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One Planet for Everyone! Building Science and Technology Civilization at the Beginning

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Chapter 132

Chapter 132: Crazy Elimination and Tang Qingqing is out


When the third hour is about to come, in all exam rooms, there are only a little over a thousand candidates left. Originally there were a total of hundreds of millions of students, but only these peerless geniuses can continue to exist on this stage. No one is weak. If they can get here, there is no such thing as a fluke. To last longer, the remaining geniuses that are fighting, use their trump card one after another. 

When the third hour came, there is a stronger pressure from the entrance and a huge figure appeared, It is another giant bug, but it feels strange. The size of these Zergs did not increase, but seeing the extra carapace on these Zergs, everyone knows that this hour is gonna be harder. 

“The Zerg is coming!” 

“In this hour, it will be all Zerg generals. After ten minutes, it will gradually increase. In the beginning, it will be ordinary Zerg generals, followed by elite Zerg generals, advanced Zerg generals, and so on. As soon as you pass this exam, you will be guaranteed to have a place in a super-first-class university.” 

Each of the big men had a calm face, from the first two hours of the Zerg army offensive, they’d already guessed what kind of Zerg will appear in an hour. 

In the conference room of the No. 7 Middle School, the people’s expressions were unprecedentedly tense. 

After the Zerg finishes checking the situation on the side of the Great Wilderness Army at the entrance, it’s rush quickly forward. The speed and agility of the insect soldiers are even stronger than before. 


No order is required, the Great Wilderness Army opened fire directly. Hundreds of artillery pieces fire frantically non-stop. The shells formed a dense net of shells in the air, which almost cover the entire sky, and fell within the army of Zerg, causing a burst of explosions. 


A shell landed in the center of a dozen Zergs. Four or five of them were killed on the spot and the rest are serious injuries. 

The lethality is still good, but the expressions on the faces of the people on the city wall became more and more intense. They found out that the resistance of these Zerg is significantly stronger than the previous one. 

“It’s the armor on these Zergs!” After observing for a while, a scholar said: “The biggest difference between these new Zerg and the previous ones is just a layer of gray-black armor. Relying on this layer of armor, it can effectively buffer the attack of artillery.” 

Bullets are also firing like crazy. A bullet hit a bug, but it didn’t die and is still moving forward. 

“Bullets can’t kill these Zergs directly.” A scholar frowned: “It is estimated that more bullets are needed!” 

Compared to the first round of Zerg, the defenses of these Zergs are greatly enhanced. But under the firepower of the Great Wilderness Army, the army of Zerg rushing up is still getting knocked to the ground or torn apart by shells. 

The first ten minutes passed quickly. Although the army of Zerg is covered with armor, it still can’t stop the continuous bombardment of shells and bullets. It was wiped out five hundred meters away. 

The second ten minutes followed and it is the Zerg again. The strength of the Zerg will be strengthened again and the gray-black armor covering the body continues to thicken and increase. 


A soldier of the Great Wilderness Army shot a bullet and it hit the thick armor. It passed through, but only through the armor, there is no threat to the body below. 

“Everyone pay attention, cooperate, a small team of two or three people will kill a Zerg together!” Chang Yuchun ordered loudly. 

The Great Wilderness Army immediately adjusted its tactics slightly. After several years of training and actual combat, the cooperation and tacit understanding between the Great Wilderness Army are very good. Now, five or six bullets were fired in a salvo at the Zerg general together. 

The army of Zerg generals is surging wildly. One wave after another keeps rushing in from the planet channel. 

After the second ten minutes. 

The third ten minutes. 

Until the sixth ten minutes, the Zerg that came in will be stronger and stronger. The most obvious is the gray-black armor behind it is getting thicker. In the end, five or six soldiers are needed to join forces to be able to break these armors and kill them. 

After the third hour has come to an end, some soldiers couldn’t help but take a breath. Everyone’s hands feel like they are about to be cut off, but they are unable to rest. When the fourth hour came, a new powerful Zerg appeared. Inside the channel, there is a pressure that is more powerful than the Zerg general. 

And this time, people also found out that after the third hour, although the difficulty is much higher than before, the number of candidates who were eliminated was not much, only a hundred or so. 

At this time, in all exam rooms, there are less than 1,000 people left, more than 900 candidates. But to survive the third hour, many of these candidates have used their trump cards. 

A new Zerg appeared, the shape is no different from before, but the armor behind it covers a larger area and the pressure from its body is sharper. Most obviously, its mouth has razor-sharp teeth that make people shudder. 

“It’s a Zerg Commander.” 

“The Zerg Commander is stronger than the Zerg General, but not much. In this hour, there should not be too many people eliminated!” 

“In the fourth hour, it is estimated that at most 100 will be eliminated.” 

“Don’t look at it like that, what kind of candidates are these left? All of them are talents of at least our level, or even stronger! There are also powerful trump cards in their hand, how can they be easily eliminated?” 

“Yeah, these people are the genius who has the most hope of competing for places in the super-first-class universities, and the families and forces behind them will spare no expense!” 

Not just these planet masters, even a group of candidates saw that there was no change in the rankings. The competition this year is terrifying. 


On the battlefield, countless shells and bullets poured down and blast these powerful Zerg Commander to smithereens. They are all intercepted 500 meters away. 

Jiang Fan, who was silently observing, looked at the situation on the planet. Especially the tiredness on the face of the Great Wilderness Army. Even though a Zerg Commander is not strong individually, there are too many. No soldier dares to relax for a second. They put their finger on the trigger and keep pulling. 

The first ten minutes. 

The second ten minutes. 

Sixth ten minutes. 

The Great Wilderness Army suppressed the Zerg Commander at nearly 600 meters away. 

After this fourth hour, nearly 100 candidates were eliminated. In the examination room, there are only more than 800 candidates left. 

“I underestimated these candidates. I didn’t expect more than 800 people to survive, but in the fifth hour, if there is no accident, there will be brand new Zerg, and at least one or two hundred people will be eliminated. Who will end up in the end?” 

The army of Zerg Commander was not able to excite many planet masters, because the candidates that survived are still the majority. 

The pressure from the entrance change again, not just more powerful, there is something special too. A lot of huge figures rushed out in an instant. This Zerg looks different from all the previous bugs. It is over two meters long, has a thicker gray-black armor, and more teeth, especially the fierce aura on it. 

The Great Wilderness Army above the city wall, their complexion changed greatly. Although the number of flying Zerg is less than that of the ones that crawl on the ground, It’s two different concepts. The threat is too great. 

Chang Yuchun took a deep breath and immediately said: “Half of the soldiers, adjust the angle, and shoot these flying Zergs down. They must not be allowed to come within a range of 400 meters!” 

To hit the Zergs flying in the air, it can’t be done with artillery, it mainly depends on the rifle. But compared to the ground, the range in the air is too big. The problem is that these flying speeds are naturally much faster than those crawling on the ground. 

“Get a new weapon.” Seeing the Rifle is too inefficient, Chang Yuchun clenched his fists but had no choice but to give this order. This is another powerful trump card left by the Great Wilderness Army, also because of the restrictions, it can’t be used regularly. But the lethality of this new weapon greatly surpassed the artillery. 

The other candidates, seeing the army of flying Zerg rush in, everyone’s faces changed. Some are quick to respond and hastily threw out their trump card. 

”Sure enough, the advanced Zerg appeared in the fifth hour!” 

“Not only the advanced Zerg, but even the flying Zerg came out, this is the most deadly.” 

“My previous words were still too conservative. After this hour, it is lucky not to be eliminated by 300.” 

In the City Lord’s Mansion Hall, the voices of the planet masters began to grow louder. From the moment they saw the flying insects, they know that within this hour, there will be many candidates who will be eliminated. 

“It’s been a difficult hour, Bu Jingyue should be able to pass it, so focus on Tang Qingqing and Jiang Fan.” In the Seventh meeting room, all the school leaders and teachers concluded. If you can survive the attack of these flying insects, it will determine the ownership of the places in the super-first-class universities. 

On the projected screen, it is directly placed on the planet of Jiang Fan and Tang Qingqing. 

“Qingqing, come on.” Tang Yushu’s eyes also stared at Tang Qingqing’s projection screen, because she is his sister. 

In the hall of the City Lord’s Mansion, Tang Qingqing’s planetary situation is also placed in the most conspicuous position. Everybody knows that Tang Qingqing has met a difficult situation. 

The fast-flying Zerg keeps pouring out of the channel, after a while, it almost filled the entire sky. And it’s rushing towards the magician’s position frantically. Tang Qingqing’s magician army at this time cannot chant large-scale magic. To face these Zerg, it’s all common magic. 

And besides these magician legions, there are also a lot of magic crystals. Magic crystals are minerals that can only be produced on at least level 3 magic planets. In the shortest possible time, it quickly replenishes the magic of the magician. This is a resource provided by Tang Yushu. 

A magician, each cast a spell, mostly a fireball to deal with these Zerg. The flame effect is the best, but unlike before, the Zerg in the air are extremely difficult to hit. At the same time, the advanced Zerg on the ground did not stop moving forward. The Magic Legion can only divide a part of the magicians to stop the army of bugs on the ground. 

Soon, the first flying Zerg rushed to the front and dive into the defensive formation of the warriors. The power of flying insects is not high, it is easily beheaded by a warrior. But the army of flying Zerg behind constantly passes through the blockage of the Magic Legion. The warriors are under unprecedented pressure. 

Although the strength of flying Zerg is average, it is still able to inflict an impact on the warriors. The warriors were attacked by the army of flying Zerg. The Dou Qi energy on their body is gradually weakened. 

Soon, the foremost warrior’s energy is exhausted and his energy armor broke apart. A flying insect saw the timing whistled up. 


The warrior let out a scream, as his right arm was torn off by the mouth of the flying Zerg. Another flying Zerg flew down and swallow this warrior’s head in one bite. Gradually, more and more warriors run out of energy, and they were drowned by the flying Zergs that kept coming. 

Tang Qingqing gritted her teeth and played her last trump card, the most powerful magic scrolls. Sher gave it to the oldest magician to cast. 


After a loud bang from the field, a huge area was emptied, and there are Zergs carcasses everywhere. Many advanced Zergs were killed by the bombing, even the lower flying Zerg in the air were affected. However, the army of Zergs in the back is not affected at all, it continues to pounce like crazy. This is another scary trait of the Zerg, they have no fear and no emotions. Seeing the target, it attacks like crazy. The army of flying Zerg in the sky also continues to surge forward. 

Tang Qingqing had no other cards, even the magic crystal that replenishes the magic power is almost all consumed, she can only watch the energy armor on the warrior get exhausted and then get overwhelmed by an army of Zergs. Many of the magicians in the back have also used up their magic power. 

“Qingqing, hold on.” Tang Yushu clenched his hands tightly, he look unprecedentedly tense. Tang Qingqing’s situation is not very good. 

The swarms of Zergs rush over, the remaining warriors have been completely ignored, toward the magician army behind. The flying insects in the sky are not fools, they directly bypassed the warrior and went straight to the magician behind. 

A magician was bitten by a flying Zerg, there was a scream. Immediately after, more and more flew over, and more and more magicians are being bitten. Because the physique of a magician is no different from that of an ordinary person, under such an attack, they are at least seriously injured. Some even died on the spot. 

Looking at the situation on her planet, Tang Qingqing watched the ranking changes on the leaderboard, while biting her lip tightly. 

On the leaderboard, once a candidate is eliminated from the competition, their name will be greyed out. The army of flying Zerg made many candidates suffer. The speed of elimination is significantly faster than before. 

“Ten more minutes, ten more minutes, I should be able to enter the top 600. Hold on, magicians and warriors, hold on!” 

Look at the ever-greying ranking of the leaderboard, Tang Qingqing kept cheering up the Magician Legion and the warriors. Because the candidates who were eliminated have been the champions of various cities, the top 600 will steadily enter the super-first-class universities 

But this time, the Magician Legion and the warriors are fighting the army of Zergs with all their strength. The screams came one after another and keep ringing. Warriors and magicians are falling under the sharp teeth of the Zergs. It is well known that once the Zergs army entered their position, it can’t be stopped at all. The same goes for Tang Qingqing’s army of magicians and warriors. After holding on for a few minutes, it’s completely broken. On the ground, there were no magicians and warriors to be seen. It’s shocking to see! 


“Give up, Qingqing, give up!” Seeing this, Tang Yushu could only sigh helplessly. The other planet masters also gave attention. 

This time, for every student, it’s the hardest choice ever. If you hold on for ten more minutes, you might win a place in a super-first-class university. But it’s also possible that if you can’t just stand it, the extraordinary race that you created might suffer heavy losses. This has happened in the past in high school. 

The first-level planet is still quite weak, once too many extraordinary species die, it might cause irreversible ecological regression. This is more than the loss of not being admitted to a super-first-class university. This is a tough decision, this is also one of the favorite scenes of the planetary masters. 

Tang Qingqing was not stubborn, her lips were almost bitten, but she still opt-out. The magicians and warriors she made are dying. Tang Qingqing’s ranking settled on, 705th. 

“Hey! I saw that Tang Qingqing was eliminated.” 

Everyone in Seventh Middle School couldn’t help but sigh. What a pity, that’s too regretful. But everyone did not blame Tang Qingqing, after all, if you want to keep going, I am afraid that the army of magicians and warriors will all die. 

There is silence in the meeting room. The first hope is gone. 

“Look at Jiang Fan, he hasn’t been eliminated yet.” Teacher Liu Yue said. 

“Yes, Jiang Fan hasn’t been eliminated yet!” The eyes of other leaders and teachers lit up again! 


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