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Old Hunter of Tomorrow’s Ark

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Chapter 256:

After all, although the Tiakawu people are incomparably brave, the equipment of the Rhine Life Defense Department is all black technology.

Needless to say, as the pillars of the country, their combat effectiveness will increase exponentially with the increase in the number of battle formations. The old man brought more than forty silver spears to kill three thousand Uthas elites. Simil was talked about with great relish.

But even if they were as firm as them, they would still be stunned by the collective shock when they faced the psionic scream of the God of the Stars. It was Gao Qi who rescued them in time to save them from losses.

Hearing that there is a sequence, and there is a specialization in the art industry. It must be almost meaningless to let these big killers on the battlefield deal with the gods and ghosts.

“So… Your Highness Thearesia, your soldiers and the soldiers of the mercenary group, all you need to do is get through the road to the Central Castle – when you get there, leave everything to me and Skadi. “

The sun has not yet risen, and snowflakes began to float from the sky—a natural disaster is coming.

On the main road of the dark blood city, a troop of nearly two hundred skilled troops was facing the castle in the center of the city under artillery fire.

Holding a repeating pistol in his left hand and a constantly changing weapon in his right, Gao Qi walked at the front of the team, facing the endless stream of blood demons.

Behind Gao Qi, Mudyan and W led their mercenaries. The former strengthened the defense for everyone, while the latter bombarded the surroundings indiscriminately.

Although it was very close to Gao Qi, he didn’t look at Gao Qi at all. His eyes seemed to be dodging something. The long black horns of the mudstone seemed to be shimmering constantly because of the origin stone technique, while W’s ears were It has always been in a state of redness.

As for the mercenaries under them, they always cast tacit glances at each other, but none of them dared to talk to each other.

As for Warfarin, although she has always been very cowardly, she also joined Thearesia’s own medical team, responsible for rescuing the wounded.

When she entered the state of a doctor, she completely abandoned her distracting thoughts, and carefully assigned positions and responsibilities to each medical soldier. Her expression was cold and indifferent, as if the Harmony Star had nothing to do with it—although she was a devil, she was an angel in white clothes who healed and saved people.

But as the war progressed, because the thighs were too strong and the enemy pulled his hips too much, not a single wounded was sent to Warfarin for emergency treatment. The number of times she glanced at Gao Qi with red eyes became more and more. The frequency of swallowing saliva also increased.

Alonael and the mother and daughter of Kelu Xier stayed at home, sheltering the nearby citizens with their own soldiers, not losing to Thearesia’s great warlock to sit in the town, and also let Her Royal Highness go out with peace of mind.

In the distance, a blue-black figure accompanied by flying silver-white hair, just like a stone grinder, it ran over groups of enemies.

As a deep-sea hunter who has hunted sea heirs for many years, when Skadi was hunting with his companions, he was often thrown into the sea heir stack by his captain to chop people.

There is no other reason, her strength is also among the best among deep-sea hunters. The sword wind swung after slashing on land can blow ordinary people away, not to mention stirring the tides in the sea – if you are not careful, other Deep sea hunters are involved.

The huge mechanical sword fluttered and danced in the air, faint starlight could be seen faintly, every time it bumped, the earth trembled, and the huge sound even overshadowed the thunder in the calamity cloud overhead.

One person is as motionless as a mountain, but no monster can cross his side, while the other person moves like thunder, and even the upcoming natural disaster is no more than her current prestige.

“Follow me, Gao Qi – do you want to kill more prey than anyone else!”

Unlike the silent executions in the past, the current Skadi is extraordinarily happy—she killed the same soulless creature, and she had her lover by her side, and she had a special love last night.

“Yes, yes, my princess, I remember the number of kills, don’t go too far.”

And Gao Qi could only dote on her and waved at her, and smashed the head of a cockroach monster – but when Scadi couldn’t see himself, he frowned.

Above the blade of Skadi’s sword is no longer pure power – he can vaguely see the sword, and under Skadi’s blade, the stars twinkle.

The power of the **** of the stars gradually appeared in Skadi, and it seemed to be completely harmless—the more harmless, the more worried Gao Qi was.

Looking at the killing gods before the two teams, everyone was sure that these two killing embryos were definitely a natural pair.

If it is said that when the natural disaster arrives, the blood city is a sea with turbulent waves, and then Skadi is a whale that is not afraid and roars freely on it.

As for Gao Qi…he is a whaling ship that chops the waves – that harpoon gun that was polished by a few girls last night, will shoot whales sooner or later.

“You and Miss Scatty are a perfect match, like two dancers, aren’t you?”

Beside Gao Qi, Theresia is walking gracefully, following Gao Qi’s side, inspiring a huge source of Originium energy with her hands, and together with several subordinate banshees, she supports a huge legion guard. shield.

“As for your concern, it’s natural, I won’t give anyone a death-defying mission beyond the limit of my ability – but I will follow you into the castle, Mr. Gaoch, the royal family members of Sarkaz will always stay in the most dangerous place.”

There is no need to support the shield alone, and Thearesia seems to be quite at ease. She is like a conductor of an orchestra, holding a staff like a baton, and mobilizing the Originium energy divisions of dozens of warlocks. Accurately resist the bombardment of the Originium artillery.

“Great Swordsman, attack in the direction of ten o’clock, shield guard, switch the shield to mode three, the second group of warlocks, I have locked them, ready to enter the countermeasure process – three, two, one.”

There was a flash of iridescence in the pink eyes, and with the order, Theresia and the warlock beside her clenched their fists, a huge force in nothingness, like a sharp blade, towards the distance cut off the sky.


To be exact, several source pomegranate grenades that had just been shot out of the barrel were detonated in advance under the influence of the spell, exploding with exceptional brilliance, and even the artillery positions below were involved.

This is a war, and even though Thearesia is a peace-loving and benevolent lord, she still has plenty of experience in war.

For hundreds of years, Kazdel has been attacked by unknown foreign colonists. After being bombarded many times by the heavy artillery of the Ursus people, the Sarkaz people have also developed a set of their own defense system. — not to mention a normal howitzer.

“What’s more, the question you want to deal with, Mr. Gaoqi, is originally about Kazdel, no, about the land of Terra, isn’t it?”

She released a legion-level spell at will, but Thearesia looked extra relaxed today and smiled at Gao Qi.

“Ha… Well, you have someone to protect you anyway. In fact, I’m not too worried. I’m just afraid that Kelsey will find out and scold me for several days.”

Seeing that Theresia is so determined, Gao Qi is not easy to refuse – there is no way, who would have to be the son-in-law of the Sarkaz royal family in the future.

“And… Miss Ascalon is still wary of me, alright, don’t stare at me–it looks like you’re recovering well? Take it easy this time.”

Seeing that Teresia, who was extra weak yesterday, became alive today, Gao Qi was still worried that her ore disease would worsen again, so she couldn’t help reminding her.

“Thank you for this, Mr. Gao Qi, Miss Warfarin injected me with some of your blood, saying that it can effectively inhibit the crystal activity of blood Originium. I feel much more relaxed.”

Knocking on the Originium crystal on her shoulder, Thearesia couldn’t help but blushed.

“And… you seem to be more cordial.”

Gao Qi was stunned when he heard the words, and after a careful perception, the princess in front of her indeed had a part of Gao Qi’s power, and then she looked fiercely behind the princess, Warfarin, who was pretending to be watching the scenery.

“I seem to have said that there are high-concentration Originium crystals in my blood, right? You want us to be charged with murdering the king?!”

Gao Qi looked directly at him, and Warfarin’s snow-white face immediately turned red. She covered her small mouth and chest, and couldn’t help but take a few steps back.

“Don’t, don’t, don’t come here, you big villain who doesn’t respect elders, I can’t eat it–blood, I mean, blood is coming!”

Thinking back to last night, under the deceit of Zenomi, what I ate was completely different from blood, but the taste was equally unbearable. Warfarin turned her head and did not dare to look too high strange.

“And I have researched it. I don’t know what happened. Your blood activity has improved by leaps and bounds. Even if you leave the body, it will remain active for a very long time, at least it will not be harmful.”

This guy, obviously just took a bath, and the quality of his blood suddenly improved a lot. When he took a bite last night, after just one drop, Warfarin almost fainted happily.

Moreover, because Gao Qi said that the quality of his blood would continue to improve, Warfarin knew that she would never be able to live without this man again—a perfect meal ticket in every sense!

This time, even if he is really Kelsey’s boyfriend, she has already pinned the corner – anyway, there are many people who pry with her, cricketing a thousand-year-old lynx, it’s wool!

Looking at the kakaka slaughtering people in front of you, like cutting leeks – her good sister, the two of them just sucked a root together yesterday…

“Although I know you’re not afraid of this, I have to remind you that you are a treasure to the infected now. If others know that your blood can suppress the disease for a long time… Don’t say that the princes, nobles, wealthy businessmen are here. Trouble with you, even peasant workers or even robbers and beggars, maybe they will try their luck desperately to die, it is another matter if it is dangerous or not, the trouble is certain.”

Gao Qi is already his own man, so of course Warfarin has to be concerned.

“Ha… Well, I’m also mentally prepared.”

Shrugging his shoulders, Gao Qi nodded. His blood can suppress ore disease, because the power between the superiors can collide with each other, and as the blood quality improves, the power loss rate of his blood will decrease rapidly, which is inevitable. the result of.

However, if Gao Qi remembers correctly, the “doctor” who has never met but will appear soon, it seems that blood can also suppress the attack of ore disease – what does this mean?

“Interesting – but let’s talk about it later, keep on the road, hey!”

While Gao Qi chatted with Her Royal Highness and Warfarin, the movements of his men never stopped.

With a laugh, Gao Qi stretched his body like a bow, and threw the rifle and spear forward sharply, piercing a gargoyle swooping towards the position directly.

Then, a hunter’s cane appeared in his hand, and the whip blade hooked the screaming gargoyle. Using her as a fulcrum, he swung to the wall-like group of zombies that stood in front of the team.

Then, he took out his beloved big gun.

The double bullets of the Ludwig rifle are very powerful, and the fragile Gorefiend body can’t resist it at all. One shot may even penetrate several people. After using bone marrow ashes, the power will be doubled.

But—the power could be even greater.


The next second, like a ghost knight, the mercury bullets filled with Gao Qi’s blood in Ludwig’s hand-cannon-like chamber burned violently.

The blazing flame shot out from the blood cavity, turning Gao Qi’s entire left arm into flames, but it did not emit any heat, and it was as cold and biting as the surrounding snow.

And in Gao Qi’s right hand, the quaint samurai sword appeared.

The sharp blade cut through the left arm, Gao Qi’s blood penetrated the blade completely, and then a blue flame ignited.

As the blood quality level that was not valued increased, Gao Qi’s blood gained spirituality and wisdom.

They are no longer dead without an owner, but an extension of Gao Qi’s will. Even if they leave the body, they are still a part of Gao Qi, and the energy they contain is even greater.

Now, looking at the brainless zombies surrounded, Gao Qi stimulated the part of the power he absorbed that belonged to the Foehn.

“The blade with flames and blood reminds me of an old acquaintance—to be honest, at this point, I still plan to use this kind of soldier to stand in front of me… It’s really boring.”

The next second, a grand, torch-like explosion erupted from the pile of corpses like World War Z, burning the enemy to the ground.

A little bit of starlight was hidden in the pure flame, which penetrated the blood mist that turned into after the disappearance of those monsters, and tore out some invisible and invisible existence from it.

It is probably something similar to the soul, or the echo of the will, the residue of human nature.

Some of them exuded gratitude, thanking Gao Qi for releasing them, while others resisted fiercely, as if they wanted to break free from Gao Qi’s shackles and continue to serve their queen.

Gao Qi is not a high-ranking person now, and he doesn’t know what he will face after death in this world. He may enter reincarnation or disappear, but he still lightened his hands and let these wills disappear in the sky.

“Okay, my favorability for Gorefiend Lord has decreased again – although it was a negative score at the beginning.”

It seems that this Gorefiend Monarch is also a bad thing that completely ignores the dignity of life – there is no way, the conscience of the feudal monarchy is behind him, and the rest… There are not many good things.

“Okay, fast forward, these things will only get more and more hit, we have to rush into the castle before the storm comes.”

After completely clearing the miscellaneous soldiers in front of the main road, Gao Qi shot back and blasted the burning bullet into the body of a twisted cockroach standing with eight human legs, watching him explode into **** and returned to Theresia around.

The whole process took less than half a minute.

After all, in reality, Gao Qi is still not as fragile as in the game, and even in the later stage, he is easily beaten to death by mobs.

Judging from his strength now, monsters that are not bosses can no longer pose any threat to him.

“If you finish work before noon, you can still have lunch in time, master—it was agreed last night that after this work is over, we have to take a good rest for a few months, and then tonight…”

Beside Gao Qi, Xenomi’s small head suddenly popped out, not holding a dagger, but two small guns that Gao Qi gave her.

Gao Qi was reluctant to send Senome to the front to absorb firepower, but as a future knight, Zalak’s fighting talent is good enough, and he can use any weapon quickly.

Moreover, unlike the gentle and pleasant state of the past, today’s Zenomi’s fighting spirit is high, and the Originium skill not only covers the shields for the great swordsmen beside him, but also makes the pink eyes flash with a coquettish red. Light.

Now Xenomi is eager to end this boring battle and get her and Gao Qi’s “reward” tonight.

“Yes, yes, of course, no rush, no rush, victory in stability, victory in stability – let me take it slow first.”

He couldn’t help but think back to his lewd experience a few hours ago. Gao Qi couldn’t help blushing, turned around and continued to fire – she was more like a succubus than a Sarkaz!

“Then I’ll think about how to prepare a recipe for you to replenish your body – I’m looking forward to it.”

And Xenomi knew even more clearly that Gao Qi’s face was completely slack, so he didn’t continue talking, just handed Gao Qi a “you know” expression, and walked to the team-with her there, Gao Qi’s daily combat power is reduced by 30%!

And after hearing the conversation between Zenomi and Gao Qi, as soon as she left, Thearesia maintained the spell, approached Gao Qi like a curious baby, looked at him expectantly, and asked in a low voice .

“Then, that, Mr. Gao, Mr. Gao Qi, I know it’s a bad thing to inquire about other people’s private affairs, I just wanted to make sure…you, you, you, you and W and Mudstone shared a bath last night, yes Is it because you are in love – I really care!”

As for Her Royal Highness, yesterday, she just wanted to take an ordinary bath, but as soon as she entered the door, she saw Gao Qi and two lovely women, W and Mudstone, together, half-covered.

——It’s too exciting!

Even though she has lived for hundreds of years, Thearesia, who is in the royal family, only stays in theory in this regard, and she is well protected by relatives, friends and courtiers.

Just last night, Thearesia, who had been sleeping reasonably according to Kelsey’s arrangement, rarely slept well.

“Ha, this is a long story, a long story short – yes, our current relationship is lovers. But I’m very strange, can’t you sense my existence?”

The old face flushed, Gao Qi coughed lightly, and looked at Theresia. For this kind of warlock, he felt that he never tried to hide himself, and there was a huge power surging in his body, just like finding it on a sunny day. as easy as the sun.

Not to mention Thearesia, her Originium skills will play a role in the little rabbit in the future.

However, it was Thearesia’s expression that became strange.

“Did no one tell you this? Mr. Gauche, you haven’t realized your uniqueness.”

With a wave of her hand, Theresia threw a thin black line in her hand, dismantling a cannonball in mid-air into parts.

“My Originium skill… is quite special. I can capture emotions and gain insight into my heart. As long as there is a rational creature, it will be detected by me – whether it is the Infected, or Miss Skadi with the Originium. Insulated people are like that.”

Looking at Gao Qi with a smile, her pink eyes once again turned into sparkling iridescent diamonds in an instant.

“But, Mr. Gao Qi, you are different. My Originium skills can’t even feel your presence, or – I’m too afraid to look directly.”

Reaching out her hand, Theresia couldn’t help poking Gao Qi, as if to determine whether he was a real human being.

“If it was just the leader of Sarkaz, I would be very wary of you – but I’m still Theresia, I see you with my eyes, you are honest and credible, of course… a little sentimental~ “

Blinking at Gao Qi, Theresia showed a sly smirk and lowered her voice even lower.

“And, last night, I noticed that Miss Mudstone followed you to the bedroom, and W and Warfarin also went later…Skaty and Miss Senomi seem to have been in the room– “

At the end, Theresia’s face turned red completely, and her voice was as faint as a mosquito.

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