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Old Hunter of Tomorrow’s Ark

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Chapter 110:

“Okay, now that everyone has arrived, we are ready to start the meeting – Muirseth, it’s the first time you came so late, your face seems to be a little red? Are you okay?”

She is a tall, slender, black-haired, seemingly young woman. She has always had a peaceful and indifferent smile on her face, which is extraordinarily friendly.

She was wearing a simple uniform, with two horns on the top of her head that were broken from the roots, leaving only two “stumps” hidden between the black hair.

Apparently, she’s a Caprini, an ethnicity common in Letania, but not uncommon in Colombia.

The bright black eyes looked at Muirset, who had just been seated. The woman raised her eyebrows, a little curious.

You must know that although Muirseth has a somewhat cheerful personality, she is actually very strict. She came very early for a few meetings.

But today, Muirseth came to the conference room stuck at the meeting time.

Muirseth, who had always been a little restrained and his eyes wandering, came back to his senses and gave the woman a bright smile.

Muirset dared to slaughter in front of Seria, but this woman still made her particularly awed.

“Boss, there’s nothing you can do about it, who made the new boy from Director Seria’s house so enthusiastic and unrestrained? Not only did he have a hot fight with Seliya, but he also had **** with me without hesitation. Let’s take action – she’s just a weak girl, I can only let him toss, how can I put it, he’s really a strong man~~”

With a pitiful expression on his face, Muirseth winked at the Vayvan woman who was sitting at the second seat of the conference table.

“Muirseth, if you continue to tell such uninteresting lies and slander the upright researcher Gao Qi, I don’t mind exposing more of your falsehoods.”

Squinting her eyes, Seria didn’t even bother to argue with Muirseth about this boring question – at least in her opinion, Gao Qi is indeed a good and honest person.

After being revealed by Gao Qi that the other party is good at creating clones, Seria can easily distinguish the authenticity of Muirseth-obviously, the guy in front of him is still a clone.

“Ha… Seria, did you finally see it? Your ability is enough to distinguish this, it’s just that you never thought about it that way.”

The woman above the chief smiled slightly and looked at Seria next to her. There was a bit of curiosity in her black eyes. Murseth’s spells could not be concealed from her from the very beginning.

“…Gao Qi, it’s the researcher you’ve newly recruited. If you can call him upright, I can’t imagine what kind of person he is – how about a chance for me to meet him?”

“Boss, I’ll introduce him when I get a chance—let’s get down to business first.”

Seliya looked at the woman who was smiling softly in front of her and sighed helplessly.

The woman who was affectionately called “Boss” by these directors was the top leader of Rhine’s life.

Chief Jurisdiction.

Among research firms, the position is more or less the same as chairman, but not exactly the same.

Compared with stocks and funds, she relies more on her strong personal charm, unparalleled fighting ability, and knowledge and foresight that surpasses everyone else, bringing these unruly geniuses together.

She is wise, strong, and full of leadership, with vision above all directors.

Chief Jurisdiction and Seria have also been friends for many years, and the two women would chat in each other’s offices during their rare spare time.

“Okay, okay, it’s not interesting to you anymore, sigh, whether it’s a boy or a girl, I really hope someone can shake your mind a little bit – okay, everyone, let’s hold a meeting.”

After making fun of his old friend, the chief executive clapped his hand lightly, and an invisible pressure swept the entire conference room. The chief executive’s smiling face became icy cold, and all the section chiefs immediately cheered up.

“Then, let’s start with the conclusion – Director Parvis died, it’s a sad thing, but his death is not worthless.”

The Chief Jurisdiction’s expression returned to indifference, which meant that she had become that ruthless leader.

“Before he died, Parvis’ research team collected enough data for the Balrog Project – the legend of Foehn God is not false, the ancient southern Sargon, in the land of Foehn, is indeed There is a means of infusing flames into the human body to create a Balrog warrior.”

Saying that, the chief executive threw a stack of papers on the table, and the section chiefs immediately distributed copies to everyone consciously.

“This is the summary of Researcher Homer’s research on Parvis. The research team explored the temples in the Sargon Akahura area and discovered this ancient source stone technique–

The plump legs wrapped in the light white uniform and trousers raised Erlang’s legs under the table, and the commander snapped his fingers casually.

Soon, several small holes were opened on the conference table and ceiling in front of him, and translucent holographic images instantly covered the sight of the participants.

In the holographic image, a flaming flame humanoid is madly attacking the photographer.

But in the next second, a long sawtooth blade burning with flames cut into the head of the flame corpse without hindrance, smashing it to pieces.


Muirset’s eyes widened, and like the other section chiefs present, with surprise and curiosity, he looked at the existence that was similar to humans, but not human.

“This is the video taken by the Parvis team in the ruins. It was previously only known to the Defense Department and the Structure Department. Even after thousands of years, these corpses still maintain certain life characteristics – through special origin stone techniques, they can greatly Stimulate the totipotency of human cells, and then directly release the source stone technology without relying on the staff, and may even have research on medicine.”

Looking at these strange beings that have never been seen in human civilization, the Chief Jurisdiction’s face did not reveal the same excitement as Parvis, but was extraordinarily indifferent.

“According to Parvis’ harvest, I approved the continuation of the Balrog plan. If the plan is successful, we may indeed be able to create a warrior who will not be affected by the disease, but will become stronger and stronger – Evely Te is undergoing an experiment, Seria, remember to drop by after the meeting.”

Seria, on the other hand, pushed away the seat and stood up, posing to leave.

“Commander! I have already said that Parvis’ experiment is not safe. I agree with your experimental treatment of Ifrit, but Parvis’ research has obviously crossed the line– That content will only have catastrophic consequences! We need more animal experiments, not direct human testing!”

The orange eyes were full of urgency and tension, and the dragon tail behind Seliya swung left and right twice, ready to go back immediately to organize the experiment.

But in the next second, her hand was gently held by the Chief Jurisdiction, and no matter how powerful she was with Wayvan’s power, she couldn’t move too far.

“I know your principles, Serea, but, you have to look at the following things – Parvis conducted an unsanctioned human experiment on the border of Sargon, but this thing is definitely not Results of human experiments.”

The Chief Jurisdiction’s expression was still indifferent, and then he continued to snap his fingers.

“Believe me, if it wasn’t for him, I wouldn’t be so eager to start the experiment, Seria, we can’t wait.”

Soon, the content of the picture on the hologram changed abruptly, turning into a burning rainforest.


“This unscientific!”

“What’s this?”

“Oh oh oh, is this a humanoid machine? How does this fragile mechanism maintain its standing? Are there more images, sir?”

Everyone, including Seria, was shocked by the scene in front of them.

That’s a… a burning giant, no, a giant!

31. Jurisdiction’s cravings and out-of-control experiments.

Serea is very good and young.

She admits that although she is highly educated, she doesn’t have much knowledge.

As a scientific researcher, especially in Colombia where science and technology are developing rapidly, it is a terrible thing to be out of date.

Therefore, even if she is regarded as old-fashioned and stubborn by others, she always keeps learning about new things.

Not only other research institutes in Colombia, and the thesis, theories and new patents of various universities, even if the Terra continent is severely divided from each other, Serea also pays attention to the scientific and technological progress and theoretical research of other countries.

Letania’s spell study, Victoria’s steam craft, and even Kazdel, an African country, have recently reported many patents for advanced medical inventions.

Seria knows that she has never been left behind by the rapid development of modern technology.

But… in front of her, the image projected by the holographic projector—she had never seen it before.


A tens of meters high, burning flames, a giant made of pure lava, accompanied by hundreds of burning corpses under his feet, collided with many tribal warriors in primitive clothes.

Every step you step on, the original red soil will instantly melt into a huge pothole, just like the steel furnace of a steel foundry slipping off and splashing, which is particularly terrifying.

On the giant’s body, there are two black shadows that are dodging and moving, as if trying to stop the giant’s advance, but even their own bodies are burning, and I don’t know how long they can hold it.

Even through the hologram, Seliya could feel the power and heat of this power.

If you are faced with such an existence, how should you fight to win?

No matter how much calcium is there, Seliya is only a person after all, not the crust that can seal magma! And calcium compounds are more combustible, okay?

Looking at the flaming giant in the holographic projection, all the directors except the chief executive, even if they were as calm as Seria, were briefly shocked.

This is not surprising.

After all, although Gao Qi, Skadi, and Kelsey know that Terra has all kinds of strange things, and they are accustomed to all kinds of giant monsters, they regard them as prey that can be defeated.

However, in the eyes of most people, those hidden things are just legends and stories. The plot of this giant humanoid fighting each other has only appeared in the animation and comics of Dongguo.

Especially in the life of Rhine, these top students who graduated from famous universities, in their common sense, they did not expect that such a strange life would exist in the world.

No, is that really life?

“That’s it. It’s reasonable to kill Parvis – no, if that’s the case, then the casualties caused by this giant must be huge. Why are the other structural subjects unscathed?”

Impossible, in Seria’s impression, although Parvis’s ice and snow source stone skills are powerful, facing this almost natural might, he can’t support it for too long when he is old.

“Hey, really, amazing, even a splash of sparks can dissolve a small hole in the ground, let alone a giant, this creation should be called a giant – I do know that some origin stone techniques can be used for The clay makes dolls, but I have never seen such a big one, amazing.”

He grew up with a small mouth, and his light yellow eyes looked at the giant on the screen, which was as huge as a mountain, and the size was almost the size of a landplane. Muirseth’s eyes also lit up.

These things, she, the director of the ecology department, really didn’t ask the surviving researchers of the structure department.

“Parvis was the only victim. It wouldn’t be the guy who suddenly found out in his conscience and blew himself up, right? That research-oriented scientific madman had a reason to kill himself, but he had no motive to save other people’s lives.”

As soon as Muirset said these words, the other section chiefs couldn’t help but nod their heads.

Although most people, except for the dead brain of Serea, recognize that they are scientific bastards, it is clear that Parvis is the most fanatical and unreasonable person among them.

Hearing what everyone said, the commander-in-chief nodded undeniably.

“It seems that you know Parvis very well. His students said that in order to learn and understand the power used by the gods, he personally climbed the core of this giant and suffered a blow from the gods – but now it seems that he If it fails, we cannot master the spells of the gods for the time being, nor do we dare to master them.”


Hearing this, all the directors, including Seria, frowned.

Although they have different ideas from each other, these people are all talents from higher education institutions, and they have always been insensitive to those god-given religions.

And Ms. Chief Jurisdiction quickly understood the doubts of the directors.

“Don’t look at me this way, God is just a code name and a noun. I have been doing related research with Parvis over the years. It turns out that there are creatures in our world that are far beyond our attempts, and the appearance of this giant is nothing but a A small testament – in the local legends, he was but a small part of those great beings.”

The Chief Jurisdiction turned his head and looked at Serea with calm eyes like water, trying to convince his old friend.

“We are just ants, either sitting still or… using their power.”

But, just as she expected, Seria still shook her head.

“Impossible, I won’t allow you to forcibly add such a dangerous power to a human experimental body-General, Rhine life should not play with living people, you are playing with fire.”

Serea turned her head and walked quickly outside the conference room without hesitation.

She wants to go back to the structure department and stop the experiment that crossed the red line.

“Ha… I’m not going to play with fire. I don’t care about that fiery power. In my opinion, there is another gentler power that is suitable for Ifrit.”

But the next second, along with the words of the governor, a beam of moonlight appeared in the hologram.

Pale as paper, water bamboo as white as sand, with the moonlight that made people feel extremely cold, but very reassuring, all the flames stopped burning.

The huge flame giant was quickly extinguished like a basin of cold water was poured into it, and finally turned into a solidified stone sculpture.

“Ah… how beautiful, and the power that belongs to another existence – how many existences in this world have such great power?”

Everyone, including the governor and Seria, sighed at the beautiful moonlight, and even her taut dragon tail became relaxed.

At the same time, they also saw the tall, thin and slender hunter in black radiating moonlight.

“Compared to this violent existence, I care more about the survivors, the two hunters who defeated the incarnation of the gods – it’s a pity that none of them remember the other’s appearance and name. Is this a coincidence or deliberate? Woolen cloth?”

At this point, looking at the interrupted holographic video, the extraordinarily blurred figure, the quiet face of the commander, suddenly filled with… desire.

The unknown in the world still makes people curious and fearful.

“Can you believe it, in the ruins of Kazdel, I found pale and cold blood like this moonlight – there are many, many, the remnants of other supreme beings, I must study them and understand them.”

And the Chief Jurisdiction, in the years of research and the final decisive evidence, has captured a corner of the truth in this world.

As for how to choose… She still needs to consider carefully.


“Ahhhh—it sucks!”

The moment he entered the lead-sealed radiation-proof gate, countless howls and howls suddenly sounded in Gao Qi’s ears. Those voices were weak but noisy, and seemed to come from countless different beings.

[Good hunter, these are—]

And Gao Qi’s soul, and Miss Doll in the back of his mind, felt a lot of tempting, seemingly very delicious breaths at the same time.

Familiar, unfamiliar, familiar, unfamiliar—that is the power of the heretical superiors, the quality is average, but the quantity is outrageous.

Starry sky, yellow sand, flames, ocean, ice and snow, thunder, and even deafening roars.

In an instant, a faint vision flashed across Gao Qi’s mind, but the power was so weak that Gao Qi just blinked and regained his senses.

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