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Old Hunter of Tomorrow’s Ark

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Chapter 210:

“Don’t worry, I can’t guarantee that all of you will be alive, but I’m sure… a lot of people will be alive–Titi, come out and start beating people!”

And Gao Qi finally completed his ten-second accumulation, mobilized all the power he could use, and released an Originium skill.

hum ——————

In Gao Qi’s hand, the silver-white Ludwig holy sword was raised high. Although the divine power it carried had dissipated after killing the **** of the stars, the holy sword itself was still exceptionally powerful.

In the stunned eyes of Mudyan and W, Gao Qi’s eyes, the cold moonlight burst out instantly, and the holy sword also emitted a cold brilliance.

The darkness was instantly dispelled, and the pale moonlight illuminated the surrounding black mist summoned by magic, revealing the attackers.

“Exposed, grab him, find the target, go up – kill everyone except the target, and **** them all up!”

Accompanied by a particularly calm, but somewhat chilling voice, in the darkness, countless figures with dexterous double-edged swords, pale skin, blood-red eyes, and extremely blurred figures, rushed to the positions of the Sarkaz mercenaries. In the hands of people, blood-colored spells are also condensed, constantly bombarding the shield barriers summoned by the mudstone.

They are not as elegant as they imagined, but rather violent, with messy hair and tattered clothes. They open their big mouths with sharp fangs, and stick out their sharp tongues greedily. In Terra, who is full of handsome guys and beauties, they can say that they pull down The lower limit of the face value of the entire Terran.

“This is… Gorefiend! Damn it!”

Recognizing the race of those people, everyone took a deep breath—

The reputation of Gorefiend is notorious, and there are differences among these vampires. Some are noble and elegant, and they constitute a corner of the Sarkaz royal court.

But some are savage and primitive. They indulge in blood-sucking impulses. Whether they are animals or humans, whether they are of the same race, they will kill and **** as much as they fall into madness-they can no longer even be regarded as human beings.

In front of everyone, the scary thing about these Gorefiends is not only the fastest speed among the Sarkaz people, nor the ancient blood Originium skill, but…the quantity.

Four or five hundred violent Gorefiends surrounded the two mercenary groups, showing greedy eyes to everyone.

They are not as powerful as the Silver Spear Pegasus, they are not well-equipped, nor are they well-organized and trained many times, not to mention the “face-destroying monster” – the inner guard, the terrifying legend of Biusus.

Gao Qi was sure that no matter if it was Ines or Hedley beside him, it would be no problem to fight three against one another. In the case of mudstone, brotherly sympathy would fly even more.

But… with their numbers, they are not something that a bunch of mercenaries can deal with.

But…the enemy has Gorefiend, we have——Titi!

Just before the Gorefiends were about to rush to the front, the voice of a man dressed in a black hunter uniform and holding a giant sword appeared on the roof of the van.

“Gao Qi, I’m here!”

Waving the pitch-black great sword, as if holding substantial death, Skadi turned the hilt abruptly, and a red light ignited—an enemy of this level was not worthy of letting her charge three times. grid.


Like an elegant dancer, Skadi’s strong thighs slammed into a dent, stepping on the top of the truck, and smashing into the Gorefiend’s charge along with the Originium Art Shield added to her by layers of gravel. in the cluster,

Like a bulldozer, Skadi’s giant sword swung violently, and after smashing the head of one Gorefiend, he smashed the bodies of the other two Gorefiends, and smashed them into minced meat. .

After holding back for a long time, Skadi was finally able to start hunting again, and in her opinion, these enemies in front of her were undoubtedly beasts that did not deserve mercy!

“That woman! Haunt her, Warlock! Concentrate your firepower!”

Sensing the importance of Skadi, the blood magicians in the distance began to condense blood-red Originium aura in their hands, and soon, countless blood-red whips were tied to Skadi.


But in the next second, their energy whip was completely destroyed by several flame rays, and in their field of vision, a fireball began to expand continuously.

With a violent explosion, the three warlocks were blown into coke.

Gao Qi, on the other hand, smiled and looked at the mercenaries beside him.

“A lot of skills don’t overwhelm you, right?”


Aside, Ines looked at the killing **** with white hair and red eyes, and Gao Qi, who was holding a long sword and could set fireballs. He couldn’t help swallowing. Taking hostages here, even if the mudstone doesn’t come, they won’t be able to fight.

However, soon, Ines’ body trembled.

“…Be careful, come back soon!”

She seemed to have seen a group of terrifying shadows, that was… something more terrifying than Gorefiend.

Mudstone’s Smile.jpg

10. Executioner, Separate and Peer.

It has been said many times before that the Sarkaz Empire has been destroyed for thousands of years, and the glory of the empire no longer exists. Only countless warlords and nobles are still fantasizing about the glory of the past, and established small collectives in Kazdel. , both claim to represent the Kazdels.

They are neither holy, nor Sarkaz, nor an empire.

However, although the Sarkaz Empire was divided, it was not completely divided.

The bloodline of the royal family still exists, and the ancient pure blood Sarkaz also exists in Kazdel.

Of course, the so-called pure blood does not mean that you must marry close relatives. Although Tyra is backward, it will not cause a lot of hemophilia like the European royal family.

What’s more… Although the average life expectancy of the Sarkaz people is similar to that of ordinary humans due to the war, but as long as they are careful, it is no problem to live a few hundred years old, and it is not impossible to live a thousand years old. The long lifespan is no different from ordinary people. The ability to reproduce makes them less worried about the demise of the bloodline.

The hallmark of the Sarkaz royal family is their powerful, ancient, and unmatched Originium skills.

Excellent Sarkaz leaders all possess powerful Originium skills, which are several times more powerful than Letanian witchcraft, making them admired by countless pure power worshippers.

And now, there are only two pure-blooded Sarkaz royals on the land of Kazdel—Tressey and Theresia.

The two are close brothers and sisters, sharing a common hero father who died heroically in the War of Restoration hundreds of years ago, and both of them are also heroes in the Sarkaz War hundreds of years ago.

However, the two have very different personalities.

Despite her excellent governance skills and equally superb commanding skills, Teresia is a benevolent leader—for a leader, kindness is not a good quality.

She thinks that what Kazdel has to do is to reconcile with the world, to understand the differences and differences between them and the ancient Sarkaz Empire-don’t think about it, the ancient Sarkaz is dead.

We will attack the invaders, but we must work together to build a new country where all the Sarkaz people can live and recuperate.

Some people think that she is too weak, she will only compromise and retreat, she is a coward and a fool.

But for many Sarkaz people who have fought for hundreds of years and hundreds of battles, they have been discriminated against outside Kazdel and faced with wars inside Kazdel. They want to rest too much. .

So, Theresia settled in the south of Kazdel, where many homeless Sarkaz people, even foreigners, established a stable settlement to protect them and continue to heal this war-torn country bed.

And Tracy…it’s the exact opposite.

He is a visionary and ambitious monarch. Since he was young a hundred years ago, he has shown extraordinary commanding skills and war literacy, and has vowed to expel all foreigners who linger on his country’s soil. go out.

Therefore, he formed a military committee, contacted the royal courts of various ethnic groups in Sakaz, and made Theresia the speaker. After the wars of all the kings of Sakaz failed, he once again launched a campaign against foreigners. military front.

The soldiers under him have strict military discipline, extremely strong combat effectiveness, and are even more ruthless and cruel to the enemy. He quickly unified or eliminated many warlords and compradors representing foreign powers on the land of Kazdel, and established the largest force. .

He has a very good self-knowledge and knows that if he starts a war with the outside world now, it will be tantamount to hitting a stone with an egg and causing his own destruction, but he will first unify the internal strength of Sarkaz, seize every opportunity to weaken the power of neighboring countries, and finally complete the Sarkaz Empire’s Nirvana rebirth!

He lives in the capital of Kazdel in the heart of Kazdel, constantly strengthening his industry, expanding his army, and accumulating strength.

Tracy is particularly good at military intimidation, conspiracy frame-up, suppression, political coercion, and ultimately assassination, the methods in the Crusader King.

Although his terrifying methods have been criticized by others, many still choose this reliable monarch who has the hope of leading them back to the peak.

And Tracy’s most terrifying force in Kazdel…is his special forces with hundreds of people, all composed of Sarkaz veterans over a century-

Dark shadows emerged from behind the bloodthirsty gorefiends, like clouds of mist, and began to approach the position formed by the two mercenary groups.

“Come back quickly – fast! It’s a fade!”

“Skaty, left!”

Ines, who has a strong perception of shadows, discovered these strange things at the first time, and Gao Qi also observed the approach of those shadows with the keen insight brought by the runes.

Among those shadows, there is a Sarkaz man wearing flexible full-body armor and holding a giant sword.


The ruthless blade, accompanied by the dark shadows, Skadi’s keen perception did not detect the appearance of these enemies, but after hearing Gao Qi’s instructions, he subconsciously used his deep-sea hunter instinct to hide.


The loud gunshots sounded, and Gao Qi held the Ludwig rifle, which was unmistakable with the gun, and shot at the tall and fuzzy figure.

However, the mercury bullet was rarely blocked by a blue-blue magic shield, but the huge impact force caused the figure to vibrate violently and lose its head.


On the side, W, who was still a little nervous at first, saw Gao Qi’s big gun, and Hong Ye’s eyes lit up immediately. She had never been able to resist such a large weapon.

However, even with such a powerful weapon, the pointy point of the giant blade still swiped through Skadi’s arm——there was a sound of gold and iron clashing.


Skadi didn’t retreat, but his body shook violently, and a slightly crimson impact mark appeared on his arm. Instead, the tall Sakaz Great Swordsman on the opposite side took a few steps back, his arm couldn’t stop. trembling.

Compared to his strength, he is far away from Skadi, and Skadi’s physiological tolerance is not weak!

“Physical strength, very high – Banshee, possessing magic.”

However, the small loss did not make the great swordsman hesitate. He turned his head and instructed a teammate next to him dressed as a warlock.

“I know, enchanted weapons, enchanted sharpness—”

The aura in his hand appeared, and the small warlock swiped his hand on the top of the blade, and the dark brilliance immediately shrouded the top – Banshee, there is no doubt that as a subspecies of Sarkaz, they are the best at Terra. The race of Originium Arts.


Gao Qi gasped for a moment, and the enchanted blade made him feel a little threatened—this thing, like the Iberian Grand Inquisitor’s gun, can break the Kaititi defense— —

“Bang – puff!!!”

But the next second, accompanied by a sonic boom, Skadi’s speed suddenly exploded to the limit, the blade of the three-square red light, accompanied by all-out power, directly aimed at the banshee and the great swordsman, He swung out an incomparably exquisite sword.

The incomparable strength directly shattered the mage armor on the two of them, and cut the tall Sarkaz great swordsman into two pieces.

However, along with a flash of light, and relying on the time the great swordsman bought, another warlock raised his hand towards Skadi and blocked her vision with a gust of ice wind. far away.

There, dozens of shadows were accompanied by the surrounding crazy blood demons, and they rushed straight to Skadi without fear of death.

“Skaty, come back directly, don’t bother!”

Without any hesitation, Gao Qi directly waved his hand, and asked Skadi, who was planning to go up and deal with other enemies directly, to call back.

He can basically make a judgment now that the attacking enemy is the elite troops of Tracy. As for why they want to arrest him, this has to be asked by Gao Qi himself.

Although Gao Qi has never encountered an inner guard, if a rough comparison is made, the quality of these elite individual soldiers is higher than that of the silver spear, and slightly weaker than the inner guard. The two came to resist the inner guard – in terms of combat power, Gao Qi is a master of Tieba debate.

This also shows that their ability is capable of breaking Kaititi’s defense, and even threatening the deep-sea hunter-after all, although Titi’s strength is exceptional, but in essence, it is only Agor’s elite troops. Not the most experienced group of the second captain, if a dozen people swarmed, Skadi would still be in danger.

And… the first person to break Titi’s defense and make her bleed must be Gao Qi!

Of course, for a superhuman like Titi, who doesn’t even visit her aunt every month…whether it will bleed or not.

“Do you know who this person is? He is very strong, and there are also a lot of them!”

Looking at Hedley and Ines beside him, Gao Qi saw a lot of determination and death on their faces.

“It’s pointless to say this, Mr. Gaoch, today, I’m afraid we can’t run alone… They are the Kazdel champion executioners, the direct guard of Tracy, and we are definitely not their opponents – of course, Gao Qi Sir, you can still leave, with your skills and Miss Scady, breaking through the siege is not a problem.”

There was a wry smile on his face. As a former soldier, Hedley had seen this kind of troops, following Tracy’s side, with a destructive momentum, destroying the enemy’s positions, compared to those who couldn’t see reason. The blood demons, these people are the most terrifying.

“Sure enough, these **** didn’t plan to let any of us out alive… Mr. Gao Qi, who are you – what a pity, I haven’t been in love yet.”

She sighed lightly. After searching the enemy’s heart several times, she found that there was nothing left. Only after she was sure of her goal, Ines also understood that she might not survive today.

“If we can deal with that warlock, maybe we can still fight. It’s definitely a great royal warlock. Our Originium skills can’t even work on them at all…”

“Ha…I’m going to die? Tsk, I just became interested in this guy. If I die, I’ll have to put it on my back – Gao Qi, can you use this gun from me? Buried with me, although I wanted to arrest you at first, I died because of you anyway, how about it?”

On the other hand, W has nothing to be afraid of. She still has a playful smile on her face, and even has a sense of relief and relief. She lifts up her shirt directly, and takes out large chunks of tall clothes between her fair waist. Originium explosives.

“Since I don’t worry about life and death, can my high-radiation Originium explosives come in handy?”

Beside Gao Qi, although Ni Yan didn’t know what these elite guards were, but after finding that he wanted to use his offensive spells several times, after being successfully countered by several warlocks, he also understood that he had encountered an invincible opponent. .

“It’s the same sentence, Mr. Gao Qi, I will protect you until the end, and reinforcements will definitely come, but we may not live by that time.”

With a wave of his hand, the mudstone moved towards Gao Qi and Skadi, adding several layers of thick sand and stone shields at close range, and even formed a stone-like skin on Gao Qi.

In response, Gao Qi just nodded and shook his head.

“Indeed, this number of people, this combat power, is very difficult to handle…”

Feeling in the shadows, apart from those pale blood demons, who are staring at him with cold and firm eyes, Gao Qi knows that these elite troops, even if he joins forces with Titi and these mercenaries, will be tricky matter.

“I’ll be honest – these people, my cards can be dealt with, but I can’t guarantee your survival.”

With a relaxed expression, he looked at the mercenaries beside him who were facing great enemies. Gao Qi knew that the appearance of these elite combat powers was to capture himself 100%.

However, their master still looked down on Gao Qi.

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