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Chapter 138


Chapter 138 Legacy of Song Taizu

Mingzhou is of special significance to Song Dynasty.

Because this is not only a place with a very important strategic location, but also the place where the ancestors of the Song Dynasty started.

And, the only treasure in the entire Song Dynasty, the Profound Ice Cave is also there.

The loss of this place means that although it is not as important as the imperial capital for Song Dynasty, it is also a big earthquake.

If they can, they naturally want to take this place back.

It’s a pity, with their current strength, it’s okay to let them defend the city, but want to take the initiative?

Forget it.

The rebels in the south are still watching.

If you don’t push these people down, they will have no time to pay attention to Chen An.

Because of this, no matter how uncomfortable they are, they can only watch.

The only good thing is that after Chen An led his army to capture Mingzhou, he didn’t move much. It seemed that he finally stopped.

This can’t help but make people relax, a little fortunate.

“That’s it?”

A crisp voice sounded in place.

Chen An looked at the guide beside him and asked softly.

“Yes” the woman’s voice sounded.

Different from the previous places, here in front of me, the guide who leads the way for Chen An is a woman.

The woman’s name is Zhao Ying, and she seems to be from the Song Dynasty clan. She originally practiced martial arts nearby.

As a result, Mingzhou fell, and she was directly caught and taken to Chen An.

For such a girl, Chen An didn’t do anything to him, but just used it directly as a guide.

“The place you’re looking for is in there”

A soft voice came out.

Chen An raised his head and looked forward.

Then he froze.

In front of me, a Profound Ice covers everything around.

At a glance, there is a piece of ice and snow everywhere, and the world of World of Ice and Snow is everywhere.

A strong cold air emerges from it, giving people a particularly cold feeling.

The outside world is still warm at the moment, but it is like another piece of Heaven and Earth, with a different feeling.

Of course, the most important thing for Chen An is the strong vitality that is revealed here.

The smell of strong vitality cannot be concealed, and it is also what Chen An values most.

“You can go.”

When they got here, Chen An waved and told Zhao Ying to leave.

Of course, before leaving, he also asked her to leave the corresponding map.

Otherwise when the time comes it would be embarrassing to get lost.

Zhao Ying was relieved and left quickly.

Only a few people, including Chen An and Liu Chu, were left.

“Chang’an, do you want to send someone in to take a look first?”

Out of caution, Liu Chu asked.

“I’ve sent someone in to look at it, and there’s nothing wrong with the map.”

Liu Chu was taken aback by Chen An’s answer, and it took a while before he reacted.

Well, how could someone like Chen An go to someone else’s hometown without taking any precautions.

As early as when he got the map, he secretly sent someone to investigate.

If there is really a problem, what Zhao Ying sees today is not Chen An, but the supervisor sent by him to behead an officer.

It’s so real.

“Song Dynasty’s Profound Ice Vigor, I have always heard of it in the past, but I haven’t seen it.”

Chen An laughed: “This time is a rare opportunity, but it can be done well. Get to know me.”

“Duke Liu, if you are interested, you can go in and have a look.”

“I’m fine.”

Liu Chu With a wry smile, “Changan, you know, I have no talent for martial arts.”

Liu Chu’s innate talent for martial arts is not outstanding.

Well, to be precise, it’s actually very bad, so bad that it once became a laughing stock and was ridiculed by many people.

For someone like him, it’s better to practice martial arts.

Let him go to practice martial arts, it is better to let him do something else, it is more practical.

“That’s a pity.”

Chen An laughed, and then said softly, “I’m going to retreat inside for a while, and you’ll host it outside.”



Liu Chu nodded, but after thinking for a moment, he still reminded kindly: “Don’t delay in it for too long, otherwise there will be problems.”

They are still in the Song Dynasty at the moment.

Although Mingzhou at the foot has been occupied, in terms of Mingzhou’s position and political significance, once the Song Dynasty relaxes, it will definitely come to Mingzhou in a big way.

Although this land has been beaten down, it is still unknown whether it can stand it in the future.

In this case, Chen An would be fine if it was only Cultivation, but if the retreat lasted three or five years, then I really don’t know if something would go wrong.

“I understand.”

Chen An just smiled, indicating that he understood.

Then he walked in.

Liu Chu watched Chen An’s silhouette disappear before his eyes, and did not speak.

It was deserted everywhere.

Walking into the Profound Ice Cave, a cold air rushes in, bringing a strong sense of stimulation to the body.

This kind of feeling is not encountered in other treasures.

Previously, Chen An’s Cultivation in the four treasures of Great Hua, although it has a good bonus, but the all around environment is still normal, far less exciting than this Profound Ice Cave.

This also shows the speciality of the Profound Ice Cave.

According to the rumors circulating in the outside world, Profound Ice Cave is the best place for all Cultivation Cold Attribute martial arts.

Song Dynasty is precisely because of this treasure land, combined with the Profound Ice Vigor, which is the most peak in the world’s cold martial arts, can astral qi emerge from generation to generation, coercing the Quartet.

This shows how special and powerful this treasure is.

I just walked into it, and the chill is still acceptable.

But when you actually go inside, the coldness there has risen to an unbearable level.

The cold air is surging from everywhere, as if it is about to penetrate the skin, spread to the flesh and blood of the body, and basically freeze your entire body.

When I got here, even with Chen An’s physical fitness, I felt a little uncomfortable, so I had to use the astral qi in my body to resist the invasion of the cold everywhere.

He looked all around.

“Profound Ice?”

Something unexpected came to Chen An’s eyes.

Profound Ice, which is a treasure of the cold genus, is the auxiliary treasure of the Cultivation cold genus martial arts, which can greatly speed up the cultivation speed.

Previously at Bai Family, Bai Qing had a Profound Ice Bed made of Profound Ice on hand. It was preserved in a special way, and it was extremely valuable and amazing.

didn’t expect Profound Ice that was rarely seen in the outside world, but it was so easy to see here.

Of course, this is only a very thin point, even if it is mined, it is only a small piece.

But that doesn’t count as core area, there must be more in it.

Chen An couldn’t help but look forward to it more and more.

Let’s not talk about the real Cultivation here, if you use it to extract vitality and provide source power, you will definitely have a pretty good harvest.

Yes, Chen An didn’t think about obediently and honestly Cultivation at all.

No way.

Even if you want Cultivation, let’s see what occasion and where.

As Liu Chu said before, the place in front of you is not sure when Song Dynasty will counterattack, and when the time comes it will be taken back again.

Cultivation here, I’m afraid I don’t sleep well at ordinary times.

And in just two or three years, nothing can be repaired.

The strength has reached the level of Chen An.

It’s hard to realize anything in just two or three years.

Even if there are treasures to bless, the harvest will not be great.

In this case, it is better to directly pump the vitality in this Profound Ice Cave to make up for the source power on yourself.

To know the previous battle, Chen An spent 80 source power points in order to upgrade himself to Astral Transformation.

This source power, Chen An didn’t plan to spend at first, and plans to rely on his own promotion to save this sum of money.

As a result, three astral qi were besieged together, Chen An had no choice but to spend money to buy his life.

Although my life was saved in the end, the money was gone after all.

It hurts to think about it.

For Chen An, ordinary promotions don’t matter.

The money that should be spent is always spent.

But this sum of money could have been spent without spending, but in the end it had to be used to buy a life.

This is a little uncomfortable.

This loss, Chen An has silently recorded on Song Dynasty’s head.

Now is the time to make it up.

Without the slightest hesitation, Chen An took out the crystal stone and put it aside.

For the next few months, Chen An stayed in this Profound Ice Cave, while Cultivation, while absorbing the source power transformed from crystal stones.

There is only one word for the whole process.


If within Great Hua, Chen An still has some concerns about doing things and can’t drain those treasures, then Chen An will completely let himself go here.

Song Dynasty is the enemy!

What show mercy do you want when treating the enemy?

How about catching a sheep and killing it?

So, wherever Chen An went, the entire Profound Ice Cave was devastated.

At this point, Chen An adheres to the three-light policy.

The vitality was drained, Profound Ice was smashed and taken away, and even some of the treasures that Song Dynasty had arranged here before were all packed and delivered directly back.

If the Song Dynasty clan saw Chen An doing this in their ancestral land, they might be in tears.

Where are you squeezing wool, you are clearly fishing for dry water, killing all the sheep at once!

The bandit sweep is not as clean as yours.

It’s a pity that Chen An failed to sweep the entire Profound Ice Cave even though he did it so hard.

Because the place is so big.

Compared with Great Hua, Song Dynasty has only one treasure land, Profound Ice Cave, but the capacity of this treasure land is not comparable to other treasure land.

So Chen An’s movements couldn’t help but slow down a lot.

It’s been several months, and the place hasn’t been sucked dry.

But at the moment he is also close to the core.

Everywhere is the best of Profound Ice Cave.

Profound Ice can’t be said everywhere, but it’s not uncommon.

Chen An has seen quite a few.

After thinking about it, I dig it out, it should be able to do a lot of things.

Profound Ice Bed like Bai Qing is estimated to be able to do at least five or six.

There is even a surplus.

Bai Qing would probably cry if she knew that this place was so rich.

This day, Chen An felt unusual.


The brilliance of the crystal flickered, and the vitality of the surrounding gradually receded.

This whole process has been repeated several times over the past few months.

Chen An skillfully picked up the crystal stone, but when he was about to turn to leave, he couldn’t help but paused.

Through the sensitive internal qi sense, he sensed something unusual.

That thing has always existed here, but the induction is very weak, and it has become very inconspicuous under the cover of the strong internal qi before.

But at this moment, the vitality around the place has been drained by the crystal stone, without the cover of the strong vitality, the strange internal qi hidden under it is very abrupt and especially obvious.

Of course, it’s obvious, but in fact, most people still can’t feel it.

Even if it’s astral qi, if it’s a little weaker and the response is slower, I’m afraid I’ll just skip it.

But Chen An is clearly one of the most responsive ones.

Nonsense, he has already undergone the Astral Transformation, and he is already the group of people standing at the top of the astral qi. Can this reaction be insensitive?

It is precisely because of this that the inspirational change caused the induction to be quickly detected by Chen An even though it flashed by.

So he turned around and looked in front of him.

In front of his field of vision, a patch of Profound Ice appeared, seemingly unremarkable, as if nothing.

Chen An thought for a moment, then slowly extended the hand.


With a crisp sound, the Profound Ice in front of him shattered and was pushed down by him, revealing the scene behind him.

It was a brand new passage, and there seemed to be a long section of the road in it.

This section of the road is not recorded on the map.

Chen An thought for a moment, then stepped forward and walked in directly.

There is a chill everywhere.

Walking into this place, a strange scene emerges.

Compared to other core places, the vitality here is not particularly strong, but its coldness is so strangely higher than other places that Chen An frowned secretly.

In a word, this place is evil.

All the way forward, he finally came to an empty scene.

“This is.”

Looking all around, Chen An couldn’t help but be taken aback.

He made a new discovery.

Here, there is an artificial trace everywhere.

There are various remnants of items left here and there, and the air seems to be different from the outside.

In some corners, it seems that there are still some medicine pill residues left, which are quietly prevented from there, I don’t know how many years have passed.

And the most eye-catching, of course, is the altar in front, and a piece of Profound Ice on it.

It was an extremely huge piece of Profound Ice, several times larger than Chen An’s body, and it seemed to contain something.

Chen An moved forward cautiously, slowly groping to the front.

Then he was stunned for a second, feeling an inexplicable surprise.

It’s not that he hasn’t seen the world, but that what he sees is too special.

On the Profound Ice, each and every small text is depicted, and it is presented on it densely packed.

And what these words show, happens to be a martial arts.

“Profound Ice Vigor!”

Chen An’s eyes were fixed on Profound Ice, to be precise, at the text on it.

The words as small as ants contain the absolute Profound Ice Vigor Profound Truth.

And a full Profound Ice Vigor.

From the most basic Body Refinement to the most important Innate, it has everything on it.

Even Chen An didn’t master the missing part of Innate content, which is also recorded on this Profound Ice.

No! not only that!

Chen An is staring at the final part of Profound Ice.

After the Innate section is over, there’s clearly more to come.

That’s the level after Innate, which records more.

However, an unfortunate situation arises.

The content after Innate is missing for some reason.

This disappointed Chen An.

He took a closer look at the situation above and found a smooth fracture.

It seems to be cut off by a sword, exactly the part of Profound Ice?

Anyone here?

Chen An flashed this thought.

He saw the end in one breath, and saw an unexpected name from this piece of Profound Ice.

“Song An.”

Chen An muttered the name with a strange expression on his face.

The name seemed familiar to him.

It took a while before he really remembered the identity of the owner of the name.

This is Song Taizu, who once started from scratch and conquered the great Song Dynasty with one hand!

Profound Ice Vigor was created by Song Taizu.

Thinking of this, Chen An finally realized it.

There has always been a legend in the Song Dynasty that when Song Taizu was young, he created the art in this Profound Ice Cave, and then the martial arts of Profound Ice Vigor came into being.

Looking like this, this rumor may be true.

Even when the Grand Ancestral Queen of Song came back, she came back on purpose to leave her inheritance here as a backup.

“How far did Song Taizu’s cultivation base go?”

Chen An couldn’t help but flash this thought.

Judging from the legacy in front of us, the cultivation base of Song Taizu may have reached a terrifying level.

Profound Ice Vigor is not only the level of Innate, but also the follow-up content. From this point of view, even if Song Taizu’s original cultivation base did not exceed Innate, I am afraid that half of his feet exceeded Innate’s category.

Unfortunately, this part of the content was eventually destroyed.

I don’t know which bastard did it.

Chen An has something to say about that person.

It doesn’t matter if you get the benefits yourself, can you leave a way out for future generations?

It won’t be so bad if you keep it, it will lose a hair of you?

It’s a pity that no matter how much resentment in my heart, it can’t change the reality.

Chen An could only sigh helplessly, sighed silently, and accepted the reality.

Anyway, from now on, he has gotten a lot of benefits.

The second half of the Profound Ice Vigor Innate level, Chen An originally planned to find a way to get it from Song Dynasty Imperial Family, didn’t expect to get it now.

It was a pleasant surprise.

Then there is this Profound Ice.

Chen An looked at the Profound Ice in front of him, hesitant in his heart.

He was wondering if he should get this piece of Profound Ice out.

Excluding the Profound Ice Vigor martial arts recorded on it, just this piece of Profound Ice itself is also a huge treasure.

Such a large Profound Ice has many uses and is extremely precious to Chen An.

But after thinking for a moment, he gave up the tempting idea.

Forget it.

You can’t be too good at being a human being.

Song Taizu built this piece of Profound Ice here, probably just in case.

Even if the Song Dynasty clan is destroyed one day, as long as this Profound Ice is still there, one day his inheritance will reappeared and reappear in the world.

I’m sorry that I was a bit overwhelmed with Civilization yesterday, and finally fell asleep. It will be updated today

(end of this chapter)

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