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I’m A Wasteland Giant

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Chapter 174 – Chapter 174: Chapter 173: Heaven i s Pride Academy!

Chapter 174: Chapter 173: Heaven i s Pride Academy!

(10,000-word big chapter, please subscribe!)

Translator: 549690339

“Remember, once you step out, you represent the White Dragon Mountain Universe Nation. Your words and actions should reflect that…

“Do you understand?”

In the plaza beneath the virtual universe building, Yan Xiong was giving his final instructions to the thirty players who had advanced to the elimination round, among whom Du Gang was also standing.

“We understand!” The hundred people standing below responded in unison.

Yan Xiong nodded approvingly before laughing. “Great, now, everyone, follow me!”

Having said this, he flew off, controlling his speed so that everyone else could follow him.

So they flew for more than half an hour and arrived at a base.

At this moment, over a thousand people were already standing neatly in line there.

“These are the company’s Universe-Level Inner Sect Disciples, who will accompany you to the Qiankun Universe Nation! ”

Having briefly introduced them, Yan Xiong loudly instructed everyone, “Board the ship!”

Immediately the assembled crowd lined up and boarded the spaceship in an orderly fashion.

Then, with a jump, the spaceship appeared at another base, a combined base of the four major companies.

Quickly Du Gang and the others followed Yan Xiong off the spaceship. Outside, members of the other three major companies had all arrived.

Next, the four groups congregated and boarded an even larger spaceship.

After adjusting the spaceship, it jumped again, reaching the White Dragon Fort first. From there, it embarked again, jumping towards the Qiankun Universe Nation.

After a brief disorientation. when the spaceship reappeared. it had reached the

transit base at the outskirts of the Qiankun Universe Nation.

While operating the button to make the cabin transparent, Yan Xiong laughed,

“Do you see that huge Bagua Map below?”

At this moment, a giant Bagua Map lay beneath everyone, completely obscuring the universe beneath it.

“This Bagua Map is the Qiankun Continent, which is the Qiankun Universe Nation…”

After witnessing the grandeur of White Dragon Mountain, Du Gang wasn’t too surprised, only curious as to how large this Qiankun Continent would be.

“The Qiankun Continent has a diameter of ten million light years, almost a hundred times larger than our White Dragon Mountain!”

Everyone was initially confused, wasn’t White Dragon Mountain only a million light years away?

But soon realized, White Dragon Mountain was a dragon, with a maximum length of a million light years, a long strip shape, while this Qiankun Continent was a very symmetrical octagonal shape.

Now, the scene Du Gang saw at the White Dragon Fort was happening again.

Outside this transit fortress, ten thousand spaceships of the same class or even higher were scattered across the starry sky.

Yan Xiong pointed to the other spaceships in the outer region, calmly saying, “Fellas, these spaceships, to the White Dragon Mountain Universe Nation rank, are all finalists…”

“Just as the affiliated galaxies that come to White Dragon Mountain. Now, to the Qiankun Continent, you’re one of those ten thousand affiliated galaxies…”

Du Gang could accept this quickly, after all, he came from the Milky Way Galaxy and had been looked down upon by the people of the White Dragon Mountain Universe Nation.

But for Chen Feng and others, it was a bit hard to take, after all, they had always been the best, including their family situation.

But now, they were like country bumpkins from a lower universe nation.

“The Qiankun Continent, divided into sixty-four areas according to different positions on the Bagua Map, we will be going to the Qian area, the first area of Qiankun Continent…”

Soon Du Gang experienced the same process as when he first arrived at White Dragon Mountain.

Jumping into the interior of the continent, then the four companies separated, continuing to jump into the virtual universe inner region, where representatives from ten thousand universe nations, under the new branch building, received speeches from the local branch manager.

“Alright, all branch managers, please take your people to register their identities and arrange subsequent work!”

The Sector Lord of the branch at the Qiankun Continent did not have much desire for speech, and after some perfunctory words, he dismissed the team and let each branch manager handle the subsequent work.

Obviously, these branch managers had been to this place before and were not clueless about it. Ten thousand teams entered different ports in sequence to register their identities.

In addition to Du Gang and the other thirty players who advanced to the elimination round, there were almost a thousand more Universe-Level Inner Sect Disciples, who were basically led by another ordinary Domain Lord Level powerhouse.

After Du Gang and the other thirty people had their identities registered, Yan Xiong took them and left first.

“Do you know why I took you out alone?” Yan Xiong asked with a faint smile.

The thirty people present all looked at one another.

Chen Feng ventured a guess: “Is it because we’re the participants in the elimination round?”

“Chen Feng is right, the reason you are called here is indeed related to your advancement in the elimination competition…”

Yan Xiong smiled and said, “You thirty are the most outstanding individuals in the last five thousand years on White Dragon Mountain…”

“Your future is not only as outer sect disciples, and not only as inner sect disciples, you can be core disciples like me, you can even become a direct disciple stronger than me, or even become eternal…”

Suddenly, the entire audience was boiling with passion, wishing that they could immediately become core disciples or direct disciples.

Yan Xiong paused for a moment, then continued, “The reason you are called here is indeed related to your advancement in this elimination competition…”

“The Cosmic Peak Talents Competition is held once every five thousand years. The representatives of the elementary universe countries that participate in the competition in the medium universe countries are all exceptional talents…”

“Don’t think that those cosmos-level inner sect disciples who came with you are outdoing you just because they’re inner sect and you’re outer sect. In fact, there are many who can’t even compare to you…”

“Let me put it this way, normally, students of early universe countries have to wait until they become cosmos-level inner sect disciples before they advance to mid-level universe countries…”

“But you all belong to the group who came to the mid-level universe country in advance, you are the most outstanding batch…”

Du Gang understood this point. If the cosmos-level inner sect disciples were truly the most outstanding, they would have advanced in the previous Cosmic Peak Talents Competitions. Would they need to come here with them?

“In order to cater to the best talented disciples like you, the four major companies have established a Talents Academy in the medium universe country. Every year, only the competing student candidates who have advanced from the lower universe countries can join this Talents Academy…” Suddenly, everyone present felt an excitement.

Compared to the thousand-plus cosmic level disciples, they were clearly more outstanding.

“This Talents Academy enrolls new students every five thousand years, and gathers all the talents from the Qiankun Universe Country and its ten thousand affiliated elementary universe countries…”

“There are many resources in the academy. As long as you work hard enough and excel, you will get many resources!”

Under Yan Xiong’s leadership, everyone once again returned to the base from which they came. Once they boarded the spacecraft and jumped, they arrived at a huge, sealed base.

At this moment, other talents from different galaxies also disembarked from their ships.

This time, not only were there people from the Virtual Universe Corporation, but people from the other three companies had also arrived.

The top one hundred from the White Dragon Mountain that were previously separated were reunited at this moment.

Each early universe country sent one hundred contestants, meaning that ten thousand early universe countries sent a million contestants.

“There are one million students in our class?”

Chen Feng asked in astonishment.

Although he had expected this, he was still a bit shocked after hearing the actual number.

Yan Xiong laughed, “It’s not just one million people. Those one million are just the talented ones from our ten thousand elementary universe countries. On the mainland of Qiankun, there are actually another million competitors…” “So, our class in the Talents Academy has a total of two million people?”

“That’s right!”

Yan Xiong laughed, “In total, the Talents Academy has ten classes, and the total number reaches twenty million. Imagine how much resources the four major corporations will invest for these twenty million students.”

“As long as you are excellent enough in the Talents Academy, you can seize resources from others and make even further progress…’

Soon, an attendant came over.

“Students from White Dragon Mountain?”

Yan Xiong nodded, “Indeed!”

“Alright, students follow me and parents stay here!”

In the attendant’s eyes, the four heads of departments were considered to be the parents.

After Du Gang and others saw Yan Xiong nodding, they quickly followed the staff member and left.

“My name is Xi Wu, and I’m your class teacher…”

As Xi Wu walked, she explained, “In order to ensure you all grow rapidly, the senior management have organised different classes based on regions…”

“From now on, you students from White Dragon Mountain will be known as the first-year White Dragon Class…”

Du Gang understood. The upper echelons were worried that they would become too comfortable, so they purposely separated classes by region to create some trouble and potentially stir up some conflicts.

“In the Academy, there is a points system equivalent in value to all four companies. This means that you can exchange the points you earn in the Academy for resources from your respective companies…”

“There are many ways to earn points in the Academy…”

Xi Wu suddenly looked at everyone with a deep meaning and laughed, “Of course, there are also many ways to lose points in the academy…”

At this time, Xiong Cang suddenly said, “Wait, teacher, didn’t we come to participate in the elimination competition? Why are we suddenly going to school?”

He was surprised, wasn’t he here to make a name for himself? What does ‘going to school’ mean?!


Xi Wu suddenly laughed, stopped, looked around and asked, “All of you present here are at the Fourth Domain level, right?”

At this moment, Qiao Jin and Chen Feng suddenly raised their hands, “We’re in the Fifth Domain…”

Everyone was startled. They hadn’t expected that these two had actually advanced to the fifth level in just half a year!

Xi Wu wasn’t surprised and laughed, “Good, you two are at the fifth level, while most of the others are at the fourth!”

“Do you know what is the weakest level among the one million contestants eligible to enter the elimination competition in the entire Qiankun continent?”

“Fourth Domain!”

“And what is the strongest level?”

Before anyone could answer, he continued, “The peak of the Sixth Domain. This kind of contestant, there’s about ten thousand people on the Qiankun continent. There are also nearly a hundred thousand people in the Fifth Domain, and the rest are among the best in the Fourth Domain…”

“And only a hundred people can finally advance from the elimination competition. Do you understand what this means? It means that if you want to advance, you need to compete with those ten thousand Sixth Domain contestants, compete with those hundred thousand Fifth Domain contestants. Do you think you can do it?”

Xi Wu laughed, “Now, there’s a month left before the elimination competition begins. Do you see yourselves as one of the hundred who will advance or one who will stay here for a long time?”

Everyone was momentarily at a loss for words, “Are there so many strong competitors?”

“Of course, it seems incredible, but the population numbers don’t lie, everything is real!”

“Don’t y’all have new Light Computers? There’s introduction to the academy in them. Now, I will teach you the first lesson!”

“Warriors must contend!”

Xi Wu pointed at a towering mountain in front and laughed, “This is the first step that you must compete for, the scramble for the dorms!” “Scramble for the dorms?”

Everyone exclaims, “Do dorms need to be fought for?”

Isn’t it just a place to live? Why…

Xi Wu laughed, “This dorm isn’t just a place to live in, every different level represents different resources…”

“Get it!”

“The entire Dormitory Mountain is divided into ten major areas based on different grades. The top area belongs to the tenth graders, who enjoy the top-level resources, and the bottom area is for the first graders!”

“Of course, it doesn’t mean that lower grades can’t go to the top. If your strength is sufficient, you can fight your way up… don’t think about the areas of the upper grades too much, their powers are all terrifying…”

“For now, think about how to seize a good position in the first year’s area!”

Xi Wu laughed, “The first-year area is divided into two hundred levels, each level has ten thousand dorms, just enough for two million students…”

“You, as freshmen, should have been sorted out, but arranging ranks for two million people would be a waste of time. So, based on the performance of the previous class, the academy arranged the first dormitory for you, the new students…”

“Like you, the one million local students have also been divided into ten thousand classes…”

“For each grade, there are a total of twenty thousand classes. Unfortunately, your White Dragon Class ranked 19,501 in the year-end assessment of the second graders. Therefore, your initial dormitory area is on the fifth level, which is the bottom of the two hundred levels of the first-year dormitory area! ”

Everyone in the field immediately became indignant, “Why does the second grade determine our first grade position?”

“Exactly, their weakness is their problem, what does that have to do with us…”

Xi Wu laughed and said, “You need to consider this, the second graders, five thousand years ago, just like you, were the best group of people from the White Dragon Mountain…”

Everyone was stunned when they heard that and then realized it.

Everyone’s mouth opened, somewhat unbelievable.

Seeing the stupefied expressions of everyone, Xi Wu laughed, “Of course, not everyone is the same, there will inevitably be standout students among you this year…”

“And this dormitory allotment doesn’t mean that you accept it as is. If you’re not satisfied with your dormitory, the academy allows you to challenge the other higher-level students’ dormitories. If you win, you can naturally exchange with them…”

Before getting excited, everyone asked, “What is the basic reward for this level?”

“Students living on the first level receive a basic reward of a hundred points per month, equivalent to a hundred Source Crystals…”

“For every level increase, there will be an additional hundred points (or a hundred Source Crystals). This means that if you live on the first level for a month, you’ll only have a hundred points. But if you live on the 200th level, then you would have twenty thousand points for a month. That is equivalent to the basic reward of two Stellar Crystals…”

“Every two hundred levels count as one grade. The rewards in the second-grade dormitory area are doubled…’

“Understand? If you have the strength, just snatch the dormitory of the tenth-grade students. Then your monthly basic reward will be ten times, which means you can get up to two hundred Stellar Crystals each month!”

Everyone present gasped.

Xi Wu continued: “Besides the dormitory area, there are many other ways to earn points within the academy. For now, you should think about which dormitory you want to live in…”

“Then where should we go if we want to challenge people on higher floors?”

Seeing someone ask this question, Xi Wu pointed to a remote dormitory and smiled: “See it? Each dormitory entrance has a number. Behind the number, there are the specific conditions of students. If you want to challenge, go to the virtual universe, check the conditions of the students corresponding to the numbers. If you are confident, then go ahead and challenge…”

Xi Wu laughed: “Of course, to prevent students from malicious harassment, each challenge requires a corresponding amount of points. For example, if you want to challenge a student on the tenth floor, their monthly point reward is one thousand. Then you must put out one thousand to challenge. If you lose, one thousand points belong to the one who was challenged. If you win, you will obtain the right to live on that dormitory floor…”

After hearing this, Du Gang’s eyes brightened. At first, he was not interested in the dormitory area’s maximum monthly reward of two hundred Source Crystals. But thinking about it, if someone constantly came to challenge, the potential earnings would be huge!

Seeing that everyone was tempted, Xi Wu immediately laughed: “Alright, you can slowly understand the rest of the rules. Now, seize the time. If someone feels their strength is insufficient, just go directly to the fifth -floor dormitory assigned to you. For those who think they should not only live on the fifth floor, you can now go to the virtual universe to check the strength of other levels, and then challenge!”

After he finished speaking, he stepped away and left.

At the foot of this mountain, many people have already gathered. Basically, people from ten thousand galaxies have all come here.

“Let’s first return to our dormitories, and then observe the situation at higher levels before challenging!”

Seeing the dense crowd and chaotic situation around, Chen Feng was the first to speak.

After hearing this, others nodded and followed him towards the fifth-floor dormitory area.

Soon, everyone arrived at the fifth level of the dormitory area. As expected, there was a large number in front of each mansion. Behind the number, there were some details about the student living there.

Just as everyone was about to reach their own dormitories, suddenly, a notification sound rang from a student’s Light Computer.

[A student has challenged you for the dormitory, please enter the Light Computer within half an hour to respond, any delay will count as your automatic concession!]

“Has it started already?”

Upon hearing this, everyone immediately started running, speeding up towards their own dormitories!

Not only them, all the freshmen, at this moment, started to run.

On the way, there were constant notifications from their Light Computers about students challenging them. These challenges were mostly launched by people whose lodging conditions were even worse than theirs.

Over here, Du Gang also received a challenge. Given his fourth-realm Dominator status, it was indeed easy for him to be challenged.

He quickly arrived at his own numbered dormitory. These dormitories were built with special materials. Aside from the owner’s consent, no one else could enter arbitrarily.

On arriving at the dormitory, Du Gang briefly surveyed the situation and then immediately found a quiet room to sit down and entered the virtual universe.

This time, the place he appeared in was different again. It was in the Pride Academy of the Qiankun Continent.

Next, a small sprite-like figure jumped out in the virtual universe.

“Du Gang, a Fourth-Domain challenges you. Will you accept?”

Du Gang smiled: “Of course. I’m on the fifth floor, he needs five hundred points to challenge me. Why should I refuse free points?”

“Accept the challenge!”

The next instant, he appeared on a stage. On the other side was a thin-faced man.

“I am…”

Du Gang had no time for small talk. He directly activated the Third Transformation, and rushed over.



The challenger on the other side didn’t even finish his sentence before Du Gang crushed his skull causing him to be eliminated.

“These 500 points are so comfortably earned!”

After the game ended, Du Gang was instantly pleased when he saw the new points credited to his account.

“Du Gang, in the academy, after each challenge, there is half an hour of protection time, where you can avoid being challenged…’

While speaking, the sprite pulled out information about the dormitories of higher levels.

“Now, among us first-year students, there are over ten thousand Sixth-Domain students, most of them are concentrated on the hundred-and-ninety-ninth floor and the two hundredth floor…”

“And the Fifth-Domain students are concentrated between the hundred-and-eighty-first to the hundred-and-ninety-eighth floors…” “All that’s left are the four-level domain users!”

Du Gang laughed, “What do you say, if I career into the pile of five-level domain users, would they all go mad challenging me?”

Thinking about it, he directly instructed, “Bala Bala, get me the information on five-level wind element domain users within that level…

He decided to leap directly from the fifth level, to around the one hundred and ninetieth level, so that the people below could challenge him!

Soon, Bala Bala had located the related information.

Du Gang quickly started to select, any of the five-level wind element domain user could be challenged, but in the end, he picked one with the highest ranking.

The one hundred and ninety-eighth level, a wind element domain user named Luo Sheng!

To challenge him, it would cost 19,800 points. For this amount of points, Du Gang didn’t bother at all and paid directly.

Then, after waiting about thirty seconds, the challenge was accepted on the other side.

With a “swoosh”, he appeared on the stage.


Luo Sheng, as soon as he reached the stage, started laughing.

“Kid, you’ve got guts, a mere four-level domain user and you dare to challenge

He was shaking his head and taunting, “You country bumpkins really have no idea how big the gap between us and Qiankun mainland is…”

Before he could finish his words, Du Gang had already begun his third transformation, disappearing in an instant.

“How bold ! ”

To Luo Sheng’s surprise, his opponent didn’t bother to let him finish speaking and had already moved to attack, making him both angry and annoyed.

Without another word, he immediately flew up and charged towards Du Gang.

Half the speed of light, for him, was nothing special.


Du Gang, while operating at a high speed, swiftly struck Luo Sheng, only to be instantly blocked by him.

Seeing this, he seemed surprised and paused for a moment, then he quickly turned around and started to flee.

“Trying to run?”

Seeing Du Gang turn to flee, Luo Sheng hurriedly gave chase.

Little did he know, at this moment a faint smile appeared on Du Gang’s face.

“Swish swish swish!”

Just then, Du Gang’s originally fleeing figure abruptly turned back.

This maneuver made Luo Sheng’s eyes bulge out in shock, his face full of astonishment.

“How is this possible, is there no inertia?”

Not only that, before he could even react, Du Gang rushed towards him at an even faster speed, nearly equating the speed of light.


A white flash passed by and that five-level domain user was directly eliminated!

[Congratulations, you have successfully challenged and won the dormitory of the one hundred and ninety-eighth level. Your dormitory number is: 1980054]

The dormitory number was actually very simple; the first three digits represented the floor, while the last four digits were the dorm code within the floor, just right from 0000 to 9999.

“Beep beep beep!”

A message came from Du Gang’s wrist-mounted light computer.

When he opened it, he found that there was an additional group chat in his communication.

White Dragon Class Group (Members: 101):

Chen Feng: “Hahaha, everyone, I’ve made it to the thirty-fifth floor!”

When he opened it, he saw that in addition to their one hundred students, there was also Tamaki, the teacher.

He understood that this was a class group that the institute had automatically added them to according to their class.

After Chen Feng finished speaking, another student spoke:

“Brother Feng is so cool, I only made it to the eleventh floor!”

“Wuwu, I was defeated by a guy from the fourth level and fell down to the fourth level!” This was a girl.

Following Chen Feng’s words, the other students also started chatting.

Suddenly, someone exclaimed, “Look quickly, Qiao Jin’s dorm number has changed to the one hundred and eighty-first floor!”

Du Gang immediately checked Qiao Jin’s information in the group, and sure enough, in the dorm number column behind him, it had become 1815461

Someone laughed: “Isn’t this normal? After all, Qiao Jin is a five-level domain user!”

Someone else reacted, “Chen Feng, aren’t you already a five-level domain user? Why are you still on the thirtieth floor instead of moving up?

Chen Feng was silent for a moment, then replied with a smile: “Haha, isn’t this just to be safe and take it slow?”

He casually clicked on the person who challenged him, checked their information, and then laughed: “Zhang Ling, you’re also on the eighth level, aren’t you? With your strength, you should be higher than this, right?!!”

Zhang Ling helplessly said: “Brother Feng, I’m not like you, I really can’t get up anymore!”

“I just challenged a guy from the tenth level, who, like me, is a four-level

domain user and his domain was restrained by me. but he still managed to

defeat me directly. All my one thousand points are gone!”

At this moment, someone curiously clicked on Du Gang’s information, and suddenly, he was stunned.

He was stunned for a moment, “Am I seeing things?”

“Shouldn’t he be 0050054?”

After looking several times and finding the number to be the same, he was shocked and quickly sent a message in the group:

“Quickly check Du Gang’s dorm number, it seems like there’s a BUG!”

When everyone heard it, they quickly started to check.

Upon seeing it, they were all surprised.

“Fu*k, how did Du Gang get to the one hundred and ninety-eighth floor?”

“Yeah, how did he bug out?”

At this moment, Xi Wu suddenly spoke up:

“There’s no BUG, this is the virtual universe, no one will get a BUG. Du Gang being on the one hundred and ninety-eighth floor only proves that he challenged someone and climbed up by himself!”

Everyone was shocked and quickly looked at the detailed information behind Du Gang.

Indeed, there were two records of battles, one for winning a challenged battle, and another for winning a battle he initiated.

[Fifth-level student Du Gang challenged one hundred and ninety-eighth level student Luo Sheng, and won!]

“Fu*k, how is this possible?!!”

Everyone quickly checked Luo Sheng’s information. Indeed, he was a five-level domain user, and a strong one at that. He was just one step below those six-level domain users.

“How did he do it?”

At this moment, everyone felt utterly baffled.

“Could it be because his speed increased again?”

Someone remembered the time during the preliminary finals when Du Gang, relying on his unmatched speed, squeezed into the finals as a two-level domain user and advanced into the top hundred as a three-level domain user against all other four-level domain contestants.

Now, the people watching the group chat felt like Du Gang was a very strange person.

“Cancel protection time!”

Du Gang snatched this position specifically to encourage others to challenge him and earn points, so he naturally wouldn’t keep his protection time.

As soon as he canceled his protection time, a challenge message from someone immediately came.

Without any hesitation, he directly accepted it.

After he entered the stage, to his surprise, the challenger was a four-level domain user.

“You little kid, how on earth did you get to this position?”

Looking at this Four-Domain practitioner, Du Gang was utterly speechless.

Did he think that just because he had fought against me, he could withstand the challenge of the arena?

Shortly, the competition began, and Du Gang didn’t bother talking to such a fool.


After a flash of gold light, a white light appeared, and there was only Du Gang left on the stage.

“These idiots, are they throwing money away?

[Congratulations, you won the match and earned challenge points: 19800 points]

Nearly twenty thousand points for just one game!

“Twenty thousand points, equivalent to two Stellar Crystals, which could increase my height by two meters…” Du Gang laughed and quickly said:

“Cancel protection time!”

Immediately, another challenger’s information floated out.

This time, it was still a Four-Domain practitioner.

He didn’t understand the thinking of these Four-Domain practitioners, but it didn’t matter, if people were giving him money, he would fight!

At this moment, many people had noticed Du Gang, and as soon as they discovered his ranking and realm, many people started to challenge him incessantly.

For local Four-Domain practitioners, reaching the 198th level meant that they could show off in front of their old family, friends, and classmates.

Even if it only lasted half an hour, it was enough for them!

Moreover, in the eyes of these children of large families, twenty thousand points really weren’t much!

Even those who came from ten thousand elementary universe nations were not poor at all.

You should know that the conversion of points is based on the local universe nation.

This meant, before coming here, they could exchange one hundred million for ten thousand points.

Like Chen Feng and the others, weren’t they all the first imperial sons of the top families in White Dragon Mountain?

Those with little money were given one hundred billion by their families before leaving, which they converted to one million points.

Some even received a trillion from their family, which they exchanged for ten million points!

So, those who could appear in the Talent Academy were not as short of money as one might think.

Of course, the academy is not just there to dispense points to the students, many things, money and points can’t buy.

In this moment, nearly a million first-year students discovered Du Gang’s situation, and among these people, at least ten thousand reported having plans to challenge Du Gang.

So, inside the academy, Du Gang was feeling quite breezy, as he encountered only Four-Domain practitioners, they were dispatched in waves every few seconds, and he began to make a killing.

It was not as if there weren’t any Five -Domain practitioners challenging him. After all, the level Du Gang was in, was considered fairly high even among the Five-Domain practitioners.

However, the Five-Domain practitioners that discovered Du Gang at the moment and initiated challenges were not as many as the Four-Domain practitioners, so Du Gang kept encountering Four-Domain practitioners.

The most interesting thing was, some people who discovered Du Gang on the 198th level and was only a Four-Domain practitioner launched a challenge application, then realizing that Du Gang was protected, they stopped caring.

However, in reality, once a challenge is initiated, and the number of people is sufficient, the queue system would kick in.

For instance, right now, the number of people challenging Du Gang had resulted in a queue of over ten thousand people. “Are there options to cancel for these people queued to challenge me?”

After a game ended, Du Gang Quicklv asked.

“Cancellation can be requested!”

Hearing this, Du Gang quickly started the next match without hesitation.

Any Four-Domain opponent basically only required him a second to defeat.

In this way, in just a few minutes, he accepted nearly a hundred challenges from Four-Domain practitioners.

Finally, in the one hundred and first game, the turn of a Five-Domain practitioner to challenge came.

“Damn, it’s finally my turn. Kiddo, how did you manage to…”

The opponent had just started to speak when Du Gang had already made his move!

He was here to make money, not to listen to these emotional outbursts.

“Whoosh whoosh whoosh!”

In an instant, the arena was filled with images of Du Gang.

This time, his speed was even faster, and the arena was full of images of his spear.

The opponent was surprised by this speed, and once he unfolded his domain, he found that the spear images were not that powerful, and he breathed a sigh of relief.

“Damn it, I thought you were so powerful, but turned out you’re just a weakling?!!”

The opponent was very angry, and when he wanted to tear Du Gang apart, he discovered that although Du Gang’s attacks were weak and couldn’t hurt him, he seemed unable to catch his opponent.


At this moment, ten seconds had passed since the start of the match, and Du Gang’s previously elusive figure suddenly appeared.


The opponent immediately rejoiced, “Can you not maintain this speed anymore?”

He thought that Du Gang’s speed was due to some secret technique and swiftly moved towards Du Gang’s position.

However, the next second, a tremendous pressure was released from Du Gang’s side.

“Heaven Defying Spear!”

With a low shout, the entire arena was instantly cleared, and the Five-Domain practitioner was reduced to ashes.

Compared to six months ago, Du Gang’s current strength was even more formidable, and he had gained a profound understanding of burst damage. The original damage he could deal under the same critical hit chance was stronger, leading him to trigger the Heaven Defying Spear in just ten seconds.

“Cancel protection time!”

After the game ended, Du Gang never stopped and continuously accepted challenges.

He wanted to snatch their pre-paid points for the Virtual Universe from these guys before they reacted and cancelled the competition.

“Cancel protection time!”

“Cancel protection time!”

In just ten minutes, Du Gang had played nearly five hundred games.

The fastest games lasted one or two seconds, and the slower ones took around ten seconds.

His current strength completely crushed Four-Domain practitioners, and even the Five-Domain practitioners couldn’t last long against him!

With the number of defeated challengers gradually increasing, they, upon realizing they couldn’t defeat Du Gang on their own, chose to tell more people about this.

“Not only that, he’s basically winning a game every three to five seconds, non-stop!”

Some people even noticed Du Gang’s detailed information note.

They discovered that in a short time, he crazily accepted challenges and won.

“This guy is extremely terrifying, just look, Four-Domain practitioner killing Five-Domain practitioners. And these Five-Domain challengers can’t even last ten seconds… ‘

“Those Four-Domain student challengers can’t even last three seconds!”

For a time, news of Du Gang began to circulate wildly on the internal network of the academy.

When people thought that Du Gang might be the descendent of a hidden family, they saw in his data suffix that he was a member of the White Dragon Class.

This meant, he came from an elementary universe nation on White Dragon Mountain!

This shocked everyone!

PS: The average subscription is dropping like crazy, and I’m about to fall out of the Combat Power Ranking. To achieve my end-of-the-month goal of defeating the eagle, from now on three daily updates will be consolidated into two: one at noon and the other at night..

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