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Old Hunter of Tomorrow’s Ark

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Chapter 109:

Gao Qi can endure anything, and he doesn’t mind telling lies against his will in order to pretend, but there is one thing he absolutely cannot accept.

Then you deny your praise to the girls!

Even if Kelsey praised her for being beautiful and generous, she had to accept the praise obediently!

Even, Gao Qi didn’t call Seliya “director” – although he has forgotten many times, but this time he did not call it on purpose!

“Serea, you don’t understand your charm at all. It’s not just your honest and serious attitude, your fair and resolute character, and your figure is also the best among women!”


Taking a step forward, he came to the somewhat stunned Seria, Gao Qi lowered his head, held Seria in front of him, and praised her without hesitation!

Look at the beautiful and somewhat translucent tail, the regular and symmetrical long horns, the smooth black hair, the plump and firm breasts, the slender and powerful waist, and the fair but tough skin… Don’t doubt, Cere Ya, you are so cute, be confident! “

Gao Qi gave a thumbs up to the dazed Seliya, and Gao Qi nodded, then walked directly out the door.

“Mulset is my food, but so are you, Seria-then I’m going to see Ifrit, bye!”

According to Gao Qi’s understanding of Seria, he should not be beaten.


She was stunned for several seconds, and after Gao Qi walked out of the training room, Seliya came to her senses.

Afterwards, the powerful Wayvan woman covered her chest with one hand and pulled her clothes down with the other.

In the past, I always felt that the sportswear was a little too tight and the fabric was a little too much, but in Seria’s eyes now, it suddenly felt a little too exposed.

“This guy Gao Qi… Ha.”

Sighing, Seria looked out the door.

“I’m… Who the **** am I recruiting to come back? Don’t get mad at Homer.”

Although the words seemed a little worried, the corners of Seria’s mouth couldn’t help but rise.

She had been serious for many years, but suddenly she felt that in front of Gao Qi, she, the director of the defense department, couldn’t be serious anymore.

In this way, the story about the Balrog finally begins.

29. White-faced Owl and Painful Ifrit (Chapter 27 has been issued)

Rhine life is not as well-organized as imagined.

Although at the beginning, Gao Qi and Kelsey, completely based on the premise of infiltrating a military organization, lurked the life of the Rhine.

However, after two weeks of work, Gao Qi found that although Rhein Life has achieved remarkable results and created a lot of black technologies, in the final analysis, it is only a research company with serious internal divisions.

After all, no matter how talented they are, these researchers are only scholars, not soldiers. Except for the Ministry of Defense, they are not very vigilant to the outside world.

Because clients come from various factions, and the sponsors of different departments may be hostile to each other, it is impossible for Rhein Life to have external forces intervene and provide protection.

On the bright side, the defense department responsible for Rheinland’s life preservation work spends a lot of energy every day just arguing with other departments over experimental safety issues, not to mention being responsible for personnel identity verification.

During the days of sneaking into Rhine’s life, no one questioned Gao Qi’s identity.

The reality is that each department, including Muirseth’s Ecology Department, has its own combat and defense forces.

Although they are not as rigorously trained as Black Steel’s mercenaries, and their numbers are small, there are many Originium masters like Muirseth and Seria.

Under the leadership of the department leaders, the various departments of Rhine Life maintained a delicate balance, competing and cooperating with each other. The Defense Department was also able to maintain a relatively peaceful relationship with most departments because of Seria’s neutral attitude.

Just like the choir in the Healing Church and other church members, although they study in different directions and have conflicting interests, they are not enough to tear their faces and fight each other.

Of course, who knows if there will be a mentally ill gunman – Colombians like assassination the most.

And after the death of Parvis, who pursued the power of the Balrog, the Structure Section, the main research force of Rhine Life’s research on life sciences, fell into a brief internal chaos.

Without the pillar of Director Parvis, the confidence of external capital in the structure department has dropped a lot, and the internal researchers have also started to make their own calculations, thinking about whether to switch to other departments.

Otherwise, the accident two weeks ago would not have happened.

The precious experimental body of the Flame Demon Project walked out of the ward that was forgotten to be locked without any obstruction, and passed by the laboratory with many dangerous objects, and no one found it during the whole process!

It is precisely because of this that Olivia Homer, a protégé of Director Parvis, was furious.

As the project leader, she talked to the researchers of each group one by one, and even directly suspended the duty staff of several parties to go home, and increased the bonus after the success of the plan. .

Now, the cooperation between the Defense Division and the Structure Division can finally continue under the instigation of the Chief Jurisdiction.

“Kelsey, I’m going to the Structural Department – maybe I’ll be home later tonight, do you think you and Skadi will go out to eat or wait for me to come back and cook?”

Walking on the stairs, Gao Qi lowered his voice, and through the WeChat microphone, and Kelsey, who was far away from the two regions, kept reporting on today’s work situation.

“It’s faster than expected, you are indeed more suitable for winning her trust-I have a minor operation today, and there seems to be some movement on the Loken water tank. I need to collect information, and I probably don’t have time to go out to eat. You can just buy some when you come back. .”

On the other end of the phone, Kelsey’s slightly cold voice came over, still as indifferent and lacking in emotion as usual.

However, from the content of Kelsey’s words, it can be seen that in the past month or so, she has accepted the fact that Gao Qi cooks for herself, and seldom eats those energy foods.

Gao Qi is outside the master, Kelsey is in the house, and Skadi is in charge of doing nothing to sell cute, waiting for Gao Qi to come home, it is like a family of three.

“I don’t have time to go back to make lunch recently, do you feel lost? Dr. Kelsey, if you ask, I can provide you and Scotty with three meals a day after the work of Rhine Life is finished. Oh?”

With a chuckle, Gao Qi suggested this.

Wanting Kelsey to be a wife is more than just talking. If you want to open her heart that has been closed for thousands of years, understanding and companionship are essential.

As for Titi, Gao Qi always brought her interesting and good things in different ways, to relieve her boredom caused by no fights.

“…No, I can eat energy bars, find what you are looking for as soon as possible, and the information I need. If you think the Balrog plan is in danger of causing pollution, then stop it.”

Kelsey didn’t care about Gao Qi’s one-liners at all, and indifferently emphasized Gao Qi’s task.

“Also, Skadi smashed a piece of my five-water grinding stone today, remember to compensate according to the price—”

“I didn’t, I moved very lightly! It was Kelsey who deliberately scare me from behind, and I chopped up that stone. I just heard that this thing can be sharpened, but it didn’t go through at all!”

“This thing is a grinding stone for finishing instrument parts, not for sharpening knives! It’s also Agor’s advanced material technology, and Terra’s existing technology can’t be repaired at all!”

“You didn’t say it, and you’re looking forward to Gao Qi’s cooking. You obviously can’t eat those energy bars lately. I just watched you secretly reheat the leftovers!”

“Ridiculous, I just don’t want to waste food. Unlike the Agor people who are extremely luxurious and indulgent, you and your race make me feel ridiculous!”

“Che, I won’t bring my race. The other Feline people are very cute. Only Kelsey, you are ridiculous! It’s twice as ridiculous as me! Humph!”

Listening to the earphones, the two ladies were bickering like elementary school students, Gao Qi smiled and sighed, and hung up the phone.

“The relationship is really good.”

Although the same as the original, the diligent and complex riddle lynx, and the upright personality, the little killer whale who doesn’t like to think, are very bad in terms of compatibility, even in the second design, few people make these two evil CPs.

But… Kelsey is an elder who started at a thousand years old. Obviously, he has experienced many battles and has seen a lot, and he disdains to entangle with Scardido.

And Scadi is also a good and reasonable boy. Gao Qi is not there. Although the two have many conflicts, at least they didn’t fight.

Soon, the elevator arrived at the designated floor.

Walking into the corridor, Gao Qi saw a more neat and monotonous decoration style.

Compared with the defense department, the disinfectant water in the Rhine Life Structure Department seems to be particularly strong.


“Sure enough—”

Although he didn’t know the topography of this floor at all, Gao Qi instinctively set his sights on the depths of the floor.

Where, he felt a familiar and unfamiliar feeling.

It was a few whispers, like a cappella singing, low and tactful.

That’s… the power of the gods.

However, Gao Qi’s out-of-the-way vision soon saw a Li Boli woman with long white hair and bright golden eyes. After discovering herself, she quickly walked towards him.

“Gao Qi, researcher of the Defense Division, Ms. Seliya recommends you to join this cooperation. Welcome to the Structure Division. I am the data maintenance specialist of the project department of the Balrog Project, codenamed White-faced Owl.”

Although her voice was flat, this young girl in a white uniform and dress had bright eyes and emotion in her tone, and extended her slender hand to Gao Qi generously.

Gao Qi knew her, but he was very unfamiliar with her.

White-faced owl, a future Rhode Island medical operator, a scumbag programmer who plans to delete the library and run away if he disagrees.

Because of the ore disease, this girl Li Boli, who has a lot of milk and a small breast, has an almost mechanical mind. No matter how she speaks or moves, she is no different from classmates Xiao Ai and Siri.

But now… although it still looks a little mechanical, it is clear that the white-faced owl is simply indifferent.

Facing Kelsey and Skadi every day, these two girls with facial paralysis whose corners of their mouths could not be tilted up to 10 degrees, Gao Qi has already adapted to all the cold attitude.

“Hello, white-faced owl researcher, I hope we can have a good cooperation.”

Reaching out, Gao Qi shook hands with the white-faced owl, and there was no extra surprise.

The white-faced owl in the main storyline six years ago was extremely healthy. The high concentration of liquid Originium in Gao Qi’s body did not perceive the shadow of ore disease on her body.

Although it gives the impression that it is not as full of characteristics as the original characters, Gao Qi thinks that this is also very good.

There is nothing better than good health – a healthy wife is of course happy.

“Director Seliya highly praised you. The laboratory and experimental ward of the cooperative project are on the innermost side of the corridor, please come with me.”

Nodding lightly to the “Researcher Gao Qi” whom he met for the first time, the white-faced owl led Gao Qi to the laboratory while starting his identity entry.

“Look at the device in my hand, I will enter your fingerprint, iris and voiceprint key for you.”

Using a small camera to capture Gao Qi’s iris image, the white-faced owl handed a key card to Gao Qi.

“With him, you can freely enter and leave the test area, but if you want to contact Ifrit, you still need Homer’s consent – she’s in a bad mood recently, if she says something wrong, I apologize in advance for her. “

When he finally reached the door with the radiation sign printed on it, the white-faced owl led Gao Qi into a small narrow room.


Accompanied by a white mist, the two of them were covered with disinfectant adsorbents.

At this moment, the white-faced owl hesitated for a moment, then suddenly raised his head and looked at Gao Qi seriously.

“Ifrit said that she met a very good big brother… I hope you can bring her some comfort—”

The white fog dissipated, and the electronic door in front of the two slowly opened with a mechanical transmission sound.

“Ah—it hurts, it hurts, stop! You **** white coats! Let me go!”

The next second, the soundproofing effect disappeared, and a painful and shrill cry entered Gao Qi’s ears.

30. Jurisdiction, councils and gods.

Rhein Life headquarters building, top floor.

Around the spacious meeting room, the transparent glass exterior wall brings in the noon sunlight. After the brightness is adjusted, the room is brightened by the right amount of light.

Looking down from here, the contents of the Rhine Life Science and Technology Park can be seen clearly. The entire Takla Valley Science and Technology Park, the factories and research buildings of other companies can also be clearly seen. as well as

Buildings built on top of moving cities are so close to the sky that clouds seem to be easily plucked by hand.

No matter who is standing here, looking at the vast world, he will feel that he can control everything, and everything in the world is in his hands.

That is just an illusion. Only science and reason can make human beings truly understand themselves.

Next to the large oval mahogany conference table, there are ten soft office chairs.

On each chair, there was a person wearing a Rhein Life uniform, either smiling or serious.

They are all directors of various departments of Rhine Life, with different races, different backgrounds, and even from different countries in the past. Each of them has hundreds of talented researchers.

Engineering, Defense, Energy…

From each of Rhein Life’s major subjects, patent products that are difficult for other companies to copy have been produced.

Some are advanced construction machinery, which has greatly accelerated Colombia’s development towards unknown dangers.

Some are a panacea for curing diseases and saving lives. The ore disease blocker, which has just been developed in recent years, can only slightly slow down the pain and spread of ore disease, but it has also attracted a lot of rich people who have ore disease patients at home.

And the weapons created by Rhine Life… I don’t know how many enemy lives have been taken away. For Bolivar’s successive victories, Rhine Life’s special weapons are indispensable.

To put it bluntly, there are less than ten people sitting, all of them are big figures who can influence the direction of the country more than the members of the Colombian Senate.

And the reason why there are ten seats, but less than ten people, is because the chair with the word STRU written on it – the bench representing the structural department is empty.

The head of the structure department, the originator, biographer and occultist, and the director of Parvis, died in Sargon, and turned into a cloud of fly ash in the far southern country.

At this moment, the woman sitting at the head of the conference room table suddenly cleared her throat and started speaking.

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