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Not A Trainer This Time

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Chapter 172 Hackron: Did you catch Uncle Kuailong like this too? (4k)

 Evan left after delivering the letter.

Watching his figure gradually go away, Naoki opened the letter in his hand.

  [To Naoki:

This is the Zhiqin Town Beach Management Office. We will hold a summer festival at the beach at 8 pm on the 31st of this month. You are hereby invited to participate.

 You will spend a wonderful night with the people and Pokémon in the town, watching the gorgeous fireworks bloom in the night sky. Summer is about to reach its climax, and we are very much looking forward to your arrival.

—by Zhiqin Town Beach Management Office]

 “Summer Festival…”

Zhi Shu murmured softly. He imagined the scene for a moment, then smiled, put the letter away, and turned back to the house.

Just as Alvin said, as expected, as soon as he returned to the house, he received a call from Mayor Thomas telling him about the fishing competition.

“Naoki! The town plans to hold a fishing competition on the 20th of this month. You must come to participate! The location is at Tongxin Lake in the east of the town. The time is eight o’clock in the morning. Then you can follow Ai It would be great if Wen came, he will also participate!”

 Naoki: “…”

 It seems that he needs to practice his fishing skills, otherwise his title of Fishing King will be exposed by then.

With this thought in his mind, he said to the tree: “Okay, I will get there.”

Mayor Thomas nodded with a smile: “Then come on!”

At this time, Naoki suddenly remembered something: “By the way, mayor, do you prepare the fishing rods and bait for the fishing competition yourself, or will they be distributed uniformly?”

Mayor Thomas: “Oh, by the way, I almost forgot to tell you. Look at my memory. People forget things easily when they get old. You have to prepare these by yourself, including fishing rods and bait!”

“The content of the competition is who catches more fish within the specified time. The person with the largest number will win the competition.”

 Preparing it yourself?

Zhi Shu nodded: “Okay, I understand.”

 Hang up the phone, he calculated the time in his mind.

Today is May 7th, and there are still 13 days until the 20th. In these days, he has to harvest the crops in the field one after another, and then plant the second batch of crops.

  Naoki stood in front of the desk, thinking and looking at the calendar.

He didn’t notice at all that several small figures had come behind him and were floating quietly on his shoulders.

 Suddenly, Naoki finally felt something was wrong.

He turned around sharply and saw several mini dragons and huck dragons with big white noses appearing behind him at some point.


Zhi Shu was startled by this sudden scene, and his whole body suddenly hit the table behind him.

On the contrary, these mini dragons and Hackrons took the initiative to say hello to him, and seemed quite happy: “Wow~”

“When did you come here?! No, how did you come here?!” Naoki was shocked.

Three mini dragons, including the pink heterochromatic mini dragon, were flying around the tree.

 The remaining two Hackrons looked happily at the space backpack placed on the bed by Naoki.

Only then did Naoki notice that the zipper of his space backpack had been opened by someone at some point. He was lying quietly on the bed, and several bottles of juice and milk rolled out.

 So, these Pokémon sneaked into his space backpack while he was not paying attention, and then followed him to the ranch?

This is… too bold, right? Aren’t you afraid that he is a bad person?

  Naoki couldn’t help but hold his forehead. His first reaction was not surprise, but he was startled. He said with a serious expression:

“Everyone you sneaking over to the island will worry about!”

Seeing him getting angry, the three mini dragons and two hack dragons in front of them immediately lowered their heads, showing a pitiful look.


 Naoki: “…”

His heart softened, but he still said: “Does anyone else know that you are coming here?”

 Hakron shook his head. Because they were afraid of being discovered by the Kuailong and being scolded, they sneaked into the space backpack while all the Kuailongs on the island were distracted.

“Forget it.” Naoki sighed helplessly, and then walked out and said, “Follow me, I have to find a way to tell Kuailong on the island about your arrival.”

 The five Pokémon followed him obediently to the grass outside.

Zhishu glanced around, and finally saw Kuailong’s figure by the river, and he called Kuailong over.

After seeing the mini dragons and Harker dragons following him, Kuailong immediately opened his eyes wide and ran over angrily.

 After hearing from Naoki that these guys were sneaking over, Kuailong began to scold them like his elders.

 Hakron was not afraid of Kuailong’s reprimand.

It raised its eyes secretly and whispered: “Ugh…” (You used to run outside every day, and then one day you suddenly didn’t come back. Everyone thought you were captured by bad guys…)

Kailong was choked. He thought about it carefully and found that his behavior did not seem to be any better.

Troubled by Hackron’s words, it didn’t know what to say for a moment, so it could only scratch its head guiltily and ask Naoki for help.

Zhi Shu thought for a while and said: “The most important thing now is to tell the Kuailong on the island the news that they are here.”

As he spoke, he looked at Hackron and Mini Dragon again: “As you can see, this is where we live, and the environment is not as good as the island where you live.”

“There are no fruit trees here, there is no sea, and there are not many places with water.”

The fruit trees have not grown yet and will not bloom and bear fruit until at least autumn. The mini-dragons that have not yet grown up cannot stay away from the water for too long.

Although there are lakes in the pasture, compared to the lakes on Kuailong Island, the lakes here are still too small.

Hearing this, the Harker Dragon and the Mini Dragons turned around and looked around, curiously observing the surrounding environment.

The pasture is bare, with only a few scattered big trees. There are green lawns on the ground. There are a few houses of unknown purpose built not far away. On the other side are flower fields with various flowers and fields full of fruits.

In addition to the Ice Eevee, Frostnix, Gullton, Butubo, and Motozo that they have already seen, there are also many other types of Pokémon living here.

Some of them are looking here curiously, while others are basking in the sun leisurely, and their whole bodies are filled with a sense of comfort and comfort.

After they finished reading, Naoki continued to ask:

“Do you want to go back, or do you want to stay here? If you want to go back, I will ask Kuailong to take you back. If you want to stay here for a few days, then I will send you back after a while.”

To be honest, he has not yet had the opportunity to contact breeders and learn how to make satiety energy cubes from them, so he cannot raise too many Pokémon yet.

The Mini Dragon and the Harker Dragon are fine, but if they live here and evolve into a Fast Dragon, they might really eat him up…

How many more days can we play?

 Hearing this, Mini Dragon and Hack Dragon decisively chose the latter.

 Zhi Shu knew they would make this choice.

 He nodded helplessly towards Kuailong.

As if he had accepted his fate, Kuailong glared at the mini dragons and Hackron, then flew into the sky towards Kuailong Island. Naoki brought the Mini Dragon and Hack Dragon to the round lake in the pasture.

  When he first came to this world, he once caught two king carp and put them here, but later he found it troublesome to feed them, so he put them back into the river.

I thought this lake would continue to be deserted, but I didn’t expect it to come in handy at this time.

 The water of the lake is quite clear, with a few fallen leaves and petals floating on it, probably blown by the wind.

 “You just stay here for now!”

Mini Dragon and Hack Dragon plopped into the lake, only sticking out their little heads to look at the shore.

Seeing their appearance, Naoki felt like he was receiving children from the neighbor’s house who came to visit.

He shook his head and shook this strange thought out of his head. He was about to bring some food to feed them, but suddenly he remembered something and reminded him:

“By the way, you can wander around in the pasture as you like, but remember one thing, you are absolutely not allowed to go outside the pasture, you know?”

 “Huh?” The mini dragon was a little puzzled.

Zhishu poked its big nose and deliberately threatened:

“That’s because there are a lot of bad people outside. When they see you, they will arrest you and put you in a little poke ball, so that you will never be able to return to Kuailong Island.”

Hearing this, the mini dragons shivered in fear, and their originally exposed heads shrank downwards, leaving only half of them exposed.

 Hakron asked slightly curiously: “Wu?”

Zhi Shu didn’t understand, so he went back to the house, took out a handful of melon seeds, peeled them, and stuffed the peeled melon seeds into his mouth.

 “What did you say?”

 Hakron repeated: “Woo?” (Did you also catch Uncle Kuailong like this?)

Zhi Shu choked for a moment: “I made an agreement with your Uncle Kuailong. It became my Pokémon. I helped it become stronger. Just tell me, has it become stronger?”

 Hakron thought about it. Their Uncle Kuailong was a stupid Kuailong who couldn’t learn any moves at first. But suddenly one day, he left the island and never came back.

By the time it came back, its strength had undergone earth-shaking changes, and now it had become one of the most powerful Kuailongs on Kuailong Island.

Thinking of this, the Hackrons laughed happily: “Woo~” (If that person is like you, we are also willing to be caught like Uncle Kuailong~)

Zhishu was stunned for a moment, and couldn’t help but laugh: “Not everyone is like me, and in the eyes of some people, you are as rare as diamonds.”

“Although it is not ruled out that some people will take good care of you, there will also be people who will capture you for profit and sell you to others for breeding or collection.”

 Hakrons didn’t quite understand.

Zhi Shu gave them an example: “Take me and your uncle Kuailong, if I were a bad person, I would use 10,000 tree fruits to sell them to others.”

Hakrons exclaimed, “There are so many berries!”

 But soon, a mini dragon couldn’t help but ask: “Woo?” (Can’t you just catch us?)

Zhi Shu blinked at it: “Although I really want to, if you do that, your uncle Kuailong will be angry and jealous. I don’t want him to be angry and jealous.”

“So, whether it’s taking care of you, feeding you delicious food, or helping you become stronger and learn moves, I can do it, but I can’t put you into the Poké Ball.”

Mini Dragon seemed to understand.

 The other Hackron’s eyes lit up: “Woo?” (Do you mean that we can live with you like Uncle Kuailong without entering the Poké Ball?)

Zhi Shu smiled, a little surprised: “It’s smart, but you guessed it yourself. I didn’t say that.”

Having finished eating the melon seeds, Naoki can no longer understand the words of Mini Dragon and Hack Dragon.

 He stood up, glanced at the sunset in the distance, and took a deep breath: “Okay, then you can play here first. I’m going to prepare dinner for your Uncle Kuailong.”

Zhi Shu did not go to cook immediately, but found the flying cloth dog and gave it a new task.

“Butubo, please help me take care of the Hackosaurs and Mini Dragons during this period, and be careful not to let them leave the range of the pasture.”

 “Bamo!” Butubo patted his chest and agreed.

 Zhi Shu felt relieved and went to prepare dinner.

Today’s dinner is still the secret sandwich and fried steak, paired with a few berries and milk. The dessert after the meal is fragrant poffin and creamy smoothie.

The preparation methods of these foods are simple and quick. After the preparation was completed, Kuailong had not come back yet. Taking advantage of this time, Zhi Shu fried a whole pot of translation melon seeds.

Looking at these steaming melon seeds exuding the aroma of caramel, Naoki murmured: “It seems necessary to buy an automatic shelling machine.”

 It is too troublesome to eat them one by one when translating. At this time, if you have peeled melon seeds, it would be much more convenient to just grab a large handful of melon seeds and stuff them into your mouth.

Or there are Pokémon with super attributes. You can let them use mental force to shake open a lot of melon seed shells at once.

Thinking of this, Naoki’s mind flashed to the two nurturing brothers and sisters in the manor.

The owner of the manor said that it would take another two months to deliver it. It has been nearly a month now, and it will still take some time.

But this is just right.

 Zhi Shu took inventory of his property. As all the salt stone treasures evolved into salt stone barriers, the production of rock salt in the pasture has been greatly increased.

He originally thought he would have to wait until the end of the month to save enough, but he didn’t expect that he would have enough so soon.

 After the mature crops in the field are sold in the middle of this month, we will be able to save two million.

 At that time, he can find Keri to expand the house, which will take about one to two months.

 When the house is built, the nurturing brother and sister will just come here.

 At seven o’clock in the evening, Kuailong finally returned to the ranch from Long Island.

 It landed in the pasture. Zhishu stepped forward and asked: “What did the Kuailong on the island say?”

 Kuailong: “Ouch!”

Zhi Shu blinked and saw what it meant. The Kuailong on the island should have agreed that these mini dragons and Hackron should play here for a while.

 He said with a smile: “Come in and eat!”

Kuailong quickly ran into the house, grabbed a sandwich and ate it.

 Actually, there is one thing it did not say.

That is when it went to the island, some nasty dragons heard about the mini dragons and hack dragons on the island, and they also wanted to come over and play, and even followed it secretly.

They were the two Kuailongs who shamelessly wanted to come back with Naoki.

 Fortunately, it discovered it early and drove them back in time.

   It’s cool. I’ve been very busy with work today. I thought I could fish and code, but I’ve been busy all the time. I can’t make up for it. The update I owe will be made up next month. I’m very sorry.

 (End of this chapter)

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