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In The Age Of Mythology, I Evolved Into A Stellar Behemoth

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Chapter 687 Eternal Eternity, the destruction of the heavens and the human race

 Occupying an area of ​​several kilometers, outside the imperial treasure house built of black solid stone.

As the blue flying dragon, which was hundreds of meters long, crashed down, strong winds swept smoke and dust across the square, causing the soldiers guarding the treasure house to subconsciously close their eyes.

The leader had already bent down to salute, and respectfully said to Estile on the flying dragon’s back: “See Princess Estile.”

Just before Estile could speak, Chen Chu, who was standing between the two women, had already moved. In an instant, the blue flying dragon let out a shrill scream, and its huge body crashed to the ground.

At this time, Chen Chu had appeared at the door of the treasure house in an instant, and the original creation rules in his body suddenly throbbed even more intensely.

At the same time, Chen Chu could feel that a force was awakening inside the treasure house, and the whole world was shaking under that terrifying force.

 Click! Under the horrified gazes of the guards, Estelle and others, the majestic treasure house collapsed silently.

And not only that, but also the countless resources, items, and even the space within the Camor Empire’s collection were reduced to nothingness.

In the center of the pitch-black void, more than thirty meters high and twenty meters wide, a broken black stone tablet with clear signs of fracture standing above it.

 “It’s that stone tablet!” Estille was a little surprised.

Compared to five years ago, this indestructible stone tablet with dim light is now emitting colorful light, and the simple characters on it light up one by one.

 Suddenly, a supreme power that overcame the rules spread.

Time and space are distorted under the ripples like the surface of a lake, and the entire heaven and earth become illusory. A long, colorful river covers the entire sky.

  Boom! The terrifying power of time envelopes the world and distorts everything.

Time and space intertwined under the colorful light. Estile, Amitya, those soldiers, and even the entire city disappeared in Chen Chu’s eyes.

 In other words, Chen Chu has been pulled into the depths of this colorful river that contains time and transcends time and space.

Time recedes at an alarming speed around Chen Chu, and time and space are reversed to form a colorful stream of light. In the blink of an eye, it lasts ten thousand years, one hundred thousand years…

Such a majestic power of time and control over time and space, even Chen Chu couldn’t help but be horrified by it.

 The original true emperor!

  No, even the original true emperor cannot reverse the time of tens of thousands of years and hundreds of thousands of years in a vast world. This is no longer the power of the original fourth, fifth, and sixth levels of heaven.

 It is indeed him!

Phew! Chen Chu took a deep breath and suppressed the excitement in his heart.

After all, this is ‘Heng’, the strongest man who once led the ancient human race to tear apart time and space and expedition to other worlds, and the head of the seven ancient civilization emperors.

Even if they enter the ancient battlefield and enter the mythical world later, under his leadership, the ancient human race will still dominate all directions.

Even one person entered the depths of the purple-maned king of the hostile peak civilization and killed an original true emperor-level alien strongman who also had the word “Heng”.

 I am invincible and look down on all living beings.

This is Chen Chu’s first impression of this ancient powerful man after reading the information about the ancient emperor Heng.

Under Chen Chu’s solemn gaze, the reversal of time power around him slowly subsided, and the colorful river roared under his feet, covering the entire world with mighty force.

 A majestic figure with a height of one million kilometers appeared above the long river. The figure changed from blurry to clear, as if it had come from the past time and space.

 Suddenly an indescribable aura of dignity filled the air.

The moment he saw the middle-aged figure with a simple face, Chen Chu seemed to see all kinds of visions that were unique in all eternity, immortal, and that he would still exist forever after the heavens dissipated.

Looking at the stalwart figure standing at the other end of the colorful river, Chen Chu couldn’t help but said politely: “Human Chen Chu has seen the ancient emperor Heng!”

The middle-aged man wearing a white imperial robe and standing with his hands behind his hands slowly spoke, and suddenly his voice was loud and deep, and his gentle old voice echoed on the river of destiny.

 But the content made Chen Chu a little stunned.

 “Chen Chu, you are finally here.”

Chen Chu looked thoughtfully at the middle-aged man at the other end of the river: “Senior, were you waiting for me when you left that stone monument hundreds of thousands of years ago?”

 The original true emperor began to truly control time and space, and could reverse a certain range of time at will and resurrect those who had fallen.

Of course, this control is based on the time span of their divine domain or the vast world they have opened up. The power spreads and affects a certain range around them, rather than the endless sea of ​​chaos.

 This is also the reason why the original true emperor is more powerful than the original monarch of the third heaven realm and the original beings below.

 As for this emperor who should have broken through the realm of immortality on the seventh day, it seems normal to see him appear today in the past.

Di Wang Heng nodded slowly: “Yes, I am waiting for you, and I have left enough opportunities here for you to break through the original, and even become the seventh heaven.”

 “Opportunity in the Seventh Heaven Realm!”

 Chen Chu’s expression changed slightly. Not only was he not surprised by the news, but he felt a huge wave in his heart.

Heng left a stone tablet here hundreds of thousands of years ago, leaving a great opportunity waiting for him, knowing that he would come to this world one day in the future.

So the emperor’s inheritance at the end of the road to becoming a **** in Blue Star and the Void inheritance continent was also left to him on purpose?

Thinking of this, Chen Chu felt that his fate had already been arranged by others and that everything was being watched.

This inexplicably made him feel a little uncomfortable, because it meant that all his efforts along the way were negated, and at the same time, he felt uncomfortable with all his secrets being exposed in the spotlight.

  Is there a great chance of reaching the original seventh heaven realm? Very big.

But for Chen Chu, as long as he is given a little time, he can easily cross the original seventh heaven realm, the eighth and ninth realm, and even step into eternity.

So he said with a somewhat cold tone: “So, at the end of the inheritance road of the Blue Star Void Continent, the senior also deliberately left the rudimentary rules to me?”

Pay attention to the change in Chen Chu’s tone. Emperor Heng had a faint smile on his face and his voice was gentle.

“Don’t worry, I’m not plotting against you. The inheritance of your clan is just a choice of fate. This is a power that I cannot control even in eternity.”

“…Wait a minute, senior, what did you say? You have already stepped into eternity!”

 Chen Chu reacted instantly, with shock on his face: “Senior Huangtian, didn’t they say that you left in order to break through to the Seventh Heaven Realm?”

“That’s just a trace of me in this chaotic universe.”

Di Wang Heng’s voice was magnificent, echoing on the long river of destiny: “My path is the eternal way, my true body transcends endless chaos, and my power is everywhere.”

“In this sea of ​​chaos, the civilized emperor of your universe was always just a projection of my will.”

“The rise of the” human race ‘moves towards mythical civilization, and eternal civilization is part of my road, including is not limited to the’ person ‘of this universe. ” In seven days, we will return to the ancient battlefield to suppress all races and lead the human race to a higher peak.”

“But just when ‘I’ broke through the seventh heaven realm, my fate met and I saw ‘you’.”

 “Me.” Chen Chu was stunned.

Emperor Heng nodded: “Yes, from the depths of the river of destiny, I saw that one day ten thousand years later (the time of the mythical world), you appeared on the battlefield where I (the real body) and another eternal battle.”

“Therefore, my will descended, and the traces united to deduce the past and future, and saw that you and your giant beast body would appear here ‘hundreds of thousands of years later’.”

“It’s just that your destiny is hazy, and I can’t see clearly your past and future.”

“I don’t know how you, who are in the late stage of True Spirit and you who have just broken through the original giant beast body, can step into eternity in a short period of time and intervene in the battlefield between me and another eternity.”

 “So I came to this place where you will appear.”

“This is a world transformed by the true form of the Lord of the Abyss who is half-destructible and is about to break through to the seventh heaven…”

When the ‘Emperor’ Heng opened his mouth, the river of fate shook, and the invisible force filled the air, reflecting the scenes that had happened in the past before Chen Chu’s eyes.

Hundreds of thousands of years ago, an eternal war involving the seventh day broke out here, and the outcome of the war is self-evident.

Facing the advent of the Eternal Will, Emperor Heng, whose realm had already broken through the seventh heaven realm, the Lord of the Abyss was naturally no match and was quickly defeated and seriously injured.

But Heng did not kill it, but wiped out most of its will, separated it from the indestructible demon body and suppressed it deep in the world.

Heng also cut off his immortal true body and merged into this world to suppress the Lord of the Abyss forever, making it impossible for him to break free as he continued to grow and perfect his immortal demonic body.

 The special rules of this world include the origin of the world that has been gathered for hundreds of thousands of years.

 A small half came from the forces that invaded the evil gods and the highest plane, and the remaining half came from the suppressed soul will of the Lord of the Abyss.

As for why he did this, he wanted to help Chen Chu, including the giant beast, break through to the Seventh Heaven Realm.

 Speed ​​up the pace for Chen Chu to break through eternity in the near future and set foot on the battlefield where he and another eternity battle.

Although he didn’t know, he couldn’t figure out how Chen Chu could reach eternity in a short time without his help in the original destiny trajectory.

Even if he took action this time to help Chen Chu quickly accumulate and break through to the ‘pseudo’ seventh heaven realm, Heng could not imagine how Chen Chu would reach eternity in a short period of time.

 Or in other words, the fate track he saw through this trace actually deceived ‘him’.

 Deception from fate.

 But no matter what the future holds, Heng still conveniently left this ‘opportunity’.

For him who has set foot in eternity, it is just a seventh heaven body derived from other time and space, and traces of other chaotic universes.

Of course, even if Chen Chu successfully ‘fuses’ and ‘swallows’ the two immortal true bodies with the help of the massive origins he left behind and the galaxy array covering the entire world, it will only be a ‘pseudo’ seventh heaven realm.

By the time everything was said and done, Chen Chu’s heart was filled with turmoil.

 Shocked by the power of eternal existence.

 Countless time and space, countless worlds everywhere, truly reflecting the heavens, is this the power of eternal existence?

This is another kind of power and another path that is different from the ‘behemoth’ in the mythical world, as well as the beast, the lord of chaos and nightmare, which harms both sides.

But at the same time, Chen Chu also faintly discovered that eternity does not seem to be the end of power.

Otherwise, why would these eternal behemoths and eternal strong men fight against each other or even break out in life-and-death battles?

Just when Chen Chu was in a state of shock, Heng, who was standing on the other side of the long river of destiny, smiled slightly: “Come on, Chen Chu, I’m looking forward to the scene where you appear in front of me one day in the future.”

“Also, I am the source of ‘human beings’. If I fail to defeat those two eternal beings, all human beings in the endless world will be affected.”

“Even the existence of ‘human beings’ has been completely erased.”

“This is not a threat. If it is a fact, I hope you will do everything you can to break through eternity as soon as possible, for you and for everything you want to protect.”

“I actually don’t know how long I can hold on…”

In a voice with a touch of emotion, the majestic figure at the end of the long river of destiny slowly dissipated, and at the same time, a majestic and terrifying force of time erupted from the end of the long river.


 Chen Chu’s consciousness was shaking, and the time around him was advancing at a terrifying speed. Countless visions flashed around him, and the world changed in the blink of an eye.

By the time the scene around Chen Chu was restored, the colorful river covering the world had disappeared.

 At the same time, Amitya and others who disappeared earlier appeared again, including the guards. Everything was unchanged from before he came hundreds of thousands of years ago.

The only difference is that the incomplete stone tablet has become complete, standing a thousand meters high in the center of the broken void.

The stone tablet is engraved with the stars of the sky and countless complex rules and runes. The colorful light fills the air, forming a huge and vast galaxy around it.

Looking at the shining stone tablet, everyone felt a strong desire in their hearts. It seemed that as long as they mastered the stone tablet, they could master the entire world.

But looking at the back of the young man standing with his hands behind his hands on the edge of the dark void, everyone felt that their legs were trembling and they did not dare to move.

In the body of the black-haired young man, there seemed to be a terrifying power awakening, a supreme power that towered over billions of sentient beings.

At this moment, only Amity, the contractor, felt the least pressure in the audience and hesitated: “…Chu, what happened just now?”

“It’s nothing, I just had a few words with a senior.” Chen Chu turned around with a calm expression on his face, but his eyes with golden and white lightning flashed with terror and majesty.

 Bang, bang, bang!

Under Chen Chu’s gaze, everyone instinctively knelt down on their knees, including the blue flying dragon that was almost trampled to death by Chen Chu’s kick. He lay trembling on the ground and did not dare to move.

 “Everyone, get up. We are all human beings, so we don’t need to pay such a big courtesy.”

With a faint voice, Chen Chu turned around and walked into the dark void, appeared directly in front of the black stone tablet, and stretched out his hand to press on it.

The moment Chen Chu pressed his hand on the stone tablet, the whole world was shaken, and countless galaxies surrounding the world in the sky were emitting dazzling light.

And Chen Chu’s consciousness was shaken, and he expanded infinitely along the ‘net of rules’ wrapped around the stone tablet, taking the entire black world into his eyes.

He saw the majestic and trembling origin of the world, and saw the ontology of the black world, an indestructible body that was huge and exuded the aura of eternal immortality.

There is also the immortal demon body that has been suppressed in the dark depths of this world for hundreds of thousands of years, exuding overwhelming demonic power of destruction.

   Hahahahaha…you all didn’t expect the plot to go this way.

 (End of this chapter)

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