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Old Hunter of Tomorrow’s Ark

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Chapter 98:

What he took was the wisdom of the ancient gods, not the cucumber that was secretly placed behind Kelsey…

But in the short period of time, Gao Qi really felt an emotion called fear from Kelsey.

Of course, Kelsey’s eyes didn’t see something to fear, but more like… something bad dangerous.

Kelsey is indeed afraid, but it is not about herself, but about the danger of this thing spreading.

[Would you like to try putting a cucumber next time? 】

It can be imagined, but judging from the speed at which Skadi jumped onto the refrigerator just now, Gao Qi knows that even if Mon3tr is not used, the physical fitness of this big lynx is not just ordinary in the operator’s file.

Gao Qi is not as fast as her for the time being. If he dares to play a prank, he will definitely be turned into a grip meter!

“Don’t worry, Kelsey, I’m sure I’m in complete control of it—as for the origin of this thing, that’s an interesting story.”

After ensuring that the surrounding area is completely closed, and that there will be no stunned youth coming over, Gao Qi once again took out the knowledge of the ancient gods from his hunter’s dream.

The skull was quietly burning with flames, instantly raising the temperature in the room by a few degrees.

Skadi brought two sausages and habitually heated them on the skull.

She had not seen Gao Qi playing with this skeleton along the way, and she didn’t know what it was for fun – but it was very convenient for baking things.

Although Gao Qi can also catch fire, the fire control is not uniform, and it is easy to burn.

“This thing isn’t interesting at all, Skadi, please don’t use it as a heating tool—Gauchi, I hope you really understand what this thing means. Although some lunatics have begun to study it, the land of Terra The nations are not yet ready to face this truth.”

And Kelsey finally calmed down. Holding the staff that the old friend gave him, he approached Gao Qi and looked at the skull with disgust and vigilance.

She could feel the crazy and violent power contained in this seemingly fragile and fragile skull.

And its owner… is definitely the great enemy of Terra Continent.

“Gao Qi, I believe that you are here for this – and I do know the knowledge about these existences.”

Kelsey took a deep breath, calmed down some excitement, and looked at Gao Qi calmly.

In fact, she could already guess what happened.

Another ancient ruin was excavated, and such a seemingly ordinary, yet extremely dangerous existence was unearthed.

The excavator may be a Sargon pioneering group in Colombia-maybe there has been a village that has been cognitively polluted, plunged into madness, and will be completely destroyed by Sargon’s front. .

As for how this thing got into Gao Qi’s hands – with the strength of Skadi and Gao Qi, it shouldn’t be difficult to grab this thing.

Kelsey calmed down, even if things were outrageous, she was accustomed to staying calm.

Gao Qi, however, cleared his throat and excitedly told Kelsey the story.

“Ah, then I’ll make a long story short – the expedition of Rhine Life found the fragment of the Foehn from the temple, and let this sealed incarnation escape in advance.”

Skillfully helping Skadi grill the cheese hot dog, Gao Qi told Scadi that he had killed a **** in the Akahura rainforest—at least one thousandth of a god. feat.

Because of the different perspectives, the plots that she understands are also different. Even if she said some things to Skadi, she would definitely not understand.

But for the omniscient Kelsey, Gao Qi is willing to say a few more words.

“And then, Skadi and I hacked him to death—that’s all that’s left now.”

In this way, Gao Qi described his experience of killing gods lightly.

“Ha… What did you say? That’s alive? Are you sure it’s not an illusion or a projection!”

And Kelsey, with her eyes widened, went directly to Gao Qi and grabbed his neckline with both hands – calm down, calm down? !

The situation is simpler than expected, but much more complicated.

For many years, even if it was the first time that thousands of lighthouses on the Iberian coast were instantly extinguished and the power in the ocean began to penetrate the shore, Kelsey had never had such a headache as now.

“Mr. Gao Qi, I think I understand… what the hunters of Yanan used as their prey.”

Taking two steps forward, standing in front of Gao Qi, and looking at the hunter, Kelsey saw emotion and power that did not belong to mortals in the black eyes of this usually cheerful man.

“Ha… In fact, the most common job we do is to hunt wild animals. After all, the meat of wild animals is more delicious.”

Gao Qi’s gaze, from top to bottom, crossed the neckline of Kelsey’s white coat, still remaining calm.

It can only be said that it is slightly bulging, right?

“But this time, do you have more to say to me, Miss Kelsey?”

Gao Qi can guess the purpose of Kelsey’s walk on the earth, but if he wants to gain her true trust and achieve cooperation in Colombia, Gao Qi needs to talk to her honestly and honestly.

Friendship and love need to be cultivated later. Now, the relationship between Gao Qi and Kelsey temporarily needs common interests to maintain.

“It’s a long topic, Gao Qi—and, don’t call me teacher.”

Kelsey sighed rarely and took off her white coat.

“We can talk… about God.”

16. Cooperation, cohabitation with big cats. (5k5)

Kelsey is a doctor, even though her indifferent expression is rarely shown, she really likes others to call her that.

Every time someone calls her that, Kelsey gets a rare sense of satisfaction.

She is a doctor, and she has made a medical student oath that she will heal the sick.

However, the disease that Kelsey wants to cure is definitely not just a simple physical disease.

The decline of the country, the division of society, the opposition of races, the contradictions of the system, the abuse of technology, the insufficiency of people’s hearts… These are the objects she wants to heal.

And Kelsey, the incurable disease is definitely not only the disease of ore disease——

Terra Continent, at the moment, is afflicted with disease and is on the verge of collapse.

There is no calamity in the real world, it is staring at this world, like a pincer beast following the dying, ready to pounce on and bite when the prey is weak.

“From the primitive animism to the present monotheism in religious worship, the worship of the gods has never been cut off on Terra, even if the knights of Casimir overthrew the rule of the gods, and the scientific thinking of Colombia has been suppressed to blind superstition, But the belief in gods is still there.”

In the clinic in the slum, Kelsey was standing in front of a small whiteboard, explaining carefully to a simple map of Terra drawn with a marker.

Now, she has changed back to the classic skin of her green off-the-shoulder dress, holding the ancient Sarkaz staff, which stores the magic unit of Originium to prevent the spirit, as a pointer, and keeps explaining.

In front of her, on the coffee table in the small clinic, Gao Qi and Skadi were listening carefully, while the other was yawning boredly.

“But in fact, the gods are not as supreme as imagined – they are just special beings with powerful powers, and even dangerous… Gao Qi, do you have to cook now, or use that thing?”

After a few words, Kelsey put down her staff, wrapped her hands around her small flat chest that was far inferior to that of Skadi, and swept towards Gao Qi who was on the coffee table with cold eyes.

This man, who was wearing casual clothes and could not see his identity as a hunter at all, was currently frying two fried eggs and a piece of steak in a frying pan that was made out of nowhere.

The steak bought from the local supermarket, after the seasoning was sauteed, the aroma was overflowing, and the squeak of barbecue grease filled the entire laboratory, covering the strong smell of disinfectant in the room.

And as the heat source for cooking, the skull that had just jumped Kelsey onto the refrigerator in shock, was now exuding steady heat under the frying pan.

——The wisdom of Foehn.

Although that reckless man who is completely brainless except for fighting, really has no wisdom at all, but at least his firepower is indeed fierce, and it can be said that it is perfect for cooking.

Gao Qi has obtained the wisdom of many ancient gods in Yanan, but none of them are so hot that they can even be used for cooking. Basically, they are stored, and when they are useful, they can be directly replaced by spiritual vision and knowledge.

Gao Qi thought that it might be Yanan’s superior, who just didn’t have the godhead symbolizing flame.

“Don’t delay, don’t delay, don’t I want to prove its safety for you? Look, although you can feel the threat, it’s actually harmless.”

Putting the pot on the burning skull and swaying at a constant speed, Gao Qi gave Kelsey a thumbs up while cooking.

“And look at you, Dr. Kelsey, there’s no food in the fridge, and you see energy drinks and energy bars on the floor—if I don’t come, are you still going to make do with this tonight? Cook later. Just leave it to me, you have to eat and sleep on time for me honestly.”

Gao Qi flipped the frying pan skillfully as if wielding a weapon, and turned the steak over, while Skadi stared at the food flying up and down, for fear of being robbed by Kelsey.

Gao Qi’s expression is sincere. He seems to be a child who listens carefully to the teacher’s lectures, and also like a parent who takes pains to educate the child.

“As for the dangers of gods, I think I’ve witnessed it – it’s really powerful, it can smash me to pieces with a slap, it’s not Skadi and the warriors in the rainforest, I’m not an opponent when I fight alone. “

Recalling the power of Foehn’s incarnation, and the burning pain that pierced his soul every moment, Gao Qi never wanted to fight that reckless man again.

“Fortunately, it’s only a small part of the power, otherwise the rainforest would be flat now.”

He didn’t tell Kelsey the detailed battle process, and he didn’t mention the God of Yellow Sand who came out to make soy sauce. Gao Qi simply described the process of the God of Foehn being exiled.

“That’s the incarnation of those existences. It’s outrageous that you can exile Him. If you didn’t know the characters of the two of you, I would think you were showing off – I know my health, and I’m focusing on more important things. .”

With a stern face of Sima, Kelsey glared at Gao Qi helplessly.

“The owner of Foehn Wind and Hot Land is one of the few gods with historical records. He resides in the south of Sargon, and has launched more than one attack on Sargon in history… His hostility to human civilization is unquestionable.”

She is talking about such a serious question, but Gao Qi is concerned about her diet, can’t she be a little more serious!

However, with the previous month’s experience, Kelsey has long known Gao Qi’s stubborn character, and knew that as long as he said, he would remember it well, so he continued to say it directly.

“Everywhere he goes is wasteland, but the defense line of Sargon’s material world is still solid. The power of his body cannot pass through the boundary of reality, and the impact on reality will be quickly repaired…”

Thinking back on the research on these “gods” over a thousand years, Kelsey suddenly felt…a little strange.

She hadn’t discussed this topic with anyone for a long time.

Aside from that close friend, Kelsey rarely talks to anyone about the nature of the world and the greatest threat to humanity.

Even the greatest emperor, the most victorious general, and the wisest scholar, Kelsey seldom mentioned this to them.

Meat-eaters are contemptuous, unable to plan far.

It’s not that they are really stupid people, but the position of rulers makes them destined to sit in the temple, and it is impossible to waste precious taxes on an “imaginary crisis”.

Now, Kelsey discussed the crisis facing the world with these two hunters who were not really familiar with them.

Even the girl named Skadi didn’t understand these things at all, and didn’t bother to listen at all.

“If the person who witnessed his appearance did not have a strong will, he would also fall into endless anger and frenzy, and finally began to fight against all living creatures… This is the God of Foehn in the historical records.”

The most notable feature of the “God” defined by Kelsey is the collective mental pollution.

Even the so-called “god fragments” can cause enough harm to affect many people.

“On the border of Sargon, Alfonso was eroded by the power of the Foehn and turned into an out-of-control humanoid bomb – that’s why I came to San Foucault, Colombia’s research has tended to get out of control , I have to stop the incident before it goes wrong.”

Kelsey came to St. Foucault not just to be a doctor.

Two areas away from the colony of infected people is the Takla Valley, the top research area in San Foucault.

And where, some researchers have easily crossed the bottom line that absolutely cannot be crossed.

They may attract dangerous gods and send their greedy tentacles deep into the real world.

“Of course, I’m glad that you can drive out the forces that don’t belong to Terra, but be careful, as long as the Foehn is alive, his influence will still exist, and we must always be on guard.”

Although Kelsey claimed to be omniscient, she felt unbelievable when she learned that Gao Qi and Skadi had exiled the power of the gods – even if it was only a fragment.

“Don’t worry, we spent another week with Gavial in the tribe. Everyone who participated in the battle was in good spirits. I think there is no problem at all – Skadi! Don’t grab it with your hands!”

The steak was fried quickly, and Gao Qi had not had time to put it on a plate. He always looked extraordinarily tender, but in fact, his slender hands, who were not at all afraid of being hot, took out the hot steak from the frying pan.

“Well, Gao Qi is very powerful – I felt scared when it exploded at the end, but then it was just a flash of white light and nothing happened.”

Skadi didn’t wait for the food to get cold, so he hurriedly squeezed the steak with his hands and threw it into his mouth, not afraid of being hot at all.

“Skaty, at least use a fork, no one will rob you.”

Gao Qi sighed, took out a napkin from his pocket, and wiped Skadi’s mouth.

Of course, he knew that in the temple of Akahura, the power of Foehn had affected every warrior who participated in the battle, making them irritable and impulsive.

However, after the battle, both Gavial and Temimi have regained their composure.

In their descriptions, it was also under a burst of white moonlight that they regained their rationality.

That’s Gao Qi’s power – belonging to the hunter’s dream, from the pale blood, the power of the moon god.

Gao Qi also learned later that the power he used to exile the Foehn at that time happened to be purified by a group.

Otherwise, maybe those Tiakau warriors would fight themselves because the enemy disappeared.

Only the power of the superior can resist the power of the superior——

Just like the hunter can use the power of the third umbilical cord to replace and devour the moon god, Gao Qi must be as strong as possible in order to face the superiors and family members better.

In order to better understand his own power, to heal the influence of Haizi’s blood on Skadi, and to hunt for new powers, Gao Qi needs Kelsey’s help.

“We’re not just here to catch up, Dr. Kelsey, I just need some research materials about the high-ranking people in this world-since you want to investigate those scientific research institutions, why not add the two of us and work together?”

Standing up, he extended his big hand to Kelsey, Gao Qi smiled.

Unexpectedly, Kelsey just shook the cat’s ears and shook his head decisively.

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