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Not A Trainer This Time

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Chapter 141 Paranoia of Persecution (two chapters in one)

By the time Zhi Shu cleaned the entire room, it was already one o’clock in the afternoon.

 The egg fried rice originally prepared for him on the table was already cold.

  Putting the rag back in place, Naoki looked at the egg fried rice and couldn’t help but feel hesitant when he thought of the performance of the Pokémon just now.

 He sat at the table and began to think about what he wanted to do but didn’t dare to do.

However, after thinking about it for a long time, I still couldn’t figure out the reason.

 Want to eat and see? Test whether this recipe has the same effect on humans as it does on Pokémon?

 Finally, Naoki decided to give it a try.

 He picked up the spoon and started eating.

Hmm, there is still a little warmth left on it, the rice is soft and glutinous, the eggs are mellow, and it tastes pretty good.

It happened that Naoki was a little hungry, so he quickly finished a bowl of rice. After eating it all, he even had the energy to go to the refrigerator to get a glass of ice juice and take a few sips.

 “Huh? I don’t seem to have any particularly strong feelings?” Naoki was confused.

However, the next second, an idea that he had fantasized about before but never tried suddenly popped into his mind.

 Suck the ice Eevee! Put your face on its soft belly and **** wildly!

 Because he was afraid of scaring Bing Yibu and worried that Bing Yibu would regard him as a pervert, he never dared to do this.

but now…

Zhishu suddenly felt a surge of courage in his heart for no reason.

 Just go and give it a try! Pick up Bing Eevee and treat it like a Tie Tie with a cloth soil dog!

 But soon, Naoki wanted to see if ordinary people could avoid being affected by the effects of cooking.

The raised foot was retracted and he sat back down. After a while, the feeling slowly disappeared.

 Zhi Shu looked at the empty egg fried rice and began to summarize.

“It seems that eating this egg fried rice will only inject a sense of courage into the hearts of those who eat it, allowing them to impulsively do things they want to do but dare not do.”

“This feeling is not too strong. Normal people can still endure it. As long as they remain strong-willed, they can avoid being affected by the effects of the cooking.”

“Without courage, the influence of cooking will also disappear.”

However, this kind of cuisine can be of great use when the eater is wavering and indecisive, helping them make a decision.

 For example, people who have difficulty choosing, or people who are introverted and don’t know how to express and refuse.

Thinking of this, Naoki suddenly remembered the girl from the seed shop owner Eero’s family.

Eero said that she has always wanted to work hard to overcome psychological barriers, but she has never been able to make up her mind.

So the question is, can this dish help her?

It happened to be that I was going to town to buy a bed in the afternoon, and Naoki planned to give it a try.

So he got up and took out the ingredients from the refrigerator, made an extra portion of egg fried rice, packed it in a lunch box, and rode a motorcycle lizard to the town.

This lunch box was bought by him before. He originally wanted to use it when he went to explore the wild, but he never thought that he would not have time to go, so he has never used it once.

Motor Lizard was very fast, and it took more than ten minutes to arrive at Zhiqin Town.

He stood in front of the seed store and looked at the sign on the door. In order to avoid what happened last time, Zhi Shu specially put the Motorized Lizard into the Poké Ball before entering.

 It was afternoon, and there was no one in the store.

Ero was cleaning the dust on the shelves with a feather duster. When he heard footsteps, he turned his head and saw Naoki.

Ero’s face was a little surprised, and then he smiled and said: “Good afternoon! Is there anything else you want to buy that you left behind?”

“No.” Naoki shook his head, picked up the lunch box containing Courage Egg Fried Rice, and briefly explained to Ero the effect of this magical dish.

After listening, Eero looked surprised: “There is such a food? No, how did you make such food?”

Naoki looked at his palm and repeated what Carter said.

 ”That’s it…” Eero murmured and nodded.

 Hearing that Naoki had this magical power, he was not envious or jealous, but was happy for him.

Eero originally wanted to say that maybe you don’t have a relative in this world, and God couldn’t bear it, so he gave you this blessing, but after thinking about it, he realized that these words would bring up those sad things.

So he changed the subject: “Can it really bring courage to people?”

Naoki smiled and nodded: “Bringing happiness to others is the meaning of food.”

Eero nodded. He glanced upstairs and said, “Bell should be painting in the room right now. I’ll call her down right now!”

With that said, he walked to the stairs and shouted to the top: “Bell! Bell! Come down quickly!”

 Soon, the girl’s head appeared upstairs.

She looked down with only half of her face exposed. When she saw a stranger appearing in her home, she immediately retracted her head like a little hamster.

Erro was very helpless. He turned around and said, “Bell is very timid and very shy. The room is the only place where she can live peacefully. Except for eating, she will lock herself in the room at other times and concentrate on what she is interested in.” matter.”

  Naoki nodded clearly. He reached out and handed the egg fried rice to Eero: “In that case, let you give it to her!”

  Ero: “Please wait here for a moment!”

 Zhi Shu has no problem.

 Taking the egg fried rice from Naoki’s hand, Eero went upstairs.

 He knocked lightly on his daughter’s door: “Bell?”

 Soon, the door opened.

 Eroh handed over the egg fried rice with anticipation, and then told his daughter about its effect of bringing courage to people.

After hearing this, Bell was full of surprise: “Ah? How come there is such food?”

“I don’t know either. Naoki sent it here specially. He said that this dish can help you.” Erro introduced: “Naoki is the rancher of the ranch you went to that day. In the spring, he just Come to town.”

Speaking, Eero whistled out the window. After a while, a small greedy chinchilla rushed in along the window.

 “Give it a try?” He had the attitude of treating a dead horse as a live doctor, hoping that his daughter could overcome the psychological barriers, stop staying at home all the time, and live in the sunshine.

“Yeah.” Feeling his father’s expectations, Bell took a deep breath and opened the lunch box with his hands.

An alluring aroma immediately hit my face. The egg fried rice seemed to have been freshly prepared and was still steaming.

 The golden egg liquid covers almost every grain of rice, and the grains are distinct. The aroma of oil, rice, and eggs blend together, revealing a golden luster and looking extremely attractive.

Even though he had just had lunch, Bell couldn’t help but swallow his saliva at this moment.

The same goes for Erro. ​​He didn’t expect Naoki to be so good at cooking, and he thought to himself, maybe this dish can really help Bell?

 “Eat quickly!” Eero said.

Bell picked up the spoon and took a bite carefully.

 As soon as the egg fried rice entered her mouth, her eyes suddenly lit up. Eero looked forward to it: “How does it feel?”

Bell blinked and tasted it carefully for a while, and suddenly felt an extra courage in his body.

She bit her lip, and after a while she seemed to have made up her mind, and said to her father in front of her:

“Dad…actually I don’t want to go out, I want to stay at home…”

 Ero was slightly startled.

Bell didn’t seem to expect that he would express his thoughts.

She exclaimed and subconsciously said “I’m sorry”, but then continued:

“I know you and mom want me to go out more, but the outside world is so dangerous. There are Pokémon everywhere. If you are not careful, you will die…”

 After hearing what his daughter said, Erro suddenly became more worried: “Is this what you really think?”

 The effect of Courage Egg Fried Rice faded, and Bell quickly covered his mouth, and then apologized to his father: “I’m sorry!”

 “Alas…” Eero asked again: “You don’t like that your parents always force you to go out, right?”

“No…” Bell lowered his head, as if breaking a jar: “I just… I just feel that it is very dangerous outside. You will be hit by a car when you walk on the road, and you will be attacked by scary Pokémon in the forest!”

“Every Pokémon is so scary! I will be electrocuted by them, burned to death by fire, or chopped into two pieces by the flying mantis. If it is a small Pokémon, if I am bitten by them, I will He will also die due to infection, ahhh… I don’t want to die on the vast plains!”

 Ero: “…” This kid, how can he not die?

 He did not expect that what he had been doing would bring such a heavy burden to his daughter. Eero sighed and said to Bell:

“We’ll chat together when your mother comes back. Naoki is still down there, so you can continue painting!”

 Ero turned around and went downstairs.

Seeing the sad look on his face and the conversation he just heard, Naoki asked: “Are you okay?”

“Alas…” Erro sighed: “I just want Bell to go out more and see the world, so that when her mother and I pass away, she can live a good life alone in this world. .”

 “Is this what she really thinks?” Naoki asked.

Eero nodded: “However, we still have to thank you very much, Naoki. If it weren’t for you, I’m afraid I would still be self-righteous in forcing Belle to do things she doesn’t like.”

Hearing this, Nao Shuxin said that your daughter may have persecution delusions, but this is a family matter and he cannot interfere.

He could only comfort him: “Don’t worry too much, that day is still far away. Maybe Bell will change in the middle?”

“I hope so!” Eero seemed to be sighing endlessly. He took a bag of fertilizer from the shelf next to him and said, “No matter what, we want to thank you for your help today. This is new in the store. fertilizer…”

“No, I can’t have it.” Naoki waved his hands repeatedly, indicating that he was just here to provide as much help as he could.

 But Eero’s attitude was very resolute, and he handed over the fertilizer:

“We are all neighbors. This package of fertilizer is fruit fertilizer. It is specially used to cultivate fruit trees. It is said that it can make fruit trees grow more fruits.”

“Because I just purchased it, I don’t know the effect yet, so I hope you can accept it. If the effect is very good, just come back and support a few more packs.”

Zhi Shu understood, and he accepted the bag of fertilizer: “I know, if the effect is good, I will come over and buy a few more bags.”

 “This is right!”

Eero introduced to him in detail at what stage this fertilizer should be applied and how much should be applied to each tree.

Zhi Shu nodded, indicating that he remembered everything.

 Then, he left the seed shop and released the Motorized Lizard from the Poké Ball. Thinking of today’s incident, he couldn’t help but shake his head.

Oh, what a good little girl!

Zhi Shu looked back, but happened to notice a person standing at the window on the second floor of the seed shop, looking at it.

Upon noticing his gaze, the girl immediately shrank like a quail.

 Naoki: “…”

never mind! He patted the Motorized Lizard on the shoulder and said to it: “Let’s go!”

 The bed at home was damaged by Guluton, so they had to buy another bed.

 In order to prevent the bed from being damaged by Guluton in the future, Naoki thought it was necessary to change the bed.

 The Japanese-style tatami type bed is quite good. It has no legs and is close to the wooden floor, so it will not be damaged by the bed.

And there is a partition underneath the house, so there is no need to worry about quilts and other things getting damp.

Of course, it doesn’t matter if it gets damp. It’s summer and the sun is very bright. If you leave the quilt outside to dry for a day, it will become dry, soft and full of sunshine.

 The streets in Zhiqin Town are very neat, with clean and beautiful shops and houses on both sides of the road.

Zhi Shu was walking on it with the Motorcycle Lizard. At this moment, he really hoped that when he walked to Keli’s shop, time would reach mid-May.

At that time, the crops in the field will be all mature, and he can see what changes have happened to the crops taken care of by the mount goat.

 However, this is impossible.

 At three o’clock in the afternoon, after buying a bed from Keri, Naoki returned to the pasture.

He began to fertilize the newly planted fruit trees, and transplanted the tall fruit trees that were originally planted in the farmland area to the orchard area.

After doing this, Zhishu ignored the dirt on his hands and went to the utility room. He made a simple fence out of wood and surrounded the orchard, leaving a small door for entry and exit.

Together with Gu Lerton, he inserted a sign with fruit trees on the left side of the small door, which means that this is a park dedicated to planting and cultivating fruit trees.

 At night, after a busy day, Naoki went to bed early after finishing dinner.

He changed to a tatami bed, so Luton no longer had to worry about the bed being crushed. He even boldly put his tail on the bed, almost putting his whole body on it.

Every time he saw this scene, Naoki had the feeling that he had deliberately collapsed the two previous beds.

 But looking at Gu Ledun’s simple and upright expression, Naoki felt that he had thought wrong.

 There are no recreational facilities in the pasture, so they go to bed early every day.

 Perhaps because he has never slept on a tatami, Naoki had a rare insomnia tonight.

 He ​​and Bu Tubo were lying on the quilt, looking at the roof above. Zhi Shu couldn’t help but think that it would be better if this era developed faster.

He really misses the smartphone that allows him to play games online!

However, there is nothing now. Thinking of this, Naoki sighed silently in his heart.

 When he turned his head, he saw Gulton’s golden eyes, shining brightly in the darkness.

“…You still up?”

Guluton looked very happy: “Ah, geez~”

“Look at how stupid you are.” Naoki didn’t know what Guluton was enjoying and put his ankle on its tail speechlessly.

So Leden thought to himself, it is not stupid!

Zoki covered his head with a quilt and announced: “Stop talking and go to sleep!”

 (End of this chapter)

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