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Not A Trainer This Time

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Chapter 416: Giratina’s debut is about to happen, and it’s going viral all over the internet!

At the same time, Naoki also returned to the Padia area in a dusty state.

Without any time to rest, he immediately jumped into the lake in the center of the ranch and successfully entered the reverse world through it.

 Thank God, Giratina did not close this entrance! Otherwise, he would have to drink poisonous mushroom soup!

 Entering the reverse world, Naoki immediately breathed a sigh of relief.

He stopped Giratina. Giratina must have been very sad at the time, right?

Thinking of this, Naoki turned his head and looked in the direction of Flower Sky Island.

 At this moment, Giratina was lying in that place as usual.

The surrounding flowers that were originally growing well were crushed under it, causing large areas of death and injury.

Giratina’s eyes were closed tightly, his huge head resting on his forelimbs, and the thick tail behind him kept swaying, as if to show the unusualness of his master’s heart.

 Naoki: “…”

 He tried to walk forward, landed on the Flower Sky Island, and then deliberately coughed twice.

“For human beings, everyone’s definition of friends is different.”

Seeing this, Naoki stretched out his hand towards it and used the power of dragon control to sense Giratina’s emotions.

Giratina didn’t even raise his eyelids, his eyes were still closed, looking like he didn’t want to pay attention to anyone.

 “I’m sorry, it’s my fault this time.”

Naoki was silent for a long time, and finally decided to sincerely apologize to Giratina, and then express his true thoughts.

Zhi Shu didn’t know what to do for a while. He couldn’t just watch Giratina kill all the netizens who had disputes with it.

 If it were him, he would probably be very disappointed.

 Zhi Shu feels miserable! This kind of thing is really difficult to deal with.

Not only that, Giratina also sensed Naoki’s intention to take responsibility for it.

 Let him brush his fur first, and then explain the stakes to Giratina clearly after he calms down.

 —It’s still angry.

“I don’t know what others think, but in my opinion, friends should help each other when they are in trouble, and should also give each other a hand when they are about to make a mistake.”

It snorted coldly in its heart, it doesn’t care whether humans hate it or not!

If he chooses to stop Giratina, then Giratina will be even more angry because of what he did.

cheat? lie?

 It had just heard Rotom explain it on the way back.

 After a moment of silence, Naoki sighed, and then apologized to Giratina.

 But now, as Giratina’s friend, he was on the opposite side.

 Not angry with that person, but angry with him!

Zhishu realized this immediately,

At that time, as Giratina’s friend, he did not stand by Giratina’s side, but chose to block Giratina’s attack for that person…

what to do? Naoki looked at the huge creature in front of him.

Giratina suddenly opened his eyes and looked at Naoki in front of him.

And when he mistakenly entered the reverse world, after improving the environment of the reverse world, helping Giratina build a sunny sky island, feeding food, and using the power of dragon control to give massages, etc., Giratina had already He became a friend.

If Naoki wants to take responsibility for it, then Naoki will be arrested…

If he chooses to support Giratina, he will have to watch Giratina hurt people, and this matter is likely to continue.

 The next second, the power in his hand completely conveyed Giratina’s mood at the moment to him.

 More importantly, this has already happened.

 But reason told Naoki that he couldn’t let that happen.

 It is feeling aggrieved!

From the power of controlling the dragon just now, not only Naoki felt its emotions, but Giratina also sensed Naoki’s thoughts.

Giratina has a hot temper. Once angered, it will really kill the whole family of netizens along the network cable.

Thinking of this, Zhi Shu understood everything instantly.

 But Giratina suddenly thought of something else.

It has no friends and no one to talk to. All it does every day is to look at everything in the real world quietly through the water.

  It is precisely because Naoki regards it as a friend that he doesn’t want to see it harm humans.

As expected, when he heard this, Giratina raised his eyelids, then turned his head and pointed the back of his head at Naoki.

Zhishu was slightly startled, and then he understood the reason.

 In the human world, if you kill a human being, you will be caught by the police and imprisoned in the police station.

 Did Naoki’s words mean that he didn’t want to see it go down the “wrong” road?

Looking at it this way, isn’t Naoki not protecting that human being as he thought before?

“Although that person had a quarrel with you, his crime is not worthy of death… I know that I am not qualified to stop you, and human laws have no way to restrain you, but I am just worried that if you hurt human beings, you will be hated by human beings. In fact, You’re not bad by nature, right?”

Giratina closed his eyes, but heard these words in his ears.

Since his birth, Giratina has been expelled into this ruined world, living here alone as a dragon.

Although Giratina doesn’t care, it can break into the police station, kill all the policemen, and then rescue Naoki.

 But this kind of thing must make Naoki very embarrassed, right?

 After thinking about it, Giratina knew that Naoki was not deliberately going against him.

It is in a good mood, but its tone is still cold, like the dead and silent lake in the reverse world.

 “Hmph, I’ll forgive you this time!”

Seeing this, Naoki breathed a sigh of relief. It seemed that Giratina had listened to what he said.

Naoki grinned, his mood also improved, and he made a suggestion to Giratina.

“If someone scolds you online in the future, as long as you don’t kill them, you can just run over and scare them.”

 In this way, those Internet trolls will learn a lesson and not dare to curse people online, and it will also prevent Giratina from becoming a world disaster and being jointly punished by others.

Although he is a god, Giratina is also a Pokémon.

His emotions went away as quickly as they came, and he soon reconciled with Naoki and their relationship became closer.

 After Naoki left the reverse world, Giratina asked Rotom to search the Internet.

 “Search for what it means for a human to stop his friends from killing people.”

Rotom was sweating profusely: “Searching for Lotto… 208 replies to Lotto have been found.”

 Giratina: “Read it to me!”

 “Get Lotto!”

Rotom read aloud word for word.

“When a human prevents his friend from killing someone, it often means that he cares deeply about his friend Lotto.”

“Killing violates the laws of the alliance. Once such a thing is done, the police led by Miss Junsha will arrest him. If the incident has a serious impact, Interpol will take over Luotuo.”

“Once caught, the murderer will face life imprisonment or even the death penalty, thus losing his life.”

“As a qualified friend, he will definitely stop this kind of thing before it happens, because he doesn’t want his friend to embark on that road of no return.”

“If you have such a friend, please treat him well, Lotto!”

Giratina nodded as he listened.

 Sure enough, Naoki still cares about it?

Giratina wanted to hear more, so he asked Rotom to continue reading.

Just when Rotom read Article 28, its voice suddenly paused, and then opened the forum and informed:

 “Someone has become your fan Lotto!”

 Giratina was a little confused.

 “What is a fan?”

Rotom explained: “Loto is the person who follows you online!”

 Subsequently, Rotom explained the meaning of fans to Giratina in detail.

 For example, humans often have emotions such as love and admiration because of a person’s strength, appearance or talent. These people will regard the people they pay attention to as idols and follow them involuntarily.

 Speaking, Rotom opened Giratina’s personal homepage and checked the information of his followers.

However, it doesn’t matter if you don’t look at it. Rotom discovered something bad when he looked at it.

 This person is the one who provoked Giratina on the Internet!

  Giratina noticed Rotom’s pause. It narrowed its eyes and asked, “What’s wrong?”

Rotom: “It’s the human Lotto just now! He paid attention to you Lotto!”

Seeing Rotom’s reaction, Giratina reacted immediately.

 “What does he want to do?” Giratina asked with a cold face.

  Giratina became very angry when he thought about the man saying that it was not Dialga’s opponent at all.

Rotom began to investigate the man’s purpose.

 It checked the other party’s speech records and posts, and then noticed something.

 The previous post about the quarrel between the man and Giratina has been deleted!

Not only that, there is also an introduction on the other party’s personal homepage.

—[The third **** in the Sinnoh region, a shadow Pokémon born at the same time as Dialga and Palkia. 】

Looking at this introduction post, not only Rotom was a little confused, but even Giratina was confused.

That Shadow Pokémon…are you talking about it?

 The post seemed to have been published just a few minutes ago. Rotom clicked on it to view it and conveyed the above content to Giratina word for word.

  【Shadow Pokémon—Giratina, the legendary Pokémon hidden behind the world.

It is said that it was born in this world at the same time as Dialga and Palkia. Dialga controls time and Palkia controls space.

Giratina went to the back of the world and took care of the dark matter there to support the real world we live in and maintain balance. 】

 In the post, many people living in the Sinnoh region questioned the content.

They have grown up listening to the legends of the God of Time and the God of Space, but they have never heard of the Pokémon Giratina.

 In response to these doubts, the owner of the post, Ishihara, who was scared to death by Giratina, directly recounted his experience yesterday.

 Including him arguing with a netizen, and then being chased home by that netizen along the Internet cable…

 The identity of that netizen is none other than the legendary Pokémon Giratina.

Over this period of time, as a forum host who talks about the history and legendary Pokémon of the Sinnoh region, Ishihara’s content has attracted many like-minded people and brought him more than a thousand fans from all over the world.

Now seeing this reply, this group of netizens have typed question marks one after another and replied below:

“Is it fake? Pokémon can surf the Internet?”

  “Isn’t it deliberately made up to attract traffic? This is too fake?”

“I don’t believe that Pokémon uses Rotom phones to surf the Internet.”

“Don’t be so sure as the person above said, my Zombie can also play fighting games with me on 3ds…and I haven’t won a single game with it.”

Faced with these doubts, Ishihara directly attached a screenshot of his messy living room that was destroyed and yesterday’s post that Giratina replied to, and @Giratina.

 At once, hundreds of people poured into Giratina’s personal homepage.

  Immediately afterwards, Rotom received private messages one after another.

Rotom was confused, and so was Giratina.

Giratina felt that the humans were here to spray him. His face darkened, and his tone contained suppressed anger: “What are they talking about?”

How brave! If these weak humans dare to humiliate it again, it will immediately go to them one by one and teach them a lesson, scaring them all to the point of peeing!

  Anyway, as long as no lives are lost, it will be fine.

 However, Rotom gave an answer that Giratina didn’t expect.

Rotom: “They’re asking you if you’re really Giratina, Rotom!”


Who else could it be if it wasn’t Giratina?

 Seeing that these humans doubted his identity, the grumpy Giratina immediately ordered Rotom to take a photo of himself and post it online to prove it!

Rotom obeyed.

 As a result, an additional photo appeared on Giratina’s personal homepage.

The photo shows a huge Pokémon with gray and red stripes on its body, a pair of large ghost-like wings on its back, and its eyes are blood red, making it look very ferocious.

On the photo, Rotom followed Giratina’s request and added a domineering sentence – I am Giratina!

 Ten minutes later, this post became a hot search topic.

 Twenty minutes later, the number of fans on Giratina’s personal homepage began to grow at an extremely fast rate.

 An hour later, the news that the legendary Pokémon was using Rotom mobile phone to surf the Pokémon forum became popular all over the Internet.

 Four hours later, Giratina’s personal fan count exceeded five digits.

 Sinnoh region, Shenhe Town.

Hirona, who had just returned to her hometown and was going to re-investigate the murals in the ruins of the town, received a notice from the Sinnoh Alliance.

She opened her Rotom phone, logged into her Bao Forum account, and then found the netizen named [The World’s Most Powerful Giratina].

Clicked on the personal homepage, and the next second, Sirona saw the photo with a fierce face and full of irritable Pokémon.

ˆ Sirona: “?”

 Vail City, the base of Team Galaxy.

Chiri, who was pale and had a calm look in his eyes, looked at the photos on his phone and murmured:

“Interesting, is there a Pokémon that can only come out of shadows? Giratina…”

   Kanto area, Zhenxin Town.

Dr. Ohki looked at the Pokémon he had never seen before on the computer screen with excitement.

“Giratina…is it the legendary Pokémon that lives on the back side of the world? It’s amazing! This legendary Pokémon can actually use the Rotom phone to surf the Internet!” Dr. Oak said to the assistant next to him with fiery eyes.

 “No, I want to contact it!”

 Speaking of this, Dr. Oak directly paid attention to this magical legendary Pokémon, and then sent it a private message.

 In the reverse world.

 In an instant, Rotom received thousands of private messages.

 It quickly told Giratina these things: “Shall we reply to Lotor?”

 However, regarding this situation, Giratina, who had calmed down, was full of disdain: “Ignore them!”

 Merely human beings are not qualified to allow it, as a god, to recover.

 “Rotto received!” Rotom responded quickly.

  Giratina paused and then asked: “By the way, what’s the name of Naoki’s account? Follow him for me!”

Rotom communicated with Naoki’s Rotom mobile phone, but learned from Rotom on that mobile phone that Naoki was sleeping.

Zhi Shu, who rushed back from the Sinnoh region all night, was extremely exhausted, and fell asleep after returning to bed.

Upon seeing this, Rotom directly obtained Naoki’s personal account from the other party and followed him on Giratina’s behalf.

So, when Naoki woke up from his sleep and was about to play with his phone for a while, he received a notification that Giratina was paying attention to him.

  【The most powerful Giratina in the world has paid attention to you! 】

 Naoki recognized this name and knew that it was given by Giratina himself.

Out of curiosity, Naoki clicked on Giratina’s personal homepage.

However, if you don’t know it by looking at it, you will be shocked when you look at it.

 Looking at Giratina’s five-digit number of fans, Naoki’s face was filled with confusion.

what happened?

 Did anything terrible happen in the world while he was sleeping?

 (End of this chapter)

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