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Old Hunter of Tomorrow’s Ark

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Chapter 54:

“You’re a strange person. Others keep away from the infected community, but you always like to dive in. Are you not afraid of us infected?”

After getting along with Gao Qi for more than half a month, although Gavial is familiar with this guy, he is more and more curious.

The biggest curiosity is this man’s attitude towards the infected.

This is the infected community in Changquan Town. Anyone who suffers from ore disease will move to this community to live. Although it only accounts for more than ten percent of the total population, there are still many residents here.

Since leaving his hometown and working as a freelance mercenary outside the rainforest, Gavier has known what outsiders think about infected people, and even had to hide his identity as an infected person.

Discrimination, expulsion, use of force, whether it is for themselves or their families, the discrimination of healthy people against infected people is innate.

Of course, as long as there is a complete protection system, the possibility of infected people contracting ore disease is almost zero, but obviously, the barren Sargon region cannot do this.

This kind of lord who will build a community for the infected is already a rare good person.

“Young man, I’m right, Miyaro is a good boy.”

Just in front of the two of them, sitting on the chair across the narrow and messy street, there was a thin, weak old man Leboli with jagged black crystals growing on his arms and chest.

He is already weak, has difficulty breathing, and will die at any time. After the body crystallizes, it turns into Originium powder, becoming a new source of pollution, which can be said to be no different from a bomb.

Even for other infected people, such severely infected people are kept at a distance, let alone those who are healthy.

But it was such a “bomb” that when he accidentally fell to the ground just now, he was directly lifted up by Gao Qi without hesitation.

“Thank you, uncle, this is for you, take care of yourself.”

Gao Qi, who was beside Gavier, walked up to the infected old man and patted a few pills in his hand as a reward for asking him for directions.

Turning his head, he looked at Gavier with a smile, and replied jokingly.

“I’m afraid, of course I’m afraid, but there are also handsome and beautiful girls like you among the infected. If I discriminate against the infected like everyone else, wouldn’t I miss the chance to meet you?”

In fact, Gao Qi is not afraid of ore disease, and even though the liquid Originium in his body has been suppressed, the content is still increasing steadily.

Originium did not harm him, but coexisted with Gao Qi in a low-profile way.

Oripathic patients are “parasitic” by Originium, ruthlessly plundering the nutrients in their bodies and supporting them to gradually spread—in the ghost shark’s body, the huge black shadow that Gao Qi saw must be related to Originium consciousness.

But if Gao Qi was not a hunter, just an ordinary person who came to Terra, and did not have the ability to be immune to Oripathy, what would he do?

However, Gao Qi knew that if he rejected the infected, wouldn’t it be the same as rejecting so many lovely girls on Rhode Island – he absolutely couldn’t do it!

“…Huh? You—what an old bastard! Fuck you—but I like to hear your words.”

Hearing Gao Qi’s words, Gavial suddenly couldn’t help laughing and crying, and the big green tail behind him flicked twice and slammed on the ground.

This man’s attitude towards the infected is like… the hometown she wants to go back to, the people from her hometown.

“If you hadn’t smuggled in from Iberia, I’d have thought you were idiots from Akahura – well, you’re good looking, but I don’t like your arm wrestling. Can’t compare to my man, after the supplies are over, it’s time to continue on the road.”

Grabbing the corner of Gao Qi’s clothes, Gavier dragged him out of the city.

“By the way, what about Skadi? Wasn’t she with you just now?”

Bibi couldn’t compare to this Adaclis elder sister at all, so Gao Qi was pulled and walked forward, but he looked left and right but didn’t find another hunter.

She is the protagonist of this journey.

“Skaty? You were with me just now. I seem to have seen a food stall. She has money anyway, so I’ll let her—”

“Kill her—catch her!”

However, before Gavile could answer, there was a scream in front of the two of them.

Immediately afterwards, they saw a white-haired girl in a black hunter’s uniform at the end of the street, waving her arms, causing a gust of wind and blowing sand, and galloping to the two of them.

The red eyes were full of panic, and Skadi was holding a crisp rice candy in his small mouth, grabbed Gao Qi’s sleeve directly, and hid behind him.

“I, I just touched it lightly, and the jar was broken. An old lady said that it was an antique jar from the Yan Kingdom. She screamed and asked me for a lot of money, and a few big guys came around, so I beat him up. They had a meal…then more people came after!”

Although this bounty hunter was able to kill Hai Si who was several stories tall, she was a little scared when she looked at the crowd behind her. After all, she promised Gao Qi that she could not do anything to ordinary people.

“Hahaha, this is really—no wonder you can’t worry about him.”

Gavier shrugged, his smile even brighter.

“Ha… Okay, in today’s class, we’ll talk about what ‘touching porcelain’ is. Before that – Nigelu!”

Pulling up Skadi’s hand, Gao Qi and Gavier ran out of the city together—of course, he was soon carried by Skadi.

Skadi, is getting to know the world on land little by little, and Gao Qi is also getting the whole picture of Terra.

And the dense rainforest is not far from them.


“Hu, hu, hu… The tower, the city wall, the door that can’t be opened, my Leviathan—it’s not here either, Mingming, I feel it, did I find the wrong one again?”

Wearing a black dress, the red-haired girl with two horns on her head was holding a long burning knife, breathing heavily while looking at the twisted coke around her.

Around, the lush rainforest has been completely destroyed, burning a raging fire.


As the last enemy disappeared, the red-haired girl seemed a little tired and fell directly on the charred ground, falling into a deep sleep.

Soon, a big tail slowly emerged from the surrounding woods.

“…Wow, dead! You’re not dead, don’t scare Temimi!”

19. Welcome to Akahura!


With an obvious sound of deflation, the dusty jeep finally stopped in the yellow sand.

“Ha, I think the drive shaft is broken. After all, I ran half a Sargon, my poor old man, and finally broke down. I will miss you.”

Shaking the pointed ears on top of his head helplessly, Gavier patted the dust on his shoulders, let go of the steering wheel in his hand, and stepped out of the driver’s seat of the jeep.

“Gaoqi, Skadi, we have to walk on our legs next – I’ve been away from my hometown for several years, but our broken place may not change for more than ten years, so we shouldn’t remember the wrong way.”

Turning around, looking at the two sleeping soundly in this jeep, Gavill sighed.

“Ha, I slept really soundly.”

During the more than 20 days of travel, the group stopped and went, drove, rested, supplied supplies, occasionally encountered robbers and beasts blocking the road, and still moved their bodies. In short, nothing major happened.

And Gavier, a wandering wanderer, was also on his way home, and he was very familiar with these two “bounty hunters” who were just strangers.

On the back seat of the jeep, a man in a burnt black trench coat was posing as indifferently as usual, with Erlang’s legs crossed, maintaining a sitting posture and falling asleep.

Beside him, a white-haired girl also dressed in a hunter’s uniform, also quietly leaned on her shoulder, and a pair of small hands grabbed the man’s arm.

“Ha, if he just fell asleep and didn’t speak, he’d still be a handsome guy, but unfortunately he’d become a comedian as soon as he opened his mouth—if only he had more strength.”

Gavier was half-kneeling on the seat, looking at the handsome face of the man that fit her aesthetic, and sighed softly.

The men in my hometown are all crocodile heads. After leaving the rainforest, Gavier slowly developed a normal aesthetic.

His name is Gao Qi, and he’s a weird person. Even though he’s sleeping to death now and can’t wake up even when he screams, even if an Originium worm runs by, he will immediately raise his knife and get up.

This guy claims to be a hunter, but his physical strength is very weak, but Gavier heard him explain that many Agor people are very weak, so he believed his words.

Of course, he is indeed an excellent hunter.

The wilderness of Sargon is full of wild beasts, ranging from Originium worms that spit acid to giant rock crabs and sand worms that are bigger than cars. When Gao Qi first dealt with them—to be honest, they were all embarrassed.

Although he said that he knew that the high-energy stone worm would explode, he still misjudged the scope of the explosion and was blown up and hung directly on the tree.

But as long as you successfully understand the opponent’s weakness, after the next encounter, you will really turn into a hunter, turning the original embarrassment into pure killing.

According to Gao Qi, the hunter named Yanan will not be defeated twice by the same move, unless he is disabled.

Gavier had to admit that Gao Qi’s fighting skills and fighting far surpassed his own, and he was simply a machine that was honed and born for hunting.

If it’s arm wrestling, Gavill can beat four or five Gaoqi alone.

But if it’s a real fight for life…

Gavier is not sure, he and Gao Qi, who survived in the end, because—

Crack, click, click—

Accompanied by a crisp, sour bone cracking sound, Gavier watched helplessly as Gao Qi’s arm, which could have easily wielded a giant blade, was easily broken under the embrace of those much slender hands. Three sections.


Gavier swallowed and rubbed her forearm subconsciously. She had never enjoyed this kind of pain – no one had the ability to break her bones.

With such a severe comminuted fracture, even a strong Adaclis man must be in tears. Even if he is treated in time, it will take a month to heal, and two or three months to restore its original strength.

But suffering this kind of heavy damage, the man in front of him, Gao Qi would smile and inject a bottle of blood taken from wild boars, large phoenixes, rock crabs, Originium worms and other prey into his body, and then in less than half a minute can grow it well.

This is also the reason why Gavier doesn’t think he can beat this guy. His recovery ability has exceeded the limit of medical common sense and physiology. Even if ten medical Originium artists gather together for treatment, it is impossible to regenerate so quickly. effect!

However, if you can’t beat him, you can’t beat him. Gavier is not discouraged at all—she is a doctor, a future angel in white, how could an angel need to beat someone!

Definitely not needed! Right!

“Well… don’t move, it hurts.”

Even, the bones on his forearm have been broken into three pieces, but this man named Gao Qi did not wake up in pain, but continued to fall asleep sweetly, and even subconsciously patted the white with the intact hand. hair on the back of the girl’s hand.

If it weren’t for this weird, twisted arm, Gavill would definitely think that these two are some kind of couple.

And obviously, Gao Qi has adapted to this kind of pain.

When he was just on the road, Gavial always saw him get up, rubbing his collapsed chest, and straightening his broken ribs one by one.

And now, no matter how much injury, it can no longer affect Gao Qi’s sleep.

The existence of this guy will definitely **** off the doctors of bone surgery.

By the way, the sharp “meat-saw” fits Gavill’s aesthetics. Gavill likes to play with it. The clanging sound of the deformation process is particularly pleasant, and it will not get tired of cutting it no matter how you cut it.

Gao Qi was pure and white, unlike Gavill himself, who was infected with ore disease.

However, he is not afraid of Gavill, the mineral sickness, which is why Gavill admires this guy.

As for Gao Qi’s side, the girl with long soft white hair, cute and quiet appearance, like a princess in a fairy tale, but who easily pinched Gao Qi’s arm into three pieces, was named Skadi.

She is also an Agor, but Gao Qi said that this strange power in her body is the result of acquired practice, and has nothing to do with innate blood – a ghost!

This guy, Skadi, can kick a sandworm weighing several hundred pounds as a ball, use the giant sword behind his back as a bat, smash the robber’s car dozens of meters away, and tear open a crab with his hands. Bulletproof armor plates…

Gavial’s strength is already quite strong, but after she happily wrestled her wrists against Skadi for the first time, and was killed in seconds without holding on for half a second, she understood the gap between herself and Skadi.

Ten times, a hundred times? Skadi’s strength is just as outrageous as Gao Qi’s recovery ability.

Among the strong races that Gavier has seen, in addition to the Adaklis people, there are also the Sarkaz people. As for Vayvan, it is even better. Those guys are even more outrageous.

In legends, the Drake royal family of Victoria and the royal dragon family of the Yan Kingdom in the far east have a physical quality that surpasses that of Vayvan.

But, obviously, those powers are still within the realm of human beings, as for Skadi… that is outrageous **** open the door to outrageous – outrageous home!

Fortunately, although Skadi is strong, he is not an almighty superhuman.

Skadi is extremely lacking in common sense in life, and is full of curiosity about everything, and always likes to pester Gao Qi with questions.

Moreover, in terms of social interaction, this girl’s temperament is even more straight than Gavill, and she is almost completely ignorant of communication.

With that expressionless face and the huge sword behind him, even if he asked for directions, it was easy to scare people, making people think they were robbers, kneeling down and begging for mercy while handing over their belongings.

Of course, like a few days ago, I was deceived by an inferior method of touching porcelain, and in turn beat a liar, and ended up being treated as a smasher and chased by a bunch of people. It also happened from time to time.

Skadi felt like an ignorant child. Even if he mastered power, he would easily suffer.

Fortunately, there is also a guardian – Gao Qi followed her. In Gavill’s view, the relationship between the two is not a couple, but more like a father and daughter.

Gao Qi has satisfied all the requirements of Skadi, and his cooking skills are not bad, and Gavial followed suit.

Now, next to Skadi, there is a half-eaten charcoal-roasted sandworm leg.

Of course, in the same way, Skadi didn’t discriminate against the mineral patients in the slightest.

However, unlike Gao Qi’s attitude, who deeply understands the suffering of ore patients, Skadi seems to have never heard of this disease and has no understanding of ore disease at all.

Gavill felt that this girl might come from a good place without ore disease.

However, in any case, although these two bounty hunters are weird among weirdos.

But Gavial was quite happy to be able to walk with the two of them.

After seeing Gao Qi and Skadi, Gavier knew that in those legends of heroes, one person formed an army and one person destroyed the country. The humanoid natural disaster was not just a story.

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