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Old Hunter of Tomorrow’s Ark

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Chapter 143:

1. Black steel comic group with new hunting.

It has just entered June, and now Terra has generally entered the hot summer time.

Loken water tank, temporary lounge for outside security personnel.

The air conditioner was blowing, and the fan was blowing constantly, blowing out a cool breath, which made people not want to move too much at all.

Even more than an hour ago, there was a torrential rain in the vicinity, which still could not relieve the hot breath of the mobile city in the summer heat island effect.

On the side, a small color TV is constantly playing today’s noon news.

“At noon today, the explosion in the Rhine Life Industrial Park in the Takla Valley High-tech Development Zone has caused a small-scale power outage in the park.

According to Rhein Life, the incident was caused by a failed experimental accident. A glass outside the laboratory was blown up, and there were no more losses, and no casualties occurred.

However, according to witnesses at the scene and related video data, a huge humanoid creature appeared on the outer wall of the main building of Rhine Life.

The huge humanoid creature seemed to be composed of flames. He released a huge column of fire into the sky, which seemed to be some kind of Originium technique. The Meteorological Bureau detected that a huge amount of Originium energy dissipated the rain clouds in the sky.

It’s hard not to wonder if Rhine Life is carrying out some kind of dangerous weapon experiment, and how can the safety of the citizens be guaranteed…”

On the TV, in the municipal TV station of San Foucault, a Miss Li Boli was broadcasting the major events that happened today.

Although the tone is a bit sharp, everyone knows that the lawmakers behind this TV station are not dealing with Rhine Life.

“Yawn… It’s so boring. Why are the two of us left here to watch the surveillance? It’s all corridor surveillance, and no one can see it. It’s really boring.”

Sitting in front of the soft sofa, a Volper girl with long brown hair and pointed ears was wearing a capable black security uniform with the logo “BS” printed on it.

“Speak up, Razer, we are obviously being bullied. This is workplace oppression, no, workplace bullying!”

The Volper girl put down the uncharged aluminum hot sword in her hand, closed her dark golden pupils, stretched her arms, tightened her fleshy thighs wrapped in black silk, and stretched a lot. waist.

“The security of the Loken water tank is very important. Not only does it have high risks, but there are also many secrets that we shouldn’t see. We are newcomers and inexperienced. Whether from the employer’s point of view, or from the captain’s point of view, it is impossible for us will be entrusted with important responsibilities.”

On the other side, a Vaivan girl with short gray hair and huge blue-blue horns that rose to the sky was sitting in front of the table, maintaining a small gun in her hand.

For non-Rutlan people, getting a firearms qualification certificate is a complicated process. Those who can get small guns are sharpshooters who have undergone professional training and are guaranteed to fully master guns.

“What we have to do is to look for opportunities to express our strength in the limited opportunities, and strive to end the internship period as soon as possible and become a full-time employee.”

Unlike Franka, who has a somewhat rambunctious attitude, Razer has a serious expression, and his equipment is more tidy.

On the table, on the spotless explosion-proof shield, there is a spell casting unit in a public position, plus her equipment that is slightly heavier than Franka, and the same delicate black silk, indicating her status as a heavy equipment .

For the Wayvans, there is no more suitable job than a shield guard.

“Franka, you almost strayed into the forbidden area just after you came to the Loken water tank. If you continue to wander like this, you will really violate the discipline, and you will easily be fired, and you may have to pay compensation.”

And on her uniform, there is also a logo with the word “BS”.

Blacksteel – Black Steel International.

The organization, headquartered in Colombia, is a private security consulting company and one of the well-known security contractors. Its core business is to provide private security consultants and defense contracting-related services.

In addition to the common armed forces, Black Steel International also has a “Biochemical Protection Corresponding Personnel (B.P.R.S.

In the increasingly serious Originium security practice, not all mercenaries are willing to go deep into the dangerous situation and deal with the incident of infected people that may cause their own illness.

So, B.P.R.S came into being.

As for Franka and Razer, they were “interns” who just joined Black Steel International not long ago. The two are a partner group and have not known each other for too long.

Although their fighting power is no longer as good as that of ordinary mercenaries, not to mention Franka’s swordsmanship, just being a Razer Naval mortal can let anyone know that she is not easy to mess with.

But in Black Steel International, which strives for perfection, especially BPRS, which may encounter Originium pollution incidents at any time, they still need to learn a lot.

“Ha…boring. Are all Vayfans as old-fashioned as you? Let’s just laugh. We’re here to work to make money, not to go to jail. There’s nothing wrong with being happy.”

Looking at this partner with dissatisfaction, Franka felt that if she kept partnering with this Vayvan Stupid Hulu in the future, she would definitely be depressed.

So, she stood up, walked behind Razer, pinched her shoulders for her diligently, and fixed her eyes on the blue dragon tail that was tossing around.

“I saw a little girl that time, it seemed to be a little film, and I followed it directly – let me tell you, I don’t believe in laboratories like the Loken water tank, there are no-entry areas everywhere, definitely There are so many hidden secrets.”

However, Razer just sighed helplessly at her nonsense.

“Oh, your words, it’s best not to be heard by employers. Although these companies are just research institutions, we can’t afford a defamation charge.”

Hearing Razer’s conversation, Franka knew that she finally opened up the topic, and she flicked the brown fox’s tail behind her with satisfaction.

“Hey, you still don’t believe it – not to mention the Loken water tank, Rhine Life on the other side of the high-tech development zone must be a devil’s lair full of mad scientists, you’ve seen it on TV.”

As she spoke, she pointed to the content of the TV. On the screen, on the dozens of floors of Rhine Life’s building, a thick metal anti-theft wall seemed to be directly melted by some kind of blazing high temperature, solidified on the outer wall, and still retained a little bit. fluid state.

“If you believe the Colombian media, you might as well believe that you are the illegitimate daughter of the boss of Black Steel – you should read less tidbits and conspiracy theories, read more serious books, and stop watching those science fiction movies.”

As for Franka’s whimsical thoughts, Razer didn’t know how to persuade him – this fox girl’s thinking circuit did not match her own.

“Hmph, Razer, how could you, a boring gourd who knows how to train and maintain equipment every day, know my methods—communicating with people and inquiring about information are also necessary for security personnel.”

But this time, Franka showed a confident smile and patted Razer on the shoulder.

“Just a few months ago, isn’t it rare for us at Heigang to have a failed security job? You should remember that even the big boss was alarmed.”

Hearing this, Razer paused, turned around, and looked at his partner.

“You mean, Sargon’s time – seven teams and two groups, and Rhine Life?”

Heigang Security has an excellent reputation for security and delivery, and many companies have come to them for armed escort, but last time, Rhein Life hired a professional security team from Heigang International, but it resulted in the death of a director-level VIP.

This matter has a great impact. If it weren’t for the fact that the chief executive of Rhine Life did not pursue it, and Black Steel spent a lot of money on public relations, Black Steel’s security project would definitely have suffered a major blow.

“Yes, it was the Rhine life **** event, it wasn’t “attacked by local mercenaries” at all!”

Sitting next to Razer, Franka opened her phone and showed a video to her partner.

“It was the director of Rhine Life who, despite the dissuasion, insisted on excavating ancient ruins in the local area, and released this ghost.”

The picture is extraordinarily blurry, and the photographer’s hand is not very steady, but it can be seen that a huge flame giant is wantonly destroying everything in the rainforest.

“This is a special effect image, no, it’s too real… How did you get this?”

Looking at the shocking scene above, Razer opened his eyes wide and looked at his grinning partner.

“There is no impermeable wall in the world. I went to the second group of the seventh team to inquire, and invited the senior Cartesian warlock – guess what, she said everything for three bottles of ale.”

With a smug smile on her face, Franka was satisfied with Razer’s surprised expression.

“She said that at that time, she almost died underground, but a hunter on the same road rescued her, and he and his companions defeated the flame giant as mortals.”

In the blurry and swaying footage, a black figure stood on top of the flame giant’s head, and under the pale moonlight, it knocked another small monster to the ground.

“You don’t know the **** expression of that rabbit. In her eyes, that hunter is simply the most handsome guy in the world, with unmatched fighting power–it makes me a little moved.”

Although she knew that this should be caused by the drawbridge effect, Franka did become interested in the so-called “hunter”.

“Ha… It’s hard to tell whether it’s true or false, but this person’s strength is genuine – but maybe there is something wrong with Rhine’s life, but you can’t go on to say that there is a problem with the Loken water tank. Everything requires evidence.”

While the two were chatting, suddenly, there was an urgent and noisy voice from the walkie-talkie on their chests.

“Franka, Razer! Come on, get to the core lab, we need support, we have intruders in the hallway – block them, use special bullets! Don’t fight that woman, that man can spell, fight back Him! Ah!”

“Captain? Captain!”

Franka and Razer, who were quite relaxed just now, suddenly became vigilant, and instantly clenched their shields and thermite swords.

“Wait, we have the captain’s position, let’s take a look at the surveillance first.”

Razer was more calm and composed, knowing that the two of them couldn’t rush in, but first turned to look at the monitoring screen and found the corridor in front of the core laboratory.

“Okay, Razer, we’d better call the headquarters for support first—eh?”

And seeing the figure in the corridor, the two security staff of Black Steel International suddenly opened their eyes wide.

The black trench coat, the tall man, the strange weapon in their hands, they… seem to have just met.

“Hey… Razer, that wouldn’t be—”

“That’s right, it’s me!”

The man with the three-cornered hunter hat and the trench coat was the one they were discussing for a minute – the hunter.

The next second, the two found that the hunter turned his head and covered his face with a black face towel, his black eyes caught the camera.

Even that murderous gaze penetrated the electronic circuit and was projected on Razer and Franka, causing the two of them to shiver involuntarily.

The next second, she raised a large gun-level pistol in her hand and pointed the black muzzle directly at the camera.


A second before the screen turned into snowflakes, Franka and Skadi seemed to see that another white-haired girl hit the thick alloy wall next to them.

“At least this proves that I’m telling the truth… Then what, are we going?”

The two girls looked at each other, even Razer, who strictly abides by his duties, hesitated at this moment.

“Go, but… it’s better not to get too close.”

They know that the entire Loken water tank, at this moment, has been transformed into… a hunting ground for hunters! .

2. Kitten rescue battle. (4k)

The hunters are all hardworking and hardworking.

Although he had just solved the experimental problem of Rhine life, Gao Qi could not get a rest, but took Skadi and ran to the other end of the high-tech development zone without stopping.

And their purpose is to rescue some people from a research institution called Loken Water Tank.

However, unlike in Yanan, where the old silver coin of the Moon Blood Princess guided the rituals of destroying other superiors every day, in Terra, all of Gao Qi’s actions were of his own will.

And the reason is very simple – how can I not listen to my wife’s words, as long as he can make the face paralyzed beauty smile, it is not a problem for him to do more.

“We’re here, Kelsey.”

On the side of the broad avenue in the park, Gao Qi found Kelsey who had left Rhine Life ahead of schedule and was waiting at the Loken water tank.

“You guys arrived ten minutes later than the scheduled time. It’s too slow. We must hurry up. The police force in the Hi-Tech Development Zone is very strong, and Rhein Life can’t hold them back for too long.”

The big cat remained calm, walked out of the large truck hidden under the shade of the tree, and looked at Gao Qi strangely.

“Your mouth seems to be swollen?”

As soon as these words came out, Gao Qi and Skadi beside him turned their heads to the side in embarrassment, but when they looked at each other, they immediately turned their heads to the other side shyly.

As an old hunter who strictly adheres to the concept of time, even if Gao Qi waved goodbye to everyone in Rhine Life, he reserved more than ten minutes for the meeting time.

And the meeting time is overtime, it is really a helpless move…

He and Scotty had just been in the woods two blocks away. He was not in a hurry to meet Kelsey, but was pressed against the wall by this Skadi and kissed for a while.

How should I put it, although the two of them have no kissing experience at all, their feelings of liking each other will not be faked, so the whole process is both shy and excited.

Especially Skadi, the most exciting thing that he has ever done since he was a child is that he beheaded the big baby of the God of Haisi by himself. How can he ever kiss someone else?

If it wasn’t for the introduction of Gao Qi recently, when the man at home was on a mission, he became fascinated by Colombian movies and Colombian TV series, and Scati probably didn’t know that “kissing” was a way to express his love.

And not long ago, she who took the first step bravely… has some taste.

How should I say it—it hurt Gao Qi’s teeth.

However, as long as Skadi can be happy, as for how to kiss comfortably, I will teach her slowly later.

So, Gao Qi has already decided that his next goal, apart from the real thing, is to learn the correct and proficient kissing technique in Casimir, which can make Titi happy.

Although the Gallic rooster has been destroyed in this world line, the Gallic kiss still remains – Gao Qi must learn it.

And to tell the truth, not just kissing, but further work, Gao Qi also has to learn.

After all, in the future, Gao Qi will definitely make a baby killer whale with Skadi.

Or… a little lynx?

I’m sorry, Skadi, your husband, I came to Terra just to be a scumbag!

“Cough, it’s okay, we’ll make it up if we waste time, hurry up and start.”

With a light cough, Gao Qi let go of the big hand that had been intertwining with Skadi, and took out the weapon in his hand with the little killer whale. He had gained a lot before, but now is not the time to sort out the spoils.

He knew that there was a kitten who was just eight years old this year and was waiting for him to rescue him.

If it wasn’t for Gao Qi who knew the plot in advance and urged Kelsey to come to the Loken water tank, she would still investigate slowly.

But Gao Qi knew that this organization that had kidnapped Angela before and wanted to study the technology of artificial deep-sea hunters was a real magic cave.

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