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Old Hunter of Tomorrow’s Ark

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Chapter 124:

After the experiment is over, she has to change clothes quickly—this **** Gao Qi!


Soon, Gao Qi began to open the traps one by one according to the results of his reconnaissance. Muirseth, who was on the side, flipped through the information that Gao Qi had read, and carefully checked the creatures in the cultivation warehouse.

The two of them were very tacit and did not mention what happened before. Gao Qiquan thought that Muirseth had already admitted his mistake, and Muirseth had believed that Gao Qi had relented.

“My God… the chief has never told us these archaeological results in the past, ah, she is now saying that the world is facing a more serious threat than natural disasters, and it is necessary to use the power of the gods to fight against the gods – so serious What?”

Receiving the information on two threads, Muirseth compared the information in her hand with the speech of the governor, and found that she was still hiding a lot of things from herself.

“Now, can I see what you’re looking for? Mr. Gaoch?”

“Yes, yes, please do it.”

Pushing the last heavy folder into the shelf, Gao Qi knew he was wrong and nodded quickly.

Then, the wall on the side sent out a crisp mechanism to open the god, and a secret door popped out an inch inward.

“Then let’s go—”

Satisfied with Gao Qi’s submissive expression, Muirseth forgot the embarrassment just now, smiled smugly, and then ran to the secret door quickly, so frightened that Gao Qi hurriedly stopped him.

“Wait—don’t go, there’s danger in there.”

“What are you afraid of? I’m just a clone. I’m afraid of being tossed by you, and I’m afraid that I won’t die. I don’t know how many times my clone has died—”

Not at all worried that the clone would encounter any danger, Muirseth pushed the secret door open easily into the room with all his strength.


The next second, Muirseth suddenly discovered that there was an inhuman being standing in front of him.

He, no, its body is thin and bony, like a skeleton, like a scorched black corpse just seen in the cultivation warehouse, but it is full of vitality and exudes a pale color.

Its head is like a sea anemone, and like a chrysanthemum, it emits a sticky and noisy roar.

And in its hand, a gleam of light was coming out of it, and it was thrown towards Muirseth.

And from this light, Muirseth sensed… danger.

“Well, what is this—”

Except for the open source stone skill, Muirset was just a weak girl from Lebow. She was caught in the body of light before she could run away.

The mist-like light instantly bound Muirseth’s avatar, making her unable to move.


The next second, the scrawny humanoid monster rushed out at an unimaginable speed, his hands slammed on Muirseth’s shoulders, accompanied by a loud cry, behind the sea anemone-like mouthparts, a shining The tentacles stretched out and stabbed Murseth in the head.

Even if this is a clone, her instinct tells her that this thing can threaten her existence – this power is so powerful that her tiny will feels instantly annihilated.

Muirsey struggled to break free, but his body became extremely stiff for some reason.

It was only now that Muirseth began to be truly frightened.

At the moment when the tentacle stabbed him, Muirseth finally opened his small mouth and bowed to Gao Qi.

“Gao Qi, help, help!”


The next second, along with the violent gunshot, a silver light flashed, and the tentacle that was about to buckle on Muirseth’s head, like a chrysanthemum, immediately stopped, and began to twist like a convulsion.

Gun back!

In Muirset’s eyes, Gao Qi’s expression suddenly changed, from being shy just now, to instantly rational, indifferent and fearful.

He slid and got close to Muirseth. The huge bursting pistol that had been prepared for a long time appeared in his left hand, and the huge burst of green smoke interrupted the monster’s attack, and his right hand instantly ignited flames.

In the cultivation warehouse on the side, the mummified corpse of the Foehn God’s family suddenly opened its eyes, but it was quickly extinguished again under the influence of the surrounding liquid.

Seeing this old friend, Gao Qicai completely confirmed that the power of the daughter of the universe exists in the Rhine life – and it is extraordinarily fresh.


“Ha, it’s good to be like this earlier – it’s really you, brain sucker. Back then, when you were in Yanan, you had a blast with my Spirit Vision!”

The burning right hand poked lightly, squeezing the chrysanthemum head of this brain-sucking monster, and Gao Qi shook his hand a little disgusted.

A brain-sucking monster, a thing that can control humans, parasitize on their heads, continue to attack other people, and absorb their souls and consciousness.

In the same way, this thing is also the family of the daughter of the universe.

When he was in Yanan, Gao Qi was sipped by this thing as a drink for an unknown number of times, and he was often directly sucked to zero by Spirit Vision. After returning to the hunter’s dream, he saw Miss Doll sitting in the flower bed, motionless.

In the end, he simply made himself mentally retarded and had no spiritual vision—the effect was outstanding.

Now, he is no longer afraid of this filthy monster.

“Well, what exactly is that?”

After the light dissipated, Muirset recovered his freedom and hid behind Gao Qi in a panic, his expression extremely nervous.

“You’d better… don’t know too much – hide behind me and protect your head.”

Gao Qi looked into the secret door and found that there were five or six brain-sucking monsters in the small space. At the same time, he looked at himself, and the chrysanthemum above his head bloomed instantly, making a harsh cry.

And in the center of the secret door, on two small tables, there are two different things.

One twisted like a slug, exuding blue light, while the other hovered like a shell, filled with holes like eyes.

As if dry… umbilical cord.

Above the umbilical cord, there is a pale radiance, and… it is not complete, it seems that a piece has been artificially cut.

“Ha… it’s bad.”

Gao Qi’s eyes narrowed to a small point, and everything he investigated began to form a complete necklace in his mind.

The foresight of the Chief Jurisdiction is beyond his imagination.

She wants to create the inner eye in Ifrit’s body…!

49. “Ascension” and war.

In the Curse of Bloodborne, the broken things that happened in Yanan Town seem to be complicated, but in fact, they are very easy to summarize.

A group of mortals who yearn for the power of the superior and want to steal the power of the gods fight against each other and seek the way to ascension together.

A group of high-ranking people who want to devour each other use the means of mortals to deceive each other.

All in all, there are not many good birds.

As the root cause of all the tragedies of Yanan, Byerkinworth, who is full of madmen and scholars, specializes in producing wicked people.

Although there are different ways of being a bastard, everyone in Byrgenworth is looking for a way to ascend to the top.

Because the mountain is there, people can’t help but want to climb it. This is the nature of the researcher.

As the eldest disciple of Master William, Bishop Lawrence hopes to use the blood of the superiors to guide people to ascend, and even founded the Healing Church, and the blood of the superiors cured Yanan’s animalization disease.

However, this way of ascension is just wishful thinking. Although blood therapy can suppress the power of weak and superior people and cure the popular gray blood disease, it will still lead to even more crazy animalization.

Just as William said – fear the blood of the ancient gods.

In the end, Lawrence may have realized his mistakes and guilt, or he simply wanted to do further research and injected himself with the blood of the superior.

This bravery still failed in the end. Lawrence turned into a cleric beast in the flames and was killed by his own colleagues. Gao Qi never met him. Knowledge gave a glimpse of what it looked like in the old hunter’s nightmare.

Another disciple of Master William, Mikrash, hopes to complete his ascension by reviving and creating the superior.

By resurrecting a twisted ancient deity in Ahagul, the Old God of Rebirth, the Mansis School gained a wealth of knowledge.

Relying on this knowledge, Miklash hopes to pass the ceremony to summon the invisible man Yadan and the son of Queen Sumeru, Megau.

But Master William realized the danger of this ritual, and used his disciple, the foolish spider Rom to manipulate time, fixing Yanan’s time and space before the blood moon came, making the conditions for the ritual missing.

To this end, Miklash created the Mansis dream, in which he intercepted fragments of the past and future through the power of the superior Amidala, and finally made Megau come successfully – with his wings The wet nurse also made Gao Qi die several times before successfully solving it.

Of course, including Mikrash and Megau, these lunatics and gods were finally hacked to death by Gao Qi alone – Mikrash, a 250-year-old with a cage, was chased by Gao Qi and chopped down a street, and the loach Just as slippery and extra annoying.

And these ascension methods are either wrong or incomplete.

The most reliable way to ascend is still the method originally proposed by Master William – the establishment of the inner eye.

He knows very well that the human beings in this world have always been affected by the ancient gods, and if they want to get rid of their shackles, they can only complete the ascension.

Humans are too stupid, and neither their intelligence nor will is comparable to those of the great superior beings, so William hopes that humans will gain more “eyes” and examine themselves and the world from a higher-dimensional perspective.

In order to obtain eyes for human beings, he has conducted numerous inhumane human experiments and created many “eye beds” with many eyes. In the end, he found that the human brain is not enough to withstand the wisdom and vision of the ancient gods.

Unless, when the ancient gods were born, the organ used to communicate with the universe—the third umbilical cord.

In the end, the more conservative William, realizing the danger of this matter, chose not to break the balance of the world.

Master William chose to stop using and researching the ancient gods, and used the power of Roma to hide the source of all knowledge and secrets in the lake – until the arrival of Goch.

Although killing him at the time would drop runes, Gao Qi in Yanan still saved the old man’s life – he was crazy enough, but he had a bottom line.

William’s method was not wrong. Gao Qi finally collected four – no, more third umbilical cords through various channels. Using the power of the umbilical cord, he gained the knowledge and vision to be side by side with the superiors, and also had the ability to kill the moon god. the power of.

At that time, Gao Qi also established an inner eye, which could clarify others and himself, macro and micro, Xumi and mustard seeds had no secrets in front of Gao Qi.

But in the end, Gao Qi did not choose to step into ascension and become a high-ranking person.

Of course, this is not because it will make him lose Xiao Gaoqi, and he will not be able to love and love Miss Doll.

Luna, a troublemaker, used Gao Qi to expel the agents of other high-ranking people, giving him the opportunity to steal the authority of many other high-ranking people. If Gao Qi becomes the new Moon God, then his authority is almost unlimited .

However, Gao Qi knew that at that time, he was no longer the original Gao Qi – so, he gave up flying, and instead wanted to use this power to leave this boring world.

Although it’s not bad to be a new moon **** and be nurtured by the doll lady, it’s not bad to enjoy breastfeeding play, but as expected, it’s better to love and follow as a human being!

However… even if he gave up ascension, it did not mean that the power of ascension disappeared. .

The power used to penetrate the world and the barrier of the world, allowing Gao Qi to come to Terra in his wanderings, has spread all over Terra, and it is more smashed than the broken jade of four souls.

Obviously, a small part of that power was discovered by the chief.

[The third umbilical cord (part)

A great relic, also known as the Eye Belt.

All the young ancient gods have the embryonic form of this umbilical cord.

Every ancient **** lost his son and longed for their replacement.

The third umbilical cord participated in the encounter of the Pale Moon, which summoned the hunter and built the hunter’s dream.

Used to increase spiritual vision, and what people call the inner eye, although no one has understood the true face of this thing. 】

In the narrow, gloomy room, five bony monsters fell to the ground.

Each of them has a head like an anemone, and from behind the head stretches out tentacles thicker than their skinny arms, but they have all lost their vitality and vitality.

“All, are they all dead… Phew, what the heck is this?”

Hiding in the hidden room, Murseth’s avatar was patting his chest, calming down his frightened mood, while watching the strange creatures that lost their vitality under his feet.

Although he was an avatar who was not afraid of death, when the opponent pierced him with his tentacles, Muirseth passed through the avatar for the first time and felt the threat of death.

Even looking at the corpses of these monsters, the feathers on Muirset’s hair couldn’t help shaking a few times.

However, it wasn’t just these monsters that surprised Muirset—it was the black-haired man who was standing in front of the storage table, staring at a small fossil-like object.

On the body of the monster on the ground, there are various wounds of completely different types.

The burn marks from the flames, the scars from the axe, the flesh torn by the saw teeth, the everted skin cut by the sharp whip, the bullet holes penetrated by bullets, and the flesh smashed by a lot of shrapnel.

Not long ago, Muirset had always thought that Gao Qi in front of him was just an ordinary person—whether it was the good guy who cared about Ifrit before, or the pervert who dared to spank him just now, he was still just an ordinary person. category.

After all, she had also seen the scene when Gao Qi and Seria were training against each other. Gao Qi was completely surpassed by the Vayvan woman in terms of strength and physical strength, and was almost pressed and beaten.

In fact, if Muirseth entered by himself, even if he had no combat experience, he could easily subdue him with his powerful Originium skills.

But… just now, this man took out all kinds of strange weapons like he did a trick from nowhere.

Using dance-like skills, he killed all the monsters in front of him, efficiently and ruthlessly.

The power of these silver-white monsters is very strong, and the incarnation of Murseth is completely unable to break free, but Gao Qi can easily use his burning arms to penetrate their hard skin and directly destroy their internal organs.

This combat experience even far exceeds that of Seria, who is the best at Rhine Life – after all, the latter does not have so much actual combat experience.

In the face of these transcendental scientific cognitions, Muirseth felt terrified. Compared with reality and the monsters that should appear in horror movies, this man named Gao Qi has no fear at all.

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