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Old Hunter of Tomorrow’s Ark

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Chapter 209:

And the shields that seemed to be made of sand and gravel also protected Gao Qi and the vehicles around him.

“Mr. Gao Qi, we are mercenaries of the Mudstone Mercenary Group. I am their leader Mudstone. Someone hired me to protect you when you are in Kazdel. Please feel free to go with me.”

Beside Gao Qi, the big mercenary leader spoke through his pitch-black mask, and he spoke in a loud voice, as if there were echoes echoing in his armor.

“Oh? I’m still having fun with everyone. Someone will protect me. I’m really a hot commodity.”

Gao Qi was still in the surprise of meeting an old acquaintance just now, but after seeing the big man beside him, his smile became even brighter.

“Anyway, thank you, Mudstone.”

As for the employer he mentioned, Gao Qi raised his eyebrows and thought for a while in his heart.

The person who might protect her should only be Kelsey… After all, when Gao Qi was going to Kazdel before, he even sent her a message to report her safety.

Now it seems that although Kelsey didn’t reply, she seemed to be ignoring the answer, but she still didn’t really care.

She cares about me, she cares about me, she has me in her heart – she likes me, she loves me, she wants to have a kitten with me!

For a moment, Gao Qi even thought about the style of the wedding dress and the name of the child when the two got married – well, in fact, he thinks about this kind of thing every day, which can annoy the puppet lady in his head. To die, the King of Knights is happy to see it.

[Good hunter… Anyway, this is your acquaintance, right? 】

Feeling Gao Qi’s closeness to W and the big “mudstone” beside him, the puppet lady who played chess with the King of Knights in Hunter’s Dream rolled her eyes – she didn’t bother to complain, Gao Qi didn’t care anyway. Wherever you can find acquaintances.

On the opposite side, apart from W, who was still smiling, Hedley and Ines were like formidable enemies.

The earth and stone giants in front of them, although they look a little random, seem to be huge toys made of stones, but they know that they can summon such a powerful source stone structure, which is definitely a powerful player. Warlock.

Ordinary Originium artists, even if they can manipulate earth and stone, can only build stone walls or shake the earth. This kind of technology can only be done by the purest ancient Sarkaz sorcery.

And the mercenary team led by a powerful Sarkaz warlock is definitely not so easy to deal with.

The only thing that has an advantage… should be the quantity.

“Mudstone mercenary group, I’ve heard of you. There are often news about you in the border area, but you are very low-key… It seems that our sentry has been eliminated by you?”

Looking nervously at this big man who was much taller than himself, Hedley deeply felt the bad luck of his actions today.

“Are you going to be our enemy? You don’t seem to have many people.”

But after hearing Hedley’s negotiation, Mudstone shook his head.

“No, we never kill unless necessary, your sentries are just subdued by my friends, you can go and look for them.”

He placed the heavy black giant hammer in his hand on the ground, and the sound of the mudstone was steady and weak.

“We are all Sarkaz compatriots, I don’t want a life-and-death conflict between us, please leave,”

It sounds like the mudstone is not willing to cause conflict, but began to seek a peaceful solution to return.

Hearing her words, many Sarkaz mercenaries had strange expressions on their faces, and W even burst into laughter.

“Ahahaha, are you performing a comedy, Mudstone? Kazdel’s mercenaries would say something like that – isn’t it because we’re all Sarkaz that we’re fighting each other until today? You don’t know. How many candies are your heads worth?”

After speaking, W looked at Gao Qi again.

“Are you sure you want to go with her? Mr. Gao Qi, are you willing to believe that a strange Sarkaz mercenary wants to save you, rather than arrest you directly like me?”

Although W likes to have fun, he doesn’t like to kill himself. A Gao Qi fight is hard enough, and now another mercenary group has been added. The fool knows that today’s arrest operation is basically useless.

Hearing W’s words to sow discord, Mudstone immediately became anxious, and took out a crumpled letter from his tactical vest.

“Mr. Gao Qi, please believe us, we have a handwritten letter from your employer here, just look at it and you will definitely know…”

“No, Miss W, I know you, and naturally I also know Mudstone – I believe in you, Mudstone, your Originium skills are amazing.”

Gao Qi, on the other hand, didn’t hesitate at all. After taking the letter, he didn’t even read it, and tucked it into his arms.

Afterwards, he put his arms around Mudyan’s thick and powerful shoulders in a carefree manner, and winked at him, looking like a good buddy.

And the moment he was hugged by Gao Qi, the mercenary leader suddenly shook.

“Mr. Gaochie, you… um, forget it.”

He seemed to want to say something, but after thinking about it, he closed his mouth.

And Gao Qi… of course it was intentional!

He knew that under this reliable big man, there was a petite guest, who had a similar appearance to Titi, and like W, a beautiful girl with white hair and red eyes, a special attack hunter for the country!

That’s right, Mudstone is “she”, not “he”!

The most reliable hunger strike-type heavy tank operator in Rhodes Island in the future is a super cornerstone that is as reliable as Seria – don’t ask why, if you see something strange, it’s right to block a mudstone up!

Brotherly sympathy – refers to the whirlwind hammer blasting the skull of Sakaz’s stabbing hand!

Of course, this young lady with rough armor, contrary to W in her heart, and extraordinarily gentle and delicate, is also Gao Qi’s wife!

Gao Qi did not expect that among her white-haired and red-eyed wives, there was originally only one Skadi.

In the small border of Kazdel, two wives of Wolongfengchu were gathered together?

“Give it up, Miss W, there is no need to fight, but if you can **** me to my target location and abandon my original employer, maybe I can give you double the price?”

Saying that, Gao Qi took out two cards from his pocket – one was the Colombian black card given to him by the rich woman, and the other was the Casimir gold card given to him by the rich woman Zofiya.

Being fostered, he is professional.

“Huh… well, we give up, we will not accept your employment, credit is very important to us, but we will not pursue you again.”

After hesitating for a while, Hedley nodded—this one is definitely not going to be fought.

On the other hand, W, on the side, stunned in disdain.

“Cut…it’s boring.”

At the moment when the tense atmosphere was about to dissipate, not far away, there was a sudden scream of a mercenary, followed by the sound of a clash of gold and iron.

“Mudstone – run! Run quickly – ah ah ah!!!”

In the snowy night, countless shadows swam.

White hair! Red pupil! .jpg

9. Gorefiend and Shadows.

In the dark snowy night, the already stalemate atmosphere was suddenly broken by a scream.

Then, the screams turned into more strange sounds.

The flesh and blood were completely torn apart, and the sound of steel breaking bones instantly poured into everyone’s mind.

“Hey, stinky white hair, you don’t look so innocent, do you?”

“Hedley, are you really going to fight?”

Immediately set up a posture, W and Mudyan, who were present, looked at each other and clenched their weapons tightly. The mercenaries on both sides also became wary of each other, and they both subconsciously believed that it was the other party’s mercenary group that was playing tricks.

But soon, a pair of big hands were raised – Gao Qi stood between the two mercenary groups and looked at the girls on both sides.

“Okay, I know that my personality is very attractive, and I will finally please girls, but don’t fight for me–you are all my wings!”

The next second, the two sides who were arguing with each other immediately fell silent, and W even looked at Gao Qi with the eyes of a fool.

“…Are you talking about nm?”

“Hey, I just want to liven up the atmosphere, at least everyone shouldn’t be hostile anymore – don’t guess, the enemy isn’t from both of you, but someone else.”

Saying that, Gao Qi took out Seria’s explosion-proof shield like a conjuration in his hand.


The next second, an etched bullet that was shot at Gao Qi’s shoulder was instantly blocked, but the high-strength explosion-proof shield developed by Rhine Life had a huge depression.

“This group of people is coming for me – Hedley, Mudstone, those who gather you, now dispersing is courting death… Lights, lights, flares, tracers, all shot out, we need all the light sources, to put the surrounding The snow is all illuminated, or you are waiting to die!”

At this moment, Gao Qi felt that from the dark snow in the distance, countless fierce and sharp gazes all stabbed at him.

These gazes are cold, rational, and full of order. They keep looking at Gao Qi, as if they want to eat him up, but have no killing intent at all…

“It’s not a mercenary, it’s a professional army – the most elite kind!”

Just by looking at them, Gao Qi can determine the identities of these enemies – mercenaries, even in professionals, it is absolutely impossible for them to have such scary eyes.

The last time Gao Qi saw this look, he was in Casimir, facing the Silver Spear Pegasus.

Although the elite power of these mortals may seem very small in the face of gods, for ordinary mercenaries, these enemies are definitely deadly hunters.

“W, use the grenade launcher to shoot these tracers into the sky. If you want to survive, just do as I say.”

He accelerated sharply, and before W could react, Gao Qi had already taken out a lot of purchased powerful lighting equipment from his mind and handed them to the Sarkaz mercenary.

“Ha… Do you want to order the old lady? Do you think I will listen to you?”

However, before W’s habitual rebuttal, on the other side, Hedley nodded.

“W, do as he says, we’re in big, no, and terrible trouble… Everyone, come here, form a circle, don’t leave the lighted area, warlock, put up a shield for us, encircle With this big truck!”

Acknowledged Gao Qi’s temporary commanding position for this battle, Hedley forgot his previous mission and looked nervously at the darkness around him.

“Ah, don’t come here, don’t come here ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah-“

Where, each Sarkaz mercenary was pierced by a pale blade that suddenly stretched out in the darkness, and then accompanied by screams, was dragged directly into the shadows.

I don’t know if it was a coincidence, or someone deliberately cast spells from behind. The snowy night sky, which was already covered with dark clouds, began to roar in a huge blizzard, and the snow particles scratched on people’s faces, hurting like knives.

“Fire indiscriminately, pour all your ammunition around, and don’t stop the grenades – you should remember, I participated in the last Sarkaz civil war… At that time, on the battlefield of Kazdel, it was rumored that A rumor.”

Looking at the pale figure that appeared from time to time within the range of the flare, Hedley took a deep breath. The former Sarkaz veteran felt a panic that had not appeared in many years.

“Flares are useless. They will attract darkness. It may be a spell or something else.”

Sure enough, even after the military flares were torn apart, the red light didn’t make any sound after it sank into the darkness.

“The Pale Grim Reaper in the shadows – unlike the Sarkaz Royal Guard, it is a military force whose identity no one has ever known. They will attack the enemy’s camp at night and destroy all life… Wait until ours. When the army went there the next day, they could only see blood all over the ground, not even a living person, not even a corpse.”

Even this tall Sarkaz man showed a trace of fear in his eyes at the moment.

“Come here, get close to me, and my rock friends will protect you all—wait, you mean, your army? You fought alongside them?”

Mudyan gathered his team and put a layer of rock shield on everyone, while hearing the hidden meaning in Hedley’s words, he asked strangely.

“Maybe… or maybe not, in fact, no one has really witnessed their existence, most of them are rumors, we can only see the positions that have been cleaned up, and we can’t even see any of their victims. .”

With a sigh, Hedley looked around vigilantly, but found another Sarkaz who disappeared from its original position without anyone around him finding it.

“We can only speculate that it is a special operations unit similar to the Sarkaz Royal Guard, attached to the Sarkaz Royal Family or the Military Council, like Casimir’s Silver Spear, and Letania’s The voice of the Queen is the same, and I was… fighting for Prince Tracy, and now it seems that the existence we encountered should be this group of people.”

Hearing his words, even Ines was a little shocked.

“Wait, what do you mean—that Tracy is killing us…why?”

“Black eats black? Isn’t this something we often encounter? You don’t think that the people in the military committee are all great and respectable people like Princess Theresia? How many people in this world? Really good people? Come on – try this!!!”

W picked up the grenade and gun in his hand, kept bombarding the snow, and even looked at Gao Qi curiously – when she said the name Theresia, her expression seemed to suddenly appear Instant softness.

“It seems that the Mr. Gaoch next to us is much more important than we thought. It’s so important that the **** Tracy will want to block all news about him and silence everyone who sees him. It’s funny, I’m starting to take an interest in you, it looks like it won’t be much better if you get caught!”

Between the words, another Sarkaz was dragged into the darkness, followed by a sound of physical tearing.

On the side, Mudstone patted Gao Qi on the shoulder.

“Don’t be afraid, Mr. Gooch, the rock friends will protect you, we are the ones sent by Miss Theresia to protect you, and if I guess right, she will also send elite guards to support, as long as we have more Hold on for a while, and you can live…”

After saying this, Mudyan nodded decisively, and pleaded with a urgency.

“If, I mean, if I can’t make it to that time, I hope you can represent me and introduce my companions to Princess Theresia. They were all just ordinary infected people. We established this mercenary group. I want to collect the travel expenses to go to Ursus to find a group of infected people, but now it seems… maybe it will not last until that time.”

The huge rock colossus rushed into the darkness not far away, but soon, several bright red blood-like magic missiles smashed directly on the colossus.

Although at the beginning, the stone colossus was extraordinarily strong, after dozens or even hundreds of attacks, the rock giant couldn’t support its huge body, and it became torn apart again.


And the mudstone, which shared the senses and pain with it, also suddenly burst, and it seemed to have received a huge impact.

“I know, you want to find an integrated movement… Don’t worry, you will have this opportunity.”

He nodded and said the name that surprised Mudyan again. Gao Qi thought for a few seconds and finally knew the identities of these attackers.

“Tracys, did I attract his attention so early… Oh, it’s really ruthless.”

Gao Qi knew that this time, he was involved in the civil war that Sarkaz had not yet started, but there were already signs.

Theresia, Tracy, it seems that Kelsey has already told the former about the existence of Gao Qi.

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