doesn’t necessarily mean I am pregnant. There could be other reasons.”

Wang Yang looked at Jessica, totally petrified. He did not speak until a good while later. “That means I will not be a father in nine months?”

Pursing her lips, Jessica smiled, but she did not look happy. She said, “No, you will not.”

“Oh, my God…” Wang Yang felt so relieved. He was dumbfounded. Jessica was not pregnant, and he would not be a father? Why wasn’t he feeling elated then? Hadn’t he been very scared the previous day? Wasn’t he supposed to feel happy at the moment? He wiped his forehead uneasily. Smiling, he said, “Jessica, I am kind of disappointed. Why is that?” Looking at Jessica’s stomach, he murmured, “My little Juno…”

Jessica felt awful. She said quietly, “Yang, I am sorry.”

“What? No, Jessica. It’s all right.” Wang Yang got rid of his sentiments. He knew she was feeling the same at the moment. Hugging her, he comforted her, “We should feel happy. It is not good timing to have a baby anyways. In fact, neither of us is ready, and getting pregnant now won’t do your health any good.” Giving her a kiss, Wang Yang joked, “Think about it. We are only nineteen and eighteen. If we have a baby, we won’t be able to spend time alone together anymore.”

Smiling at him, Jessica said, “Yang, I am just wondering… if it did happen, what would our life be like?”

“If it did happen?” Holding her hand, Wang Yang walked ahead. Smiling, he said, “Then we would get married next month. All the media would be shocked, ’cause they were kind of looking forward to our break up.” Jessica smiled. Wang Yang went on, “Then, your belly would grow bigger and bigger. Of course, we would have stopped the shooting of High School Musical 2 a long time ago. When we were walking on the street, people would probably look at us with a weird look. ‘Oh, how old are they?’ But we wouldn’t care. We would spend nine happy months together. Then, our baby would be born—a big, fat, adorable baby!” He could not help but smile.

Jessica looked at him with interest. Rocking his hand from side to side, she said, “What else, Yang?”

“Well, it would be a daughter, as pretty as you.” Gazing at a cloud in the blue sky, he felt that the cloud looked like a baby. He said with a smile, “Another ten months later, she would start to call us Mom and Dad, crawling around in our house…” Speaking of this, he suddenly quieted down. Next to him, Jessica also quieted down.

Looking at her, Wang Yang said with a smile, “Jessica, anyways, we will have a baby in the future. It’s just a matter of time.” Jessica showed a sweet smile. Nodding confidently, she said, “Yes, we will!”

The two kept walking in silence. Wang Yang suddenly said to himself, “Interesting. It’s really interesting.” Jessica looked at him, puzzled. Wang Yang smiled at her. He said, “It will be a great story for the big screen…”

Blinking, Jessica said, “You mean what happened between us?”

Nodding, Wang Yang said, “If a high school student gets pregnant and is going to keep the baby, but she is only sixteen years old, she still needs to go to school…”

Gazing at the white cloud in the sky, he said with a smile, “Her name is Juno.”

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