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Old Hunter of Tomorrow’s Ark

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Chapter 150:

The crossbow arrows were easily deflected and separated by a white shield like the sand grains, but the little pebbles shining with the Originium aura saw them as nothing, and through the white shield, hit the inner transparent shield. .

“You really don’t draw your sword? Shining, you have the ability to save their lives, and we won’t be so embarrassed.”

There was always the sound of gold and iron clashing around her, as well as the sound of Originium explosion, Liz’s expression was still calm and calm.

She has experienced a worse and more desperate situation than this. No matter how big a crisis is, it is difficult for Liz to be shaken.

In fact, the two of them were not incapable of dealing with the enemies behind them, but they were too lazy to deal with them and were unwilling to hurt people. If Shining really made a move, they would definitely not be able to stop a move.

“Now, it’s just my staff, Liz, remember our identities, the two wandering Sarkaz doctors – I have decided to leave the pardoner, then my sword will only be swung for protection…”

Shining’s voice was still indifferent and soft. The two of them came to Casimir not to entangle with these crazy thugs.

They have a more noble mission, to free the people of this city from the influence of a terrifying being, and… to find allies destined to meet.

And the next second, the two people with indifferent expressions, but there was a touch of fear on their delicate faces.

They felt a huge and dazzling force approaching them from the front.


Before he could react, Shining, who just said that his sword was only swung for protection, immediately pulled out his “staff” and placed it in front of him and Liz – it was just an upside-down rapier. .

The next second, two dark figures rushed out from between the instantly generated sandstorms.


The rapier that shone with white light and the huge mechanical sword collided together, and the roar of the sandstorm was covered up by this violent clash of gold and iron.

The two white-haired women looked at each other without taking a step back.

“Gao Qi, do you want to fight! I’ll kill them now!”

And as the questioning voice appeared, the next second, Gao Qi, who was guarded by Skadi, walked out waving his hands.

“Stop, stop, we’re not here to fight—friend! Friend!”

And the old hunter finally confirmed two things – these two Sarkaz women are indeed his acquaintances.

And…the world is really small.

This is the first encounter between Gao Qi and the black and white demon.

10. The sword master and the new wives! (4k)

The natural disaster, the most intuitive disaster in the Terra continent.

Even a huge mobile city is vulnerable like a small boat in the face of natural disasters. If it is a secondary natural disaster, a mobile city can be easily destroyed.

The Chernobog in the original work is the source stone meteorite rain that was destroyed by natural disasters.

Even a natural disaster with a low intensity, when it is generated, the Originium crystals that appear out of thin air, and the high concentration of Originium radiation, will cause the humans in it to quickly suffer from acute ore disease.

However, the old hunter is not afraid of this.

After leaving Cannaught’s caravan, Gao Qi and Scati dexterously descended the hillside full of rocks and cacti, reaching a height of dozens of meters.

On their way down, the originally blue and clear sky suddenly became dim, and the hot sunlight suddenly disappeared.

Without warning, a dust storm with a diameter of several hundred meters, in front of the two of them, on the desert grassland with a little green, was generated out of thin air, and the instantaneous wind force was above 13.

Fortunately, Gao Qi hugged Skadi in time, so that she would not be blown away by the strong wind. With the little killer whale, even a Category 16 hurricane could not fly her away!

Of course, these words must not be heard by Skadi, the little killer whale can’t hear such words!

“Really, terrifying, this is the power of nature.”

And Gao Qi’s secret magic ability also allowed him to see the terrifying magic turbulence in the huge area in front of him.

If Gao Qi’s current energy intensity of Originium Art is a stream at his doorstep, the energy intensity of Originium Art Masters like Seliya is a river flowing quietly.

Then… the sandstorm turbulence in front of you is the tm storm surge!

Just observing the terrifying and irregular energy turbulence in it, Gao Qi felt pain in his eyes, messy and Originium’s Originium Skill, which happened hundreds of thousands of times in front of Gao Qi every second. It is not powerful, but enough. confusion.

Gao Qi has also seen many disaster films and sandstorm documentaries in his last life, but only when he is there can Gao Qi feel the powerlessness of human beings in the face of such disasters.

This is the most powerful Originium skill in the world, and even the intensity is only the penultimate episode.

And those second-level natural disasters that can destroy mobile cities, as well as few in history, even a lot of first-level natural disasters that directly changed the fate of a country and the trend of world history.

Gao Qi felt that, I am afraid that only the arrival of the upper body can be comparable to such a mighty force.

Or…the so-called nature, in fact, there is also the shadow of a superior person behind it?

Gao Qi is just guessing randomly. He is still not familiar with the world of Terra, and needs further research and study.

Of course, one thing is clear. If there is no professional forecast, travelers in the desert may be torn apart by this storm in an instant.

“Cover your mouth and nose, Skadi, or you’ll choke.”

In the face of natural disasters, Gao Qi’s command to Skadi was only this sentence.

“Well! Gao Qi, help me tie my hair, or it will be messed up.”

And what Scotty was more worried about was her own hair.

No way, this little couple is indeed not a normal person.

Just as he walked down the hill, Gao Qi put his arms around Skadi’s shoulders, and was carried behind by Skadi without caring about his image. He charged forward with her explosive force and plunged into the sandstorm in front of him.

Although Skadi is as graceful as a dance when fighting, but as a warrior with only standard battlefield mobility, although she can burst out extremely high movement speed with brute force, her dexterity is much worse than that of Goletia.

Only in a straight line can she run straight and fast.

But now, Gao Qi’s vitality ability has been improved, his physique is enough to withstand the instantaneous acceleration of several g, and he won’t need to be dragged away by Skadi while knocking the blood bottle as before.

Crackling – crackling.

At the moment of entering the natural disaster sandstorm, Gao Qi and Skadi’s perception were almost completely blocked, and there were continuous crackling sounds and pain.

That feeling was like being hit by a hailstone the size of a goose egg. Even the physical strength brought by Gao Qi’s current vitality value could not completely resist it.

One by one, the khaki-colored active Originium crystals exploded directly on Gao Qi and Skadi with the strong wind, and their power was completely equivalent to a small spell missile.

Although the hunter’s uniform has a certain defensive effect, Gao Qi’s bare skin was scratched open and blood splattered everywhere.

“Hey—it hurts, Scotty, are you alright?”

Feeling that his blood tank was rapidly declining, Gao Qi took out the sterile needle that Kelsey gave him, and gave himself a refreshing, too high blood plasma, while taking out a translucent explosion-proof shield.

This is the same explosion-proof shield as Seria, bulletproof and anti-magic. I have used it and said that when Gao Qi was gone, Seria specially stuffed a stack of shields to him, hoping that he would take care of his health.

Anyway, the equipment developed by the Defense Division is much more useful than Gao Qi’s rotten wooden shield.

The blasted skin healed quickly and was blasted again. Gao Qi helped Cannaot hunt a lot for the caravan along the way, and the blood collection bottle was enough for the time being.

Gao Qi was a little fortunate that he had separated from Kelsey. If the old lynx knew that he and Skadi got into a natural disaster, he would definitely have a brain hemorrhage on the spot.

“Huh? No, it’s just, um, the sand goes into the mouth—it feels like it’s raining.”

On the side, small flashes of light exploded from time to time on Skadi’s skin, and countless high-energy stone crystals comparable to bullets hit her skin, but not even a single mark was smashed out.

Seria has a diamond head, but obviously, Skadi is harder.

Even the Iberian special-attack hand cannons could only barely break the defense. If they wanted to truly threaten Skadi, their power had to be stronger.

Of course, compared to damage, energy radiation is the most terrifying aspect of natural disasters.

If it were an ordinary human being, as long as he entered the sandstorm, he would 100% suffer from ore disease, let alone Jesus, Kelsey couldn’t save him.

However, Skadi and Gaoch didn’t have this concern.

The former is inherently insulated from Originium energy. Natural disasters of this magnitude are far less threatening than the high-concentration liquid Originium in the ghost shark’s body.

And the latter… Kelsey has checked Gao Qi, a drop of blood in his body can distinguish seven or eight completely different physical and chemical properties, and the liquid source stone in his body is even more than that of the ghost shark. Once it leaks here, I am afraid natural disasters Intensity level, at least one level up immediately.

However, the body of the old hunter Yanan is like this. Any kind of ghost can be stuffed into it, not to mention the liquid Originium and all kinds of blood, even if you pour bubble tea into it, Gao Qi still doesn’t feel it.

“Well, it hurts a lot, it’s okay, Gao Qi, I’ll protect you.”

Looking at Gao Qi’s shattered and healing wounds, Skadi, who had long been accustomed to Gao Qi’s state, was uncharacteristically, hugging Gao Qi’s waist from behind, blocking a large number of active Originium for him. explode.

Although he knew that Gao Qi’s own body could heal, Scati also understood that injuries would be very painful.

Compared to her who didn’t care about anything in the past, the current Skadi doesn’t want Gao Qi to suffer.

“Scarty… Ha, thank you then, but it’s better for us to help people first – you see, I have a solution myself.”

Gao Qi was stunned for a moment, then smiled and patted Skadi’s little hand. Compared to the indifferent bounty hunter who didn’t care about anything and didn’t even want to explain to his colleague Grani, who was a colleague, Skadi had unknowingly learned to care about others.

Pushing Scadi away gently, Gao Qi instantly ignited a blazing flame, and the galloping flame turned into the most solid shield, detonating the Originium particles that hit it in advance, and the crackling was extraordinarily festive. Thought it was New Year’s Eve.

“They should be around here, let’s go and help them – this may be an acquaintance who can help us.”

Gao Qi entered the natural disaster rashly, naturally not because he wanted to do meteorological observation, but in the telescope just now, he seemed to see two familiar figures.

With the aim of taking a chance and watching the natural disaster with Skadi at a close distance, Gao Qi took Skadi and rushed directly into the sandstorm.

“Well, they seem to be around here, no, it’s getting closer – they’re coming towards us.”

The thunderstorm didn’t make Skadi feel any fear. Compared with the turbulent currents and whirlpools in the deep sea, this environment can be said to be pleasant.

But soon, Skadi frowned. She felt a sharp and restrained aura that was rapidly approaching her.

“I’m also a bit…Skaty!”

And Gao Qi suddenly felt that a sharp gaze was shooting straight at him through the turbid dust storm around him.

The next second, Gao Qi and Skadi held the weapons behind them at the same time. The difference was that Gao Qi suppressed his attacking instinct, while Skadi never liked to keep his hands.


A red light appeared from the heavy mechanical epee, and without hesitation, Skadi drew an arc in the sandstorm and slashed in the direction he perceived.

when! !

There was a crisp loud noise, and every time he swung his sword, it was always good. Even Skadi, who was unable to organize even the chitinous armor of the giant sea scorpion, discovered for the first time after landing that her blade had stopped.

A slender metal blade, several times thinner than Skadi’s greatsword, was so light that it stopped Scaty’s greatsword in mid-air.

This is something that has never happened before. Even the incarnation of the Foehn and the messenger of the heavens still cannot truly overcome the power of Skadi.

Of course, Skadi thinks Mon3tr can also withstand her full blow, but Mon3tr is so cute, why would Scadi want to cut her? !


Looking at the black-haired woman with long white horns who stood up from the tricycle, her face hidden under the black robe, Skadi frowned, tightened her muscles, and continued to press down with strength.

Skadi’s fighting skills are not weak. In the study of Agor’s great swordsmanship, her performance is also higher than other deep sea hunters, but most of the time, in order to save trouble, Skadi mostly presses people.

But no matter how hard Skadi worked, she found that the power of her sword was being removed from all directions, and the slender, reed-like rapier deftly swiped outwards, accompanied by a burst of white light, slashing Skadi’s great sword. bounced out.

Under the cloak, Skadi and the indifferent brown eyes looked at each other. The other party didn’t seem to have the will to fight, but Skadi felt that this kind of opponent was extremely rare and wanted to continue the fight.

“Skaty, stop, it’s not the enemy!”

But at the same time, Gao Qi’s voice rang in Scotty’s ear, and Scadi immediately withdrew the big sword with some reluctance – what Gao Qi said was what she said, and she had absolute trust in Gao Qi.

“Shining, I don’t feel their malice, protect them, maybe they’re just travelers who strayed into the natural disaster.”

The other one, whose voice was extraordinarily gentle and soft, but concealed a weak female voice, came from behind the black-robed woman.

“The key question now is… how to deal with the pursuers.”

And the woman standing by the driver’s seat of the motorcycle also put away the rapier in her hand, which was shining with white light, and looked at the white-haired girl in the hunter’s uniform in front of her, as well as the flame-covered and crackling body in front of her. male.

The next second, a white halo and light blue light covered both Gao Qi and Skadi.

A small space was created, shielding all dust and radiation, and Gao Qi and Skadi immediately felt the silence in their ears.

“Whatever your purpose is, I don’t want you involved in this battle – we will protect you from natural disasters.”

And just when the two sides stopped each other and planned to communicate further, there was a sudden roar of dilapidated Originium in the sand and dust with visibility less than two meters.

“They stopped! It was the natural disaster that slowed their pace. This is a gift from the **** of natural disasters – the believers of the stars are right, the final judgment is approaching!”

More than a dozen strong men dressed in rags and Originium, but with a faint Originium aura all around their bodies, jumped out of several jeeps and surrounded the four.

“Those Kazdels asked us to send back the one in the white dress, the one in the black robe, and the other two to kill! For the **** of natural disasters!”

Gao Qi, on the other hand, looked at the two Sarkaz women with indifferent expressions, one black and one white, and shrugged, clenching the meat saw in his hand.

With these two seemingly weak women, Skadi and himself really didn’t need to get involved in this battle at all.

However, a Casimir word uttered by the other party made Gao Qi suddenly interested.

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