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Old Hunter of Tomorrow’s Ark

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Chapter 239:

The most commendable is Ursus’ field artillery. This weapon is one of the few long-range support weapons in Terra that can carry out over-the-horizon strikes. The artillery-guided drone alone is the size of a jeep, and it can kill people when it falls. , and the movement requires truck towing.

However, in street fighting in the city, the mortar is the most powerful weapon.

In fact, it is a “magic generating device” rather than a so-called cannon.

Through various repulsion spells that are far away, like using Ashowendi to launch a king killer, the components formed by the combination of spell units are launched, and they are automatically triggered after hitting or approaching a heat source, setting off a spell storm. This is the The principle of Terra artillery.

Of course, the more economical way is not to use spells, but instead to fill up with Originium fragments and dust, and explode directly after the impact, the high concentration of Originium radiation will cause everyone in the explosion center to suffer from acute ore disease .

This is – dirty bombs, even if Terra doesn’t have the Geneva Convention, using dirty bombs is a disgraceful act when ore disease is feared by everyone.

Of course, it is necessary to use it. Not all countries care about international public opinion.

And in Kazdel, there isn’t even a “country” here.

The grenade, wrapped in a large amount of Originium dust, whizzed down from the air, but it seemed to be pinched by a pair of invisible hands and stagnated in place.

On the edge of the commercial street, a pink-haired woman who had not appeared just now was slowly emerging from the air, her hands clasped in front of her, her originally elegant and lovely face was full of anger.

In the air, black silk threads slowly emerged, like cobwebs, tying the dozens of cannonballs that smashed into the commercial street in mid-air.

“It’s… crazy, a ruler is firing on his own city! To bomb his own people!”

Theresia’s voice was full of anger, and the behavior in front of her was beyond her expectations.

The light pink eyes turned into pure black with a faint rainbow color in an instant. Thearesia who had just left, or who had been waiting not far away, clenched her fists violently, and a number of pitch-black figures appeared behind her. , a crystal like Originium.

Then, countless black energy missiles trembled and condensed out in the air, shooting through these small grenades fixed in the air at a speed faster than bullets, directly destroying them.

“Spiritual explosion…”

Looking at the familiar spell, not far away, Gao Qi was stunned for a moment, then quickly withdrew his protective spell and patted the girls around him.

“Let’s go, your Royal Highness has rescued us – Titi, how are you getting along with her?”

Theresia didn’t go far, Gao Qi always knew, but he didn’t expect to see the familiar Originium skill so many years in advance – the spell of the future leader of Rhodes Island.

And seeing the familiar figure, Scadi, who was still immersed in the joy of reuniting with Gao Qi, hesitated for a few seconds, then came back to his senses, stood on tiptoe and waved to Theresia.

“Well, Theresia is a good person! Theresia, I’m here!”

After finding my man, the friends I met before are not so important.

“His Royal Highness Theresia! Well, it’s an honor to be rescued by His Highness…”

On the side, facing the coverage of artillery fire that was several times stronger than his own, W twitched the corner of his mouth, and finally waved at His Highness, whom he respected.

“Ha… I just came here to have a cup of coffee. Why did I become bombarded? I have been a mercenary for several years and haven’t been hit by so many mortars. Today is a good experience.”

Picking up a piece of shrapnel that was smashed by a pitch-black spell, as a small bomber of Terra, W quickly identified the type of ammunition.

“Type 75 high-explosive Originium dust bomb, this is the equipment that Ursus and Dongguo used when they were fighting, tsk, it seems that Gorefiend is not an old antique that stays at home… Even if this thing is around us Explosion, and we’ll get acute ore sickness in an instant – but you **** shouldn’t be afraid of that.”

Before he finished speaking, a thin rock shield rose up beside everyone, and it didn’t even affect vision.

“This place has become a bombing zone. This shield can help us filter some of the Originium dust. Unfortunately, I only have such a gas mask.”

Before Mudstone could finish speaking, several gas masks produced by Rhine Life were pressed on the faces of W, Kelu Hill, and the innocent cafe owner.

“You can always trust what’s hidden in Gao Qi’s bag – Titi and I don’t need this, hurry up.”

Blinking at W, Princess Gaoqi picked up Kelu Xier, who had been curled up in fright, and started running towards the exit of the commercial street.

“What kind of Colombian blockbuster is this? Why do I just come out to pick up a job, so I won’t get bombed!”

As a well-known little white face, because of the support of the chief and Zofiya, Gao Qi purchased a lot of materials in Colombia and Casimir, and the radiation protection materials are enough to arm an army. Miss Doll and Gao Qi complained about the dream every day. There are too many supplies.

But Gao Qi feels that there will always be a time when it will be useful, such as now.

“Ha… Well, anyway, you’re always at your disposal.”

W put on the mask and wanted to pat the **** Gao Qi on the shoulder as usual, but she looked at Skadi who was waving her hand, and after thinking for a while, she withdrew her hand and followed silently – female When the master came home, she naturally did not dare to be too intimate, especially since the hostess could tear her apart with one hand.


Not far away, Theresia was still resisting the cannonballs that fell like raindrops.


However, no matter how strong the individual is, it is still incomparable compared to the army. After realizing that there is a spell to resist the attack, the artillery unit that fired from a distance switched to air-explosive bombs, which detonated in advance before being blocked by the spell.

The Originium cannonball hit the shield like hail, and the energy turbulence caused by the explosion disrupted the release of the spell. As the number of explosions exceeded 100, Thearesia’s expression was calm and her forehead also stretched out. fine beads of sweat.

You must know that this kind of legion-level shield itself is a spell that requires hundreds of warlocks to gather together to release. At this moment, Thearesia relies on the power of one person to complete it – this is more than just a word to describe it as a genius.

Soon, Gao Qi and his party came to her side under the protection of Theresia.

“Ah, have you met? Mr. Gaochie, Miss Scatty is an interesting girl and a powerful warrior. If she wasn’t your lover, I might try to poach some characters~~”

Seeing Gao Qi coming, Theresia still maintained the shield to protect the entire street, until the panicked pedestrians hid under the eaves.

“Ha, I’m afraid I’ll choose to join Titi. It’s not uncommon for a princess to recruit—well, Theresia, you’re on the verge of reaching your limit. If this goes on, your ore disease will get worse.”

Although she didn’t study medicine, Gao Qi could sense that the enormous power in Theresia’s body was surging and jumping like a living creature, like a beast that was about to break through the cage.

“Ha… It doesn’t matter, it’s a person who can protect a person – the blood city has been independent for nearly a hundred years, I didn’t expect their leader to become like this, and I was careless, if I brought my staff with me If so, no!”

Suddenly, Thearesia was a little unstable, and the spell was interrupted for a moment.

The next second, one left and one right, Gao Qi and Skadi helped him up, and Theresia also bit her lip and continued to support the release of the spell.

“Since the ruler of Gorefiend doesn’t care about the life and death of her people, then I have to care.”

And soon, in the shadow on the side, the heroic elder sister Ascalon also appeared immediately, holding a tube of potion in her hand.

“His Royal Highness, Dr. Kelsey told you that you need to control your strength, and I have to inject you with a blocker.”

For this loyal guard, His Highness’s safety comes first.

“Don’t, Ascalon, this will stop the release of my spells, and let me hold on for a while—”

Looking at the few old people and children left in the alley, Teresia gritted her teeth, and more black light bullets began to tilt towards the falling cannonballs in the sky.

But soon, a big hand suddenly stretched out in front of Thearesia, and hit the dignified Royal Highness, causing her head to collapse.



“What are you doing, old bastard!”

Accompanied by Theresia’s pitiful cry of pain, W shouted at Gao Qi as if frightened, while Ascalon was more direct, without saying a word, sharp and shining. The dagger pressed directly towards Gao Qi’s throat.


“Don’t touch Gao Qi, let him finish.”

But the next second, accompanied by a sonic boom, Skadi’s slender fingers easily pinched Ascalon’s dagger so that it could no longer move, and was careful not to crush it.

And looking at Theresia, who was bewildered in front of her, Gao Qi decisively gave her another headache.

“Hey—well, bullying people!”

She didn’t understand what Gao Qi wanted to do, but Theresia had to maintain a legion-level spell shield at the same time, so she couldn’t resist at all, she could only tearfully look at Gao Qi pitifully.

“Ha… No wonder when Kelsey was chatting with me, he said you were an idiot. Don’t sacrifice your health for this trivial matter. Your body is the capital of the revolution.”

Looking at Theresia’s pitiful face, Gao Qi sighed.

“Alright, alright, hold on for a while, and take them to Lady Church’s territory, and Skadi and I… to deal with the artillery battalion.”

Gao Qi now knows that, no matter how much royal blood flows through her body, and how much experience she has as a politician, she is still a stupid and bad person in essence.

“Furthermore, if I want to say…how many people still need to be rescued, it’s also a question of how many people can be rescued – think about it a little bit, are there people in the Sarkaz who can’t move because of old age?”

Reaching out his hand, Gao Qi pointed to the “old men” not far away.

The few Gorefiends who had been standing still on the street suddenly stopped, trembling and roaring, scratching their backs constantly, and even tore their clothes and skin.

After a while like this, the strange “transformation” was over. Those Gorefiends turned their heads, their **** mouths grew, and their crimson eyes stared at Gao Qi and his group in the distance.

Obviously, these people have also been transformed.

“Ha, I can probably guess now, what has someone done to this city…”

Looking at the old castle in the center of the city not far away, Gao Qi sighed softly.

“Although I don’t know who the opponent is, I definitely know what she wants to do – really, Annalise is no longer stupid. These idiots still think that this road has drama.”

Gao Qi knew that he was afraid that his knowledge and power about the filthy blood race had been leaked into the Gorefiend’s territory since the day the sky fell.

And when it comes to the knowledge of filthy vampires… except for the curse of immortality, there should be only one thing that can be praised.

The Art of Ascension – Breed the descendants of the superior, and achieve the ascension of the entire clan!

I am afraid that this blood-loving city has become a dark sacrificial ground a long time ago, and the citizens here will turn into those brainless beasts like Cain Hearst.

“Hey, did Kelsey say that about me–she still cares about me… But she also said, Mr. Gauche, you are trustworthy, well, Ascalon.”

Beside her, Theresia stood up, rubbed her forehead, and smiled again.

“It seems that we have more things to talk about in the future, but now… I’ll leave it to you, Mr. Gouche, Miss Scatty.”

The vacant hands slammed open, and in Theresia’s eyes, the rainbow-colored brilliance clearly shone.

The next second, the black lines that formed the shield gathered into a vertical line, turned into a thick beam of light, and bombarded the sky suddenly.

The blasting rain composed of Originium dust and spell units was penetrated by this incomparable energy, showing an obvious channel in the air.

And after this blow, Thearesia looked even weaker.

“I’m waiting for the good news of your victory – we still have a big battle to fight, go, my warriors.”

“As you wish, my lady.”

Gao Qi nodded, and then placed his arm lightly on Skadi.

“Let’s go, Titi.”


The two, who had long been in tacit understanding, didn’t need to say much. Skadi’s legs slammed and stepped on a huge crack on the ground again. Gao Qi and Skadi instantly disappeared in place.

And Theresia couldn’t help sticking out her little tongue.

“…He’s really strong–I just don’t know if he dares to teach Kelsey a lesson, hey~~”


In the next second, after crossing the sound barrier and passing the cannonball, Gao Qi and Skadi landed accurately and slammed into the lined mortar barrels.

“Just now, you bombed very well, didn’t you, I have to let you know who is the real Tyra Cannon King!”

Gao Qi took out the huge repeating pistol and the artillery-like Ludwig rifle with both hands, and poured out mercury bullets at the Gorefiends who were still blinded.

Then came the storm of killing.

45. The dependents who form an army and sleepless nights!

In fact, old hunters have always lacked foresight.

As a hunter, Gao Qi is not a general. He has no experience in arranging troops, let alone predicting the opponent’s next move.

If he didn’t put all the information on his face, it would be difficult for him to speculate on how the enemy — especially the group of gods whose thinking methods were far beyond human beings, thought and the direction of their next move.

Although Gao Qi’s various actions in Terra appear to be prophets, in fact, they are all reasoning based on known plots – he is only a former doctor who is worthy of praise.

Therefore, when coming to an unfamiliar time node, a city that has never been known in the plot, Gao Qi has no idea what will happen next except for a few old acquaintances.

Including but not limited to, this peaceful city for nearly a hundred years suddenly turned into a hail of bullets in the Eastern Front of World War II, and at the same time, there are a group of people with strong athletic ability who seem to have come out of the zombie world war. This kind of thing happens when a strong enemy throws you in the face.

Gao Qi admitted that he did not expect this at all. After all, even in Yanan, he would not use such a sinister stacking skill at the same time. After all, the game level always requires the player to clear the level, and torturing the player is just a process. That’s it.

But… the old hunter has more ways to make up for this little shortcoming.

First, Gao Qi has never been afraid of any sudden challenges. The hunter instinct will make him alert to all surprise attacks, and then use his superb combat skills to kill all the intruding enemies!

Second… If the enemy has artillery clusters, then in Gao Qi’s house, there is Titi! ! !

In a corner of the blood city, in a small position covered by snow-colored camouflage,

As a unit directly under the Gorefiend territory, this artillery camp is one of the few heavy firepower units of Gorefiend, and it has a large number of veterans who have gone through countless battles.

Although the task given today is to indiscriminately bomb the commercial streets of the City of Blood, but the Gorefiend soldiers will not question the rationality of this order—they will never question it.

They are not loyal to race and power, but only to one person, a person who can make the Gorefiend race regain its splendor-in fact, they and countless colleagues have been working for the most important person since their birth a hundred years ago. the ultimate goal.

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