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Old Hunter of Tomorrow’s Ark

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Chapter 470:


Obviously, this reunion was not so pleasant.


Parvis, **** you! It’s not enough for me to kill you ten thousand times!

Let you be burned to death directly in the Sargon Rainforest, it’s really cheap, you old man! You’d better be baked to medium rare inside and out a little bit! Dead old man, wait for me to kill you again in the game!

There are also the chief governor and Serena, this is the former literature, who was called Xiao Tiantian at the beginning, but now he speaks as the chief governor, just like Hemo, who was severely hurt by Serena’s diamond head.

Don’t worry, I will arrange a special welfare session for Hemo and the governor, and let you and Gao Qi bully Serena together!

9. Deep Sea Hunter, Gloria X Maria!

The hunter of the deep sea, the sharp blade of the Agor civilization against Hai Si.

Since the “first contact” hundreds of years ago, the Argorian civilization has been exploring and fighting Hai Si, the enemy awakened from the ocean.

The endless exploration of the Agors has completely awakened the enemies sleeping in the depths of the ocean. A few days after the destruction of the deep-sea scientific research team, the nearest research institute was also completely overturned by the sudden attack of twisted creatures. people survive.

However, for the Agor people who were still proud at the beginning, these low-level life forms that looked like molluscs did not attract much attention from them. At that time, Agor technology was in full swing and developed rapidly. The sea, even headed towards the land.

To maintain, they only dispatched a small group of troops to clean up those “primitive animals”. Soon, the deep-sea army armed with high-tech weapons easily arrived at the designated location, and those who devoured the flesh and blood of their compatriots were used The deep water weapon was completely wiped out and turned into mud, not even dregs left.

This was an insignificant victory. The soldiers used high-tech weapons to easily wipe out those primitive monsters, and then returned to the nearest city to start a celebration dance.

Then… Haisi taught them a lesson.

A few years later, several deep-sea cities were completely wiped out and disappeared without a sound. Afterwards, the Agors dispatched investigation teams, and only one team survived by chance and brought back the terrible facts.

The information they brought back shows that Haisi has made an extremely effective evolutionary response to their weapons, the scale structure that resists high temperature, the multi-layered body that resists kinetic energy impact, and can even dispel the impact of chemical weapons…

Facts have proved that this group of sea descendants analyzed the weapons of the Agor civilization at a slow but steady speed, and took advantage of the opponent’s ignorance of them, launched a ruthless sneak attack, or in other words – hunting.

And then, there was an offensive like a tide.

That’s what’s called “first contact.”

Haizi’s evolution is not infinite. In fact, it is impossible for them to evolve bulletproof splints instantly after being shot. Instead, it needs a large number of Haizi’s deaths to analyze the damage of Haisi after being attacked, and then continue to test.

They will also conduct controlled experiments in different categories, test various genetic modifications and different coping structures on different sea descendants, and finally put them into the battlefield for testing, and choose the best for evolution, just like an accelerated biological evolution process.

But… This is more chilling than passionate evolution. The Academy of Sciences has determined that Haizi is a group race that cannot communicate but also has the ability to evolve rapidly, and has determined that it will never use high-tech technology to fight against Haisi. And began to use a variety of high-strength cold weapons.

Haizi will learn to evolve, but cannot achieve independent innovation, so the Agors decided not to use a lot of high-tech on the frontal battlefield, but to gradually increase the overall technological strength with the evolution of Haizi, so as to ensure the confrontation with Haizi At the same time, it always has a certain ability to suppress technology.

At the same time, the Agor people are also making continuous technological progress and looking for a way to completely solve Haizi.

However, those civilians who knew about the existence of Haisi and lived in areas that Agor’s soldiers could not fully protect began to move home, some withdrew to the interior of the Agor Empire, and some cast their eyes Landed on land that I hadn’t noticed until now.

Most of them are technicians, and the tech archons prefer to lock themselves in their magnificent and advanced residences.

Soon, the Great Migration began, and a large number of Agors immigrated to the land, bringing a lot of technological changes to the mainland. Even if only a small part of Origin Stone technology and deep-sea technology successfully merged, the changes brought about were huge.

But as time passed, they also gradually forgot their former homeland and the advanced world they once lived in.

This is also the acquiescence of the Academy of Sciences. Regardless of whether the Agors succeed or fail in the end, the Agors who migrated to land can survive and even make unexpected inventions.

According to the estimate of the Academy of Sciences, it will take at least several thousand years for the technology of the Agors to be completely caught up by Haisi.

If during this period of time, the Agor people have not found a way to solve Haizi once and for all, then the Agor civilization should perish, and there is nothing to regret.

But… the Agors overestimated themselves, and they also overestimated humanity.

Soon, a group of forces called the Deep Sea Sect began to appear. They believed that Hai Si was the symbol of the truth. Only when they became one with the large group could the Agor people truly escape from loneliness and ignorance, and find the true truth. .

No one knows why this group of Haizi believers appearing in an extremely materialistic country where technology is paramount.

At first, the Agor authorities thought it was just a gathering of lunatics, but when they opened the barrier of a city, they and everyone in the city were swallowed by Hai Si, and they also tried their best to pull more people into the city. After joining this crazy suicide sect, many people understand that they have indeed made great enemies.

What’s even more frightening is that many high-ranking technocrats and technocrats have joined the Deep Sea Sect, and the technology of the Agor people is being leaked to the sea descendants at an unimaginable speed.

Agor’s technology is being overtaken by the Haisi group at a speed visible to the naked eye. At this critical moment, a technocrat named Gloria put forward a conjecture.

Since the Agor people’s technology will induce the imitation and evolution of Haizi, then, if we use the power of Haizi to fight against them… can we avoid the so-called evolution?

After this conjecture was put forward, it immediately gained the attention of the Agor people, and soon, the Deep Sea Hunter Project came into being.

Agor’s biotechnology is also advanced. They selected the most suitable Agor human body and transplanted the blood of Haisi. While suppressing the activity of Haisi, they used the powerful genes of Haisi to strengthen the transplanted All-round strength.

This is the Deep Sea Hunter, and from the implementation of the plan to the present, the implementation of the Deep Sea Hunter plan has not been twenty years.

Gloria, a native of Agor, the technical consul of Agor, the head of the Legion of Honor, and one of the chief war designers of the Agor military group “Deep Sea Hunter”. It was she who single-handedly promoted the realization of the Deep Sea Hunter plan. He also became the captain of the Deep Sea Hunters.

After a few years of implementation of the plan, they noticed the connection between the deep sea hunter himself and Hai Si.

This kind of connection is so close that Agor officials began to distrust the deep-sea hunters and arrange patrol guards to monitor them at all times.

Facts have proved that this kind of vigilance is useful. As the battle with Haisi increased, some deep-sea hunters finally fell into madness and slipped to Haisi’s side—they became monsters.

This fact was suppressed, and Gloria and the other captains quickly searched for a solution. For the proud Agor people, no one wanted to know that the blood of Hai Si was flowing in their bodies. Blood, and may even become Hai Si at any time.

And similarly, relying on the connection between the deep-sea hunters and Hai Si, Gloria, on the other hand, learned about the composition and evolution of the Hai Si group.

In the end, this time, she discovered that the leader of the Haisi cluster, the control node, or… God.

In any case, they firmly believe that as long as the core of Haisi is cleared, the entire group of Haisi will die out, and the deep sea hunters will no longer have to bear the fate of being alienated, repelled, vigilant and hostile, and may even become monsters at any time .

Then, the hunters of the deep sea launched the largest hunt ever, a beheading operation.

They approached the head of Haisi and launched a surprise attack.

The first group and the second group are responsible for stopping the surging Haisi, while the third group is responsible for breaking into the core area to fight.

During that massacre and being massacred, almost all the deep sea hunters died at the bottom of the sea, and in the end, at the cost of the lives of almost all the hunters, they succeeded.

The job of beheading was given to the most powerful individual among the deep sea hunters, a girl named Skadi.

Her family died in the infiltration of the Deep Sea Church, and her hatred for Haisi was hard to contain, and Haisi’s power was almost perfectly expressed and reflected in her.

Although she is still young and lacks in fighting skills, there is no doubt that her physical fitness is terrifying, and her strength has almost no upper limit, because no machine can withstand her full-strength explosion.

In the end, the hunter named Skadi lived up to everyone’s expectations. She stirred the tidal giant sword and completely shattered the twisted monster.

After that, amidst the roaring and howling, all the deep-sea hunters, dead or alive, were sucked into a huge tsunami.

When Gloria woke up again, she had already arrived on the coast.

She thought about returning to Agor immediately, but the density of sea descendants in the ocean was still terrifying, even if they were as strong as her, they couldn’t return immediately.

Was her guess wrong? Even if the core nodes are eliminated, why is Haisi still full of order and more vigorous?

However, without allowing Geletia to think too much, the sea descendant frenzy had already surged, so she could only continue to pick up her long spear and fight all the way to clean up the Deep Sea Sect.

Then, she found the surviving hunters.

Skadi who assassinated the core of Haisi, and Laurentina, a member of the second team, and the hunter on land who are helping them?

He is very strong, but his strength is limited. However, this man, walking with that woman named Kelsey, knows the problem faced by deep sea hunters—the mutation of Hai Si, which is obviously a little extraordinary.

Afterwards, Skadi asked for a vacation. Deep-sea hunters did have vacations, but they were pitifully few. During the war, it was even more impossible to allow a soldier to leave the team.

But considering that Skadi has accomplished such a great deed, Gloria finally softened her heart and agreed to Skadi’s vacation. She left Iberia with the ghost shark and began to look for a solution to the mutation and return to Agor. Methods.

In the end, she and Gloria, who had been in a state of confusion, wiped out the remnants of the Deep Sea Sect all the way across the entire continent. After obtaining a Breoghan Notebook from Iberia, they found the Yan Country along the way.

Here, she found a way to return to the sea.

So, she sent a summons to Skadi, and it was time for this stray hunter to return to the team.

Afterwards, Gloria and Laurentina waited silently for Skadi’s return on the coast near Gowu City.

And recently, a good thing happened, and a bad thing happened.

The good news is that Laurentina’s spirit has completely returned to normal, and she has turned back to the artistic, elegant and detached girl in the past.

The bad news is that Urbian, the third captain, is also alive. He doesn’t intend to join Gloria’s team, but instead discourages Gloria from returning to Agor at this moment.

The two of them didn’t talk about each other, and they fought directly, and Urbian left afterward, but Gloria knew that the two of them had already made different choices, and that **** would be ready to hinder her at any time.

Moreover, Skadi is still his team member, Gloria must quickly bring Skadi to her side.

And just thinking about it, Gloria waited for several days, and also noticed Haisi’s recent retreat, she was even able to fish in the offshore recently.

And just today, when Gloria was fishing, she suddenly received a message, which was only used internally by deep-sea hunters.

But… that was the news from Haisi, but when the group of molluscs put various symbols in front of her, Gloria instantly crushed them to pieces.

Immediately afterwards, she stepped into the sonic limit in an instant, and rushed towards the source of information at the fastest speed.

Then, she saw that the hunter she knew well, Laurentina’s friend, was standing by the sea, waving to herself.

However, her body was covered with sea descendants, and instead of attacking her, those sea descendants were in awe of her.

And Skadi’s body is exuding her most familiar breath at this moment.

When a deep-sea hunter falls into the ranks of sea descendants, it will emit an aura that belongs to a monster.

Without hesitation, Gloria raised the spear to her.

“Second Captain! I’m here, wait, Gloria, song—”

From a distance, Scarti sensed the familiar aura of Gloria. Now she is only one step away from ascending to the gods. Although she is not as good as Gao Qi, she can already possess the authority of many gods. Seeing Ya’s existence, she immediately waved her hand excitedly.

But soon, she realized that something was wrong, and the second captain rushed towards her at full speed, as if a little… murderous?

Skadi shrugged her small nose, smelled the fishy smell of the sea on her upper body, and suddenly understood what was going on. She is now 99% of the God of Hai Si, and in the eyes of deep sea hunters, that is Hai Si!

“Wait, Gloria, I’m not—Gochi Gochi!”

Helpless, Skadi could only jump ashore quickly and get close to Gao Qi. She would definitely be able to easily deal with the second captain, but how to convince her was a problem.

“Well, don’t worry about it, alas, Gloria is still as impulsive as when I first saw her.”

There was a clear sense of anticipation on his face, Gao Qi turned his head, looked at Senior Sister Maria who had been silent behind him, put his hands together, and pleaded earnestly.

“Senior sister, good senior sister, go up and fight, please satisfy me, please?”

In fact, Gao Qi has already begged her all the way.

“…Hey, you guy, just watching the fun is not a big deal.”

Finally, Maria couldn’t stand Gao Qi’s soft and hard foam, she let go, and reluctantly pulled out the two Luoyang from her waist, merging them into a long blade.

“I want to see where this woman looks like me!”

In the next second, her figure flickered out.


Two proud and elegant women collided like this.

They found out…it really looks like it!


In the new January, after a two-day break, I continued to update.

Woooooooo, little bear, my little bear, wait for me, I will definitely save you at the end of this book!

The character design of the chief administrator is no different from what I thought, she is also a pure explorer, but Miu Miao, I really suspect that she is the land **** of Colombia, just like Yella.

If I write Ark again in the future, I can finally write the life of Rhine in detail. Next time, I must write about Saria’s handsome side—of course, she should be more cute in bed!

At first, I thought that Hemer and Serena had an irreconcilable conflict of ideas. Looking at it now, it is really a pure misunderstanding, but it can be resolved by throwing them into the same room and communicating…

But Serena and the governor, this conflict may be difficult to reconcile…it’s a pity

10. Captain, I’m married!

To be honest, Maria regretted coming to Wucheng with Gao Qi.

The fact that Gao Qi became a **** was new to other girls in his family, but to Maria, it had already been experienced once.

The last time, Maria was still a quiet dead person, because of the power of the superior, lingering in the boundary between life and death.

After Gao Qi ascended to the gods, Maria first felt lucky. She stayed in the Star Clock Tower for more than a long time, and Gao Qi was the only one who was considered a true friend. She babbles for dinner… This guy is either crazy or a fool.

However, considering that she is the number one idiot in Yanan Tianzi and was severely deceived by others at the white lotus stage, Maria did not have any prejudice against Gao Qi.

And when Gao Qi ascended to the gods and pacified the gods of Yanan, Maria thought that her eternal slavery was over, she could finally enjoy the peace of death, and completely redeemed the crimes she had committed because of her gullible belief in the Healing Church. sin.

But…Gao Qi didn’t think so. Before leaving, this idiot planned to make all the people who suffered from the gods either be resurrected from the dead or re-enter the cycle of reincarnation, and Maria was one of them.

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