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Chapter 129


Chapter 129 Innate martial arts


Chen An has to admit that in this For a moment, he was still a little moved.

He moved freely, and at the moment of his heartbeat, his movements could not help but slow down.

“Is what you said true?”

he asked.

“Naturally it’s true.”

Old Yang thought that Chen An was thinking, he couldn’t help but smile and was about to continue to say something.

A long knife slashed down mercilessly, directly taking advantage of the pass where his movement stopped.

Old Yang’s mouth closed immediately.

The long knife fell, and the force contained in it was very strong.

It’s just a matter of strength, but the key is the Profound Ice astral qi it carries.

The astral qi formidable power spawned by Profound Ice Vigor is by no means a blow. The formidable power in it is so great that even the same astral qi can’t stand it.

Old Yang’s chest continued to oscillate and he took a deep breath, before it stopped after a while.

But after this episode, in the face of Chen An’s sneak attack that doesn’t talk about martial arts, he finally didn’t dare to be distracted. Wholeheartedly competed with Chen An.

The astral qi of the two of them has a wide range, and the affected area is also very wide.

If someone who doesn’t know it comes here, maybe they think these two people are fighting to the death.

However, in reality, it’s just a small fight.

The two fought each other, and astral qi collided with each other. It looked lively, but in fact, they kept restraint at all times, and simply did not try their best.

Although the forces exerted by the two sides are strong, they have actually been testing.

And the temptation turned out badly.

The strength of the two sides is too close.

Strictly speaking, Old Yang’s strength should be a little stronger than Chen An at the moment. After all, after years of accumulation, the astral qi in physique is more vigorous, not comparable to a newcomer like Chen An.

But that’s it, it’s not necessarily a big advantage.

If the two sides are willing to fight to the death and fight each other to the death, they can decide the outcome.

But as long as people with normal brains understand, how is this possible?

Old Yang and Chen An don’t have much hatred.

Old Yang’s mission to stay here is to block Chen An and buy time for Liu Sheng and the others to leave.

As for Chen An, it is also purely to accomplish his task.

Fight to the death? nonexistent.

Since there is no such thing as a dead-end battle, and the strengths of the two sides are so similar, then simply no one can do anything to the other.

Chen An couldn’t go around Old Yang to chase, and Old Yang couldn’t even hope to get any results, let alone hurt Chen An’s hair.

This is different from the previous battle between Chen An and his predecessor Duke Chen Chen Hua.

The predecessor Duke Chen Chen Hua was not so much defeated by Chen An as it was because he was already injured and physique was overwhelmed, so he was directly consumed by Chen An.

However, Chen Hua can be consumed to death, but Old Yang’s shot in front of him is very sharp, and the two short blades are swung, and the force is even more ruthless than Chen An’s.

If you want to kill him, it is impossible not to fight for a few days or nights.

This battle is about to approach a tug-of-war.

“Your move didn’t have a murderous aura, and I knew it couldn’t pass through my hands.”

Looking at Chen An, Old Yang felt helpless: “In that case, Why is that?”

He really couldn’t understand Chen An’s behavior.

The situation in front of me has been placed here, and it is obvious that no one can do anything about it.

Since there is definitely no way to get rid of him, then it stands to reason that you should just stop it, why continue to entangle.

Aside from hurting the surrounding flowers and grass, what good is there to continue playing like this?

He really wants to stop, after all, he is also a lot of age, and it is time to take care of himself.

It’s always good to have fewer fights.

But not Chen An.

Don’t fight? Why not fight?

You have reached the age of health preservation, but I haven’t.

For Chen An, the battle at hand is a rare experience.

After being promoted to astral qi, he encountered too few enemies.

The last time Chen Hua was good, but after all, he was old and frail, and he was still injured. Strictly speaking can only be regarded as bullying the elderly, not at all.

Now this is much better, strong and strong.

More importantly, the strength is just right, neither too weak nor too strong.

If you don’t hurry up to gain experience, when will you wait?

Of course, if it’s just to gain experience, you don’t have to fight so hard.

Chen An is so laborious, in fact, it also means to meet Cheng Zheng in the future.

The destructive power of the astral qi Martial Artist is extraordinary. They have fought this battle for so long, almost interrupting several nearby official roads. felt everywhere.

I don’t know where I thought there was a natural disaster.

With such a big movement, everyone knows how hard Chen An is playing.

After that, Cheng Zheng sent someone to investigate. Seeing such a large trace, it is time to know Chen An’s hard work.

To put it bluntly, it is a face project to deal with the leadership.

Fishing and superficial work are Chen An’s forte.

In his previous life, he relied on these two tricks, and he did not know how many leaders he had dealt with.

But obviously, Old Yang couldn’t understand Chen An’s idea.

Not only can I not understand, but I even think Chen An is wrong.

Astral qi spread out, rippling in all directions, directly smashing a hill in the distance.

Unconsciously, the two had been playing for one hour.

It is estimated that when the sun rises tomorrow, people in Shengjing may not recognize this place.

Because it has been completely deformed.

The formidable power of the two astral qi Martial Artists fighting is too strong, and they almost completely ploughed the area, which is completely changed.

And at this step, Chen An even wanted to continue playing.

Old Yang couldn’t take it anymore.

“Are you finished yet?”

Double knives stabbed forward, piercing layers of frost.

Thinking that the time should be about the same, Liu Sheng’s entire group has gone far, and Old Yang simply took the initiative to force Chen An back.

Then taking advantage of this neutral position, he resolutely slipped and left from here.

Looks like she’s had enough and doesn’t want to mess with Chen An anymore.

Chen An didn’t mean to chase either.

After all, there is no point in catching up.

The strength of the two sides is almost the same, and it is impossible for him to catch up with the other side, and he may even be ambushed by the other side.

It’s better to leave it alone than that.

Anyway, I’ve been playing for so long, and I’ve gained enough experience, and I’ve done almost the same for face-saving projects.

I want to come to Cheng Zheng to find out, there should be nothing to say.

The next day, when the sky just dawned, Cheng Zheng summoned Chen An.

In the great hall, Cheng Zheng’s face looked gloomy, and the corners of his eyes were a little tired. He didn’t seem to have slept well last night.

Even according to Chen An’s understanding of Cheng Zheng, it may be that Cheng Zheng didn’t sleep last night and was waiting for news from Chen An.

“King Tai was taken away by the envoys of the Song Dynasty?”

Cheng Zheng gloomy face, looking at Chen An opened the mouth and said.

“That’s right.”

Chen An nodded, telling all the events that happened last night one after another, and finally bowed: “It’s the incompetence of the minister, I can’t bring King Tai into line. Stay.”

“No, Chang’an, you have done a good job.”

Cheng Zheng’s face was still gloomy, but when he looked at Chen An, his expression eased slightly. : “I already know about yesterday’s news.”

“Liu Sheng is a great sage of the Song Dynasty, and even I can’t help but marvel at the arrangement he made.”

“Chang’an, it is not easy for you to catch up with King Tai under such a delicate arrangement, not to mention that there is an astral qi guard beside King Tai.”

In the end, his His face became more and more ugly: “Song Dynasty is loyal and brave to wait for Yang Zhong, this is my old opponent of Great Hua, Duke Jian and your grandfather Chang’an have all fought against this person, but none of them got any advantage from this person. Difficult to deal with.”


After hearing what Cheng Zheng said, Chen An followed the words and sighed said: “This Song Dynasty loyal and brave waiter It is indeed tyrannical, and the astral qi is terrifying, and the minister is not an opponent.”

“It’s okay.”

Cheng Zheng reluctantly laughed, and comforted: “Although loyal and brave, it is relatively strong compared to Chang’an. As far as you are concerned, it is only a matter of the earlier Cultivation cheapness. With your talent in Changan, it is only a matter of time before you surpass Zhongyonghou.”

“I hope so.”

Chen An nodded, deeply sighed.

Looking at it like this, I don’t know what a setback I thought.

Seeing Chen An like this, Cheng Zheng also felt comforted, so he said with a smile: “I heard that you fought with that Song Dynasty loyalist for one hour?”

“Today, someone from the South Gate came to report that it has been greatly deformed. It was affected by the showdown between you and Zhongyonghou, and the impact was not good.”

“It’s the fault of the minister.”

Chen An’s face was full of sincerity: “I only focused on killing the enemy at that time, but forgot to restrain myself.”

“If you dare to restrain yourself against that loyal and brave waiter, I am afraid that I will not be able to see you now. I’m done.”

Cheng Zheng said with a smile: “It’s not good to say, in this entire Great Hua, who is willing to fight for me and that loyal and brave candidate like last night, I am afraid that only Chang’an, you’re here.”

He seemed to have thought of something, and his face suddenly turned gloomy.

Chen An was silent for a while.

Needless to say, looking at Cheng Zheng like this, most of the time he ate shriveled.

According to Chen An’s estimation, Cheng Zheng also invited two people in Shengjing to worship last night, hoping to let them take action.

But this result, needless to say.

After all, the two worshipers were not familiar with him. If the late emperor was still there, it might be easier to say, but they might not listen to Cheng Zheng’s words.

After all, astral qi Martial Artist is proud.

Chen An remained silent, looking ahead, seemingly a little angry, Cheng Zheng didn’t say a word.

The Imperial Family worshipping Cheng Zheng is not very helpful, which is actually good for Chen An.

After all, there is no comparison, how can Chen An be valuable?

“Your Majesty.”

After a moment of silence, Chen An suddenly said: “In the battle last night, I feel that my strength is not enough, and I want to retreat to Cultivation for a while.”

“I wonder if I can get into the Imperial Family treasure land, and Cultivation in it for a while?”

He began to ask for benefits.


Cheng Zheng was stunned for a while, and a look of hesitation appeared on his face.

Don’t get me wrong.

He is not reluctant to bear those so-called treasures.

He just couldn’t bear to be such a good helper as Chen An.

For such a long time, he has always used Chen An as his helper.

It’s a bit reluctant to leave now.

But after a little hesitation, he was nodded and said, “Since you want to retreat in Chang’an, then go.”

“Hold my token, within Great Hua. You can go there by yourself, and no one will stop you.”

Good guy.

There are three treasures at the first opening, which is quite generous.

“Then many thanks Your Majesty.”

A smile appeared on Chen An’s face.

“Before you leave, don’t forget to go to the arsenal.”

Seeing Chen An’s appearance, Cheng Zheng couldn’t help but smile: “I have already prepared people for what you want. Don’t forget to get it.”

What do I want?

Chen An was stunned for a while, and then quickly reacted, with joy in his heart.

A moment later, Chen An left.

Cheng Zheng was the only one left in the great hall.

After Chen An left, Cheng Zheng’s face became extremely gloomy immediately.

“Have you found out who are contributing?”

Cheng Zheng looked gloomy and looked at the screen behind him: “There is a fire in the city, what are the guards doing in this city? The action is so slow!”

There was an uncontrollable anger in his voice.

King Tai disappeared from the mansion and was taken away by the Great Song embassy.

This incident may seem ordinary, but what it reveals is not simple.

There must be a lot of people inside Great Hua secretly working together with the Great Song embassy to bring King Tai out in one fell swoop.

Otherwise, even if there was an astral qi lurking in He Dasong’s mission, it was impossible to take King Tai out without a sound.

“I don’t know how many people in Shengjing are secretly sponsoring King Tai, and even this Imperial Palace is uneasy.”

Cheng Zheng’s face became more and more ugly: “I am a dignified emperor. Your honor, how dare someone refuse the imperial decree!”

What he said was that the two people in Shengjing enshrined.

Cheng Zheng is not incompetent either.

Chen An and Yang Zhong fought for so long outside Shengjing City last night, and Cheng Zheng naturally received the news early.

Immediately upon receiving the news, he immediately sent someone to invite the two worshipers out, hoping to use the power of the two worshipers to suppress Zhongyong Hou Yangzhong and help Chen An win.

The result didn’t expect that the two worshipers were in retreat, ignoring his imperial decree at all.

This situation is embarrassing.

Every time Cheng Zheng thought about the situation last night, his heart could not help burning with anger.

As the emperor, there are people under his command, but he can’t even use them.

“After all, the two worshippers were supported by the first emperor, and among them are my clan elders.”

Behind the screen, Liu Chu’s helpless voice came: “After all, I have a relationship with Chang’an. It is different.”

The two worshipers currently stationed in Shengjing are closely related to the late emperor.

One is a genius drawn from outside by the previous emperor, and the other is a figure cultivated by the previous emperor from the ancestral temple.

These two people have been with the late emperor for many years. Among them, another is the elder of the Great Hua clan, who is loyal to Great Hua.

But for Cheng Zheng’s loyalty, that’s not necessarily the case.

If someone attacks Shengjing, then they will certainly take action without saying much.

But if Cheng Zheng took the initiative to issue an edict, then whether they would accept it or not would depend on their mood.

“I only know the value of astral qi today.”

Cheng Zheng couldn’t help but sighed and reluctantly suppressed his mood.

In fact, this problem is not only for him at the moment, but the emperors of all dynasties have basically encountered it.

For ordinary people, when the emperor is angry, he will bury millions of corpses.

But for aloof and remote’s astral qi, it’s the same thing.

Every new emperor ascends the throne, the astral qi Martial Artists all around are basically left over from the past, maybe they can be driven, but they will definitely not be as obedient as others.

If you want to have a group of obedient astral qi, you must cultivate it yourself, and gradually cultivate the team.

Thinking of this, Cheng Zheng barely felt some comfort in his heart.

“Fortunately, I still have Chang’an.”

He sighed, and this thought flashed through his mind.

Compared to others, he has been much luckier.

At least he has just taken up the position now, and he already has Chen An, an astral qi to follow.

There is still a long time in the future, when the time comes, it is enough to slowly cultivate your own team.

He thought so, and he could only comfort himself like this.

While Cheng Zheng was comforting himself, what was Chen An doing?

He’s in the arsenal.

With Cheng Zheng’s token, Chen An easily entered Great Hua’s arsenal.

To a certain extent, this is one of the most important places in Great Hua, the second only to Great Hua’s ancestral temple.

Because it contains all the accumulations of Great Hua since the founding of Great Hua Taizu.

The martial arts collected by Great Hua over the centuries are all displayed here.

This is far more spectacular than the Bai Family’s arsenal.

The Bai Family’s arsenal, although it is said to be an arsenal, is not as large as a small library. There are only a few bookshelves in the entire arsenal, and even one room is not full.

The Dahua arsenal in front of me will be much more substantial, with bookshelves everywhere.

There are so many dazzling martial skills and even internal refining methods.

It has already crushed the Bai Family arsenal in numbers.

Not just in quantity, of course, but also in quality.

“Profound Ice Vigor, Chen Clan’s Martial Scripture.”

Chen An flipped through the books in the arsenal, and then couldn’t help but be surprised.

There are many martial arts in this arsenal, among which there are quite a few of Astral Qi Realm’s martial arts.

In addition to some that Chen An has never seen before, Chen Clan’s Martial Scripture from the Chen Family’s ancestry is also among them.

This is a good guy.

I don’t know if the ancestors of the Chen Family voluntarily turned it over or robbed it by the Great Hua Imperial Court.

In addition to Chen Clan’s Martial Scripture, several other Aristocratic Family astral qi martial arts also have them.

The content is quite comprehensive.

Basically, as long as Chen An has heard the name, most of them can be found here.

Even if you can’t find it, there may be some scraps.

“It’s really rich”

Chen An couldn’t help sighed.

This is the essence of a country.

Compared with the arsenal in front of me, neither the Bai Family nor the Duke Chen mansion that Chen An had seen before are nothing.

Compared with the dazzling arsenals in front of them, the arsenals in those two places are just a little trouble.

However, although there are many martial arts in the arsenal, they are not very useful to Chen An.

What he really cares about is the gift that Cheng Zheng prepared for him.

Under his expectation, a maid soon came and handed over a box.

Open the box and the contents are quickly revealed.

Chen An suddenly smiled.

What’s inside the box is nothing but the Innate part of Profound Ice Vigor.

In other words, it is an Innate martial arts.

Without the slightest hesitation, Chen An immediately picked up the book and put it in front of him to read it carefully.

One chapter is missing, then make up

(end of this chapter)

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