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Old Hunter of Tomorrow’s Ark

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Chapter 221:

When Gao Qi is away, she will be responsible for replacing Skadi as an external thought circuit, at least not to make her troublesome.

“Ms. Ascalon, are you going to have dinner together?”

“No, I need to maintain a state of war at all times.”

Shaking his head, Ascalon finally said a word.

“Mr. Gao Qi, it’s really… unexpectedly romantic, you are willing to share your lover with others, Xenomi?”

She doesn’t understand very much, what kind of excellent man can do the woman and the invincible girl in front of her to show her most sincere emotions.

“Ha – the master is much more ‘important’ than you think. If you want to know more about him, I don’t mind being a referrer.”

There was a hint of cunning in the smile, Zenomi shook her little tail behind her, and looked at Thearesia who was still in surprise.

Although she said her master, there was no doubt that her eyes belonged to the girl in love.

“His Royal Highness, let’s discuss it next. We have agreed on a meeting place with the master – if we don’t go earlier, our master will definitely bring home more girls!”

This is what Xenomi worries about.

After all… the truck at home is not big enough!

“Yeah, Kelsey never told me these things, she must be hiding it from me on purpose! It seems that Mr. Gouch is indeed an interesting person… Well, this afternoon, we will be out of camp Set off!”

Unlike Ascalon’s performance, Theresia’s face showed a look of anticipation.

“After all, I just happened to be going to the Blood City, to go there… to recruit a talent!”

23. The blood city and the invitation. (6k)

In a sense, the Sarkaz people have never been unified, but they have always been unified.

Like the Roman Empire, the once vast territory of the Sarkaz Empire was made up of a variety of peoples—subspecies known today as the “Sarkaz.”

You can think of it with your heels, a banshee who is weak and has the strongest magic talent, Goliath with an average height of nearly 2 meters, a bloodthirsty Gorefiend, and a cannibal Wen who doesn’t even have a personal appearance. Diego, they are very different from each other in terms of racial characteristics and cultural heritage.

To be precise, the kinship between them may not be comparable to the relationship between Pello and Filin, let alone a “subspecies”.

But there is no doubt that they all recognize themselves as Sarkaz people, regard Kazdel as their homeland, speak the same language and script, endure the suffering and curse of Sarkaz, and uphold Sarkaz Unity and blessing of people.

This is the feat of the Sarkaz Empire, which is comparable to that of the Great Yan Emperor, who enshrined the gods. Unlike the Great Khan who swept across the continent, the Sarkaz Empire united people of several races by virtue of culture and civilization.

Of course, there is another saying that the technology of the ancient Sarkaz Empire, or the ancient Originium technology, has completely changed these different races, and united these unrelated races by unknown power, and each other blood flow between them.

Otherwise, it is difficult to explain why these races have such a high probability of being infected by Oripathy despite their different shapes and talents.

And the reason why Gao Qi thinks this country is like Rome is because… When the glorious Sarkaz Empire fell apart overnight, the people of Sarkaz were never unified again in name.

Even if they call themselves Sarkaz, most of the sub-races are inseparable from each other. The senate formed by the royal courts of various races during the Sarkaz Empire still exists, but the council is more just to stumbling each other. I want to unite everyone in Kazdel in the name of the Holy Sarkaz Empire.

For thousands of years, the unification war of Sarkaz has never stopped, usually to resist foreign invasion, while the other half is a non-stop civil war.

When the steam colonists of Victoria, the sorcerer knights of Letania, the “crusaders” of the Rutland, and the invading forces of the Ursus, set foot on the lands of the Kazdel, the Sarkaz erupted Amazing unity.

They joined hands to cast aside racial prejudice to defend against foreign enemies, and defeated the invaders several times—the brothers’ walls and their regrets.

This is also the reason why no other country has dared to challenge Kazdel until now.

However, when the invaders left, or turned to softer methods to infiltrate culture and business, the royal courts of various ethnic groups quickly showed the essence of feudal warlords and began to compete with each other for power and profits. Some of the facilities were easily destroyed in the war.

The “Kazdel Unified Military Council” was born under this circumstance. The royal blood, war heroes, outstanding leaders, and the two brothers and sisters Tracy and Theresia, who were shrouded in various halos, were in a hundred years. After accumulation, the unification war began years ago.

Although the two still have differences, the former’s excellent combat talent and the latter’s rich governance experience, coupled with the royal family’s natural diplomatic talent, quickly attracted the support of several royal courts.

After many years of fighting, most of the opponents have either been defeated by the coercion of Tracy’s army, or surrendered under the mediation and persuasion of Theresia. Great battle to be fought.

However, with the more and more fights between the radical Tracy and the Huairou Theresia in the parliament, everyone with a discerning eye can see that the two brothers and sisters have begun to become a little bit like water and fire.

Maybe in the not too distant future, the two of them will have a battle—whether at the conference table or on the real battlefield.

Right now, the two people, who are five-to-five on paper, are actively looking for allies.

And the key to deciding the outcome of this battle, the two brothers and sisters who will become the sole monarch of Kazdel’s balance, seems… to fall on a few royal court lords who have remained neutral all year round.

Among them, the most powerful and the one who needs to be drawn the most is… the Gorefiend.

The lineup of this race will determine the final direction of many swingers.

November 10, north of Kazdel.


Weather: Cloudy with light snow.

Move the town, the blood city, the west entrance.

When the orthodox successor of the Sarkaz people, and the hunters from the deep sea of ​​Agor, were on the giant freight vehicle, chatting happily for a man, and bringing many people to the city, Gao Qi has brought three white-haired and red-eyed girls to the northern town of Kazdel.

Yesterday, in Warfarin’s temporary residence, Gao Qi gave up the bed to W and Warfarin, and managed to cope with it on a chair all night—of course, he was next to the mudstone, no loss.

The next morning, they got up early and pulled up Warfarin, who was still dozing off in bed. It took them two hours to arrive at the Gorefiend territory called the Bloody City, dozens of kilometers away. among.

“Hey, there are a lot of people. It’s really lively. We’ve been walking around the town in Letania. It’s been a long time since we saw a settlement with so many people.”

Relying on a tall Goliath-level man to stand out from the crowd of ordinary people, Gao Qi looked at the surrounding towns with different styles from other countries, and his face was full of nostalgia.

Although it is called a “mobile town” when the construction of mobile cities is prohibited by various countries, there are not many residents of the blood city.

Because in addition to the main body of the town, there are many portable mobile houses or detachable warm tents that live in the wild and are pulled by tractors, so that the number of residents in this “town” is also 200,000 to 300,000, of which about half are blood Demon, you can also see many other Sarkaz people.

The size of the mobile town is much smaller than that of the mobile city, and it is only 40 to 50 meters above the ground. From the edge of the city, you can still see the snow-covered canopy spires in the frosty woodland.

Perhaps influenced by both Letanian and Ursus cultures, the town’s style is extraordinarily cold and eerie, with unmelted snow covering the pale masonry and black tiles hanging from the spired houses. With a lot of skaters.

In addition, the thick walls erected around the town were used as battle fortresses.

Of course, although it looks backward, this kind of battle city wall is a high-strength alloy cast by modern materials science, and it can even resist large-caliber moat cannons. Only cities that are always ready for battle will have such facilities – Ka Every town in Zdel has such walls.

Compared with modern Colombia and Casimir, this is not so much a town as a heavily guarded medieval gigantic castle.

How to say it, no matter how you look at it, Gao Qi feels that this place seems more like a place he has been to before…

Cain Hirst.

“However, at least it’s not as big over there.”

At the gate of entering the town, Gao Qi was photographed in a long queue with two mercenary girls and a “doctor” whom he met on the road, followed by a few plainly dressed local residents in front of him. Hurry up.

“Tsk…Usually it’s not so lively here. Something’s wrong — there is a problem, there is a real problem.”

Standing in front of Gao Qi, W’s expression was a little nervous. The small hand in cotton gloves pinched his chin, and the two red hairs above the white hair jumped around.

The cotton gloves were given to her by Gao Qi. Except for the thick armor of mudstone, which is not afraid of cold, the rest of W and Warfarin are a pair.

Although W shied away a bit at first, it was really fragrant in the end. There was no way. Wearing fingerless gloves in the winter was torture. She wore it to pull the trigger flexibly.

She is still wearing a thick red and black down jacket, which is light and warm, and is also in Gao Qi’s inventory – the mercenaries have no place to buy these precious things, and they all rely on the fire, Originium skills and integrity.

“Either there’s something big, or…they’re trying to catch someone—that’s you, Gao Qi!”

Looking at the distance, the leader of the team, all dressed in red-brown leather armor, with rapiers around their waists, with pale faces, are undoubtedly the town guards of the Sarkaz Gorefiend, who are checking the identity of every pedestrian. During the process, W couldn’t help but flick the little tail behind him.

This is at the junction with the southwest of Ursus. As a major transportation route in the north, although the Gorefiend, who has remained neutral all year round, is said to be particularly terrifying, many mercenaries and multinational businessmen still choose to supply and pass by here.

Even, there will be Ursus peasants and deserters who can’t survive and run here, barely paying for a living. Although the taxes of the king of the royal court here are not low, they can barely survive.

“Nearly 10,000 people come and go here every day. There are no complicated security check channels and strict customs in big cities. In the past, only the guards were responsible for letting people in and out. Soldiers will also turn a blind eye—to be so responsible all of a sudden, maybe the lord ordered it directly.”

Mudstone clasped his chest with his hands beside him, and also added to W.

Although he has never been to this area, as a mercenary, Mudstone knows the rules of the city of Kazdel. If everyone was as responsible as the current guards, peace and order would have come a long time ago.

“Obviously, the current situation in the Blood Dependent City is a bit tense. We still don’t know what they are trying to investigate – maybe it’s the crazy blood demons in the wild recently, maybe…”

It took almost three or four days since he left the mercenary group, but for safety, Mudyan never took off his combat uniform from beginning to end, and continued to be misunderstood by the three of them as a man.

According to W, Mudstone is a geek who plays with mud every day and talks to stones, and is as strange as Gao Qi has.

However, Mudstone actually loves cleanliness very much. She didn’t take off this non-ventilated equipment for several days in a row. Even if the outside world was cold, her body would be soaked by sweat all the year round. Mudyan especially wanted to find a safe place to wash up.

And… she also kind of wants the clothes and gloves that Mr. Gao Qi sent! It’s still down animal down, where can Kazdel buy such high-end goods!

However, now it seems that Mudstone can only shelve this small wish.

“—Maybe they wanted me, right? There were blood demons in the team that captured me before, and they were more sensible than those brainless beasts. It is hard not to make people suspect that it was sent by the Blood Guard City. of.”

Lowering the brim of his hunter’s triangle hat, Gao Qi shrugged his shoulders.

He also doesn’t know the plot here. Kazdel’s plot itself is not much. He came here more to see Ifrit and her mothers, and then to see Kelsey and Rosemary. Fragrant mother and daughter.

Finally, there may be a chance to get to know Kelsey’s old friend, Her Royal Highness, as well as the position he once held – the invincible Babel tower evil spirit, Doctor.

Maybe, he might even meet that little bunny!

After all, the original content did not introduce the so-called Gorefiend at all, and Gao Qi only knew a few Gorefiend acquaintances. It was a bit embarrassing for a hunter to reason.

“It’s not that I can’t make it easy, but hunters are not good at this – not good at sneaking, maybe we can find a gap from the bottom of the city…”

“No, maybe there’s an easier way. I’ll make a fuss here and use explosives to make things a little louder—you take the opportunity to pass the security check, and we don’t owe each other, how about it?”

W turned around and looked at Gao Qi with a wicked smile. As a mercenary, she didn’t mind being a bait.

“I’m very good at escaping for my life. Even if I get caught, I won’t be able to go to jail for a year or two before I’m released. Maybe Ines and the others can come to redeem me in advance. Don’t worry, this time will not count for Sarkaz. What-hmm.”

Before he could finish speaking, W’s little mouth was blocked by something sweet. Gao Qi rolled her eyes at her and stuffed a lollipop into her mouth.

“Do you think I’m the kind of person who can use other people as bait? Eat your candy honestly, I’ll try it later, if the people here really plan to catch me, they certainly won’t be able to stop me. “

Flicking W’s forehead, he gave her the middle finger, Gao Qi took the hunter’s cane in his hand again, and replaced the three-cornered hat on his head with a dome gentleman’s top hat.

Although Kazdel is very chaotic, the blood demon race is still like the vampire in traditional literature. The more noble, the more like to show off. His dressing like this is conducive to negotiation – and it is also conducive to fighting.

“I want you to take care of it, my mother is happy! If you want to find bad luck, you can find it yourself, but I’m too lazy to mention you in the number!”

The vermilion eyes whitened Gao Qi for a moment, and W slapped Gao Qi’s hand off in annoyance and snatched the strawberry-flavored lollipop.

Although the time together is very short, W can be considered to find out Gao Qi’s personality.

Rotten people, pure rotten people!

Obviously, this guy is a faceless and skinless scumbag. He doesn’t mind telling others that he has two lovers, and even if he leaves those two super cute girlfriends, he still messes around with flowers – not yet Ordinary grass is a hundred-year-old root!

In the same way, this guy is a bad guy who makes W unhappy. Not only does he wear that cheerful smile every day, but he is also kind and helpful, and he helps him in every way. Warfarin is not the only one they saved along the way. A person.

It stands to reason that this kind of person would have died long ago in the cannibalistic land of Kazdel, but the fact is that this **** Gao Qi is alive and well, no matter how you look at it, this makes people…

Very upset!

But…that’s the fun!

Not saying anything more, W just swiped Gao Qi with his tail angrily, turned around, stopped talking, and ate candy silently.

Just when Gao Qi was hesitant and troubled, a small hand rested on his shoulder.

“Hey, hey, have you forgotten me, the old Gorefiend? Although I haven’t lived here for a long time, even if you look at the entire Gorefiend race, my qualifications can be said to be the oldest—don’t worry. , let me talk, they will definitely sell me a face.”

Patting her chest, Warfarin seemed to have forgotten the embarrassing incident that happened last night, and looked extra confident.

“Of course, this isn’t free either – I’ll help you enter the town safely, and you have to give me at least 400cc of blood! Of course, it’s for research!”

The red eyes looked at Gao Qi, and Warfarin, a fellow traveler who “knowing” only yesterday, held a needle in his forehand and kept shaking it at Gao Qi.

Although yesterday, the self-proclaimed most professional hematology expert couldn’t help giving her patient a mouthful, and even lost the first kiss that only she knew and hadn’t been sent for hundreds of years, but Warfarin finally Or choose to forget about it.

What can I do? What about making Kelsey’s boyfriend responsible for him?

If the old lynx found out, with Warfarin’s understanding of her, I’m afraid that it wasn’t the moment that Kelsey knew, and he would have to be torn apart on the spot.

Moreover, Warfarin herself has no idea about love and love. Otherwise, with her condition, in hundreds of years, changing one every year can bring disaster to many boys and girls.

However, for now, for Gao Qi, a modest and polite man, Warfarin cares more about the blood in his body.

The temptation that even an old Gorefiend like her couldn’t resist, and the feeling of satisfaction and joy when she sucked his blood, Warfarin – very curious.

Before finding out the reason, Warfarin decided to keep pestering him. As for what Gao Qi and the others were going to do, the old Gorefiend didn’t care much.

“There are so many crazy Gorefiends in the wild now. I think this side will increase the inspection efforts. It is because of this reason that the eight achievements must have nothing to do with you. Don’t worry, my words are still very useful, just the old man’s words, those guards. We will definitely let us pass immediately, and then I will help you arrange accommodation.”

Patting his chest, Warfarin looked like a dungeon—although the time she spent in Gorefiend’s territory didn’t add up to many years.

“Uh, are you sure? I have to make sure you’re as close as possible to me, you inhale a lot of blood containing liquid Originium solution, my blood can suppress Originium activity when you’re near me, if you’re too far away, you You may suffer from ore disease in an instant.”

Gao Qi looked at this former medical operator and couldn’t help raising his eyebrows – you must know that this enthusiastic medical operator has never been equated with stability and reliability.

“Then I just have the opportunity to study the relationship between Gorefiend and Oripathy. What’s wrong with having one more test subject–but, please, Gaochie, please get in with me?”

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