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Old Hunter of Tomorrow’s Ark

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Chapter 122:


Gao Qi was frightened, and he quickly reacted. The guy who suddenly appeared in front of him was Murseth’s clone. In this environment full of divine power, his perception ability was not very obvious.

“Hum hum hum, Mr. Gao Qi, you entered this restricted area that only the chief has the right to enter, and overstepped the key treatment without permission. This is a complete act of commercial espionage – fortunately, I sent a clone to follow.”

Thinking that he finally got a handle on Gao Qi and Seria, Muirseth, who was half a man of fun, narrowed his yellow eyes and was extremely proud.

“But speaking of it, I’m also very curious about these small collections of the Chief Jurisdiction. What did she save?”

Muirseth is an absolute egoist, and it is impossible to report Gao Qi for her non-existent loyalty to Rhine life. Rather than snitching, she hopes to get some benefits from it.

In front of Gao Qi, Muirseth’s clone, curiously, opened an opaque cultivation warehouse in front of him.

“Hey, don’t move, there are some very dangerous-“

Before he had time to act as a dissuasion, Gao Qi saw that one was a bit like an octopus, but there was no sucker.

However, Muirseth was not nervous, just shrugged his half-bared shoulders, snapped his fingers, and prepared to release his avatar.

“Anyway, this is a clone of my Originium skill. Since this is Gao Qi’s fault, I’ll ask you to clean it up by yourself—eh?”

However, after snapping her fingers twice, the avatar carrying Mursey’s thoughts suddenly realized…she couldn’t release the Originium Skill? !

“…The experiment will give psychological hints and force people to release Originium skills, which is extremely harmful, so it is ruled out—you see, reading books is still very important.”

And Gao Qi, just holding a meat saw, shrugged at Muirseth.


The next second, accompanied by an exclamation, Murseth’s clone was rolled back directly by the stretched tentacles.

46. ​​Tentacle play and the God of Devouring God.

The conspiracy of Miyazaki’s old thief is often full of unexpected places.

Even if this is reality rather than a game, and Terra rather than Yanan, every time Gao Qi is attacked, he can’t help but scold an old **** who is now on Earth – and regrets that he may never have a chance again. Playing the Ayrden Ring.

The long-term calm and daily life made Gao Qi relax for a while, but the narcotic bomb attack he just encountered quickly made him increase his alertness as a hunter.

He understands that it is best not to open the locked treasure chest easily, and the same goes for the translucent cultivation bins in front of him.

God knows, whether the lives inside that look like dead corpses are really dead.

For the superiors and their relatives, life and death themselves are extremely ambiguous concepts.

Gao Qi, who was blessed by the Moon God, after death, his soul will return to the hunter’s dream and reshape his body. Except for the echoes of the blood accumulated in his body, he will not lose anything – if he can’t beat him, he will just do it again.

Even if he killed Luna, he was not sure that the other party really died.

But apparently, Miss Muirseth did not understand the question.

For her, and even the researchers including Serea and Homer, most of the things that were put into the transparent culture chamber were already dead and used to keep cells alive, or were basically half-dead animal and plant samples.

It’s absolutely impossible to be the same…

“Wow ah ah ah – help, help!”

On the experimental bench in front of him, in a cultivation silo that was originally less than one meter high and looked like a fish tank, filled with turbid sewage, one was nearly two meters high, and it was constructed of bright red flesh, like a tentacle-like existence. , suddenly drilled out of it.

The powerful tentacles curled around the water body that Muirseth had transformed into, and slammed her into the low ceiling, only two meters away.

“What the **** is this—why can’t my Originium Skill be lifted!”

The back of his head hit the ceiling directly. If an ordinary person would have fainted by now, but Muirseth was still awake—a clone does not have a brain stem.

In the years since he became the director of the Ecology Department, Muirseth suffered many assassinations.

No matter which big capitalist behind those professional killers, or the director of other departments, she has been in danger several times—in real business battles, poison is often directly poured into the cup.

To this end, Muirset specially created this kind of technique, which uses water flow to imitate his own source stone skills, and can project part of his own consciousness onto his avatar. Although he cannot be too far away from his own body, it can effectively ensure his own Safety.

Of course, the feeling of being cloned will also be completely copied to the current self, and now——she can’t release her Originium Skill!

“Director Muirseth, are you all right?”

“No, it’s fine.”

A few floors down the structure department, she just stepped into the structure department laboratory, she almost stumbled and fell to the ground, looking at Seria a little strange.

“Hey, help me, Gao Qi – why are you just watching!”


Before he could finish speaking, Muirseth was smashed to the floor by the long and powerful tentacles of flesh and blood.

On the other hand, Gao Qi casually looked at the experimental records that belonged to Rhine’s life, or that only belonged to one person in charge.

“Well, even a half-ass like me knows, don’t touch anything you don’t know, and let you mess around on the basis of your avatar, so I should teach you a lesson.”

Gao Qi knew that Muirseth in front of him was a clone, and this guy just didn’t even think about whether he would release anything that would cause Gao Qi to be threatened because of his rash actions, so he didn’t plan to pity her at all.

“Hmph, if you don’t help, you won’t help. I’m still afraid that you won’t succeed. Anyway, my avatar doesn’t feel it – um, why is this thing sticking into my clothes, well, it’s itchy – help!”

Before he could get angry for three seconds, when he saw the tip of the tentacle splitting, the tentacles like an anemone began to protrude into his waist, Muirseth immediately laughed and begged for mercy.

However, Gao Qi didn’t care about this, he just picked up a small reagent bottle that was somewhat similar to his own blood collection bottle, from which he saw a quiet and bright dark black blood like a starry sky.

“Through the observation of the brain-damaged scientific research personnel, we initially found that the blood samples of the “starry sky” found in the ruins of the Casimir gods still have strong activity, and there are still nuclei in the red blood cells – in the use of chalk After the treatment needle increased the totipotency of its cells, it successfully produced muscle and nerve tissue… worthy of being a researcher.”

Gao Qi sighed when he looked at the “Blood of the Starry Sky” which was similar to the sample he had stolen before, but with stronger activity.

[Thick and cold blood (starry sky)

A tube of icy blood that is thick and rich in blood echoes, which can be used to obtain a large number of blood echoes.

A mighty foe can produce a thick sequel, no doubt the product of obsession, a powerful source of power for man to use.

The ancient god’s crown has been cut off by the knight, but he has seized the power from the starry sky and the universe, and he will return to the throne]

Although now, in the whole house, there are blood samples from different locations in Terra, of excellent quality, which can provide Gao Qi with a large number of blood samples, which can be said to be more than the inheritance that Gao Qi stole from the Foehn. Rich.

However, Gao Qi was not happy at all.

Apparently, there was a local **** of Terra who stole the part of Gochi, the power that belonged to the daughter of the universe, and was planning to threaten the world.

And obviously, Rhine Life has only obtained a small part of his family. The current **** may still be staying somewhere in Terra—perhaps the one in Casimir who has gone crazy for more than a dozen Rhine Life Science Expeditions. remains of personnel.

Gao Qi and Kelsey are both worried that the contamination of gods will cause harm to the real world, and now it seems that the crisis that Terra faces is worse than they imagined.

But fortunately, it seems that Rhine’s life itself, and the chief himself, are not as crazy as Parvis as Gao Qi thought.

Chief Jurisdiction is indeed a visionary woman. In these experimental records, she maintains the rationality that belongs to the researcher.

Although she has carried out a lot of forbidden experiments, as long as there is a problem with the experiment, the content of the experiment will be stopped and sealed, and it will be stored in the current room.

In the most recent record, Gao Qi discovered the record of the previous hallucination event by the governor.

“-May 1091… Attempt to use the blood of the starry sky to implant the Sarkaz body, the blood was stimulated by the Sarkaz body, resulting in an extreme rejection reaction, and created out of thin air that affected 23 people. The Great Illusion – The symbiosis experiment with the mild inhibitor failed, no, I think I can try it again.”

However, after discovering that the blood of the starry sky was useless, the chief did not seem to seal the blood of the starry sky directly, but planned to try more.

“No, Seliya said that since Homer took over Ifrit, the governor never conducted other experiments on her. When did she secretly conduct experiments?”

Thinking like this, Gao Qi continued to turn the record forward, and found the experimental record that failed again and again…and the only successful record.

The paper has turned a little yellow, and even after being flipped many times, it looks a little old.

“—April 1091… Unbelievable, the implantation of the Balrog Elixir was successful, and there was no rejection reaction. The Balrog Elixir fell into silence when it approached the experimental body. The success of the experimental body was closely related to Foehn’s The power of God has completed the symbiosis, as if they were originally one, and every previous experiment was obviously a failure.

The power of the Balrog Elixir is completely suppressed, but He does exist, and as long as there is a suitable stimulus, she can re-release the power of the Balrog.

There are still many secrets of the Pale Blood. It is the mildest and most perfect inhibitor known to the world. The superior existence that possesses it is extremely special, and it can suppress the power of other gods—he must be the God of God. “

Seeing this record, Gao Qi’s eyes instantly shrank to a small dot.

Ifrit’s Balrog plan was actually a success, but she was still only able to let out a small flame.

Gao Qi continued to turn forward and turned to the front page.

“1085 – the only sample implanted successfully, the experimental body successfully received the pale blood, it is hard to imagine that the legends are true, the pale moon falling from the sky, the fallen **** torn apart by the gods, It is the God of Devouring God, and it is the enemy of the gods… Humanity is facing unprecedented danger, this may be an opportunity for us to turn defeat into victory, I must talk to Kelsey-“

The text came to an abrupt end, and all the content that followed was crossed out.

After reading these words, Gao Qi took a deep breath.

“Ha, Kelsey, your circle of friends is really extensive… No wonder you dare not come to infiltrate Rhine Life. How many things are you hiding from me?”

Afterwards, Gao Qi closed his eyes tightly, amplified his perception to the limit, and searched for the power that he would normally block automatically.

It belongs to Gao Qi’s own power.

The authority of the Moon God, the pale blood of the Moon God.

At the end of Yanan, although Gao Qi killed the Moon God, he did not choose to steal the power that belonged to him and become the new Moon God instead.

After all, even though he could be raised by Miss Doll, Gao Qi still didn’t want to become the tentacle monster that was tossing Muirseth around in front of him.

Tentacle play is good, but if you give up your little brother and can’t do things you love with beautiful girls, what’s the point of becoming a god?

However, Gao Qi had long known that although he did not become a tentacle monster, he still possessed the power of the Moon God. divine power.

Therefore, Gao Qi usually does not pay attention to the power related to the moon god, just like the human brain will subconsciously ignore the sound of his own breathing.

But now, when he began to perceive the power of the Moon God, he found that… a familiar power existed in the warehouse, a seemingly ordinary wall without gaps.

That is… the power of pale blood.

“Ha… I have to quickly inform Kelsey and Skadi, no, and Homer and Seria – if nothing else happens, there may be a fight.”

Gao Qi slapped his forehead – big trouble.

47. Ansai Waist Drum (Rhine Life Limited)

Tentacles, generally speaking, in small books, this thing often becomes a good friend of magical girls.

But for tentacles, Gao Qi and Skadi are not surprised – the spineless sea heirs who can’t grow bones, and they are covered with tentacles.

While in Agor, Gauche had a wealth of hostile experience with these soft and powerful things.

To deal with tentacles, ordinary slashing is very easy to slip off. Only by using meat saws and saw spears, preferably with fire paper, can these tentacle monsters be effectively dealt with.

However, for the people on Terra land, let alone tentacles, they may not even have seen octopus and squid.

Although she prefers magical girls, but if she is a scientific girl at the level of a scholar, maybe Tentacle likes it too?

“Well, what the heck is this–sho, it’s in the clothes!”

Muirseth’s avatar is now hanging from the ceiling of the hidden warehouse by a few crimson tentacles extending from the cultivation warehouse, and his body is constantly struggling.

Muirset’s avatar has a certain attack ability, but for some reason, the water flow controlled by her Originium Skill is forcibly fixed in a humanoid state and cannot change.

After continuously beating his “prey” on the wall for a while, the twisted flesh and blood creature finally realized that he might not be able to kill his “prey”, and instead planned to strangle it to death.

“Hey, Gao Qi, are you really watching? It’s really going to get in! – After all, why does it only attack me!”

Seeing that the tentacles were about to penetrate the gap between the neckline and under the long skirt, and gradually tightened their strength, Muirseth was finally a little scared.

Now, Muirseth is in the body of the Structural Division, and he is trying his best to suppress his almost hilarious expression because of his ticklish flesh being touched.

If the main body laughed out loud——Muirseth would definitely die socially!

“Because this thing has only instinct and knows to attack people who are easy to bully, not something that can kill it at any time.”

Gao Qi took a deep breath, turned his head, and looked at the room where he had been hanged. At the top, Muirseth, who seemed to be about to be preyed on—showed a wicked smile.

This smile used to appear on Muirseth’s face.

“It’s a good cry, I’ll let you go—come on, tell me Brother Gao Qi to take a look?”

In Gao Qi’s view, the flesh and blood creature in front of him is just a little monster with no threat at present. Its combat power is about equal to the healing of the upper echelons of the church. Those little bugs that wriggle on the ground, and even hit people only get frantic, but can’t beat the blood at all.

If Muirseth was there, he would probably be able to solve this easily.

But obviously, Muirset, who is a clone, does not have this ability.

“Um—Gao, Gao Qi giegie?”

After hesitating for a while, Muirset still showed a standard professional smirk and bought a cute one from Gao Qi.

For the egoistic Muirseth, resignation at critical moments is to strive for greater interests.

After all, she actually wanted to know for a long time, what exactly is Ms. Chief Jurisdiction studying behind everyone’s back.

“Well…it’s almost the same.”

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