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Old Hunter of Tomorrow’s Ark

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Chapter 216:

Although now, Ifrit has become a real Balrog, she has initially mastered the power in her body, and after becoming Gao Qi’s “relative”, she also has the ability to suppress the activity of Originium, but in the photo in this chapter, she It’s still the same serious ore disease.

“Okay, no kidding, this is my daughter, she’s living with her mother in Kazdel, and one of the reasons I’m here is to see her… She’s also infected, now you can believe it right?”

Looking at the photo of his good daughter in his hand with relief, Gao Qi also misses her very much—and her two mothers, the white-faced owl, is a little aunt.

“For me, there is no difference between an infected person or a non-infected person. A person’s quality depends on her behavior, not her identity.”

And looking at this little Sarkaz girl who also had ore crystals on her body and seemed to be much more ill than herself, W was stunned for a few seconds.

“Ah, what, sorry, I shouldn’t have said that… You are a good person.”

Abandoned by her parents since childhood, she especially admires such parents who will not abandon their children even if they are severely infected, but insist on raising them—obviously, Gao Qi is such a person.

Looking at Gao Qi, who was very indifferent to this, W suddenly discovered that this guy, apart from his unique identity and interesting experience… It seems that other aspects are not bad too?

However, soon, her expression became strange again.

“No, this child is a Sarkaz, one of your two concubines is Zarak, and the other is of unknown race, but it’s definitely not Sarkaz-how many wives do you have!”

And Gao Qi also snapped his fingers a little embarrassedly.

“Wait a minute, I’ll count—”

“Wow, ah, ah, help, help, help! Who will help me—”

And suddenly, in the forest not far away, a scream resounded through the forest.

“Mr. Gauche, Miss W, wow—someone seems to be calling for help over there!”

Soon, the mudstone standing guard ran over from not far away and pointed to the side of the frosty forest.

W and Gao Qi turned their heads and saw a group of dead blood demons around them, a “zombie group” that was somewhat similar.

In front of them, a girl wearing a black dress, with white hair and red eyes, and carrying a large bag, was running away quickly.

“Who is here, save me, I’m not good at fighting!”

And looking at the girl who ran for her life, Gao Qi raised his eyebrows—

Good guy, white-haired and red-eyed, this is… all done?

I! Yes! Who! .jpg

17. Miss Warfarin, the beautiful girl! (Happy Mid-Autumn Festival!)

A hero saves beauty, an act that most men cannot refuse.

Under the circumstances of what they can do, they found a pretty woman who was being attacked by a terrifying monster. Most men probably couldn’t help the urge to go to the rescue.


“Wait, wait a moment, Mudstone.”

Looking at the silver-covered woodland, the white-haired girl in a black coat, carrying a large bag and a small bag, was running fast, followed by dozens of bloodthirsty and bloodthirsty demons. Gao Qi’s eyes lit up slightly. Activate the eye rune.

And when he saw the face of the other party, he didn’t hesitate, he immediately stretched out his hand and stopped the big man beside him who was about the same height as him.

“Mr. Gaoch? That lady seems to need help.”

Although just now, Mudyan saw Mr. Gao Qi and Miss W, they seemed to be sitting by the fire, fighting with each other very intimately, but in the face of the surging wave of blood demons, Mudyan has no time to take care of it now. With a blushing face, W kicked Gao Qi’s calf, but prepared for battle.

Although he is a mercenary like W, Mudstone still has a simple sense of justice, otherwise he will not be willing to sacrifice for the infected of Letania in the future.

When she had to take care of the mercenaries from her hometown, she had to be cautious as the leader of the squad, but when she was by the side of this not weak W and Mr. Gao Qi, she could instead follow her heart.

So, after being stopped by Gao Qi, she immediately turned around strangely and asked Gao Qi.

“I think I should know her… Let’s take a look, if you can’t say it again, keep the magic power.”

Looking at the familiar face, Gao Qi hesitated.

An old house where a treasure.

He didn’t expect to find the second oldest person in Rhode Island here.

“Well, listen to you.”

Nodding, the mudstone withdrew the hammer, and the Originium energy that connected to the soil condensed in the **** glove.

As long as the mudstone is willing, she can instantly create stalagmites that pierce the enemy within 20 meters of her.

Now, as Mr. Gao Qi’s guard, Mudstone has completely obeyed Gao Qi’s orders.

After all, after spending the past few days together, Mudyan felt that Mr. Gao Qi was an all-around good person.

Although judging from the fact that he has “guards”, was hunted down by Tracy, and was protected by His Royal Highness Theresia, Mr. Gao Qi has either a respected status, a prominent status, or he has important value.

Noble? researcher? Genius general? Mudstone thought it was possible, except that he was a non-racial Agor and could not be the heir to the Kazdel royal bloodline.

Mr. Gao Qi claims to be a hunter, but he is not like those hunters, he is good at bows and arrows and crossbow bolts, but prefers to fight with those strange and exotic weapons.

At the same time, he is also a powerful Originium skill user, sometimes burning the enemy with flames, sometimes taking out weapons and food from his arms without warning—the Originium skill that can manipulate space, and mudstone is only used for mercenaries I heard it in the process of blowing the soldiers after drinking.

Of course, Mr. Gao Qi always humbles himself, saying that his Originium skill is only a half-way monk, and it is all thanks to a few good teachers, which is far from the exquisite skill of shaping clay giants like mudstone.

But Mudyan knew that even if he didn’t use Originium skills, Mr. Gao Qi’s fighting power was above his own.

Moreover, Mr. Gao Qi is also a kind person. Although W was always sneering and sarcastic along the way, he still let go of the wasteland that wanted to rob a group of people several times, and he would appropriately help the poor Saka living in the wilderness. The family.

Of course, Mr. Gao Qi’s kindness is not unprincipled. If faced with ruthless robbers who want to kill people and steal goods, even W will be astonished by how quickly he can kill his opponent.

However, in any case, the probability of such a good person appearing on the land of Kazdel is indeed lower than that of being struck by lightning. Mudstone is particularly honored.

After all, the only good and selfless person she knew was probably the Princess Theresia, who was only known by her name.

However, the only thing that annoyed her was, of course, that both Mr. Gaoch and Miss W seemed to have misunderstood their gender just like everyone else.

Every night, W kicked the mudstone directly to Gao Qi’s side, and Mr. Gao Qi didn’t care about using her as a pillow, slapping her armor on her armor like a child, which was extremely embarrassing – as you can imagine, I’m afraid that. Miss Scarty, who was very close to her, was also treated like this at night.

Despite the thick armor, the mudstone is still a little shy.

But in short, the experience along the way has made Mudyan have a high degree of trust in this protection object who does not need his own protection, and Mudyan accepts Gao Qi’s instructions completely.

“Isn’t that right, you scumbag has finally been cautious again, hey, big guy, take a serious look, that woman is also a blood demon – you are so sure that she is not the bait to lure us into the trap? I like being a good person so much, but I could easily die in Kazdel!”

On the side, when Gao Qi began to count how many girlfriends he had with his fingers, he had already started kicking his W. He did not stop his movements, but confronted this dead scumbag while educating him. Although the mudstone is very strong, it is still a bit too kind mercenary.

“If that woman really isn’t the enemy, it’s not too late to save her when she’s half dead. Believe me, the Gorefiend is one of the few Sarkaz people who has the ability to regenerate at high speeds. Live – Gorefiend mercenaries are really hard to deal with.”

While using the little tail behind him to slap the dead scumbag whose girlfriend needs to break her fingers, W decided to forget the moment just now, and felt that this guy was a good person – do good people have so many girlfriends!

Not far from them, the pretty young girl with white hair and red eyes, pointed ears, and looking very young, finally found Gao Qi and his party.

“This way, this way! Is there anyone over there! Help, these lunatics – wow!”

With a somewhat comical exclamation, the Sarkaz Gorefiend suddenly slipped and fell into the snow.

But when she got up, she found that the portfolio that had been in her arms was scattered all over the floor.

And his ankle, which was wrapped in black thermal leggings, was tightly grasped by a mad blood demon with red eyes and naked body, and several large mouths with festering skin and missing fangs. Bite towards her.

“Ah… I’ve had enough, you guys have no kind of shit, do you think that the old lady has lived in vain all these years! Please show me respect for the elders!”

Stretching out his slender arm, the girl with long white hair smashed the crazy Gorefiend’s head with a punch, knocking him away two meters away – Sarkaz’s strength has never been weak.

“Ha, I didn’t want to use this trick. I’m a doctor, doctor, do you understand!”

Then, facing another one who jumped high and flew towards her several Gorefiends, she directly pulled out a slender black staff that she carried with her, as if be careful of a bottle hanger.

In the bright red eyes, there was a bright red flash that was no different from those crazy blood races, and the blood demon woman clenched her fist—


Along with a few explosions, several bright red blood flowers spewed out from the bodies of these zombie-like blood demons.

All the capillaries were shattered, and the Gorefiend’s naturally pale skin was instantly dyed red by bright red and dark red venous blood, and the arteries and veins of these Gorefiend madmen were instantly burst.

“I’m so stupid that I can’t use Originium for protection, my spells are true damage! Ha – I studied medicine to save people!”

Relying on his Originium skills, he activated the blood in the bodies of these enemies who had no spell resistance at all, thereby destroying the entire blood circulation system. This white-haired Gorefiend easily killed several violent kinsmen.

However, she soon began to cry again.

“Isn’t it, how come there are so many people in the city, so dare to come here!”

After finally knocking down a few of her compatriots, the Gorefiend girl discovered that in the woodland, countless pale shadows were still running fast on the ground with their limbs, thinking of her swiftly running away.

With a helpless sigh, the blood demon girl gritted her teeth and took out a syringe containing dark red blood from her bosom.

“Damn it, this thing has just been tested on animals. God knows if it’s reliable—I don’t believe in God, so I can’t ask God to bless it.”

Originally, she wanted to ask for help from a few pedestrians over there, but when the girl found out the number of chasing soldiers behind her, she started shouting at Gao Qi and the others instead.

“You guys, hurry up, you’re crazy, I don’t know if there’s something big going on here in the Blood City recently, you still dare to run here, don’t let me—wow!”

However, the blood clan girl only felt a cold wind blowing towards her face, wrapped in the snow dust, and roared away from her side.

The next second, the storm of death swept up around her.

The huge meat saw and the hunter’s hand axe flew together. Gao Qi held heavy weapons in both hands, as if dancing in the snow, quickly smashing the lives of these blood demons, as if it was a ground meat that strips flesh and blood. machine.

This is the fighting style of the deep sea hunter. When facing miscellaneous soldiers with different strengths, Titi’s blade storm is always very useful – she is also happy to teach her lover, this special fighting skill.

For Gao Qi, the power that has entered the threshold of excellence is enough for him to use two hands and two weapons to start fighting.

“Nice to meet, ma’am, I hope this won’t be too bloody.”

While maintaining efficient killing, Gao Qi still nodded and said hello to the “girl” with long white hair.

At least it seems that she is indeed a girl.

On the spot beside the bonfire, only the mudstone with the heavy hammer on the ground, clenching his hands, and starting to prepare spells, and W covering his forehead.

“I said, Miss W, that you can always trust Mr. Gouch – he’s different from us.”

His hands slammed on the ground, and the mudstone came on the spot, causing the row upon row of rock pillars to rise from the ground with unparalleled impact, knocking the mad Gorefiends out.

“Ha… I just knew, don’t think about it, big man, you and I are not the same at all. You should go to Colombia to join a charitable foundation – two bad guys.”

Rolling his eyes, W stomped his bare feet on the snow, took out his howitzer, and loaded high-yield shells into it.

“Okay, don’t disturb my happy hour-“

As he said that, the fire of the guns came out vigorously, and W temporarily forgot the short-lived conversation with Gao Qi, which was not pleasant, but not very annoying, and began to mad at the corpse-like blood demon clusters. Bombing.


And, there was a bomb that landed on Gao Qi’s side with great precision—a shock bomb without fragments.

“You wait.”

Gao Qi deftly dodged the attack, turned his head and pointed at W, only to get a grimace from the girl Sarkaz.

Well, actually, W still hates this scumbag!

But then, Gao Qi’s instinct resurfaced a huge sense of crisis, not from W.

“Wait, wait, damn… This, this gentleman, I suggest we just get out, these guys are going to blow up—”

With the nervous words of the white-haired Sarkaz, Gao Qi found that among those blood demons, there were several blood demons with particularly enlarged abdomens, with transparent bright red, which seemed to be filled with liquid, and collided with Gao Qi. over here!

Gao Qi, who has played many zombie games, can of course guess that these things—must be boomers!

Without any hesitation, Gao Qi turned around, a princess hugged him, and hugged the blood demon girl in his arms, he jumped backward with his feet, and took out his hunter’s pistol at the same time.

Bang-bang-bang-bang! !

The next second, like the deep pool flamethrower that was blown up, these Shi Lezhi’s blood demons produced chain explosions one by one.

Gao Qi quickly took out Seliya’s explosion-proof shield and blocked it in front of them. among.

“It’s terrible, we haven’t seen these things before.”

Taking the shield covered with blood plasma back into the dream, Gao Qi breathed a sigh of relief, slowly recovered from the state of zero physical strength, and released the “beautiful girl” in his arms at the same time, looking at the appearance of this old acquaintance, revealing A weird smile. .

“So, do you Sarkaz like to look like white hair and red eyes?”

And soon, above Gao Qi’s head, W’s face with a look of disgust, and the mudstone still wearing a big helmet, came out together.

“White hair and red eyes are indeed common features of Sarkaz, but it depends on the parents’ inheritance – you have saved another innocent person, Mr. Gao Qi, I salute you.”

Looking at Gao Qi, the Gorefiend girl who was frantically checking the documents she was carrying, Niyan was very happy – she was very keen on things like Lu Jianbu drawing a knife and helping her.

“That’s because this is a beautiful girl. You, a man who thinks with your lower body, can’t walk when you see a beautiful woman. Hey, who are you, Gorefiend? I don’t mind if you don’t clarify your identity, for safety’s sake. For the sake of it, kill you like the madmen just now.”

W, on the other hand, kicked Gao Qi lightly, and put his loaded howitzer against the Gorefiend’s head, his tone full of threats.

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