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Old Hunter of Tomorrow’s Ark

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Chapter 472:

Gloria is not a ruthless person. The death of all her comrades-in-arms who have been with her day and night is also a big blow to her. At that time, when she saw Skadi, a hunter who had achieved great achievements and completed her mission, she was still relieved. .

She didn’t care, the Landman who didn’t look powerful, but Skadi was entitled to the vacation, she deserved it.

However, after she took the shark to explore on land, Gloria realized that maybe her guess was not completely correct.

Even with the death of the core center, Haisi’s activity has not stopped. She needs to recall Skadi to her side and continue to investigate.

And not long ago, Urbian, the captain of the third brigade, also suddenly approached Gloria and told her an astonishing fact.

The war in which almost all deep sea hunters died was not a victory, but… a sacrifice.

Urbian’s experience reminded them of a possibility, Hai Si – looking for a brand new god!

A super individual who is more powerful and excellent than the original Haisi God, and more able to lead the Haisi collective.


And that existence… is Skadi, this girl who is a little dazed and wants to ask for leave all day long to go home!

She must be allowed to return to the team immediately and imagine a way to deal with it. Gloria also needs to return to Agor as soon as possible to issue a warning to the high-level council…

Recently, good news has also spread. Haisi’s offensive has begun to retreat, many fish have begun to migrate to the coast, and the shark Laurentina’s condition has become particularly good. Gloria just wants to wait Katie returned to the team, and then immediately took her back to Agor, studied her carefully, and completely solved the Haizi problem.

Then… Skadi appeared in front of her.

She didn’t just come alone, but also brought a group of people. Now she is snuggling up to the previous hunter, with a bright smile on her face that a deep-sea hunter, a warrior, and an Agor will never have. .

“I’m already married, Gloria, although it’s just a registration, but after we resolve all the problems, we will hold a make-up wedding—be sure to come and drink our wedding wine!”

In the past, killer whales have always been liked by other deep-sea hunters. Everyone always thought she was simple, but she was simple. This feeling was all based on the identity of the Agor people.

But now, Skadi’s little face is full of a happy smile. She looks happy now, not like a soldier at all, but…a woman!

What’s even more frightening is that from time to time, there are bursts of obvious aura that belongs to Haisi from her body.

Of course, this is not a fishy smell, but deep-sea hunters will never mistake the smell of Hai Si, the blood of Hai Si flows in their veins, after that battle, what Gloria “cleaned up” became Haisi’s hunters are even more numerous.

And now, Skadi…has also merged with Haisi.

“What did you do to the killer whale!”

In the ocean, countless seawater was rolled up by an unknown force and merged into Gloria’s body, cooling her skin that was constantly heated and hot due to her rapid progress. Gloria did not Hesitantly launched an assault on the man.

This land person is absolutely unbelievable, the threat he gives Gloria is unimaginable!


However, this attack, which was so fast that even other deep-sea hunters could hardly catch it, was gently blocked in front of him by a double-ended sword.

This haughty and icy huntress, who is somewhat similar to her temperament, is as fast as her, and as powerful as her.

Her flood-like attacks were blocked one by one by her flaming and thunderous blades, accompanied by merciless ridicule.

In the next second, Skadi suddenly moved, and Gloria couldn’t even feel her movement. She almost flashed directly in front of her, and hugged her in her arms with great strength.

“Second captain, calm down, listen to my explanation, I’m really fine, I’m not Hai Si, you see, I’m different from those crazy people, I won’t say anything strange! I’m normal! “

Scarti guessed that Gloria regarded herself as a sea child, so she wrapped herself around her body like an octopus without hesitation. The little man who was a head shorter than Gloria burst into a huge With the strength, he hugged her tightly, unable to move.

“I just, according to Gao Qi, snatched something from Hai Si and came back. I am almost in a semi-god state now. We are here to solve Hai Si’s problem and save Agor!”

Although she kept trying to explain something, Skadi’s eloquence still maintained a stable performance. Although Gao Qi and Kelsey explained to her many times, now she still has a half-knowledge of her own state, coupled with poor eloquence, trying to explain After a long time, Gloria still didn’t understand at all.

“Damn it—whale, you’ve been bewitched! Don’t believe him, you’re a deep-sea hunter and an Agor warrior! Look at him, he’s still kissing other women. Is this the love you believe in?”

Gloria didn’t understand at all, and retorted without hesitation. She pointed at the side and secretly took advantage of Maria. After kissing her, Luoyang directly stabbed Gao Qi, who was cross-dressing, with an expression It’s full of disgust.

“It’s okay, Maria likes Gao Qi very much, but she’s just a little shy—the most important thing is that you calm down first, sister Ling, you can help me persuade her!”

Embracing Geletia in front of her body easily, Skadi turned her head to ask for help from several year old beasts not far away.

“Hey, the Agor people are still as proud as they used to be. Only when you are proud can you stay on the bottom of the sea. You are both developed and old-fashioned. On the contrary, you are not as good as your compatriots on the shore… The last time you sleepwalked in the deep sea was a hundred years ago.”

On the side, the year-old beasts just watched the show silently. This is the housework of the Agor people. What are they, the Yan Kingdom gods, getting involved with?

“Killer Whale, you—”

Finally, Gloria understood that she could not break free from Skadi’s shackles with her own strength, but feeling the approach of another breath, she finally ignited hope again.

“Shark, get that man under control!”

In the next second, in Gao Qi’s field of vision, a girl with white hair and red pupils in a long black dress like a nun rushed out of the ocean violently, wielding a huge chainsaw.

Sensing his presence, Gao Qi pulled Luo Yang out of his body, and stretched out his arms towards the figure exuding an aura of intimacy.

“Ah, I see you again at last, my Lord, my God, my love—Gauchi.”

The next second, accompanied by a singing voice, the girl named Laurentina crashed into Gao Qi’s arms, stood on tiptoe, and gave Gao Qi a deep kiss, with boundless tenderness in her eyes.

And in Gao Qi’s perception, this one, like Skadi, his original dependent, finally returned to him.

At the same time, Laurentina, the ghost shark, also gave Gloria a thumbs up, which means… I have him under control!


Cough, cough, lazy and lazy, try to keep updating and try to ensure daily updates!

Let me report on the results of Dorothy Kachi this time. Although she had a full 60-draw guarantee, she finally achieved a rare double yellow, and Chen sir’s potential was increased by one.

This time I still watched the plot of the new event in one breath, how should I put it—congratulations (clap hands).

Miu Miu, Miu Miu is so cute, she has confirmed her identity as an elf, don’t worry, I will immediately arrange a role for her in the future, and I must turn her into a wife!

There is also the love and hatred of the general governor. I didn’t expect that the secret of the sky line is also related to her. I actually let her study the **** of the starry sky…

It’s time for her to appear in the last volume! I want to write about the love-hate relationship between Christen and Sereya!

I’m going to tie you up and let you watch Gao Qi and Hemo do whatever they want to Saria, but you can’t do anything! Hey hey.

Since there are so many things to write, I feel that the last volume can be written according to the unit drama. There are really a lot of things to write, but I definitely don’t want to write it in the next day after the end!

So—supporting girls, wash up!

12. Laurentina’s Love – Beach Party!

Ghost Shark, whose real name is Laurentina, is a member of the Second Team of Deep Sea Hunters,

Unlike Skadi, her reason for joining the Deep Sea Hunter is very simple-government allocation.

The technical level of the Agor civilization is far beyond the imagination of the land residents, and consequently, their social form is also very different from that of the land residents.

There is no source stone intrusion, no worries about survival, and people are assigned to work in the field they are best at according to their individual abilities.

The seabed is covered with lights, and the huge transparent dome isolates pieces of paradise. Everyday life is full of various automatic machines, and almost all mechanical manual labor is performed by high-tech products.

The appearance of the entire society seems to be more desirable than the scenes described in the most cutting-edge science fiction on the Terra continent.

When the Agor civilization needs any kind of workers, the high level of technology prevents them from recruiting, but directly matches them through big data, recruiting the most suitable practitioners for this type of work.

Again, this is neither voluntary nor objectionable, the Agors have long been accustomed to this way of working, and big data surveys can guarantee that they will like the next job.

Laurentina is like this. Before her city was destroyed, she used to be a sculpture apprentice. She was proud and shocked by the huge white sculpture in the center of her city. She hoped to use the technique of sculpture to bring The history of the ocean, and even the history of the entire world has been technically preserved, allowing art to exist in an eternal form.

In Laurentina’s view, even the Agor civilization cannot last forever. The power of the sea can obliterate everything, but sculpture can exist forever.

Therefore, because her parents are both artists, Laurentina also became a sculpture apprentice.

However, later events showed that nothing lasts forever.

Haizi swept across the city where Laurentina was located, and her parents escaped by chance, but the huge statue that Laurentina cherished, as well as the most precious works of art, disappeared with the fall of the city.

Ah, it turns out that art is not eternal. She is as fragile as human beings and needs protection.

In this way, Laurentina understood the meaning of her existence. She put down the grinding wheel used to polish the statue, picked up the circular saw used to tear the flesh, and joined the eternal war against Haizi.

Here, she met a lot of friends, and she has a good relationship with Captain Gloria. She also has a pursuit of beauty. Although she is a bit rigid and serious most of the time, she is generally a good person.

Similarly, she also met Skadi from the third brigade next door. She usually looks a bit dull and dumb, and doesn’t know how to dress up or art, but the barbarians led by Urbian in the third brigade Among them, her unparalleled strange power can be said to be very popular, which makes Laurentina very upset!

Come on, Skadi, you killer whale is a born clothes hanger, without this **** sea child, she must be the best dancer, or something better, and in this terrible time, She can only plow the ground with a huge mechanical sword, which makes Laurentina very dissatisfied.

Although Skadi is not familiar with her, and she is quite helpless for Laurentina’s familiar behavior, Laurentina still likes to occasionally bring a beautiful little dress to the next brigade to visit—this makes Urbian very special. Dissatisfied, she always dragged her to complain to Gloria, but Laurentina always enjoyed it.

She very much hopes that one day, the so-called Haizi threat will no longer be a threat, and all Agor people will not live in fear and despair, but will have the mood to continue enjoying the joy and beauty of art.

Urbian won’t always keep a straight face, and Gloria can really enjoy the dance party. As for Skadi…the clumsy, but extraordinarily stubborn, she can really smile from the heart and enjoy the dance. A life of her own.

This is Laurentina, this is the wish of the Ghost Shark.

Afterwards, in that desperate war, Laurentina thought that she would never have the chance to see Scarti again. She was so unlucky that she almost drowned in the sea she was swimming in, and climbed up like a dead dog. After reaching the coast, he was caught by half of the **** Deep Sea Cultists.

Quintus, Amaya, these bastards… Laurentina remembered the names of each of them, endured the painful operation, and looked forward to revenge one day.

And she didn’t expect that the person who rescued her in the end was not her team captain Gloria, but that naive little killer whale, Skadi.

No, to be precise, what pulled her out of the illusion of the crystallized land and the deep ocean was a man she met for the first time.

In order to save her, the man went deep into her dream, rescued Laurentina with a beautiful moon, and gave her his blood.

This is simply a beautiful encounter that only exists in operas and romance novels. During her short waking time, Laurentina fell in love with this mysterious and powerful man.

He is an excellent hunter with sophisticated hunting skills. Like a deep-sea hunter, he was born to deal with large prey.

Similarly, he has an interesting and humorous conversation, cheerful and polite. When waking up in his arms, the artistic Laurentina imagined herself as a princess rescued by a prince.

Of course, she seldom needs others to save her, and Agor’s compatriots also think she doesn’t need help because of her wild posture when fighting, but… who doesn’t have a little wish?

So, after feeling some kind of knowledge and power coming from that man’s blood, even – temptation, Laurentina chose to listen to her inner voice without hesitation.

What’s more, Laurentina noticed that by Gao Qi’s side, Skadi, a boring gourd, became a little more cheerful. She even put on the little skirt that she didn’t persuade her to put on successfully!

The killer whale is no longer full of sadness, alone in the room at night, singing sad songs, but has learned to smile, and its eyes go to Gao Qi’s side from time to time.

Ah, this is such an interesting man. After realizing that the blood of the two is completely connected, Laurentina looked forward to it very much.

Therefore, when Gloria came to her door and planned to take Skadi and herself away, facing Skadi’s application for leave, Laurentina also helped when she was happy because she had her own choice. Dissuaded his own captain.

Later, before leaving Gauchi and Skadi, she offered her first kiss, which was a beautiful kiss. Whether it was Gauchi’s surprise or Skadi’s panic, Laurentina was happy.

She understood that Skadi was jealous, and the smell of jealousy was very strong, which made Laurentina very happy. She knew that her little friend had finally begun to understand her true heart.

Then… Laurentina fell into a deep sleep again. She seemed to have entered a peaceful dream, sleeping in the sea of ​​bright trees and flowers. That was the sweetest dream she had.

And then… just recently, she woke up.

In her mind, those awkward memories of when she was in a state of madness and her character was distorted by Origin Stone have not been forgotten, but at least now, she is no longer a pious nun, and the influence of Origin Stone on her no longer exists.

She is…the servant of the hunter god, she is connected with the blood of the god.

Power began to pour into her body from all parts of the world, and the knowledge and insights of the gods also began to enter Laurentina’s mind. The source stone in her spinal cord, the root of her torment, was like a docile sheep at this moment, Not daring to move.

Laurentina knew that at the moment his lord was promoted, she also transformed into a powerful follower—the realm of demigods.

Such a wonderful journey and such an interesting experience made Laurentina, who loves art, very happy. She picked up her circular saw on the spot, rushed into the ocean, and started the first hunt in her new life—she I can feel the blessing of the gods on this hunt.

He is the **** of hunting and the **** of civilization. He guards the hunters who hunt for civilization, and guards the lights of thousands of families.

Ah, right, how wonderful, how great, and most importantly, the second captain, who knows nothing about himself, still thinks that Gao Qi and Skadi are just ordinary hunters at this moment, and intends to recall the little killer whale to the team.

Laurentina knew that with Gucci and Scarti’s personalities, she would readily agree, but…she didn’t tell Gloria any secrets—people always need some little surprises, right?

Since that day, Ghost Shark has been looking forward to the arrival of Gao Qi and the reunion with Skadi. For more than two years, what has happened to his good colleague, his great master and his unrequited love? What kind of adventure she had, she hoped that Skadi could tell herself.

And just today, she finally sensed that the great power was approaching, and reminded her second captain without hesitation.

Sure enough, she rushed over without hesitation, directly fought with Skadi and the others, and was finally controlled by Skadi in her arms. This powerful woman who only danced men’s dance steps at the ball did not resist at all Power.

And this is exactly what Ghost Shark wants, demigods are always smart.

Without hesitation, she activated her own power, rushed to Gao Qi, pushed away the completely unfamiliar woman who was somewhat similar to Gloria, and then gave her **** a long and passionate kiss .

“Separate, separate, don’t, don’t kiss for so long!”

After a full half a minute, Laurentina was pulled from Gao Qi by the flustered Skadi’s movements.

Of course, Gao Qi did not refuse to come. He had felt the presence of Laurentina from far away, and the little greedy cat began to telepathically send messages to her from afar, looking forward to reunion with him.

However, Skadi can’t do it. She is not without possessiveness. This kind of possessiveness is very unique. The closer the person close to her is to Gauchi, the more Skadi’s jealousy will explode.

She still can’t bring her younger sister Egil into reality, but occasionally when this little sister wants to monopolize Gao Qi, her elder sister will always intervene.

The closer people are, the more Skadi will protect them. Everyone knows that Skadi is so cute.

Soon, Skadi pulled out the ghost shark, hugged Gao Qi in his arms, and looked warily at the comrade who had been away for two years.

“Don’t, don’t do this kind of thing as soon as you come up, Laurentina! Talk to Captain Gloria first, you must have asked her to come here!”

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