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Old Hunter of Tomorrow’s Ark

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Chapter 146:

“Uh-poof, what are you doing, it’s so itchy!”

This level of attack is really nothing to the little killer whale.

“Okay, Skadi, don’t do it, we don’t do anything extra—you don’t seem to be very afraid of us?”

Looking at the fat fox in front of him, Gao Qi couldn’t help raising his eyebrows.

The fat fox Franka, the guard operator that Gao Qi liked to use when he was a rookie doctor, and if you think right, the other one should be Razer?

Although it is not surprising that among the security personnel of Heigang International, it is not surprising to meet this funny cross talk group, but Gao Qi still sighed that the world is really small.

Six years later, the two people who are already quite familiar will go to Rhode Island for treatment and cooperation because of Franka’s accidental ore disease. They also bring back a Vayvan trainee and a rich woman cat head.

However, six years ago, these two old partners were obviously not senior security personnel.

Gao Qi could see that, regardless of their unskilled combat movements or their unconcealed panicked expressions, although the two had good skills, they lacked combat experience.

It seems that they are still newcomers.

“Hey, after all, the seniors were only knocked out by you, and they weren’t even seriously injured. I’ve never seen such a kind intruder—right?”

Raising her hands, although Franka was subdued, she didn’t seem to be afraid at all. Instead, there was a smile of interest on her face, and she looked at the masked man in front of him and the little girl Filin in his arms.

“And I don’t think that someone who would treat a little girl so tenderly would be a **** villain – we just saw a lot of things, and the Loken water tank is not as pure as it is advertised.”

The fox’s ears on top of her head trembled. Franka was actually equally nervous. She just subconsciously felt that the man in front of her was not a bad person – what if the other party was a pervert who was interested in her!

The two had just passed the other laboratories where the Loken water tank was forbidden to enter, but the walls were smashed. They frowned and saw the contents of the experiments that were beyond the scope of human acceptance.

Since the Loken water tank is a bunch of bastards, the people who came here to save people should be considered good people, right?

And now it looks like she made the right bet.

“Ha… We won’t hurt innocent people. Your colleague was just knocked out. If you want to clear your suspicions, I can also provide you with this kind of service.”

Gao Qi sighed, this fat fox is as sharp and astute as in the original.

“There’s no need for that. We are just interns… That, sir, if you don’t mind, can you move your hand… away from my chest?”

With Gao Qi’s big hand firmly pressing his chest, Franka, who was in her early twenties, blushed a little.


Gao Qi was stunned for a moment, his big hand grabbed it subconsciously, and then took his hand behind his back with some embarrassment.

How should I put it… It’s even better than what it looks like on the stand.

Such a somewhat restrained action was immediately caught in Franka’s eyes. She finally determined that the “intruder” in front of her was just a man who came to save the child.

When her vigilance subsided, her character who liked to do things couldn’t help but come out again, and she couldn’t help teasing Gao Qi.

“Hmm? This gentleman, how do you feel? Doing this kind of thing in front of this little sister is easy to teach bad children?”

Feeling the eyes of Skadi and Razer swept over together, Gao Qi hurriedly stood up with his arms around Rosemary.

“I just think…Miss Franca, it’s time for you to control your body shape a little – Skadi, let’s go!”

Although I really wanted to have a word with my two future wives, Dolly, but time was not to be wasted, Gao Qi winked at her and greeted Skadi, and the two ran out of the Loken water tank in a hurry.

“Shape, w-hey, you bastard!”

Franka rolled over and sat up, but Gao Qi and Skadi were nowhere to be seen, so she slapped the ground in anger.

“Franka, are you alright – I have never seen such a terrifying power, are they still human?”

Razer picked up his shield and walked to Franka’s side, watching the two leave the hole in the wall, he couldn’t help sighing.

This mission has failed, and their road to normalization will be longer.

“Cut, it’s just a little bit, it’s just a pervert attacking a girl’s figure, what a good person, wait for me to become a regular employee, don’t let me run into you on a mission next time.”

As for Franka, she stood up grumbling, stuck her tongue out in the direction where Gao Qi left, flicked her tail behind her back, and pinched her fleshy thighs.

“Razer, you say, am I really fat?”

Razer narrowed his eyes, looked at his partner, reached out his hand without hesitation, and patted her belly.

“A little bit, you should exercise more.”

“It’s too much! Don’t tell the truth, even if you lie to me! I shouldn’t drink so much milk tea!”


“Drive, drive, drive—Kelsey, Loken was killed by me.”

Outside the Loken water tank, Gauche, with Rosemary in his arms, crashed into Kelsey’s van along with Scatty and Mon3tr.

“This is the ending he deserves – don’t worry, if the police in Colombia were doing their jobs so dutifully, I wouldn’t be bold enough to break in here directly.”

Looking at the street corner not far away, the siren was gradually sounding, Kelsey nodded and stepped on the accelerator with a blank expression – she was used to killing these lunatics.

The last thing in Colombia has come to an end.

As for the future of the chickens and dogs, Gao Qi and the others have been ignored.

In the next step, they will take this **** and go to another country.

Casimir, the kingdom of knights, is not far away.

5. Frontier and the new life of cats and cats.

Colombia, a new country, a pioneering country.

Unlike those countries that have been fixed and decayed, Colombia’s territory is constantly expanding.

Far from the developed and advanced mobile cities in the inner circle, most of the cities on the border of Colombia are pioneering cities with low-end industry and agriculture.

Countless workers and peasants from all over the world came to Colombia in order to create a new life.

And then…they shed every drop of blood and sweat, were trapped in labor contracts full of traps, and ended their lives in illness and debt. How many people have truly realized the Colombian dream?

With the prosperity of Colombia, the development frenzy gradually dissipated, and most of the development workers realized how much they weighed. The whole of Colombia has also flourished from the beginning to a state that is no different from other countries.

Internally developed and advanced, externally decayed and chaotic.

In the eastern wilderness, which has stopped developing and is close to Casimir and Victoria, the mobile city has lost the vitality of the pioneering area and turned into an ordinary trade frontier.

Ten days after leaving the city of San Foucault.



A city in eastern Colombia, on the outskirts of Ticalendo.

The blazing sun shines on the earth, and a minivan is moving fast among the gravel and gravel.

Their target is the Colombian border post.

Gaochie and Kelsey will part ways here, with the former taking Skadi and continuing his long hunting trip.

The latter will wait here for the arrival of Serea, Homer, and the Ifrits, and travel with her to Kazdel for further treatment and research on the threat of the gods—perhaps, along with a general manager Jurisdiction.

In the carriage, still in the signal area, the newly bought car TV is broadcasting today’s news.

“On the afternoon of June 1st, in San Foucault, Colombia, a horrific murder occurred. A group of vicious gangsters broke into the laboratory of the Loken water tank and attacked and killed the person in charge of the Loken water tank. Mr. Ken Williams, and burned a lot of experimental and monitoring data.

The police of San Foucault said that they will do their best to arrest these daring gangsters, make them receive a fair trial, and seek an explanation for Mr. Loken.

In addition, Black Steel International apologized for the dereliction of duty in the security work, and also commended the two for their outstanding contributions in the activities here. As interns, they bravely prevented other official The intruder of the security personnel further tried to illegally invade the Loken water tank. “

The TV screen turned to two stiff faces. Franka and Razer were waving at the camera, their faces were either embarrassed or guilty—they knew that they were just watching the fun.

However, Black Steel just happened to need some typical examples to maintain its business reputation. The only two interns among Black Steel employees who were not broken by Gao Qi and Scatty were immediately put on the shelf.

Of course, this can be considered a blessing in disguise, and the two employees of the cross talk group can be directly converted.

“How is it, Rosemary? Remember those two big sisters?”

In the carriage, Gao Qi was sitting on Kelsey’s soft new bed, holding the little girl Filmin in his arms, pointing to the content on the small TV, and asking gently.

“Um…I don’t remember.”

In Gao Qi’s arms, the white-haired kitten was put on a white shirt that Gao Qi changed and washed, and one of the small triangular ears on the top of his head was straight, and the other was slanted to the side.

The cold wind around her was blowing, giving the kitten a coolness in the hot summer, and the firm chest behind her also made her feel particularly at ease.

Rosemary—at least she now recognizes her name—has forgotten about the previous experiments in the Loken tank.

Rosemary’s memory only stayed on this morning. When she woke up from the bed, she saw her big brother hurriedly walking to her side with breakfast – it was delicious.

Rosemary will always forget many things, only knowledge and skills, as well as “I am very forgetful”.

Of course, some glassware and metal instruments are very hateful, and Rosemary wanted to knead them into a ball, but finally gave up under the persuasion of her big brother.

This time, she remembered that it was the big brother named Gao Qi who rescued her—she also forgot where he rescued him.

However, Rosemary doesn’t want to think so much. She is very satisfied with her current life.

This car has a soft bed, delicious food, and an air conditioner that can isolate the heat from the outside world.

More importantly, there is this very gentle big brother, a fierce elder sister Fei Lin who is a bit like himself, and a white-haired elder sister who is always staring at Gao Qi.

Life is good here, and Rosemary doesn’t care about the things she forgets.


Thinking like this, the kitten pressed her slender waist into a bow shape and stretched out a big lazy waist. Under the shirt, behind the little buttocks squeezed on Gao Qi’s thigh, a fluffy white tail came straight out. , and swung it under Gao Qi’s nose.


Although the old hunter was not allergic to cat hair, he couldn’t stand the kitten’s unbridled seduction. After he sneezed, he pushed the unsuspecting kitten in a T-shirt with a vacuum inside, and pushed it to the ground. bed

Then, Gao Qi stretched out a pair of sinister hands, rubbed Rosemary’s small head with one hand, and scratched her chin with the other.


Gao Qi’s technique was exceptionally skilled. Just a few seconds later, Rosemary squinted her eyes comfortably with a cute smile, and purred—just like a real kitten.

After all…she is really only eight years old, and she is much more well-behaved than sister Gao Qi was eight years old.

As for the vacuum question… Gao Qi can’t help it, let alone Scatty’s size, even Kelsey’s size is too big for an eight-year-old child.

Before that, Gao Qi helped Kelsey renovate the internal structure of this old truck, and replaced it with an air conditioner, TV and washing machine, hoping to reduce her ascetic life, but she only forgot to buy a replacement for the children. Clothes are indeed Gao Qi’s mistake.

But so what, even if it’s just a big T-shirt, it’s healthier than the transparent uniform that Rhode Island put on a 14-year-old kitten!

But now, only rosemary needs a change of clothes.

Gao Qi’s eyes turned to the back half of the truck, which was covered with a large curtain to take care of Rosemary’s mood.

Nearly ten experimental children who were still alive after being rescued from the Loken water tank are being placed there to maintain their lives.

Unlike Rosemary, the only successful person, these children were in poor physical condition, and some were dying when Gao Qi arrived.

But fortunately, Kelsey is not a vegetarian. Although he can’t be a ghost hunter in the underworld, his medical skills are at least superior to Terra, and relying on the equipment just moved directly from Rhine Life, the children of these patients with severe ore disease are treated. Their condition stabilized.

As for Rosemary… She is still the same as in the original work. She is a sufferer of ore disease, but she does not have ore disease crystals on her body.

Moreover, she will also lose her memory after sleeping, leaving only the common sense that she has learned over and over again.

This is both a kind of misfortune and a kind of luck. Apart from the instinctive fear of some experimental instruments, Rosemary himself quickly became cheerful and forgot the cruel experience before.

If she develops like the aid and the experiment is successful, she will be subjected to a lot of inhuman treatment before crushing the Loken water tank. The shadow and fear are even beyond the scope of amnesia and forgetfulness. Work hard to recover.

But this time, Rosemary was lucky enough to meet a group of good people in advance.

“Rosemary Rosemary, then do you know me? Do you remember me?”

On the other side, Scotty, who had been lying on the bed quietly watching Gao Qi play with his cat, was silent, and finally got in front of Scotty excitedly and pointed his finger at him.

Everyone likes the cute and sensible little girl, and no one hates the clingy cat. Although she was jealous of Rosemary for taking Gao Qi’s arms at first, Scati quickly fell in love with this little film. girl.

Moreover, Scadi is also very keen on trying to make Rosemary remember herself, and will stroke her until she meows with Gao Qi every day.

The two of them squeezed on the left and right of Gao Qi’s expanded double bed, turned to their sides, sandwiched rosemary between them, and stroked her little head together.

As for why it needs to be remodeled… Although Gao Qi won’t stay in Kelsey’s car for long this time, he always feels that in the future he will have enough opportunities to hitch a ride with Kelsey.

At that time…the double bed may not be enough!

In the face of Skadi’s question, Rosemary was in trouble for a while, and the cat ears above her head swayed from side to side.

But soon, out of the corner of her eyes, she caught sight of Gao Qi’s secret gestures.

“Hmm—she’s a very strong big sister!”

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