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In The Age Of Mythology, I Evolved Into A Stellar Behemoth

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Chapter 386 The invincible Ao Tian, ​​the war breaks out (please vote)

In the training room, Chen Chu, who had been in seclusion for three days, and whose invisible aura was getting stronger and stronger, slowly opened his eyes, and thoughts rang in his mind.

 “Burn a thousand points of attributes to activate the enlightenment state for the thunder flame clone.”

 In an instant, a burst of energy passed through the soul channel and appeared in the body of the Thunder Flame Demonic Dragon in the Ice Crystal Temple. It turned into an epiphany and enveloped it.

Errrrrr! Feeling the invisible artistic conception around him, the little purple dragon’s eyes showed curiosity, and he stretched out his little paw to touch it.

Hovered by the artistic conception of enlightenment, the spirit and will of the Thunder Flame Demonic Dragon suddenly moved, and the power of the Law of Traction condensed runes on its claws and tail blade.

  runes represent traces of a certain power in heaven and earth, so even if the Thunder Flame Demonic Dragon has become a mythical beast, these basic runes are still helpful to it.

It’s just that a single basic rune is very weak, but if hundreds, thousands or even tens of thousands of them are stacked, it will show amazing power.

This can be seen from the narwhal killer whale’s slashing rune that has grown as it evolved and has almost merged with its twin fins, turning into a pair of huge slashing knives.

And the Thunder Flame Demonic Dragon has never underestimated the power of runes, but it was either sleeping or on the way to fight, and he never had time to practice and condense.

 Now that we have some time, Thunder Flame Demonic Dragon is ready to strengthen its claws and tail blade.


  Under the night, a dragon’s roar resounded throughout the world.

Over the sea of ​​clouds, a giant silver dragon with a body length of 400 meters and a wingspan of more than 800 meters flew at more than ten times the speed of sound, surrounded by a blue-black storm.

As a flying behemoth, the flying speed of dragons is already fast, and now with the surge in strength, the silver dragon is even more amazingly fast.

Soon, the silver dragon, which had been flying for a long time, crossed its own territory and entered the territory of another titan beast.

Just as the silver dragon entered the opposite direction, thousands of kilometers away, the pressure of a mythical beast erupted in the distance, followed by a roar of a beast that shook the world.

Roar! The roar that shook the heaven and earth was full of warning.

 But as soon as the mythical beast roared, the silver dragon roared loudly: “Roar! Get away, the great Cecidian is going to play with Torsaphi.”

 In an instant, a thousand-meter-long mythical beast sitting on the edge of the territory in the distance paused for a moment, then shrunk its neck, pretended that nothing happened, closed its eyes and went to sleep.

 “Ho! Torsaphi, the great Cecidian is coming.”

Has grown to a quasi-mythical level, and its body has been strengthened by law artifacts. The silver dragon, which is comparable to ordinary mythical beasts, roars in triumph.

 It’s just that mythology is difficult. Even if the blue-white giant dragon prepares two law-level artifacts for the silver dragon, including the innate space runes it has long merged with, it still cannot break through to mythology in the short term.

But even so, the silver dragon was very satisfied and was ready to show off to his friends.

The great Scythia only left a few sun wheels to grow from the eighth level to a quasi-myth. He also destroyed two empires of mythical beasts, unified the oceans of an indigenous world, and became the overlord of one side.

Ha ha! Thinking of this, the silver dragon couldn’t help but roar loudly.

Hearing the familiar dragon roar high in the sky, some of the mythical beasts and powerful vassal races on the earth who had sensed the strong pressure and wanted to stop them suddenly stopped in their tracks.

It’s actually Her Majesty Cecilia next door, you can’t afford to offend her, you can’t afford to offend her.

Under the full flight of the silver dragon, the mountains and rivers below quickly receded, flying straight all the way until they finally arrived above a forest filled with the singing of birds and the fragrance of flowers.

Moisted by the rich energy of heaven and earth, this forest is very lush, with crystal light flowing between the branches and leaves of the trees, full of vitality.

 In the forest, some strange animals with graceful shapes and gentle auras live.

In addition, there are some half-meter-sized elves that look like human girls, with dragonfly wings behind them flying through the air, casting little spots of light that are very beautiful.

 In the center of this forest, there is a lake covering an area of ​​tens of kilometers with crystal clear water. The mist of pure energy on the water is filled with mist, making it look like a fairyland on earth.

At this time, in the middle of a lake that is tens of meters deep, lies a golden-blue dragon with a body length of three hundred meters, a body covered with scales like ice crystals, and a graceful and beautiful figure.

This giant dragon looks like it is made of crystal. Even the dragon wings behind it are shaped like ice crystals, and the pair of sharp spiral dragon horns on its head are also golden blue and transparent.

At this time, the lake is reflected under the moonlight. Under the refraction of the moonlight, half of the dragon’s body above the water is shining, making it look extremely luxurious and beautiful.

At this moment, a huge silver dragon appeared in the sky, followed by a roar that shook the world: “Roar! Torsaphi, the great Cecidiana comes to see you.”


The sky lit up amid the roar, and a dazzling white beam of light crossed the sky, blasting towards the golden-blue dragon with terrifying power that could destroy the world.

 “Cessitia, you idiot.”

The golden-blue dragon that was originally sleeping in the lake suddenly stood up and let out an angry roar, and then its crystal-like translucent wings spread out behind it.


Colorful lights illuminate the night sky, forming a thousand-meter-diameter, transparent semicircular crystal around the golden-blue dragon.

At this time, ice flames with a thickness of more than ten meters penetrated the sky and the earth, hitting the crystal with the impact of destroying and freezing everything, and a terrifying impact suddenly erupted.


The ground shook within a few thousand meters, and the ground exploded under the impact of endless white ice flames. Countless soil, gravel and lake water were frozen and shattered, forming a ring explosion and rising into the sky.

The surrounding transparent and clear lakes were transformed into layers of tsunami-like ice crystal water waves that erupted in all directions under the impact of the energy carried by the ice flames.

Under the continuous breath of the ice flames of the silver dragon, the surrounding space vibrated, and the entire lake was frozen by the endless vent of icy energy, forming a frozen dead place.

The invisible white cold air turned into circles of shock waves, sweeping through the surrounding forest. Many colorful elves flying in the air were like ice sculptures, falling to the ground and breaking into pieces.

 “Ho! Cecidiana, the great Torsaphi will give you a severe beating today.”

With a somewhat angry roar, the surrounding light shone, and crystals with a diameter of more than ten meters and containing red, blue, and purple light emerged.

These crystals are like missiles, containing terrifying energy inside. With their light tails, they hit the breath of ice flames, and a terrifying explosion erupted in an instant.

 Boom, boom, boom! Under the terrifying crystal explosion, the ice flame breath was blown away.

At the same time, more crystals condensed in the sky, emitting colorful light and aura of destruction, overwhelmingly shooting towards the silver dragon high in the sky in the distance.

 “Roar! The great Cecidian is invincible.”

  Boom! With the silver dragon as the center, black tornadoes a hundred meters thick descended from the sky, penetrating the sky and the earth, and surrounding them in all directions.

 Boom, boom, boom!

The black tornado of ice crystals of destruction swept across the world, plowing passages of destruction a hundred meters wide on the earth, crushing everything along the way and blocking all crystal explosions.

Whenever a crystal containing explosive energy comes into contact with the storm, a terrifying energy shock will instantly explode and shake the world.

  Some explosive crystals fell to the ground under the impact, causing the earth to shatter. The sky was full of gravel and soil, and the terrifying vibrations shook the world and echoed endlessly.

Such a terrifying battle, so frightened that countless strange beasts in the forest fled wildly outside, roaring in terror, completely losing the previous peaceful fairyland scene. Almost half an hour later, the explosive energy between heaven and earth slowly subsided.

At this time, the originally vibrant forest had turned into ruins, countless towering trees were broken, and the ground was covered with huge craters.

The originally clear lake has also disappeared, leaving only the frozen and shattered earth and ice crystals. In the ruins, two giant dragons are confronting each other.

Looking at the silver dragon with a wingspan of more than 800 meters in the sky and a body length that exceeded the quasi-mythical limit, the golden blue ice crystal dragon below let out a stunned roar.

“Cessitia, you have actually grown to a quasi-mythical level.”

The wings of the silver dragon in the sky vibrated: “Roar! Damn Torsaphi, what are you talking about? Isn’t it very simple for the great Cecilia to grow to a quasi-mythical level?”

 …You idiot, do you think you are the great Torsaphi?

The corners of the blue-gold dragon’s eyes twitched, and then he growled impatiently: “You destroyed the pure lake purified by the great Torsaphi today. Do you want to be beaten?”

“Roar! Now Torsaphi, you can no longer defeat the great Cecidian.” The silver dragon roared proudly in the sky, its tail raised and raised.

Although the two sides only fought briefly just now, the silver dragon was happy to find that it seemed that there was no need to call Ao Tian over, and Torsafi could not defeat it.

In just a few days of missing the sun, Torsafi has actually grown from level nine to quasi-god level, and his strength has also become very strong.

Thinking of this, the silver dragon couldn’t help but roar: “Roar! Torsaphi, the great Cecidian came to you today to discuss something with you.”

 Speaking, the silver dragon’s wings converged, and its huge body fell from the sky like a meteorite.

  Boom! Suddenly the broken ground exploded, and countless rubbles flew everywhere.

 Amidst the billowing smoke and ice crystals, the silver dragon raised its head proudly: “Roar! For the sake of growing up together, today the great Cecidian came here specially to invite you to join the Dragon Palace.”

 “Dragon Palace, what is it?” There was doubt in the golden blue dragon’s eyes.

The silver dragon raised its head, glanced sideways at the golden-blue dragon from the corner of its eyes, and roared triumphantly: “Roar! The Dragon Palace is a behemoth empire established by the great Scythia. It has unified the oceans of an indigenous world.”

“During this period, the Dragon Palace, under the leadership of the great Cecidiana, destroyed two mythical behemoth empire forces and killed two mid-mythological behemoths.”

“And the great Scythia also wiped out a civilized race, and even fought an ancient creature with blood flowing like a river.”

The blue-gold dragon looked at the silver dragon as if it were an idiot, and growled slowly: “Cecidia, do you think the great Torsaphi is as easy to deceive as you?”

The silver dragon roared: “Roar! The great Cecidian never lies.”

 The golden-blue dragon shook his head: “The great Torsafi doesn’t believe it.”

“Roar! The great Cecidian knows that you are not that easy to believe, but this is the truth. The great Cecidian is invincible.” The silver dragon raised its tail proudly.

The golden-blue dragon growled casually: “Really? Then tell me, what did you do after you sneaked away to that indigenous world?”

“Ho! The great Cecidian was very lucky. He subdued a very ferocious dragon-like beast when he first entered the indigenous world, and together with it he established the Dragon Palace Beast Empire.”

“A very ferocious dragon-like beast, that beast must be very strong.” The golden-blue dragon narrowed its eyes slightly.

The silver dragon roared proudly: “Roar! Ao Tian is certainly very strong. It is the most powerful beast that the great Cecidian has ever seen.”

“Back when Ao Tian was at level seven, he was able to tie with Cecidian at level eight, and at level eight he was able to kill the king’s bloodline monster in the middle of level nine.”

“After breaking through the ninth level, Ao Tian directly killed a quasi-mythical behemoth at the early stage of the ninth level, and then even killed a mid-level mythical monster at the middle stage of the ninth level.”

The silver dragon couldn’t help but tell the story of the Thunder Flame Demon Dragon in one breath, but as soon as it finished speaking, it realized that it was over and the secret was revealed.

 I know how you could possibly kill the mythical beast.

Under the calm gaze of the golden-blue dragon, a humanized look appeared on the silver dragon’s face.

No, the golden-blue giant dragon growled in confusion: “Wait a minute, Cecidia, I remember you only ran out for a few days, but you said that the giant beast was only level seven when you met it?”

 “Roar! That’s right.” The silver dragon nodded.

“How many days did it grow from level seven to myth?” The golden-blue giant dragon had doubts in its eyes, and it felt like this guy was treating it like a fool.

The silver dragon growled carelessly: “Roar! Ao Tian grows very fast, even faster than the great Cecidian. He is growing bigger every day.”

 Speaking, the silver dragon shook his head: “Ho! That guy Tolsafiao Tian is a monster, don’t compare with him, otherwise you will be very sad.”

Then the silver dragon roared enthusiastically: “Roar! This time the great Cecidian is back, ready to enter the Chaos Realm and become the overlord of the Chaos Realm.”

“How about it, Torsaphi, are you interested in conquering the world with the great Cecidian? If you are willing, I can make you the Jingjing Dragon King.”

 The golden-blue dragon was speechless: “What Jingjing Dragon King?”

Of course, the silver dragon roared: “Roar! Jingjing Dragon King sounds very good. Anyway, Torsafi, you have been shining since you were a child, which suits your temperament very well.”

“Go away! Don’t give the great Tolsaphi random names. By the way, that giant beast named Ao Tian also followed you back?”

The silver dragon nodded: “Ho! Ao Tian is back too, but at mother’s place, the great Cecidian made a lot of good things for Ao Tian to eat, and he is sleeping and digesting it now.”

 Is this so?

The golden blue dragon thought for a while: “It’s not impossible to go to the Chaos Realm, but we have to wait a while. The Bingjing Divine Fruit that the great Torsafi has guarded for a long time is about to mature.”

“At that time, the great Torsafi will have the second top talent, which is consistent with the origin and no weaker than your innate space rune.”

Suddenly, the silver dragon’s eyes showed envy. It knew what the divine fruit was, and then growled and asked: “Ho! How long do you have to wait?”

 “Hurry, around dawn.”

Just when the silver dragon was thinking of tricking Torsaphi back into becoming its subordinate, the situation on the Tianyuan battlefield became increasingly tense.

On the fifth day of Chen Chu’s retreat, suddenly a king-level explosion broke out in the sky, and he was suddenly awakened.

At the same time, the red light of the smart watch on Chen Chu’s wrist flashed, and Gabriel’s solemn voice came: “Chen Chu, the war has broken out in advance, come quickly.”

 Has it started yet? Chen Chu complained, and the terrifying aura that filled his body slowly disappeared.

Whoosh! Chen Chu took a step forward and disappeared instantly.

Today, two chapters and 8,000 words are finished. The preparations for all parties are completed. The killing starts tomorrow. Brothers, please remember to vote for your support.

 (End of this chapter)

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