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Old Hunter of Tomorrow’s Ark

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Chapter 244:

“Hahahaha—it’s me, it’s me!”

Although Skadi and Kelsey both have the three attributes, but their expressions are actually different, the former is ignorant and innocent, while the latter is rigid.

Skadi’s imitation was vivid and the contrast was so great that Gao Qi spat out directly, and Warfarin laughed out loud.

The Kelsey they knew was indeed frowning every day and looked under great pressure.

“Look, how could that guy Kelsey fall in love with someone so easily? I, Your Highness Theresia, and you, Warfarin, are just her current partners.”

Gao Qi shrugged, turned his back and closed the curtains – although he calls Kelsey his wife every day, Gao Qi also has self-knowledge. biggest.

At least for now, he doesn’t think there’s any drama.

“Okay, okay, enough of the trouble, Senomi, you and Titi go out and wait for me for a while, and you, Warfarin, don’t stare at my Titi – I know you’re thinking What, my Highness Thearesia and I still have business to talk about, and Ms. Alonael will be here soon, about plans for tomorrow and the future.”

“Oh, by the way, when Gao Qi can’t see, Kelsey’s guy will do this.”

Seeing Gao Qi turn around, Skadi thought for a while, then took a small coffee cup from the coffee table beside him. According to his memory, Kelsey would pose with one hand on his hip and one hand on the other. Holding the coffee cup, he looked at Gao Qi.

On her face, there was a somewhat tranquil smile.

This expression is something Gao Qi has never seen before, and it is only when he turns his back that Kelsey will show the expression.

Quiet, comfortable, casual, without pressure and tension, like a hostess who expects a waiter to serve her.



Warfarin was stunned for a moment and looked at Theresia, and Her Royal Highness’s eyes lit up directly.

Things… got a lot more interesting.

Even they have never seen Kelsey like this.

The relationship between Mr. Gaoch and Kelsey… is definitely not ordinary!

“Ha… I said, this is a man from our family, and the number of places is limited – let’s go, Skadi.”

On the side, Xenomi also seemed to have noticed something, sighed lightly, and with a somewhat proud tone, took Skadi by the hand and walked out of the room.

“Hey, wait, Miss Skadi, are you from Agor? I’ve seen your battles before. That kind of force is completely against the laws of physics. Can you let me draw a little blood from you?”

“No! Deep sea hunters can’t bleed!”

Soon, the room became quiet, and Gao Qi came back to his senses, but saw the beautiful and unusually beautiful Princess Sarkaz, holding her chin in her plain hand, staring straight at him.

Showing a bright smile, Theresia winked playfully at Gao Qi.

Maybe, this man, maybe he can really help her accomplish that, Kelsey’s goal?

“It is said that curiosity is a precursor to the fall of women… But I have to admit, Mr. Gaoch, I am very interested in you.”

49. Theresia: Go woo Kelsey!

In the eyes of most people, leaders have always been supreme and can only be admired and looked up to.

In Terra, a world with a lot of feudal monarchy, this view is still common.

Except for Casimir, who has only the only king in history, and was also kidnapped by Gao Qi, the king of knights, the president and the Congress, Colombia, where the three powers are separated, and Agor, a wonderful country with skilled officials, no matter which is the Dayan Dynasty Or the Ursus Empire, the theocratic Rutland or the strange giant gangster Syracuse, and most of them have a supreme ruler.

The Witch King’s reign of terror has left many people with lingering fears to this day, and the prestige of the first emperor of Ursus has reached the peak of the previous monarchs after dismembering Gaul.

In Kazdel, although Thearesia does not have the ability to flee from those monarchs, but in the eyes of the current Sarkaz people, she and her brother Tracy are the hope of the Sarkaz people ——Of course, not everyone knows the contradiction between the two.

She is heroic, wise, kind, and benevolent. She is the ideal example of a benevolent king and the most pure and unsullied emperor candidate.

And such a person, who is respected by everyone, is gossiping about the relationship of an old friend. If this situation is seen by Theresia’s fans, I don’t know how they will feel.

In the bedroom, a tall man was sitting in front of the bed, listening carefully to the pink-haired **** the bed.

Originally, Ascalon insisted on staying in the room, and was absolutely worried that His Highness Thearesia was in the same room as this guy who was not sure whether it was safe or not.

However, Theresia was arrogant, and she was extraordinarily skilled in acting and squeezed out a few tears to look pitiful, so she reluctantly retreated to the door and was alert to what was going on inside through the door.

“You know, Mr. Gooch, I’ve known Kelsey for about a hundred, no, two hundred years. My father took my brother and I to visit her when I was a little Sarkaz, not even an adult. , and later she became my teacher – she was exactly the same then as she is now, and I can’t even find her changes in hundreds of years.”

Although her face is still a little weak, the current Theresia is talking about the past with great interest.

“Mr. Gao Qi, you should also know that Kelsey has always been the look of worrying about the country and the people, she has always been so bitter, running around for her ideals – but since I met you, I feel She became lighter and seemed to relax a lot, do you know why?”

She smiled and looked at Gao Qi, who was wearing a three-cornered hat in front of her. After she noticed Kelsey’s different attitude towards Gao Qi from Skadi just now, Thearesia now finds Gao Qi pleasing to the eye the more she looks at it.

“Kelsey gets along with you absolutely great, how is it, Mr. Gooch, I know you have an enviable relationship with Miss Scatty and Miss Senomi… but if you try to chase Kelsey , I will absolutely support it! Do you want to try it?!”

Gao Qi gave two thumbs up. When talking about Kelsey, Teresia seemed to be in high spirits, and her enthusiasm even scared Gao Qi a little.

That kind of urgent emotion even made Gao Qi think of the old aunties in the unit who always liked to match him in his previous life.

Hey, Her Royal Highness, this hobby is really… unique.

“Aha, is there? She never gave me a good look. If Kelsey really wants to do something to them… I might be a very useful tool person.”

From beginning to end, Gao Qi didn’t know what kind of smile Kelsey had shown him when he didn’t pay attention. He just shrugged his shoulders casually and pointed upwards.

Kelsey’s ultimate goal, Gao Qi, he does not know, but Gao Qi knows that whether it is ore disease, natural disasters or the so-called superiors, they are all Kelsey’s enemies – and it just so happens that Gao Qi still has some experience in dealing with them. of.

“Ahaha, I, although there is some… fraternity, but there are basic common sense of which women can be pursued and which women can’t now – at least until the goal is achieved, Dr. Kelsey is not the target of attack. “

Although his wife was happy in his heart, at least now, Gao Qi would not be ignorant to pursue Kelsey, or he would only be covered in white light by Mon3tr’s destructive jet.

However, hearing Gao Qi’s words, Theresia narrowed her beautiful eyes and shook her fingers at Gao Qi.

“Hmph, Mr. Gao Qi, this is what you don’t know. It’s been a long time since I met Kelsey. I must know her better than you—Kelsey is actually a person who is very afraid of loneliness!”

Her Royal Highness’s gaze looked through Gao Qi, as if recalling the time she spent with Kelsey, who was very mysterious at first, but became very close after acquaintance in the past 100 years.

“Mr. Gao Qi, you should also feel it, Kelsey is always in a hurry, as if he is worried about something… This time I am here too, working 20 hours a day and starting, always holding a telescope Looking at the stars in the sky, it took a long time to feel relieved – if I guessed correctly, Mr. Gauche, you must have done something incredible in Casimir, right?”

Hearing Theresia’s words, Gao Qi nodded and sat beside Theresia’s bed.

“I think, Your Highness Theresia, you know no less than me about these things—well, I know that it is an extravagant hope to let her sleep six hours a day.”

Sighing lightly, Gao Qi was also quite helpless about Kelsey’s routine.

If it weren’t for Kelsey, I would have mastered some super-ancient human genetic biotechnology, and had done something to transform him that led to near-immortality. With the Brownian motion of the lynx, he would often not sleep for three or four days in a row. Just died a few times.

Kelsey is not invincible, except that she cannot die, live for a long time, and her irregular life makes her physical condition as bad as ordinary people. After continuous operations, she will fall asleep on her head. Gao Qi looked very distressed.

“Why, now Kelsey sleeps very regularly, goes to bed at ten o’clock every night, wakes up at two in the morning, eats three meals a day, and sighs every time he drinks coffee – so, Mr. Gaoqi is also your credit. Look at it, I said, Mr. Gooch, you have changed Kelsey a lot!”

Recently, Theresia has been wondering why Kelsey’s life suddenly became regular. After hearing Gao Qi’s words, Her Royal Highness immediately contacted him and clapped her hands a little excitedly.

“It’s different, it’s different, Mr. Gaoch, Kelsey has many collaborators, some I know, some I’ve never met – but you must be the most special one!”

As she spoke, Thearesia’s eyes drooped down, and when she raised her eyes again, the previous hippie smile disappeared, and her face was full of seriousness.

“Kelsey taught me a lot of things – she said the earth is not infinite, it’s just a pile of dirt on a sphere. She said our bodies are not made, we crawl before we walk Yes. She said that the stars are the same as the ones under our feet, they are rafts floating on the sky track…”

The bright pink eyes trembled slightly, and Theresia and Gao Qi looked at each other, and no one could be moved by their gentle eyes.

“I know that what Kelsey knows is far beyond the knowledge of a Sarkaz. Compared with Kazdel, her battlefield is larger and her vision is farther. She is fighting for this world, and her vision It’s all over the land – it’s the same as you, isn’t it?”

Afterwards, Theresia stretched out two slender hands, gently took Gao Qi’s hand, and looked at him with a little pleading.

Her palms were a little cold, but they conveyed warmth.

“I know that the enemies you face far exceed countries and political parties, and you are the gods who are high above and look down on the world, but this is an absolutely lonely road – there is no cure for loneliness, there is no end to wandering, and terminal illnesses cannot be cured.. …I never said those words to Kelsey, but I know that her lonely journey is sad.”

Teresia sincerely regards Kelsey as a friend. For hundreds of years, she has wanted to help Kelsey overcome the loneliness that no one understands, but she knows that even she can’t do this kind of thing. .

However… In the past few months, Theresia has witnessed a slight but obvious change in Kelsey, who has not changed for hundreds of years.

The reason for this was the man in front of him.

Theresia understands that Mr. Gao Qi, who is strong and good at fighting, but he is very easy to get along with, can help her resolve the loneliness of her best friend that spanned thousands of years.

“That’s why I created the Tower of Babel. It may be a little childish and ridiculous, but I don’t just want to heal Kazdel and the scars of this land – I want to give Kelsey a place where she can spend some money. It’s her heart that cares, not the home that keeps her from running around the world so that she is no longer alone.”

Speaking of which, Thearesia smiled a little embarrassedly. She didn’t know why she would say something she hadn’t told anyone to Gao Qi, who had just met today.

“Also, I have a feeling, Mr. Gouch, that Kelsey and you are of the same kind-the only kind in the world, and you must have a way to make her no longer lonely!”

Facing Gao Qi’s eyes, Thearesia looked confident.

Gao Qi was stunned for a moment, then smiled helplessly.

Sister, why did you read the contents of your suicide note directly to me? It stands to reason that you still have three years to live.

“Ha, Kelsey is worth more than how many princes and nobles she has made to meet a friend like you—lucky for her.”

Looking at the elegant and beautiful Her Royal Highness in front of her, just like a child who was expecting adults to buy him candy, he looked at him with pleading eyes. Gao Qi knew that he was no longer suitable for restraint, and he stretched out his big hand and patted her little boy. head, looking at her with a smile.

“And… even if you don’t say it, I can’t let Kelsey go on like this – but I will tell the truth about your feelings for her.”

Although Kelsey is difficult to conquer, she is Gao Qi’s default future wife. For her life, Gao Qi did not need to explain her life in person, but she already knew it in her “suicide note” in the original work.

As for Theresia, she founded the Tower of Babel and built Rhodes Island, partly for the sake of the world, and partly for the sake of Kelsey’s loneliness and family ties.

How should I put it, apart from Theresia Kelsey’s post, Gao Qi couldn’t think of a better evaluation – of course, the post is a post, and Gao Qi also wants to post together!

I don’t mind being caught between the two of you when you post, really.

However, it’s no wonder that Thearesia can’t fight her ruthless brother. The former is full of worries and regards everyone’s life as a treasure, while the latter has nothing to do, and some are just partners and tools.

“Well…Mr. Gaochie, stop teasing me!”

Hearing Gao Qi’s words and seeing his slightly playful expression, Thearesia’s face turned red, half embarrassed and half ashamed.

Embarrassment because I begged others for a long time, but what Gao Qi had planned to do in the end. It’s a shame that for the first time in so many years, someone heard her thoughts on Kelsey, and they didn’t feel strange, but greatly appreciated it.

“Anyway, the matter here is over this time, Mr. Gao Qi, if you have nothing else to do, just follow me back to the south.”

With the long black horn on her head, she knocked away Gao Qi’s big hand, and Theresia pouted like an ordinary girl.

“Kelsey said that she would bring an expert to meet us. Seria, Homer, and Miss Ifrit also miss you very much… and in the south, there are still many ancient Sarkaz empires. There may be something you’re looking for, Mr. Gaoch.”

From the beginning to the end, the events that happened in the blood city, in the eyes of the two of them, were not a big deal.

Hearing her words, Gao Qi thought for a while, then nodded.

“Okay, then I’ll listen to you. Anyway, I don’t seem to have any goals for the time being, and I know everything I want to know… It’s okay to take a break.”

From the commander-in-chief, Gao Qi knew the gods in this world and the location of their ruins, and because of the guidance of the **** of the stars, Gao Qi came to the bloodthirsty people again, and knew the truth of the falling sun.

And from the mouth of the bloodthirsty, Gao Qi got, although not all, but still a lot of the whereabouts of the power of the sky.

Rutland, Iberia, Ursus, Yan Kingdom, Dong Kingdom, and Kazdel where he is… Gao Qi needs to visit these places.

It will be a long journey, but Gao Qi is not in a hurry. It is not impossible to spend a few days with the girls around him.

“Since you have invited Her Royal Highness, I will not shirk any more. During this time, I just continued to be in charge of Kelsey’s diet and daily life, so that her life could be a little more normal – without my coffee, Kelsey estimates Very unhappy.”

After chuckling a few times, Gao Qi then looked at Theresia in front of him, his tone became slightly exaggerated,

“Of course, strategy or something, it’s definitely not suitable for Kelsey now, please don’t mention it, Your Highness Thearesia, and well, if you have to pursue a girl… I think, Theresa, you It’s more appropriate!”

Before saying this, Gao Qi was ready, got up from the bed, and took a few steps back.

“Well—Mr. Gooch! Please, please don’t make such a joke!”

And as he thought, Thearesia, who was still smiling just now, turned red in an instant, and the next second, the small black missile hit Gao Qi like a hailstone, which could not hurt anyone. But the crackling of the beating hurts.

Thearesia is the princess. It stands to reason that even in Terra, royal marriages are very frequent. Naturally, many of the orthodox heirs of Kazdel want to try marriage or something.

But so far, there have only been many Casimir warlords who have proposed to Theresia, but she has only rejected them casually.

However… the Sarkaz people have lived for too long, and Gao Qi, the hundreds-year-old wife, doesn’t mind at all, but for other royal families, a wife who has lived longer than you is completely unprofitable.

So, whether Gao Qi takes it seriously or not, this is the first time in hundreds of years that a foreigner has courted Her Royal Highness in person.

There were no formulaic courtship words, nor was it told through the mouth of a messenger. The face-to-face confession was so direct that Thearesia was a little overwhelmed, and in a panic, she waved her hand and bombarded Gao Qi with a psychic explosive missile.

At this moment, the door of the room was pushed open, and Alonael happened to push the door open, just overhearing the conversation between the two.

“Ah… Should I come later? After all, this is related to the inheritance of Kazdel royal power. Is two hours enough? Don’t worry, our family is very strict.”

And behind her, Ascalon had already pulled out two daggers and looked at Gao Qi angrily. With the order of Theresia, she castrated Gao Qi – just across a distance. It’s just a door, how could she not hear clearly.

“Your Highness, please order.”

Seeing this, Thearesia immediately stopped the bombing of the trick and waved at Askeron embarrassedly.

“No, no, it’s all right, I’m just playing with Mr. Gao Qi, don’t you think, Mr. Gao Qi–“

Gao Qi gave a thumbs up without hesitation.

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