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Not A Trainer This Time

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Chapter 549 Giratina is attacked, Rayquaza Mewtwo comes to help!

snort! Finally solved!

Giratina stared at the entrance to the real world. Damn Dialga, how dare you trap it here. Just wait, it will definitely not give up!

Giratina turned his head and looked at the humans and the Pokémon named Shemi with a proud expression.

“Thank you so much this time!”

Giratina’s arrogant and rough voice sounded from the hearts of Xiaozhi and others.

After a brief daze, Xiaozhi quickly realized that, like Xie Mi, this was also telepathy!

Mr. Naoki is indeed right! Xiaozhi thought to himself, he scratched his head and said sheepishly: “It doesn’t matter, as long as you can be fine.”

“As long as you don’t want to eat it!” Xie Mi also said quickly.

Giratina didn’t speak anymore. It turned its head to look at the whirlpool, then twisted its huge body and flew out in that direction, breaking through the whirlpool in one fell swoop and descending into the real world again.

The gravity gradually changed, and Giratina’s body immediately changed. Six thick legs extended from the body, and the sharp wings on the back gathered into two pairs of black wings like a vampire count.


With a dull sound, Giratina slowly landed on the ground beside a lake.

Finally came to this world!

Giratina’s heart felt relieved, and it moved its body to adapt to the gravity environment of this place.

High in the sky, clouds and mist were lingering. A huge spaceship pushed aside the clouds at an extremely fast speed, revealing a mechanical device at the front of the spacecraft that resembled a harpoon.

A strange red light flashes on the device, which makes it look breathtaking.

The next second, the device was shot out by the spacecraft at an extremely fast speed, and a dense sound of breaking through the air immediately sounded in the air.


Giratina on the ground seemed to be aware of it. It raised its head sharply, but the device was already in front of it.

The moment it approached, the mechanical arm on the device automatically popped open, shooting out beams of red light. The light formed a huge cage, trapping Giratina in it.

What’s going on? !

Giratina was shocked and angry. It roared and tried to use its strength to break free.

Xiaozhi and his team, who followed closely behind, saw the terrifying scene as soon as they came out.

“That’s right!” Xiaoguang frowned.

“Giratina is trapped!” Xiaozhi was also stunned: “What the **** is going on…”

“I won’t let you escape!” On the spaceship, Jero showed a determined smile on his face: “I have been waiting for this day for a long time!”

This spaceship and this device were all specially prepared for Giratina.

As long as Giratina can enter the device, the program set for Giratina will automatically start.

By that time, even if Giratina has extraordinary abilities, he will become like a green caterpillar on the roadside and be slaughtered by others!

“Infui, start copying Giratina’s abilities!” Jero ordered.

“Received.” The program named Yin Fuyi responded softly.

It will input the prepared settings into the computer. If everything goes well, countless energy beams will be released instantly from the device and begin to extract the energy from Giratina until the Pokémon’s life is drained. Dry.

Zero stared at the struggling Giratina on the screen as if he was watching a good show.

“The program is starting, 1%…26%…67%…89%…100%, the program started successfully!”

Yin Fuyi’s voice sounded from the side. In the screen, countless red lights were released from the device. At first glance, it felt like it was blocking out the sky and the sun.

Soon, soon, he will become the master of the reverse world!

There was an excited and enthusiastic expression in Jero’s eyes.

However, the next second, Yinfuyi’s voice suddenly sounded again.

“Alert! Alert! An unknown creature is approaching at a speed of Mach 15!”

Um? !

Yinfuyi immediately called up that scene for Jero.

On the screen, a green straight line penetrated the clouds and the sky, like a **** descending, descending here with a bang.

Jero didn’t even see what kind of creature it was when he saw the green light hitting the device he had worked so hard to develop.

There was just a “boom” sound, and the mechanical arm of the device was instantly split into two, broken in the middle. The red light in the cage seemed to have insufficient energy, and it flashed twice before disappearing.


The cage that lost its source of power was instantly torn to pieces by the furious Giratina.

But Jello no longer had the heart to pay attention to such things.

At this moment, Infuyi automatically turned the direction of the camera on the spacecraft and fed back the captured footage to the screen in the main control room.

After seeing the appearance of the unknown creature clearly, Jero’s eyes widened instantly, with an expression of disbelief on his face, and he stared blankly at the scene.

A huge, dark, mysterious flying dragon Pokémon was hovering over the huge forest.

Its body was covered with golden ancient lines, and its golden pupils exuded a breathtaking light. Its huge body could even be compared with the spaceship they were riding on.

“That’s…” Jero murmured.

“It’s the legendary Pokémon, Rayquaza. In the ancient legends of the Hoenn region, it is also known as the God of the Sky.” Infui reported to the owner about the Pokémon without joy or sorrow. intelligence.

“Zoom in Rayquaza’s head!” Zero suddenly noticed a small black dot on the screen.


Infui immediately zoomed in on the camera.

The next second, Zero clearly saw the creature on Rayquaza’s head.

It was a human, a tall human with a Pokémon mask on his face and a red cape.

Next to him, stood a mysterious Pokémon with pink body hair and a big tail that looked like a human.

Infui automatically scanned the information about the mysterious man and that Pokémon, and reported:

“Report, that human being known as Motorcycle Mask once helped the Fengyuan area solve the disaster caused by the legendary Pokémon!”

“The information about the Pokémon standing next to him is unknown. It seems to be a Pokémon that has not been discovered yet!”

“Hmph!” After the shock, Zero suddenly noticed Giratina who had escaped.

A wave of anger instantly surged into his heart: “Damn it! How dare you… How dare you destroy my plan and destroy the device I worked so hard to develop! Unforgivable! Come on, self-destructing magnet monster army! No matter who he is in the sky.” God, after all, it’s just a Pokémon!”

Jero’s eyes were red, and he looked as if he had lost his mind. He angrily pressed a red button on the main console.

The next second, the sides of the spacecraft opened automatically, and self-destructing magnet monsters and small magnet monsters, all emitting a metallic cold light, flew out of it.

The densely packed Magnemites and Magnemites were like a dark cloud, overwhelmingly flying towards Rayquaza ahead.

On the ground, Xiaozhi and his party were stunned for a moment when they saw this scene.

“Those little magnets are going to conflict with Rayquaza!” Xiaogang looked at the sky nervously.

“What on earth is going on…” Xiaoguang’s eyes were filled with worry.

A lot of things happened today, Semi, the Reversal World, Giratina, and now even Rayquaza is here…

Xiaozhi also clenched his fists and looked up at the sky with concentration.

However, what everyone expected was that even in the face of such a huge army of magnet monsters, Rayquaza never made any move.

Just when everyone was confused, they suddenly saw a humanoid figure flying out from above Rayquaza’s head.

A faint blue light appeared around the figure. It stood alone in front of the Magnemite army, looking calmly at the black army of Magnemites in front of it.

Such legends have been circulating in the city.

The power of a small magnet is still weak, but if there are enough of them and they gather together, as long as they discharge at the same time, the power can even destroy a city in an instant.

High in the sky, a huge current has emerged from the bodies of the little magnet monsters.

The current gathered together and turned into an extremely thick beam of light, which shot out!

“That Pokémon is?!” Xiaozhi noticed the familiar figure, and his mind suddenly remembered what he encountered at Clear Cliff a few years ago.

A name came to his mind. Mewtwo, that’s right! That’s Mewtwo!

In just a moment, the beam swallowed up Mewtwo’s body.

“What a terrifying power…” Xiaoguang covered her mouth in horror.

However, in the next second, a huge invisible force burst out from high in the sky. The current disappeared in an instant, and then hit the little Magnemite Legion heavily.

The group of little magnet monsters that were attacked in this way panicked instantly. They realized the strength of the enemy, screamed in panic, and flew away in all directions in a panic.

“So, so strong!” Xiaoguang murmured.

“Well, that’s right! Chaomeng has always been like this!” Seeing Chaomeng appear, Xiaozhi knew that everything was fine.

“Eh?” Hearing Xiaozhi’s tone, Xiaoguang was very surprised: “Xiaozhi, do you know that Pokémon?”

Xiaozhi nodded slightly: “Yes, its name is Mewtwo, and it is a very special Pokémon.”

In the spaceship, after witnessing the spacecraft being dispersed by the unknown Pokémon with his own eyes, Zero couldn’t help but have a shocked expression on his face.

What, what’s going on?

What happened to that Pokémon? Why is it so strong? !

However, this time, Yinfuyi’s voice sounded again.

“Alert! Alert! Giratina is about to attack the ship!”

Damn it! All the attention was focused on the Rayquaza and the human, and they forgot that there was also an escaped Giratina!

Jero was horrified.

Sure enough, Giratina’s figure appeared on the screen the next second.

Its huge body blocked all cameras, and it struck an angry blow at the spacecraft.

Just hearing a loud “boom”, the spacecraft instantly lost its balance, the engine was destroyed by Giratina, and the entire spacecraft fell downwards like a kite with its string broken.

Giratina’s raging anger had not yet been vented. It looked down at the spaceship, then opened its mouth wide and used evil waves on it.

The majestic energy flooded the spacecraft in the blink of an eye. As the spacecraft fell, a huge explosion sounded in the forest, startling countless Pokémon living here.

The ship began to burst into flames, igniting the forest with fire.

“What happened! The forest was set on fire!” Xiaoguang frowned. She immediately released Bogaman from the elf ball, and wanted to go over and let Bogaman put out the fire with a water gun.

However, the next second, she saw the Pokémon named Mewtwo move.

Its figure disappeared from the spot and appeared above the forest.

A stream of light blue energy rippled in all directions like ripples.

Immediately afterwards, the water in the lake rushed towards the place where the fire was burning, as if it was being pulled.

In an instant, the raging fire was extinguished and a large amount of white smoke rose.

“Great!” A smile appeared on Xiaozhi’s face.

“Pikapi!” Pikachu nodded again and again.

In mid-air.

Mewtwo slowly returned to Naoki, who nodded at him, and then together with Mewtwo and Rayquaza, they turned their attention to Giratina, who was belatedly arriving.

Giratina, who had always been “doing evil” in the chat group, saw that he had made a fool of himself today and was watched by the group of friends, and he was immediately ashamed and angry.

It wanted to yell and look at something, but then it thought that if Naoki hadn’t arrived in time today, it might have been plotted by that hateful human.

Naoki: “…I’ve already told you not to come over and be more careful.”

Giratina was ashamed, and it was also carried away by anger. All of this was caused by those two **** guys Dialga and Palkia!

Giratina hated Dialga and Palkia even more.

“Arrogant, rude, and willful…” Naoki read out each word.

Giratina immediately realized that Naoki was talking about himself.

It was suddenly a little scared.

Yes, this is it. Will Naoki dislike it and stop being friends with it because of this?

Giratina felt sad at the thought of this possibility.

Its original life was boring, but everything became colorful because of Naoki’s arrival.

Chat with it, help it plant fruit trees, flowers, and sunshine, use the power of the dragon to massage it, teach it how to use the Rotom phone to relieve its boredom, and give it some food and drink from time to time…

After all the events in the past, Giratina has long been accustomed to Naoki’s life.

It can no longer imagine the days when Naoki is not around.

Giratina was very heartbroken. At this moment, it completely forgot about Dialga and Palkia. Thinking that Naoki might break up with it and never care about it again, Giratina’s whole head Longdu was a little lost.

But it was afraid of being seen by Rayquaza and Mewtwo, so it could only pretend to be indifferent. At first glance, it looked the same as usual.

Mewtwo & Rayquaza: Stare!

Giratina couldn’t stay any longer. It twisted its huge body and prepared to return to the reverse world and never come out again.

Seeing Giratina’s sudden movement, Naoki was stunned and interrupted what he originally wanted to say: “Why are you going?”

Giratina replied gruffly: “Go back!”

Naoki: “… let’s go together then?”

Giratina’s movements suddenly stopped and he looked back in confusion.

Seeing its expression, Naoki quickly understood what Giratina meant.

It misunderstood what he had just said!

“I haven’t finished what I just said.” Naoki continued helplessly: “Although these sound bad, maybe this is what Giratina is!”

Giratina didn’t understand.

“It’s okay, I’m just feeling emotional.” Naoki took a deep breath, looked down, and saw Xiaozhi and his group.

However, he did not go down to contact them, but said to Giratina: “Okay, it’s over, it’s time to go back!”

Although Giratina didn’t understand what Naoki meant, he could feel that Naoki had no intention of breaking up with him or getting angry.

The “Sunflower Monster” in Giratina’s heart bloomed instantly. It immediately opened its mouth and spit out a tornado in the sky, opening the passage to the reverse world.

“Rayquaza, thank you very much for today.” Naoki jumped on Giratina’s back and said to Rayquaza.

Rayquaza, who had been Didi’s driver for a while, called out, indicating that it was all a trivial matter.

Seeing that Naoki was fine, it twisted its huge body and rushed into the sky to find snacks in the ozone layer.

Naoki took Mewtwo and Giratina into the reverse world and returned to the ranch.

At four o’clock in the evening, the sun was about to set. When Naoki drove the pickup truck back to the ranch with Gulton, he heard Dr. Oki’s exclamation.

“What?! Giratina was captured? Motorcycle Mask took Rayquaza and a Pokémon named Mewtwo to rescue it?!”

“Doctor? What happened?” Naoki walked into the house.

“What a great discovery! Ash and the others said today that they saw the legendary Pokémon Giratina, Rayquaza, and an unknown Pokémon named Mewtwo.”

“Oh my God! This is incredible. That Motorcycle Mask can actually conquer so many legendary Pokémon!”

Dr. Oki couldn’t help but look forward to it: “It would be great if I could see that Motorcycle Mask with my own eyes.”

Hearing this, Naoki and Gulton looked at each other in tacit understanding.

Gu Ledun said: “Ah, ghastly~”

Naoki smiled and said, “Maybe we can see you in the future.”

(End of chapter)

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