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In The Age Of Mythology, I Evolved Into A Stellar Behemoth

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Chapter 405: Tear apart the mythical beast alive, the invincible Emperor Dragon of Destruction (big chapter)

On the rough sea, the alien shark girl who was originally escaping in the sea, and the black dragon beast chasing the shark girl were all stiff and did not dare to move.

 Because not far in front of them, five ferocious and huge beasts stood on the sea a thousand meters away.

The black and red ferocious beast is more than 700 meters long and exudes mythical power. The silver dragon has a wingspan of more than 900 meters and has exceeded the limit of extraordinary giant beasts.

In addition, there is a golden-blue giant dragon with a body length of 300 meters and a gorgeous body, a red giant candle dragon with a slender tail, and a one-horned tiger Kun with double fins like wings.

In front of these huge beasts, the black dragon beast, which is only a hundred meters long, looks like a small snake.

High in the sky, the black-red giant beast showed an indifferent gaze in its golden vertical pupils, opened its mouth slightly, and let out a deep roar: “Kill that black dragon.”

Roar! In an instant, the black dragon let out an angry roar, and the surrounding black power exploded, turning into a black water field covering an area of ​​more than two hundred meters, exuding a powerful aura.

 With the expansion of the domain, the black dragon beast instantly turned into a black shadow and shot out.

  嘤嘤嘤! I’ll come, I’ll come. The one-horned tiger Kun screamed in excitement, and white light erupted from his body covering a range of 700 meters. In an instant, his aura surged tenfold.

 But before the one-horned tiger Kun could rush out, the sky and the earth within a dozen kilometers darkened, forming a semicircular upside-down dark area.


In the darkness, a tail more than two thousand meters long stretches across the sky and the earth, like a small mountain range falling from the sky. Wherever it passes, the atmosphere explodes to form circles of transparent air waves.

 In an instant, the souls of the giant black dragon beast that had rushed several kilometers away emerged.


With a terrifying blow, the sea exploded and was split into two, forming a sea wall abyss more than ten kilometers long and more than a thousand meters deep.

 Under the powerful impact, tsunamis hundreds of meters high were set off from the sea and rushed to both sides with great momentum.

As for the black dragon beast, it was directly bombarded into flesh and blood by the attack of the giant candle dragon, and then disappeared under the impact of hundreds of millions of tons of sea water gathered on the sea surface.

As the black dragon behemoth was wiped out, as the darkness receded, the huge size of the behemoth Zhulong also shrunk at a speed visible to the naked eye, recovering from more than 3,000 meters to more than 300 meters in the blink of an eye.

This scene shocked the foreign female shark who was completely stiff and did not dare to move. She looked at the giant red beast in the sky that looked like an Eastern dragon in surprise.

  Okay, so strong!

  嘤嘤嘤! Zhulong, you steal my beast’s head. The one-horned tiger Kun was a little unhappy, even though he had already told him to come.

The red giant beast glanced at it slowly and showed no reaction.

  嘤嘤嘤! I knew it would be like this. The one-horned tiger Kun was speechless.

 This hateful guy is usually offline and doesn’t respond to any questions, but when something happens in the limelight, he runs faster than anyone else.

Beside the Thunder Flame Emperor Dragon, the silver dragon flapped its wings, looking at the Shark Girl alien race on the sea who dared not move and was eager to try: “Ho! Ao Tian, ​​do you want to eat this?”

 Suddenly, the same shark girl below sensed the murderous intention of the silver dragon and trembled all over, her face turned pale.

“We won’t kill you for the time being. We need a guide who is familiar with the conditions in this sea area.”

 ”Ho! Okay.” The silver dragon nodded regretfully.

Thunder Flame Emperor Dragon descended slowly, and the invisible coercion on its body permeated the area for several kilometers. It was calm and calm, like a huge mirror set in the violent sea.

The Thunder Flame Emperor Dragon’s four claws landed on the sea surface, and he looked at the tiny Shark Girl alien below, with a look of appreciation in his cold golden vertical pupils.

Two-thirds of the four-meter-long body is a fish tail covered by blue scales. The upper body is like a human from the waist, and the lower body is like a fish. It stands about two meters high in the water.

She has skin as fair as jade and long black-blue hair hanging over her shoulders, revealing a beautiful oval-shaped face with delicate facial features and a pair of blue ears that look like shark fins protruding from her hair. She is full of exotic charm.

If you just look at her upper body, she is a stunning beauty that will captivate the entire country.

Especially the bare shoulders, collarbone, and the towering position covered by a pair of blue shells are very attractive, and ordinary men will get nosebleeds just by looking at it.

Of course, the only one who thinks this shark female alien is very beautiful is the Thunder Flame Emperor Dragon. As for the golden blue giant dragon and other giant beasts, they will only think that a bite of this little one is not enough to fill their teeth.

Especially for the silver dragon, the temple attendants in the family are foreign descendants whose upper body resembles a beautiful girl and whose lower body resembles a python.

After sizing up the alien shark girl, Thunder Flame Emperor Dragon roared slightly, with mental fluctuations in his voice: “Can we communicate?”

Shark Girl, whose aura was at the early seventh level, was a little frightened. She nodded quickly and said respectfully in a unique foreign language: “Yes, please refer to the great dragon beast.”

 As long as you can communicate.

Lei Yan Emperor Dragon nodded with satisfaction, and then let out a majestic roar: “I am Lei Yan, Dragon King of the Dragon Palace of the Behemoth Empire, from a foreign race. Tell me your name.”

The shark girl in the water bowed her head respectfully: “I have met Lord Thunder Flame Dragon King. Sir, my name is Lan Yu.”

Thunder Flame Emperor Dragon continued to growl and asked: “Are there any of your kind near you? Also, are there any powerful mythical beasts near this sea area?”

“Lord Dragon King, the younger one also has the same kind, but they are all enslaved by that evil giant beast…”

  After the Thunder Flame Emperor Dragon had some questions and answers with this foreign race, several giant beasts got a little better understanding of their surroundings.

This sea area is called the Raging Sea, and is home to many strange beasts and some Yu tribes, which is the tribe to which this shark girl belongs.

These Yu tribe are born with a strong affinity for water and innate control of water. The strength of the tribe is mainly at level four, with a few reaching levels six and seven, so they belong to the bottom of the food chain.

Over the years, its people have been preyed upon by giant beasts from time to time, and their lives have been very miserable.

And this sea area is ruled by a mythical giant beast named Bi, entrenched in a void crack ‘world’, with a group of ninth-level and eighth-level giant beasts under his command.

Recently, its people were hunted by the men of the mythical beast, and their mission was to raise a special fish for it.

It’s just that it’s difficult to raise that kind of ice fish. It requires the Yu tribe to consume its natural water power to speed up its growth. During this period, thousands of Yu tribe members have been squeezed dry and died.

In order to survive, Lan Yu and more than a dozen of his kind escaped through the twisted space undercurrent on the seabed while the guarding beast was not paying attention, and were then chased all the way here by the black dragon beast.

  When the shark girl finished speaking, the eyes of the silver dragon flying down after her lit up: “Roar! This empire of giant beasts is too evil, and the great Cessitia will kill them on behalf of justice.”

The one-horned tiger Kun also nodded excitedly: 嘤嘤嘤! Yes, kill them and dominate this sea area.

The giant red beast Zhulong, who was dazed beside him, also roared slowly: “Roar! Kill, light, rob, light.”

 After flying for so long, they finally met an opponent they could fight with. Thinking about it, these giant beasts were a little excited.

Looking at the Shark Girl alien race, Thunder Flame Emperor Dragon roared majestically: “Take us to that cracked world, and then you and your tribe will be free.”

“But, Lord Thunder Flame Dragon King, that mythical beast is very powerful.” Shark Girl hesitated.

Leiyan Emperor Long growled slightly: “How powerful is it?”

Shark Girl said with some awe: “I don’t know, I only saw that mythical beast from a distance once, but its size is twice as big as yours, Thunder Flame Dragon King.”

 A mythical pinnacle beast that is twice the size and more than 1,400 meters tall.

Shark Girl’s words made the golden-blue giant dragon, who had been watching quietly, look solemn in its eyes. Unexpectedly, the giant beast turned out to be the pinnacle beast of mythology.

This kind of giant beast, which is close to the Titan, is very powerful. Thinking of this, the golden blue dragon couldn’t help but roar: “Lei Yan, be careful, that giant beast is a bit strong.”

The silver dragon roared confidently: “Roar! It doesn’t matter, Ao Tian will blow it up.”

 “Not bad, it doesn’t matter.”

While roaring, a terrifying aura erupted from the Thunder Flame Emperor Dragon, rising into the sky. Blue-black thunder flashed on its dorsal fin, turning into electromagnetic waves and exploding.

In an instant, the energy of the sky and the earth in this area rioted, and dark clouds gathered, turning into a thundercloud storm vortex that continuously rotated and covered more than a hundred kilometers.

 Boom, boom, boom! One-meter-thick bolts of lightning fell from the sky, and the seawater exploded when it fell on the sea surface, sending arcs of electricity flying everywhere.

In the center of the storm vortex, the black-red giant beast let out a roar that shook the world: “Roar! Lan Yu leads the way, I will kill those evil giant beasts today and bring justice to the life in this sea area.”

“Roar! The great Cecidian will see blood flowing into a river.” The silver dragon hovered in the air excitedly, surrounded by black storms, exuding an aura comparable to that of a mythical beast.

Inspired by the talent of the storm that has begun to touch the law, tornadoes that reach into the sky and the earth condense around the silver dragon, rolling up countless seawater.

  嘤嘤嘤! Kill, I will kill ten today. The one-horned tiger Kun also chirped excitedly.

 The giant red beast entrenched in the sky also roared slowly: “Roar! Zhu, dragon, invincible.”

Feeling the confidence exuding from the Thunder Flame Emperor Dragon and the Silver Dragon, the golden blue dragon’s blood boiled with enthusiasm, and it let out high-pitched roars.

Errrrrr! ?

On Lei Yandi’s dragon head, after absorbing some of the characteristic power of the interaction between heaven and earth, the little purple dragon that had been sleeping for a few days opened its eyes blankly.

 Looking at the swirling thunderclouds and storms above and the giant beasts circling around them emitting strong evil aura, I felt a little confused.

  Boom! The thundercloud storm rioted, and at the same time, a powerful force descended from the sky and caught up Shark Girl Lan Yu, forcing it to move quickly away.

Feeling the aura of terror permeating the world, and feeling the quasi-mythical or even mythical pressure at close range, the shark girl Lan Yu’s face turned pale and her tail trembled.

But at the same time, Shark Girl was also a little excited. These giant beasts were so powerful. If they could really kill that mythical giant beast, their tribe would be saved.

Between the dim sky and the earth, a waterfall thousands of meters high and a hundred meters wide fell from the sky, splashing water on the sea below and making a roaring sound.

At the end of the waterfall is a horizontal black crack hundreds of meters long. Through the crack, you can see a continental mass hundreds of kilometers wide standing on the opposite side.

The mountains on the land are winding, and the rivers are flowing and converging to form an inland sea that is hundreds of miles long. There are some shark female alien figures faintly flashing in the middle of the lake.

At the same time, giant beasts ranging from 100 to 300 meters long were entrenched in the lake and the surrounding mountains and forests. There were more than a hundred of them, exuding a powerful pressure of level 8 or 9.

 Due to the environment, these giant beasts seemed a little restless and violent, roaring from time to time and even fighting with each other.

 The most powerful of these giant beasts is a giant beast with two heads that are three hundred meters long and exudes a quasi-mythical level.

One of them is a giant dragon-like beast with three dragon heads and its whole body is covered by black scales. The other is a giant beast that looks like a wild boar but has a pair of huge tusks that are hundreds of meters long. Its whole body is covered by gray scales.

That huge body is like a hill. When walking, the ground shakes and the trees sway, the sound is alarming.

In the middle of the earth, a mountain peak more than 20,000 meters high stands, surrounded by clouds and mist. On top of it sits a giant beast that is 1,500 meters long, looks like a giant tiger, has a pair of sharp horns on its head, and is covered in yellow scales. .

This giant beast has awakened the bloodline of the ancient ferocious beast Bi’an. Its breath is very terrifying. The wind roars and the mountain peaks shake within a radius of more than ten kilometers.

Suddenly, the giant beast suddenly opened its eyes, and with terrifying vision, it looked through the cracked world to the end of the sky, where a thundercloud storm rolled in at a terrifying speed.

The most important thing is the five powerful auras permeating the storm, one of which is the aura of a mythical beast that even makes the giant beast a little frightened.


In an instant, a ferocious roar resounded throughout the world. The giant beast suddenly stood up, and its huge body with a shoulder height of more than 400 meters immediately set off a mountain and tsunami.


The giant beast has a peak of mythology, even more powerful than ordinary mythical beasts due to its bloodline returning to its ancestors. The pressure explodes, and the world shakes.

  The surrounding space continued to collapse under the terrible pressure and golden light, forming black cracks that spread thousands of meters, with a terrifying sound.


Under the roar of the giant beast at the pinnacle of mythology, all the giant beasts on the earth suddenly raised their heads and looked into the distance, letting out violent roars, and their auras exploded.

One after another of eight and nine levels, quasi-mythical or even mythical beasts intertwined with the aura, and the whole world of the crack instantly changed color.

Facing the warning roars of these giant beasts, the thundercloud storm covering nearly two hundred kilometers in the distance not only did not slow down, but instead increased in speed.

  Boom! The moment the thundercloud storm approached the waterfall hanging from the sky and the earth, it was like hitting an invisible wall. The air waves roared, forming a circle of atmospheric shock waves covering hundreds of kilometers.

 In the roaring storm, a pair of giant claws wrapped with black lightning and golden blue lines poked out. Boom! The space collapsed, and the fragile boundary wall of the cracked world was directly torn apart by the Thunder Flame Emperor Dragon, and five giant beasts were revealed in the violent space fragments.


Looking at the two silver, gold and blue giant dragons under the thunderstorm, the red giant beast, the one-horned tiger Kun and the black and red giant beast with a body length of more than 700 meters, the giant beast more than 200 kilometers away let out a violent roar. .

“Roar! Kill them.” The giant beast was a little furious. A mere giant beast from the early stage of mythology dared to challenge its majesty and seek death.

Hence, without even thinking about it, the giant beast directly issued an attack order. It was going to kill these intruders today and tear them all into pieces.


The giant beasts on the earth roared violently, and the fields of various innate powers spread out around them, emitting colorful lights and rushing toward the Thunder Flame Emperor Dragon and others.

These giant beasts are huge in size, covering an area ranging from two to three hundred meters to six or seven hundred meters. Their collective charge is very impressive.

 The number of these giant beasts surprised even the Thunder Flame Emperor Dragon. This was the first time they encountered such a large number of giant beasts.

Thunder Flame Emperor Dragon’s eyes fell on the giant beast standing on the top of the mountain, and he roared majestically: “Roar! Cecidian, I will leave these ordinary beasts to you.”

“Roar! No problem, the great Cecidian will fight fifty today.” The silver dragon roared excitedly, then flapped its wings and burst out surrounded by a black storm.

 ”Roar! The great Tolsafi will bleed into a river of blood today.” The golden-blue dragon also roared with excitement.

With its strength comparable to that of ordinary mythical behemoths, it can completely crush those level nine behemoths, and is not afraid of dozens of times their opponent’s numbers.

Roar! The giant Zhulong roared loudly, and rushed out like a stream of light, followed by the one-horned tiger Kun.

However, compared to the three quasi-mythical behemoths that have no fear, the one-horned tiger Kun is also enthusiastic, but its target is the eighth-level behemoths swimming along the river.

 The distance of one to two hundred kilometers is covered by these giant beasts in just a few breaths.

At the moment when the distance between the two sides was close to more than ten kilometers, red, blue, and purple beams of light penetrated the sky and the earth, blasting towards the silver dragon and the others.

 Boom, boom, boom!

 In an instant, seven powerful breaths drowned the silver dragon. In an instant, powerful energy comparable to a small nuclear explosion was released, causing the heaven and earth to shake for several kilometers, emitting a dazzling light.

Amid the terrifying breath energy impact, the 400-meter-long silver dragon was surrounded by black storms and ice crystals, and let out high-pitched and excited roars.

“Roar! The great Cecidian is invincible.” With a body comparable to that of a mythical beast, the silver dragon ignored the breath of those ninth-level beasts and charged into the herd of beasts with tyrannical power.

 Boom! Under the distortion of space, two sharp claws containing black ice crystal storms penetrated the void, detonating the field and blasting the heads of the two nearest level nine behemoths.

Then the silver dragon pounced on the three-headed dragon quasi-mythical beast.


The energy shock erupted when the realms of the two giant beasts collided. The silver giant dragon relied on the body of the mythical giant beast to ignore the attack and directly bit the head of the black giant beast.


The three-headed dragon beast let out a scream, and the middle dragon head was directly bitten off by the terrifying bite force of the silver dragon. Then the huge body was grabbed by the dragon’s claws, and they fell from the sky together.

  Boom! In an instant, the ground below shattered, and countless dirt and debris rose into the sky within a few kilometers.

With just one encounter, this quasi-mythical beast was crushed by the silver dragon.

On the other side, the giant beast Zhulong found the giant fanged beast on the ground. As soon as he closed his eyes, the sky and the earth went dark for more than ten kilometers, and the roar and vibrating roar of the giant beast came from the darkness.

As for the golden-blue giant dragon, it directly faced the remaining dozens of eighth-level and ninth-level giant beasts. Its golden-blue crystal-like wings spread out, forming an eight-hundred-meter-diameter crystal around it.

 Boom, boom, boom! A stream of breath fell on the crystal, erupting into a terrifying energy explosion, but it was unable to shake the crystal condensed by special laws.

At the same time, crystals with a diameter of more than ten meters in the surrounding void, containing energy of various attributes inside, condensed and burst out with colorful rays of light.

 Boom, boom, boom! Under the crystal bombardment of the golden blue dragon, the surrounding areas of the giant beasts collapsed, their scales shattered, their flesh and blood exploded, and they let out shrill screams.

 ”Roar! The great Torsaphi, invincible.” Standing high in the sky, the golden-blue dragon surrounded by crystals roared high, and its whole body emitted dazzling colorful lights.

In the crystal field covering a kilometer range, dozens of crystal missiles condense every second, flying toward those ninth-level behemoths overwhelmingly.

At this moment, the golden-blue dragon was like a destructive fort. The sky shook under the crazy bombardment, suppressing more than twenty level nine beasts more than ten kilometers away.

Such a powerful force, the foreign female shark who was caught behind was very excited. It was too strong.

The giant beast standing on the top of the mountain in the distance looked a little ugly, and its subordinates were actually suppressed by the enemy’s three quasi-mythical beasts.

Roar! No.

The giant beast let out a violent roar, and in an instant its huge body suddenly moved, emitting a dazzling golden light, like a golden sun rushing towards the Thunder Flame Emperor Dragon standing under the storm.

 First kill this invading behemoth from the early stage of mythology, and then tear apart those quasi-mythical behemoths.

Errrrrr! The little purple dragon stood on the head of the Thunder Flame Emperor, stretched out its little paws, pointed at the golden ‘sun’ coming across the sky in the distance and shouted excitedly.

 Kill, today the great Xiaoyi will shed a river of blood.

 This little guy.

Leiyan Emperor Long was speechless, and then the golden-white flames burned in his eyes, and red lightning emerged. In an instant, a more ferocious, violent, and extremely domineering momentum erupted.


 The heaven and earth shook under the terrifying aura, and in the dazzling red light, a crimson giant beast that was more than 2,400 meters long and stood up to a height of 1,000 meters appeared.

 Boom, boom, boom! Black and red lightning coiled around the crimson behemoth, shattering the surrounding space and turning a ten-kilometer area into a dark and destructive area.

At this moment, the giant beast standing in the darkness, emitting dazzling red light, was like a destructive beast from ancient times. It was extremely ferocious and exuded an indescribable sense of heavy oppression.

  The void collapsed under the pure terrifying Titan-level heavy aura, crushing the void. The entire cracked world made an overwhelming squeezing sound, the heaven and earth shook, and the earth collapsed.

With such terrifying power and suppression from the bloodline level, the ninth-level behemoths suppressed by the golden-blue dragon in the distance instantly froze and fell from the sky with a rumble.

  Including the ferocious giant beast that had flown more than a hundred kilometers, the ferocious face also showed shock, roaring wildly: “Roar! Impossible, how is it possible, how can your power soar to this point?”

Crazy, the world is crazy, how can there be giant beasts relying on talent, and instantly cross the Titan level from the beginning of myth.

This is impossible, impossible, it must be fake, and the other party is bluffing.


The giant beast let out a ferocious roar, and the golden light all over its body converged into its mouth, and instantly a golden beam of light up to a hundred meters thick burst out.


  Under the terrifying breath of the peak of mythology, the sky and the earth darkened, and everything turned pale. Only the golden light pillar that penetrated the heaven and earth was left, destroying and shattering everything in its path.

From a distance, it looked like a black beam of golden light extending across dozens of kilometers and falling on the crimson giant beast at a speed that seemed slow but actually terrifying.

  Boom! The crimson behemoth of destruction did not dodge, and the breath of destruction hit its chest. In an instant, dazzling light shone between the sky and the earth, turning into an ever-expanding golden mushroom cloud.

 Boom, boom, boom!

The terrifying impact turned into a violent wind of destruction that swept across dozens of kilometers. The void collapsed wherever it passed, and the peaks on the earth below collapsed and exploded.

 The giant beasts fighting more than 20 kilometers away, including the golden-blue dragon, were blown away by the terrifying wind. The roaring explosion shook the hearts of all living beings.

At this moment, the only thing left in the world was the golden beast that was constantly breathing out, and the destructive light that continued to expand and explode in the distance.

After nearly ten minutes of continuous breath bombardment, the giant beast took a breath, the light in its mouth dissipated, and it stood high in the sky exuding a terrifying aura.

At the same time, dozens of kilometers away from the center of the energy explosion, the ferocious figure of the crimson behemoth was revealed in the violent space turbulence. The thick red scales on its body exuded an indestructible look.

 It’s actually not fake! There was despair in the eyes of the giant beast.

It exploded all the laws and natural energy and continued to bombard it for so long, but it didn’t even break the opponent’s scales. This strength gap was so big that this mythical peak beast couldn’t help but despair.

Looking at the ferocious beast in the distance with fear and shock in its ferocious eyes, the corners of the crimson beast’s mouth slightly raised, revealing a ferocious smile.

  Boom! The huge body of the crimson giant beast suddenly moved, its heavy footsteps crushed the void, and it walked towards the giant beast step by step, exuding a sense of terror and oppression.

Looking at the crimson giant beast that was approaching, the giant beast instinctively retreated step by step under the invisible pressure of destruction.

Roar! Suddenly, the giant beast let out a ferocious roar, and the golden light on its body exploded into blazing golden flames, and its aura instantly increased several times.


With the burst of burning blood power, the giant beast exploded into the space and turned into a golden ray of light that shot out into the distance. It turned around and ran away without even thinking.

 The sudden turn of events made the crimson beast, who thought it would fight to the death, pause, and then a fierce light flashed in its eyes.

  Boom! The space within a ten-kilometer radius collapsed, and the crimson behemoth disappeared instantly under the terrifying backlash force, turning into a red light and shooting out at an indescribable speed.

Although the Thunder Flame Emperor Dragon’s speed and agility may be somewhat reduced in its crimson form, its agility talent of instantly displacing thirty times its body length is still terrifying.

At a terrifying speed that spanned dozens of kilometers in an instant, the red light collided with the golden light in an instant.


The moment the golden and red light collided, the giant beast let out a scream.

The two giant beasts penetrated the heaven and earth with the power of destroying the heaven and the earth, and smashed into the middle of the mountain peak more than 20,000 meters high a hundred kilometers away.


When two giant beasts with a body length of 1,500 meters and more than 2,000 meters collided at dozens of times the speed of sound, the mountain peak collapsed in an instant, the sky collapsed and the earth cracked, and countless boulders were thrown in all directions.

Roar! In the center of the smoke and dust explosion, the crimson beast let out a ferocious roar.

The huge claws of the crimson behemoth grabbed the shoulders of the giant beast. Under the terrifying force, the thick golden scales of the giant beast that were tempered by laws shattered, and its flesh and blood exploded.

Roar! Stimulated by death, the eyes of the giant beast that had almost evolved into an ancient ferocious beast turned red, and its huge mouth opened angrily to bite the crimson beast in front of it.

  Boom! A huge sharp mouth with a fang that is tens of meters long bites on the shoulder and arm of the crimson beast, making a booming explosion, and the entire space is shattered by this bite.

However, the defense of the crimson behemoth has been so strong that it would make any behemoth of the same level despair. The bite of the giant beast did not cause any damage except leaving dozens of small craters.

Roar! At this moment, the crimson giant beast let out a ferocious roar, and the muscles in its arms expanded with an indescribable terrifying force.

 Click click click! Under the terrifying power, the powerful body of the giant beast made a clicking sound like metal being torn apart.

At the same time, a series of crimson thunders of destruction with power comparable to the strongest law erupted, spreading with the crimson beast’s claws as the center, covering the entire body of the beast.

Roar! Under the bombardment of the crimson thunder of destruction, the behemoth beast screamed one after another, and at the same time, under the stimulation of death, the sharp and hot golden laws contained in its body burst into light.

 Boom, boom, boom! The golden light and the thunder of destruction collided, causing a roar that shook the world. The aftermath of the terrifying power destroyed the surrounding area.

Huge boulders falling from the sky, collapsed mountains, trees, everything within a dozen kilometers was destroyed.


The crimson giant beast let out a ferocious roar, and the power of its claws exploded, boom! The giant beast with a body length of 1,500 meters was torn in half directly from the middle.

Countless golden blood erupted, rendering half of the crimson beast’s body golden, exuding a rich **** aura.


On top of the half-thousand-meter-high broken peak that collapsed, the crimson giant beast held two halves of the giant beast’s body in its hands and roared into the sky, emitting an extremely ferocious and terrifying aura that shook the world.

Especially under the powerful vitality, the giant beast that was torn in half was still alive and screamed one after another under the entanglement of the destructive thunder.

Two halves of the body emitting golden light, surrounded by black and red lightning that exuded a destructive aura, made the crimson behemoth at this moment look extremely terrifying.

Eight thousand words have been completed today. Brothers, I have adjusted my status in the past two days. The update time will be between ten and twelve o’clock in the evening.

 (End of this chapter)

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