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Old Hunter of Tomorrow’s Ark

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Chapter 113:

The researchers who joined the Balrog Project are most afraid of this situation.

Especially those researchers who followed Parvis to Sargon seemed to be particularly afraid of any changes in Ifrit.

And it is not difficult to ask the reason why they are so afraid. At the suggestion of Researcher Gao Qi, Seliya questioned Researcher Anna with a little Vayvan aura.

Anna, who didn’t really want to continue doing it, quickly revealed the reason why they had been hiding it for a long time.

After Parvis left the Rhine life, without the constraints of Seria, he conducted a human experiment that was completely contrary to human ethics, and delivered the Balrog Potion, which was absolutely impossible to succeed, to a Sargon border. Snake head, let the other party “voluntarily” use this medicine to collect experimental data.

After that, he directly dug up the seal in Sargon’s Temple, and released the incarnation of the irresistible **** in the video that Seria saw.

They had already seen two flaming giants, for fear that Ifrit would become the third.

For Serea, this was a move that definitely crossed the line.

Although the main culprit was dead, the other members of the expedition were ordered to be suspended from work by Seliya – no salary was paid, and her supervision of other departments became stricter.

However, in the end, apart from the loss of an expensive piece of glass in the structural section, the entire Rhine life was not lost – it was just a minor accident.

Seria has no reason to stop the experiment, but she is more vigilant about what the chief is looking for, about the Balrog’s plan, and the strange “god”.

Serea didn’t plan to really treat this incident as a minor accident, but prepared to participate in the experiment.

She had to figure out what exactly caused this collective hallucination event.

And… “God”, does it exist?

However, although all kinds of things are bad, there is one thing that makes Serea feel at ease.

The newly-arrived Gaoqi operator not only performed well in his work and prevented the accident in time, but also got along well with Ifrit——

How can I put it…everyone is satisfied.

So, the peaceful days passed slowly.


The city of San Foucault, Colombia, in the Tacla Valley.

As evening approaches, the setting sun slants.

Monday, May 31.

Rhine Life, Structural Department, Balrog Project Experimental Department, in the isolation ward.

In front of the pure white hospital bed, a tall black-haired man in a light green uniform was flipping through a storybook, sharing the story he just made up for the little Sarkaz girl sitting on the head of the bed.

“Zeus couldn’t get it up, and he threw the Olympus sword aside, and only called out, “Well done! “Kratos scolded:” Straight mother thief! Dare to answer! “When you raise your fist, there is only one punch between the eyes and the eyebrows, and the rib of the eye is cracked, and the black beads burst out. It also seems to open a colorful silk shop, and the red, black, and purple will all bloom-“

Turning the last page, Gao Qi closed the storybook and looked at Ifrit, whose eyes were shining.

“In this way, Kratos completed his revenge in the end, killed the gods, and the myth of Olympus came to an end, and for the world, he released the power of hope in his body and returned the world to mortals – this It’s the God of War story.”


Just after the story was told, Ifrit, who was beside him, stretched out his little hand and clapped his hands violently, looking very excited.

“Really, it’s amazing. In the past, the gods in the storybooks were all high above, helping Cinderella make a pumpkin cart or something. I didn’t expect that there were so many bad guys… But the bad guys should be killed!”

The little tail behind her was swaying, and ifrit still had many electrodes attached to her arm, and a needle connected to the drip on the back of her hand, but she was not at all afraid of them falling off.

In the past, if Homer saw her jumping up and down during an IV drip, he would definitely support her Sarkaz horn that just emerged, and give him a good education.

If Seria or the white-faced owl come, it’s fine, you can help yourself to make a round, if no one comes… Then you can only listen to the lectures until Homer feels sleepy.

However, Gao Qi is different, he is very gentle, he neither reprimands himself like those bad guys, nor does he talk about it like Homer.

“Okay, okay, don’t move around, the drip is done, I’ll take it off for you, come, hold down the cotton swab—well, that’s good.”

Watching the liquid in the hanging bottle disappear, Gao Qi put down the storybook in his hand, crammed the storybook, and helped Ifrit remove the drip needle.

It has been half a month since Gao Qi was transferred to the research team of the Balrog Project.

During this period, in addition to his own purpose of coming here, Gao Qi’s main job is to accompany Ifrit, as a researcher of the Defense Department, to take care of her safety in the experiment.

Thanks to the education of Kelsey, the world’s No. 1 doctor, Gao Qi crammed and memorized the pediatric care method by rote, so he didn’t show his tricks.

And soon, Gao Qi also had a good relationship with Ifrit – to have a good relationship with this simple child, you don’t need any means, you just need to be nice to her, talk to her on an equal footing, and get Her trust couldn’t be easier.

This poor, twelve- or thirteen-year-old little Sarkaz has a simple personality like a blank piece of paper. Her memory is limited to the time she was researched in Rhine Life, and she has no knowledge of the outside world, let alone her parents and childhood. .

This may be the symptoms of amnesia caused by Oripathy, or it may be… The time she spent in Rhine was long enough to make her forget her childhood.

She is older than Anita, but she is also well-behaved and sensible. Although she sometimes appears a little irritable, she never loses her temper. Obviously, now she has not yet had the “Bright Demon” in her mind.

Gao Qi has pity and love for her, and takes her as his sister and daughter to take care of him – now, he doesn’t even want to play a “wife” joke on this little cutie in his heart.

Just like just now, relying on his entertainment knowledge on earth, he made up many interesting stories – Lord Kui, who killed the gods of Olympus, in a sense, is also a colleague of Gao Qi .

“Hemo should be waking up now. It’s probably coming soon. I’ll be off work in a while?”

Looking at the time on the phone, Gao Qi stretched out his big hand and rubbed Ifrit’s little head, his eyes full of love.

Hearing this sentence, Ifrit pouted, released the back of his hand that was no longer bleeding, grabbed the corner of Gao Qi’s clothes with his little hand, and acted coquettishly with a child’s peculiar cowardly tone. .

“Um—— no, stay with me for a while… Brother Gao Qi, I don’t want you to go.”

Half a month ago, this eldest brother, whom he had seen for a long time, rushed to his side when he was most helpless, and rescued himself from the burning pain.

Although later, Seria said that the flames that burst out of her body were all false hallucinations, but the pain that Ifrit felt herself was real.

When the tall and handsome figure passed through the blazing flames, supported his shoulders, and woke him up from the pain, Ifrit already fell in love with him.

It’s almost like the past. In the stories that Homer told himself, the hero saves the beauty of Prince Charming!

Moreover, unlike Homer’s overly seriousness, Gao Qi, who was in charge of the safety of Ifrit’s experiment together with Seria, had a very loose control over Ifrit.

Not only would he tell her all kinds of stories she had never heard before, and tell her what the outside world was like, but he would even secretly bring some snacks that Ifrit had never eaten before.

Although the two would be disciplined together as long as they were discovered by Homer, brother Gao Qi always stood in front of Ifrit, sincerely admitted his mistake, and resolutely did not change it.

Of course, Homer and Seria, Ifrit still likes it, if you have to compete, Ifrit can’t do it at all.

If everyone can be together all the time, that is the best – this is Ifrit’s simple and unpretentious wish.

So… Ifrit, I want everyone to stay a little longer.

“Just, wait for a while, wait until Homer arrives, how about a chat with her?”

Looking at Gao Qi, Ifrit’s orange eyes seemed to sparkle with stars, brighter than the sunset outside the window.

“…Okay, I’ll wait a little longer.”

Although I know that there is still Skadi at home, he is silently looking forward to going back to bring delicious food. Although Kelsey doesn’t say it, when he comes home late, he has to use thorny words to ridicule a few words, but Gao Qi still decided to indulge the child.

“Well, I knew that Gao Qi was the best.”

With the horn with crystals rubbing against Gao Qi’s chest, Ifrit enjoys it especially, this is a solid chest that other people can’t feel at all.


The door of the ward opened at just the right time, two familiar figures walked in, and Ifrit’s face also showed a surprised smile.

“Homer, Seria! You are all here!”

35. Female scholars and love problems.

In the isolation ward, in the disinfection room, two figures, one tall and one short, stood in the white mist for disinfection.

“I didn’t expect that you’d come too – haven’t you been very busy recently?”

Homer adjusted the glasses on the bridge of his nose and whispered to the woman who was 20 centimeters taller than him.

“Didn’t I come here? When I have time, I will definitely come back to see Ifrit, sorry…”

On the side, Seria was a little embarrassed. Recently, she has been secretly investigating some things in her spare time, so the frequency of visiting Ifrit is naturally lower.

“Besides, Gao Qi gets along well with Ifrit, doesn’t he? Homer, you’re relaxed too, aren’t you?”

Speaking of her subordinate, the dragon tail behind Seria flicked, and she couldn’t help but put on a proud smile on her face.

“Hmph, that’s true. With Gaoqi taking care of Ifrit, I think you and I are both dispensable.”

Looking at Seria’s waist, the brown feather that belonged to him, and the small movements and micro-expressions that even Seria herself could hardly notice, Homer raised his eyebrows.

“Don’t say that, Homer, at least you’re as important to Ifrit–as much as Gouch.”

Seemingly aware of her gaffe, Seria stopped her tail swinging and let out a light cough.

Capable and reliable, Seliya rarely describes others in this way, but Gao Qi really deserves this compliment.

During this period, Gao Qi became Serea’s right-hand man, not only sharing a lot of her daily work, but also helping a lot in other aspects.

And… Gao Qi, he can not only take care of children, but also take care of adults.

Serea has been very busy these days, introducing stricter regulatory policies for Rhine Life, dealing with the aftermath of the collective hallucination incident half a month ago, and coping with the pressure from the military…

At the same time, she is also secretly investigating how much research on “God” has been done by Rhine Life.

Although Seria has been living a regular life and her desk is well-organized, these days, she is so busy that she can only take a shower once a week, and she almost stinks.

During this time, Gao Qi has been by her side to help her.

Handling documents, performing tasks of the Defense Division, investigating the scene of the incident in the Structure Division, and helping to inquire the parties involved, Gao Qi helped Seliya to share a lot of these tasks.

In the past, other researchers have always shied away from these “unimportant” jobs. After all, it’s easier for them to make a name for themselves by researching new types of armor and protective clothing.

However, Gao Qi did these things without complaint.

Even before getting off work, Gao Qi would specially help Seliya organize the documents on her desk that she didn’t have time to take care of, make a cup of hot Rutland coffee, and prepare a basin of hot water and towels for refreshing.

Obviously, Gao Qi is good at this and is very good at taking care of others, almost to the point of meticulousness.

However… this also shows that the person being taken care of by Gao Qi is definitely a squat at home who doesn’t do any work.

Seliya heard Gao Qi say that he has a very fierce sister and a very cute sister in his family – it’s really hard for him.

The elder sister and younger sister of the Gao Qi family are also too worrying.


“Huh—the taste is still not right, let’s wait for him to come back.”

With some disgust sticking out her tongue, Kelsey put the coffee she just brewed on the table.

Obviously, the raw materials are the different coffees from the different venues, as well as milk, honey, and sugar cubes, but no matter how hard Kelsey tried, he couldn’t make the mellow, sweet, and unforgettable feeling of Gaoqi.

Gao Qi said that this is one of the countless small hobbies he cultivated in the past while hunting. Kelsey has lived for so long, but he doesn’t care about this kind of thing at all.

“Ha, Kelsey, you are such a waste.”

On the side, in order to improve the living standards of the two girls, Gao Qi specially used this month’s salary to buy a new sofa. Skadi stared at the door, waiting for Gao Qi’s return like a pet.

At the same time, she did not forget to ridicule her unpleasant cohabitant, showing her a contemptuous smile.

“Gao Qi is qualified to mock me, but you don’t, deep sea hunter, you are more ridiculous than your race – you only need to use your strange power, and it’s time to use you soon!”

“Slightly slightly, rebound, you are twice as ridiculous as me!”

During Gao Qi’s work time, the bickering between the two never stopped.


“Yeah, I’m afraid even a child educator can’t please Ifrit like him. I’m jealous.”

Hearing Seria’s words, Homer also sighed, his golden pupil fluctuated slightly, and rarely talked about things other than research.

Homer is an extraordinarily dedicated, conscientious, and extremely pure researcher.

In her opinion, she is actually a scientific **** just like everyone else, but in Ifrit, Homer feels that she has been inspired by the so-called motherhood.

Now, her goal is to recover Ifrit and prove her ability at the same time.

Gao Qi is a good man, and his care for Ifrit makes Homer, who thinks he has fulfilled his duty as a good guardian, ashamed.

And ifrit’s closeness to Gaoch even makes Homer feel a little jealous.

“He also helped us a lot in the structural department. Even the white-faced owl said that after Gao Qi came, her work was much easier. Every day, he went to the cafeteria to call back the meal for the two of us – how in the world? There are such good people, is it possible that the people of Yan Kingdom are so willing to help others, is it impossible?”

Homer has to admit that Gao Qi is very good at taking care of people, so good that Homer is learning from him.

During this time, Gao Qi spent most of his work in the structural department.

Although the racial characteristics did not make Homer sleepy throughout the day, he couldn’t help taking a nap every once in a while. Like the white-faced owl, the two of them had to change shifts or drink coffee to survive.

But with Gao Qi helping with some of the work, taking care of Ifrit, and even helping with meals, Homer and the white-faced owl were finally able to find time to take a grateful nap.

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