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Old Hunter of Tomorrow’s Ark

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Chapter 203:

Chong Gaoqi blinked his eyes, Bai Jin dodged and disappeared into the shadows, and the small golden ears on top of his head also stood up completely because of embarrassment.

Bai Bai knew that it would be difficult for him to be a ruthless killer again.

White to the boss! .jpg

Finally, the people who came to say goodbye all left one after another, and Gao Qi, who had a bewildered face, cautiously got back into the driver’s seat of the truck.

“Gaoqi Gaoqi, when did you make friends with Bai Jin, I didn’t find out? Zenomi, did you find out?”

“Skaty, Master is very good at stealing girls’ hearts. If everyone is as carefree as I am, just stay by Master’s side, I’m afraid the truck will soon be unable to hold it. .”

Sure enough, just after returning to the van, Gao Qi saw Scadi in the co-pilot and Xenomi in the back seat, looking at himself with a curious expression, and one with a teasing smile that he had known for a long time, and looked at them together. Gaoch.

“Okay, okay, I’m so sorry, I made you look at me as a big scumbag… Okay, watch the awards ceremony, watch the awards ceremony, Margaret has already appeared on the stage.”

He shrugged helplessly at his two little girlfriends, and Gao Qi turned off the car TV, and saw Margaret’s figure appearing on the podium of the Central Arena.

She was holding the trophy and made a generous speech to the audience. The organizer around her turned green.

“—I have no right to interfere in the decisions of others, but I know that the prosperity of the Great Knights is not the whole of Casimir—competitive knights, we are still knights, by no means actors and playthings, on the premise of meeting our living needs We can still radiate the power within our means and observe the virtues that can be done.”

Obviously, these words are not what people in the business association are willing to hear, but, at least now, no one dares to cut off the voice of the studio and the microphone.

Whether people think independently or follow blindly, Margaret’s words will be deeply engraved into the hearts of every Casimir and foreign knight lovers.

“Therefore, I will donate all the prize money from this competition in my own name to help the repair of the dilapidated building led by the Grand Knight and the resettlement of the homeless. This is not a matter that can be accomplished overnight, but I will always help everyone in need. People—I believe that the simplest virtues still exist in us.”

After crushing all the pieces of paper handed to him by the organizer, Margaret stood on the podium and took a deep breath.

The previous words were prepared by Gao Qi and her for a few days, and Gao Qi wrote the speech himself – but the later words, Margaret has been brewing these days, and never told Gao Qi.

“And, I want to thank a person here, I won’t say his name, but your help has changed my life, and it has also given me the direction to move forward and work hard – you are the one who is truly not afraid of hardships. great man.”

Margaret’s golden eyes stared straight at the camera in front of her, as if looking at Gao Qi across the screen.

“I am absolutely sure that what I hold for you is not just admiration and respect, I… adore you, and when we meet again next time, I will become someone who can fight side by side with you, and I am also looking forward to your reply, I wish you Bon Voyage.”

God knows how much shock this sentence will bring, and how many imaginative works of art will be created, and how many guesses will be made about the person that Yao Knight admires, but Margaret never cares.

Along with the exclamations and cheers from the audience, the always serious Margaret smiled slightly at the front of the screen and winked playfully.

She didn’t know that this move would lead to an exponential increase in her popularity and the number of fans. When the National Council decided to exile her because of her false identity as an infected person, it directly triggered a parade, which almost led to the failure of her plan to leave home. .

However, that’s another story.

“Margaret also… um, this is very good, Gao Qi, I also like Margaret very much, so I’ll bring her to our house in the future!”

“I’m right, Master~~”

Under Zenomi’s teasing gaze and Skadi’s expectant gaze, Gao Qi was stunned for a second, then shrugged helplessly and stepped on the accelerator.

“Maybe, it’s really my charm – let’s go!”

In any case, Gao Qi’s journey in Casimir is here.

As soon as he stepped on the accelerator, the pickup started to move towards the east.

In the distance of the truck, a Kuranta girl with a blurred figure and long blond hair sorted out her stylish coat and the peaked cap on her head, and gradually disappeared.

“Then, it’s time to set off – although modern life is very good, the dead are not so free.”

The next second, the figure of the king of knights appeared in front of the table in the hunter’s dream, in the sea of ​​bright trees and flowers.

“Don’t worry, Miss Doll, Mr. Gao Qi, I won’t disturb your sweet time.”

Across the table, the doll lady with a stiff expression nodded. As a soul, the king of knights, who was completely bound to the summoning bell, held up his teacup.

“To be honest, who can refuse to take risks?”

In this way, the story of the knights comes to an end, and the hunters are about to start a new hunting journey.

And the next story is about… the devil!

Prologue: Two good deals for Sarkaz. (4k5)

“Kazdel was destroyed by fire three times. It has to be rebuilt several times, it has received millions of new blood, and it has been entrenched in the royal court, but the previous residents have all turned to ashes and gone with the wind.”

Kazdel, Borderlands.

Located in the east of Letania, south of Ursus, and west of the Flame Kingdom, Kazdel is a symbol of chaos and war, and an insulating belt of peace and stability.

However, few people still remember how prosperous this place used to be.

Of course, that was a thousand years ago, and the hero does not mention the courage of those years.

Since the fall of the Sarkaz Empire, the huge territory composed of the Sarkaz people has been destroyed in an instant without warning, and the entire Kazdel has fallen into a sustainable and continuous decline.

However, although the Sarkaz Empire was wiped out, it did not mean that the Sarkaz people were completely helpless.

In fact, for thousands of years, because of their long lifespan, complex internal subspecies, and huge population base, there have been countless heroes and heroes among the Sarkaz people, who are brilliant, brave, and intelligent.

There are few but powerful, ancient and brutal Wendigo; the banshee who has the highest affinity for Originium skills and is born a master of magic; the strong and numerous Goliath; and the mysterious and rare, who seems to come With the blood demon of death…

The royal courts composed of various races fought against each other after the empire fell apart, and many outstanding people appeared in each of them, and many people once thought of reuniting the divided Sarkaz people and rebuilding the former glory of the Sarkaz Empire.

This is a great ideal comparable to rebuilding Rome, but unfortunately, just like there is no Rome on earth, there is no place for the Sarkaz royal court to live in Terra.

After being ravaged by the Great Khan’s nightmare, Qixue, crushed by the legions of the Gallic Empire, and reluctantly won by relying on the anti-Gaul alliance, the countries have understood that the existence of a superpower can only bring about other countries. disaster.

Therefore, whether it is the huge Ursus, who has witnessed the rise of the Sakaz Dynasty, the Yan Kingdom whose country name was not yet “Yan” at that time, or the countries on other continents, will not allow an empire to rise again. .

The bloodline of Kuranta, the nightmare represented by the Great Khan, has been hard to find, and the “Gauls” left by the Gallic Empire have completely disappeared. Bravery brings the country, and sometimes it only takes the death of a heroic monarch, and it will completely disappear. falling apart.

However, Sakaz is different. The establishment of the Sakaz Empire is not based on the commonality of blood and the integration of the army, but based on culture and tradition. These are also those races that are very different from each other, and can eventually be unified with each other and call themselves Saka together. The reason of the people.

Although very few young Sarkaz people are good at reading the ancient Sarkaz words, the ancient Sarkaz songs are still sung in the ears of children.

Although the internal wars are endless, countless warlords believe that they can become the leader of Sarkaz, but this is precisely the embodiment of the unification of the Sarkaz people.

The highest ideal of the Sarkaz people is to unify Kazdel and create a peaceful and stable homeland for all the Sarkaz people who have been living in all parts of Terra Continent and have been discriminated against and bullied.

And obviously, no matter which country, it is impossible to allow this reconstruction.

Although many heroic characters have emerged in the Sarkaz people over the past thousand years, and the kings are also working hard to achieve unity. The angry king Kuilong, one of the kings, is only one step away from the unification, but in the end it was because of the oath-breaker. Rebel and die.

However, they still failed in the end-some because of external oppression and influence, and some because of internal division and struggle, but in a word, the Kazdel people are still divided.

With the advancement of science and technology, the change of the form of warfare, and the mobile city-based offensive and defensive means, the countries have found the best way to prevent the Sarkaz people from returning to their country – prohibiting Kazdel from building mobile cities.

This move ensures the absolute military suppression of the Sarkaz people by the countries, and also makes the Sarkaz people completely lose hope.

As a result, the comprador warlords who had been fighting for years and supported by various countries completely dragged this country into the flames of war.

Up to now, people can only find war and death in Kazdel, but they can’t find stability and stability.

Most of the Sarkaz have left Kazdel, but many remain here.

Of course, only a few of them still believe and look forward to Kazdel’s unification.

And most of the Sarkaz people just chose to watch from the sidelines this time. After all, they can only do one thing.



In early November, the cold winter has arrived.

Although Kazdel is not as close to the extreme north as Ursus, the winter is also extremely cold and dry. At this time of year, countless people die due to famine and cold.

However, in Kazdel, there is a kind of person who lives well enough.


Kazdel, Western Frontier.

Da da da–

The black boots stepped on the rubble covered with black ashes and gunfire smoke, stepped on the frozen blood, and with the crisp trampling sound, a tall woman entered a simple camp tent.

“Hedley, the new task, from Kazdel’s side – take it?”

This is a heroic woman with long black hair. She holds a thin sword made of Originium in her hand. The golden eyes are very alert, and the short black horns on the top of her head indicate that she is Saka. The identity of the people – probably.

As soon as she entered the door, she saw in the center of the room, a particularly tall Sarkaz red-haired man who was looking at the nearby topographic map.

And after seeing another white-haired mercenary lying on a chair with Erlang’s legs crossed and playing with a grenade, her expression became even worse.

“Don’t be in such a hurry, let’s talk about the content of the task first – Ines, calm down.”

The man named Hedley looked at Ines calmly and said slowly.

He is the head of this mercenary group. Of course, it turned out to be the deputy head, but when the head died, he naturally took over the banner, and Ines became the deputy head. The two were many years old. comrade-in-arms.

“The Military Commission? It must have been more than just a mission for our mercenary regiment. They always like to cast a wide net. Who is the client? Is it Theresia or Tracy?”

In Kazdel, if the locals say the four words “Kazdel”, it will only represent one area – the country’s former capital.

Although there are no mobile cities, it is the most prosperous and only prosperous area of ​​Kazdel, and the few industrial areas are also located there.

And now, there is one of the most powerful separatist forces – the Sarkaz Military Council.

The Military Council has the support of several Sarkaz royal courts, and the leader is two orthodox heirs with pure royal blood, the brother and sister Theresia and Tracy.

Both of them were heroes of Sarkaz’s national salvation a hundred years ago. When they raised their arms, naturally many people responded.

Of course, since mercenaries have chosen this profession, it is impossible to maintain any political position, but the character of the employer must be considered.

Teresia is aggressive and brave, while Teresia is generous and benevolent. The two have different attitudes towards mercenaries. The former has a high probability of using mercenaries as a tool to be discarded, while the latter will at least not regard mercenaries as tools. Cannon fodder used.

“You’re disappointed, it’s Tracy, but he gave this price—as well as fifty guns, including a runner gun and a lot of material support.”

Seeing the numbers drawn by Ines, Hedley hesitated for a moment, then shook his head decisively.

“Military Committee, this may be a good opportunity, but no, the price is too high, and the mission must be extremely dangerous. We better not jump in this muddy water.”

As the leader of the mercenary group, Hedley is extremely experienced, which is why he led the mercenary team to this day.

Seeing the price that is usually unimaginable, Hedley understood that 80% of the time it was a life-threatening task.

“Don’t worry, Hedley, it’s not too late to hear that Ines finished the task before refusing – the Military Council is willing to pay such a large price to invite us to go out, I’m still curious, what does he need us for?”

At this moment, on the chair beside, the Sarkaz girl with short white hair and red horns who was playing with the remote control in her hand suddenly turned over and sat up, with a pale and emotionless smile, she looked at Ines.

“Tsk…W, you just want to have fun, don’t try to hide from my eyes, you are very tender.”

Under the high collar, she glanced at W with contempt, and Ines hated her fake smile.

“Really? How about we continue the unfinished entry test, you and I, only use knives, not Originium skills?”

The bright red eyes widened, and the smile of the young Sarkaz, known as W, became extremely cruel.

“Okay, enough! W, I said that any member is forbidden to fight in private, at least not in front of me – Ines, tell me the details of the mission.”

In the end, it was Hedley who let out a low and angry shout, making the two “comrades” who were arguing with each other quiet down.

“Hmph… The task is very simple, arrest someone, you have to live, you can’t die.”

Saying that, Ines took a photo on the table.

“In a few days, this man will enter Kazdel from the Letanian border and capture him and his accomplices, and this is our character – can you imagine, this man and his two teammates , took a group of Erafia militia and took down a battalion of Casimir rebels.”

In the photo, a tall man in a black trench coat is facing the camera, showing a victory gesture.

Beside her, there is a gray-haired Erafia sniper who is a little shy because of the camera, and a tall and plump blond Sarkaz with a howitzer.

“I know her, Meteor, a naive fool-her howitzer, I quite like her.”

Touching the gun on his waist, W’s eyes converged on the man in the center of the photo, he licked his lips, and the naked little tail behind him couldn’t help but flick it twice.

“I feel that this man… is a bit interesting. Do you dare to fight, Hedley? After this vote, we won’t have to open it for at least a few years.”

Looking at the smile of this Sarkaz girl who had just joined the mercenary group, but had already made some achievements and became an expert in demolition, Hedley knew—she was definitely not thinking about good things.

But after a moment of hesitation, he finally nodded.

If there are only three opponents, then with the number of their mercenary group, it shouldn’t be difficult to catch them.

“Okay… we’ve done it, but we need more warlocks who can bind spells.”


On the western frontier of Kazdel, near the border with Letania, in the woods near a mobile village.

“Mudstone, mudstone, look, what we got!”

With a burst of eager calls, a strong Sarkaz man with huge horns rushed into a rock-filled room and looked at the big man who was squatting on the ground, staring at a few stones. .

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