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In The Age Of Mythology, I Evolved Into A Stellar Behemoth

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Chapter 374 Smelting Heaven and Earth, Soul-like Law Divine Object

In the mountains that are hundreds of kilometers away from the mountain peaks where the giant blue and white dragons are entrenched, a majestic ice palace group that is 10,000 meters high and covers an area of ​​dozens of kilometers long and wide stands.

These palaces made of silver-blue ice are like mountains, supported by icicles filled with clouds and mist. They look very gorgeous and sacred.

And underneath this ice crystal temple, there are also some Kuru priests whose upper bodies look like beautiful girls and whose lower bodies have snake tails.

When the silver dragon took the lead and appeared, the priest girls all bent down, saluted respectfully, and babbled in foreign languages.

“See His Highness the Son of God Cecidiana.” They were answered with a high-pitched dragon roar.

 While flying over, Lei Yan Tianlong couldn’t help but glance at these girls curiously.

 There is no way, this is the first time he has seen such a beautiful alien race.

These priest girls are about two meters tall. Each of them is very beautiful by human standards, with fair skin and three-dimensional facial features.

The most important thing is that in addition to the snake tail covered with silver scales on the lower body, the ice crystal soft armor worn on the upper body is translucent, looming.

However, Lei Yan Tianlong just looked at it out of curiosity. With its current aesthetics, it would naturally not be interested in these humanoid creatures.

After several huge beasts passed through icicles hundreds of meters thick and disappeared into the depths of the mist-shrouded temple, a beautiful girl priest asked curiously.

  ”Have you noticed that, after not seeing the sun for a few days, Her Highness Cecilia has grown up a lot?”

 “Your Highness Cecidiana must have reached the growth stage, so she is growing fast.”

“However, compared to the changes in His Highness’s body shape, have you noticed the black and red beast following His Highness?”

 “That beast **** is very strong!”

“I also noticed that the beast **** just flew over above, and the invisible pressure emanating from him scared me so much that my tail became weak and I almost lay on the ground.”

 While the alien priests were talking in low voices, several giant beasts came all the way to the depths of the ice crystal main hall.

“Roar! Over there.” The giant silver dragon passed through icicles in a familiar way, and finally stopped on a huge platform made of ice crystal steps, more than five thousand meters high.

There a thousand-meter-high transparent portal stands.

 ”Roar! The great Cecidiana is coming.” The silver dragon cheered, spread its wings and rushed in.

 At the moment when the silver dragon touched the transparent door, the door wavered slightly, as if it was a recognition.

The one-horned tiger Kun behind was flapping its fins in excitement at this time, and it was also very excited: 嘤嘤嘤! Lei Yan, I have sensed many good things, many.

Leiyan Tianlong roared: “Nonsense, this is Cecidian’s **** treasure house, let’s go.” After saying that, the black and red giant beast followed and flew into the transparent door.

 It is also somewhat curious about the treasure trove that a creature at the peak of Titan has collected for many years.

As soon as he entered, Lei Yan Tianlong felt a terrifyingly rich energy coming towards him, and this energy carried various fluctuations of the power of heaven and earth.

In the white space, heavenly materials and earthly treasures exuding strong energy fluctuations were shrouded in white light and suspended in the air. The lowest starting level was god-level resources.

Some of these resources appear to be a crystal red rock several meters in size, some are a blue flower, some are a piece of blue crystal sand, or a ten-meter-high green bamboo.

However, under the white light, the charm and energy contained in these heavenly materials and earthly treasures are evaporating, turning into countless white light spots rising into the sky, and turning into a long river containing terrifying energy and disappearing into the void of the sky.

Lei Yan Tianlong’s eyes suddenly flickered slightly.

This giant blue-white dragon is cultivating the heaven and earth with countless heavenly materials and earthly treasures, accelerating the evolution of its own rules, and even refining a piece of heaven and earth into its body.

 No wonder Cecilia said her mother hadn’t moved for a long time.

 The giant silver dragon in front turned back and roared in urging: “Ho! Ao Tian, ​​don’t look at it. Mom has burned all those things, and the good stuff is inside.”

Errrrrr! The purple little dragon was also urging Lei Yan Tianlong to move quickly, because it wanted to eat something good.

 “Roar! Here we come.” Lei Yan Tianlong followed with two equally shocked giant beasts.

 Soon, the four giant beasts passed through the “ocean” of ordinary divine objects and arrived at the middle of the treasure house.

There are still many heavenly and earthly treasures here that are shrouded in white light and floating in the air. They have all reached the top level and exude more intense energy.

This piece of more than a thousand top-level divine objects is divided into ten layers. The charm of the top five layers continues to collapse under the influence of some kind of force, turning into white light points and flying upward.


At this moment, there was a strong impact and vibration from the front, and then the silver dragon was seen hitting an invisible barrier, and its huge body flew back.

 “Roar! It hurts.”

The silver dragon covered his head, which was somewhat confused by the collision, and looked ahead, where dozens of light groups were slowly rotating, emitting red, blue and green divine lights and law fluctuations.

 Dozens of law-level resources equivalent to innate runes.

 Suddenly, even Lei Yan Tianlong couldn’t help but his eyes were hot. Cecidian is so rich.

At this time, the dozens of light groups fluctuated slightly, and then three flew out under the pull of a force.

Two of them flew in front of Cecidian, and one flew in front of Leiyan Tianlong. In addition, three light groups among the top gods flew out and came to the one-horned tiger Kun, the giant candle dragon and the purple dragon. .

The two light groups in front of Cecidiana are a group of several meters in diameter, containing countless blue starlight clear water, an extraterrestrial divine object called Starlight Xuan Liquid.

The function of this divine object is similar to the Xuanhuang Qi. After absorption, the power of laws contained can temper the practitioner’s physique, giving him a physique comparable to mythology.

However, it is different from the innate Xuanhuang Qi that transforms the body and soul. This kind of starlight black liquid energy is overbearing and can only be absorbed by cultivators in the late stage of the Nine Heavens, and it only tempers the body.

 As a giant dragon, Cecidian, who has two top talents at mid-level nine, is physically extremely powerful.

As for the other one-meter-diameter crystal ball, which exuded black divine light like a ‘magic elixir’, Lei Yan Tianlong didn’t recognize it and didn’t know what its effect was.

But judging from the powerful power contained within, it should be a legal artifact that can allow the silver dragon to leap into mythology in one step, or reach quasi-mythology in the next step.

 This is the advantage of having big legs. As long as you reach the level of cultivation, you can quickly surpass the accumulated time.

Including Chen Chu, the Federation directly gave him enough resources to quickly cross the eighth level, ninth level, and until the late ninth level in one breath.

While thinking, Lei Yan Tianlong’s eyes fell in front of him.

The blue-white giant dragon gave it a ball of pure white flames. The blazing flames burned without any warmth. As soon as it got close to the Leiyan Tianlong, it felt that its soul became much more active.

 This is a ball of flames of law that can strengthen the soul.

In the eyes of the blue-white giant dragon, the Thunder Flame Tianlong evolves and grows at an alarming rate, but its soul is definitely not strong enough at just one year old. After all, it takes time for the body to replenish and strengthen the soul.

 So give this kind of lawful artifact that can strengthen the soul. “Ho! I only gave two to the great Cecidian. Mom is so stingy.” The silver dragon looked at the magical artifacts deep in the treasure house with some pity.

 Speaking, the silver dragon quickly put away the two law artifacts in front of him.

 Then he turned to look at the thousands of top-level divine objects behind him, and flew in front of a ball of light that was several meters in size and looked like gold and jade, his eyes shining with light.

 “Ho! Mom, this thing smells so good, the great Cecilia wants to eat it.”

Suddenly, the light group on the surface of the golden jade fluctuated slightly, seeming to hesitate, and finally dispersed, revealing the top-level divine object wrapped inside.


The silver dragon let out a cheer, grabbed the golden and jade artifact and stuffed it into the reverse scale, then spread its wings and flew to a group of fruits exuding rich life energy.

 Then the silver dragon roared again and shouted: “Ho! Mom, Ao Tian likes this good thing very much. It can grow bigger after eating it, really.”

On the distant mountain peak, the blue-white giant dragon that was just about to sleep twitched its mouth, but after a slight hesitation, it still dispersed the power of rules that enveloped the divine fruit.

Suddenly, the silver dragon let out a roar of joy, grabbed the divine fruit that exuded rich life energy and flew to the Thunder Flame Tianlong, blinking at it with its big eyes.

 “Ho! Ao Tian, ​​eat quickly.”

Seeing this, Lei Yan Tianlong was naturally not polite. When he opened his mouth, a strong suction force came out to cover the divine fruit, and he swallowed it in one gulp.

  Boom! Rich life energy exploded in Lei Yan Tianlong’s body.

Compared to the golden lotus flower eaten earlier, this divine fruit containing pure life energy has a better effect on Leiyan Tianlong, and its size begins to expand under the endless energy.

 Click click click!

The muscles expanded, the bones extended, and the scales on the body grew larger. Soon the size of the black-red giant beast skyrocketed from 520 meters to 541 meters.

This growth is not just about body length but also overall. In an instant, Leiyan Tianlong looks more powerful and ferocious.

 Such an astonishing growth and energy absorption and transformation speed surprised the blue-white dragon far away on the other side of the mountain, with a hint of shock in his eyes.

 “Does this little guy have an evolutionary talent?”

The body of the mythical behemoth has been tempered by laws and is extremely powerful, but at the same time it is more difficult to grow. It does not take a lot of energy to pile up.

 At the mythical level, every time a giant beast’s body grows, it not only consumes a huge amount of energy, but also evolves and purifies its blood with some of the laws of the body.

Hence, when reaching the mythical level, it will be a long process to grow in size and strength. Many giant beasts will choose to occupy a territory to grow slowly, devouring the heavenly materials and earthly treasures in the territory to temper their bodies.

 But this little guy…

 “Ho! Mom, this thing smells so good, the great Cecilia wants to eat it.”

 “Ho! Mom, the energy contained in this good thing is so strong. Ao Tian will definitely grow a lot after eating it.”

 “Ho! Mom, Ao Tian will be very happy after eating this good thing.”

 “Hoar! The energy emitted by this thing matches the big horn…”

Next in the treasure house, the silver dragon will roar whenever it sees a good thing, shouting that it wants to eat it or that the Thunder Flame Tianlong will increase its strength if it eats it.

At this time, the white divine light on the surface of those divine objects will dissipate, and then they will be happily taken into the reverse scale space by the silver dragon, or thrown to the Thunder Flame Dragon.

The Thunder Flame Tianlong following behind the silver dragon will not refuse anyone who comes. You can’t be polite at this time, otherwise you will be wronged.

As the top divine items were devoured one by one, the Leiyan Tianlong grew larger and larger, and its length soon exceeded 600 meters, 630 meters.

 As the two giant beasts sweep away, the resources of divine objects in the middle level of the treasure house are getting less and less.

When the Leiyan Tianlong grew to 710 meters, a powerful force suddenly came and rolled up the five giant beasts and threw them out of the treasure house.

  Boom! Along with the space vibration, the silver door on the ice platform slowly disappeared.

  ”Ho! Mom, the great Cecidian hasn’t finished loading it yet.” Standing on the ice platform, the silver dragon felt a pity that it had only collected a small part of it.

“Cessitia, it’s okay. If you move any further, your mother’s treasure house will be empty.” As he spoke, Lei Yan Tianlong, who became increasingly terrifying in size, shook his head.

 I just ate too much good food, and the energy was not fully digested for a while, so I was a little drunk.

The one-horned tiger Kun on the side was also swaying. At this time, the size of this guy had also increased by more than 20 meters, and the rich and amazing energy in his body had not yet been digested.

This time following Cecilia, they also got a lot of good things.

Including the giant beast Candle Dragon, this giant beast is also exuding strong energy fluctuations. Its aura is gradually approaching the mythical level, and its pressure is getting stronger and stronger.

As a behemoth that has reached the quasi-mythical level, the red dragon’s strength has been unable to improve. What it needs is a divine object that accelerates the tempering of the body’s laws.

 Similarly, the purple dragon also received a pure golden liquid that can accelerate its ‘growth and development’.

It’s just that this little guy is lying on the head of Lei Yantian’s dragon at this time, with a silly smile on his face. He is a little dizzy from milk, no, he is dizzy from energy, and he has indigestion after eating too much.

“Ho! Cecidian, give me those life crystals. You guys need to digest those sleeping divine objects next, and I just want to make a breakthrough.”

 Hearing Lei Yan Tianlong say that he wanted to break through, the eyes of the silver giant beasts showed envy.

Envy it when it says a breakthrough can be achieved.

At this moment, the red candle dragon floating on the edge suddenly roared: “Roar! Sai, Xi, Di, Ya, mother, dear, good, strong, big.”

This guy…? ? Cecidia couldn’t help but have doubts in her eyes.

When the red candle dragon was eating something good earlier, it opened its mouth and took a bite without losing any connection. But now it reacted to the pressure of its mother from the front? ?

Lei Yan Tianlong thought for a while: “Its consciousness should be in different time periods, and it will only briefly leave when it encounters danger or benefits.”

Suddenly, the silver dragon shuddered, shook his head and growled: “The power of time is too terrifying. Fortunately, the great Cecidian does not have this power.”

 This is hard to say. Lei Yan Tianlong’s eyes were strange.

The mother of the silver dragon is a dragon that masters the destructive ice crystal storm, and his father is a dragon that masters the power of the law of time. As a descendant, it is impossible to awaken only one kind of power.

While Lei Yan Tianlong was thoughtful, the silver dragon took out the dozens of high-level crystals harvested earlier, and then several giant beasts found separate halls to sleep and digest.

Especially Cecilia, it will have to sleep for a period of time to digest the two law-level artifacts.

There is another chapter. By the way, I would like to recommend this seedling. Brothers who are interested can check it out.

 (End of this chapter)

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