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Chapter 141


Chapter 141 The Dharma King in the Desert

As Chen An’s teacher, although Dong Heng is a great sage in Great Hua, But its own Martial Arts Cultivation Base is not strong, just better than nothing.

To a certain extent, he and Liu Chu belong to the same kind of person, both of whom have a weak Martial Arts innate talent.

But despite not having a strong Martial Arts Cultivation Base, Dong Heng is strong on the other hand.

That is health care.

Now Dong Heng is in his 70s or 80s, but his body still looks strong and strong. On the surface, he doesn’t seem to be any different from an ordinary middle-aged man, which is the proof.

If many elderly people can live like this at this age, it is estimated that they can laugh to death.

And now, Dong Heng said that he was about to die.

Chen An couldn’t help being silent.

He knew that his teacher wouldn’t lie to him.

Since he said he was going to die, that should be the case.

For these people, if the time of death is approaching, they will basically feel it, and they will be able to know when the day when their body is exhausted will come.

“Don’t be sad.”

Seemingly seeing Chen An’s thoughts, Dong Heng laughed: “People’s birth, aging, sickness and death are all normal in this world. ”

“Besides, for my age, I have lived long enough, and this life is exciting enough, so what can’t be satisfied?”

“Changan, you should be happy for me.”


Chen An nods.

Compared to others, Dong Heng’s life has been perfection enough.

He is a well-known great sage in the world. He has made outstanding achievements in many aspects.

He also has a large number of Disciples.

Many of the students enrolled in the Imperial College of Supreme Learning over the years can be considered his students.

Even Chen An himself is only one of his students.

In all aspects, it has achieved achievements that others can only envy, and what is there to be dissatisfied with.

“You don’t have to be sad about my departure.”

Looking at Chen An, Dong Heng laughed: “Chang An, what I valued most about you at the time was that you had a heart that was not for foreign. object.”

“In this world, nothing seems to make you care.”

“You value martial arts, but not as much as others Obsessed, hated Duke Chen’s house, but was very indifferent, liked to read, but didn’t care about the truth like other people.”

“At that time, I was thinking, what is there in this world? There’s nothing that can make you less peaceful.”

“Now, it seems that there is.”

He paused, then said with a smile: “The Fourth Princess’s Death, it seems to be very uncomfortable for you.”


Chen An smiled bitterly: “It’s not uncomfortable, but suddenly I feel that people live this life, After all, I have to leave, it seems that nothing makes sense.”


Dong Heng kept a smile on his face, looking at his favorite Disciple in front of him. , said softly: “It is meaningful after all.”

“As long as people live and exist, they will leave their own traces and will always have their own meaning.”

“I’m only eighty now, I’ve written books and taught, and I have countless Disciples in my life. Do you think this is meaningful?”

“Naturally it is meaningful.”

Chen An nods.

Dong Heng is recognized as a great sage in all countries. He has written countless books and taught many students Disciple.

Even if he dies, history books will always record his deeds and record them emphatically.

“The same is true of Fourth Princess.”

Dong Heng continued: “Although she left, she still left traces.”

“With her her child, and you will remember her husband more.”

“All the innumerable living beings in this world, even if they are as small as an ant, can still leave some traces of themselves, even if they pass away, This trace will remain forever, affecting future generations.”

“This Human World is the summary of all these traces.”

“In this case, who can say, they Is it meaningless to exist?”

Dong Heng spoke softly, teaching Chen An as usual.

Everything seems to go back to the past, teachers are still teachers, and students are still students.

“The student understands.”

Chen An nods.

He naturally understood what Dong Heng said.

The essence of Chen An is a transmigrator after all.

There are many truths that he may not have fully understood, but he already knew it in his previous life.

But the truth is such a thing, just knowing it is of no use.

Aren’t there many people in this world who know all the truth, but still have a bad life?

The truth is always there, but there are only a few people who are truly enlightened.

Dong Heng looked at Chen An’s appearance and was laughed. He didn’t continue to speak, but just waved his hand and motioned him to stand aside.

Due to the tacit understanding in the past, Chen An consciously stood beside Dong Heng and prepared pen and ink for him.

It was like when he was just an ordinary student beside Dong Heng.

For the next month, everything seemed to be back to the way it was before.

Dong Heng didn’t seem to do much in the last month of his life.

He just lived a step-by-step life, constantly copying some books.

Those books are basically moved from other countries.

Well, to be precise, it was actually stolen.

In the past few decades, Chen An led his army to break through several countries, and in addition to other seizures, various books were also moved.

A considerable number of these books are orphans.

Since then, Dong Heng, as a great sage of the Imperial College of Supreme Learning, has been copying these books.

This behavior has not changed to this day.

In the last days of his life, he still did.

A full month later, on a sunny noon, Dong Heng also left.

He left with a smile on his face, still sitting on the table and chair, as if thinking about how to copy the next book.

In the blink of an eye, his breathing completely disappeared, losing the last trace of his life.

Chen An saw the whole process in his eyes and remained silent.

So just like that, after Fourth Princess’s funeral, he organized teacher Dong Heng’s funeral.

No way.

The Fourth Princess also has Chen An, a husband and two children.

But teacher Dong Heng never got married in his life, and the only ones who can arrange his funeral are the students like Chen An.

At the funeral, many former students of Dong Heng came to hear the news.

For a while, the crowd was surging, and the spacious great hall was almost filled with the crowd.

In the end, Chen An had to make a few more places to arrange so many people.

If ordinary people see this scene, I am afraid they will sigh with emotion, thinking that after Dong Heng’s death, there are still so many Disciples coming, and it is not a waste of life.

But Chen An didn’t think much of it.

With his eyes, many things can naturally be seen.

Many of those who came to attend the mourning were impure.

They probably didn’t want to come, but they saw that the person presiding over the funeral was Chen An, so they came.

In the final analysis, this is to use the funeral to have a relationship with Chen An.

And there are so many of them that they will be crowded everywhere.

As for those who sincerely come to mourning?

There are.

But the number is probably very small.

If someone else looks at this situation, I am afraid they will feel that their intentions are impure.

But if Dong Heng was still there, how would he react to this situation?

I’m afraid it’s a good laugh.

Chen An thought for a moment and finally got the answer.

For teacher Dong Heng, he doesn’t care whether these people are sincere or fake.

Anyway, as long as he is willing to come and toast him with a glass of wine and pay his respects to his teacher, he will be very happy.

As for all the filth and unpleasantness under it, he would laugh it off.

Thinking of this, Chen An looked thoughtful.

Time continues to pass.

The lively funeral gradually subsided.

After this incident, everything seems to be back on track in Shengjing.

Chen An also forgot his grief and gradually returned to his normal life.

He is still living his normal life in his Duke Chen house.

Normally, in addition to Cultivation and flower viewing, I went to the place where a few old friends were and had a chat with them.

Maybe it’s because I always like to imagine the past when I’m older, but now both Cheng Zheng and Liu Chu are more and more nagging.

More and more they like to chat with Chen An about the old days and the good old days.

While chatting, they thought of the present, and they couldn’t help sighing together.

They have changed a lot over the years.

Cheng Zheng has white hair growing on his head and looks like an old man.

Of course, it’s actually an old man.

After all, he is in his seventies now.

At such a young age, it stands to reason that you should stop and enjoy yourself.

But he didn’t. Instead, he became more diligent and had to deal with many government affairs every day.

According to his words, he wanted to do more before he died to pave the way for the Crown Prince.

As for Liu Chu, he is a lot older now, but his days are much more dashing.

After the previous battles, he simply built a large mansion and kept many concubines and beauties in it, and he normally enjoyed it there when he had nothing to do.

Chen An, who watched the whole process, shook his head.

Although he doesn’t know how to maintain health, he also knows that most of Liu Chu’s life won’t last long.

He had persuaded him several times, but Liu Chu just didn’t listen, and Chen An was speechless.

“I’m already at this age, can’t I just enjoy it?”

Listening to Liu Chu’s drunken words, Chen An was speechless and could only let him go.

It seems to be the case when you think about it.

In this short world with an average lifespan, at the age of Liu Chu, Cheng Zheng and the others, it is uncertain when they will die.

In this case, dissuasion seems to be unnecessary.

Let him go.

Chen An felt relieved and stopped persuading.

In fact, not only other people, but also Chen An himself has changed a lot.

On the surface, he seems to be quite young, but in his early thirties, with long black hair, he looks like a youngster.

But in fact, his body began to gradually weaken.

Astral qi is only a mortal after all, but his life time will be longer than that of ordinary people.

But at this age, Chen An has also stepped down from the Peak period.

If there is no accident in the next time, his physical condition will probably become weaker and weaker.

Of course, because of the relatively longer lifespan of astral qi Martial Artist, this time is still quite long.

If it was in the past, Chen An may have already started to worry.

But after the passing of Fourth Princess and teacher Dong Heng, he seems to have calmed down completely.

He put down a lot of things and started to enjoy life with his heart, carefully observing everything around.

Occasionally, he would take a few of his grandsons out for a tour, and he would also let them see with their own eyes the sufferings of ordinary people, and give some help to others within his ability.

Everything is natural and what he wants to do.

Just a weird thing happened.

When Chen An was all about Cultivation and trying to be promoted to Innate, he couldn’t touch that threshold.

But when he really ignored all of this and stopped clinging to this matter, he felt the opportunity for promotion instead.

In the past few years, he has not given up Cultivation, but he is no longer persistent, and has integrated it into his own life, turning it into a unique way of life.

One quiet night, when Chen An finished meditating again, a premonition rose in his heart.

The internal qi induction gave him a great hint.

The isolation that was originally trapped in front of him and could never break through cracked silently, revealing a gap.

So he stopped his steps and returned to the mansion in Shengjingzhong.

This mansion is the mansion of the original Fourth Princess, which once carried Chen An’s memory for quite some time.

When I have the deepest memory, there are not only Fourth Princess and Chen An, but also their two children.

But now, Fourth Princess has gone, and the two children have already married and have their own affairs one after another.

In the current mansion, only some servants responsible for maintenance are still here.

But that’s fine too.

There is no one else around, so it is just clean.

Chen An simply moved into this mansion and started his own cultivation.

He seems to be practicing martial arts, but every morning, the sound of Lang Lang’s reading is always heard in the room, very clearly.

Outside the mansion, a piece of peach blossoms bloomed slowly, and it seemed to bloom with new vitality.

Time passed slowly.

Three years have passed.

During this period of time, Chen An was completely in retreat, and no news came out.

People are also used to King Chen’s absence.

After all, in the past, Chen An was very low-key, and often no news came out for several years.

Compared to the past, there is no news for three years now, isn’t it a normal thing.

Even Cheng Zheng’s old friends don’t know what Chen An is doing, but they can clearly feel that Chen An is spending less and less time going out.

Cheng Zheng and Liu Chu were a little worried about this.

Because of worry, Cheng Zheng also tried to be a matchmaker for Chen An, and introduced the beautiful daughter of the Aristocratic Family to Chen An to continue the string.

Chen An didn’t know whether to cry or laugh refused, saying that he was fine.

Time passed slowly.

Chen An returned to Shengjing for the third year, and there was still a major event after all.

In the desert on the back, there is a madman rising.

It was a Martial Artist from the northern grasslands, calling himself the Dharma King of the desert, holding a scepter and coming all the way from the north.

He came from the grasslands, and every time he went to a country, he was bound to challenge the most powerful house in that country.

Walking along the road, so far without a single defeat.

Lu Guozhen Guogong, Song Dynasty Zhongyonghou have all fought with him successively, and they were all defeated in less than ten moves.

It is reported that five astral qi joined forces to besiege them on their way, but they were still defeated and were directly defeated by them.

For a time, the fame of the Dharma King of the desert flourished.

However, Dharma King’s reputation is strong, but he is not too outrageous to kill.

He seems to be only challenging for the sake of seeing different martial arts and verifying different landscapes, and he has no murderous intention.

As the overlord of this place, Great Hua will naturally not be let go.

In the Imperial Palace, Cheng Zheng looked at the martial stage below, his face a little ugly.

In front of him, several people were falling to the ground, and each of them had the characteristics of Astral Qi.

The one standing among the crowd was a thin middle-aged man in a strange cassock.

The middle-aged man’s skin is thin, his complexion always looks flat, and his eyes are simple and unwavering, always with a kind of peace that is above all living beings.

“Everyone, you let me win.”

Dharma King held a scepter, folded his hands together, and performed a strange Buddhist ritual.

There was silence everywhere.

Because just now, this Dharma King did a very bold thing.

In front of Cheng Zheng, he challenged the worship of three clans at the same time, and finally won the battle, even appearing effortless throughout the whole process.

Such terrifying strength is really suffocating.

The astral qi was so terrifying and huge that as long as everyone felt it, they couldn’t help but beat drums in their hearts, and there was a feeling of being tightly oppressed.

Around, the guards in charge of guarding this place are nervous, and many people have been wet with sweat on their backs.

Before this, everyone was still a little confused.

This Dharma King has challenged many experts along the way, and let so many people lose face, and why he can live so well until now.

Now it seems that it is not those people who are generous, but simply cannot do it.

The Dharma King in front of him does have that power.

To put it badly, at this moment, the three clans guarding in Shengjing have all been defeated. If the other party wants to attack the emperor at this moment, then they have nothing to do.


Not useful at all.

The guards in the Imperial Palace are indeed strict, but even ordinary astral qi may not be able to stop it, let alone the terrifying Dharma King in front of him.

If the other party rages and kills, there is nothing they can do.

This is also the reason why Cheng Zheng’s face is so ugly.

As the Son of Heaven, how many people can endure being threatened by others?

“Your Majesty, do you want to take shelter?”

A minister changed color and walked to Cheng Zheng and spoke in a low voice.

“Do you want me to escape from battle?”

Cheng Zheng’s eyes glared: “I am a person who is greedy for life and fears death!”

The minister had no choice but to retreat down.

Cheng Zheng couldn’t help but sigh: “Unfortunately, if Chang’an is here, what would I be afraid of?”

It seems that he knows the words in his heart. In front of him, Dharma King The voice also came over.

“I heard that within the Great Hua, King Chen’s cultivation base is tyrannical, and his strength is the No. 1 in the Central Plains.”

Dharma King put his hands together and his face was simple and unwavering: “This time next time Come here, I hope to challenge the experts of various countries, I wonder if I can fight King Chen?”

There was a sudden silence everywhere.

(End of this chapter)

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