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How Did I Become a God

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Vol 2 Chapter 409: Sort out, step by step

   Like a mans on the back, like a knuckle in the throat!

   Guan Yujia, a cowardly, charming and beautiful young woman, these two idioms are undoubtedly used very accurately.

   Jinggao is in the center of the entire Phoenix family, and since he officially broke with Ren He in early November, his life in the past few months has basically been related to business. Moreover, they are all “fighting” with the Galaxy Group.

   As a god, Jing Gao never wanted to make life like this! During the period around the Spring Festival, he had a deeper thinking. His life will be divided into two parts: work and life.

   However, as part of the “work”, what he cares about is not whether a business makes money or not, but what he cares about is “power”! Internally, what is required is control. Externally, companies under his name are needed to influence more people.

   The current situation of Phoenix Fund’s subsidiaries and related companies is “big but not strong”! The only thing I can tell is: Uber!

   Of course, Phoenix Films performed well. After the merger of LeTV Pictures, Huaer Film and Television, and the hollowing out of “Haotian Pictures”, they are basically the top 5 players in the industry. However, this industry refers to the “film and television industry”, and does not involve the fields of brokerage, distribution, and media. Not far from the entertainment tycoon.

Other businesses such as Phoenix Payment, Phoenix Finance, Real Estate, Xiashang Textile, Cultural Tourism, Hotels, Clothing, Medicine, Sports, Banking, Venture Capital, Mobile Phone, Chip Design, and Manufacturing are all just setting up a shelf without making achievements and brands. .

   Actually, the outside world has already rumored that he is LeEco’s second. If Uber fails to list on the Nasdaq, or if its stock price drops after the listing, and does not reach a valuation of $50 billion, then he is estimated to be disgusted by the capital behind and fired.

   Jinggao nodded gently, picked up the thermos cup on the oval mahogany conference table and sipped, “Close, you continue.”

   He is still young and maintains a strong fighting spirit and firm will. Therefore, the second stage of the competition with the Yinhe Group is to open up multiple “battlefields” in an attempt to bring down Ren He’s body. He learned from multiple sources that Ren He is the emperor of Yinhe Group. And if the emperor is sick and hospitalized, what will happen to his empire?

   This can be understood only by looking at the history books.

   Or, his tactic is called “Break its Wings”. The Yinhe Group is like being surrounded by a large number of subsidiaries and groups in the mist. The competition between him and the Yinhe Group does not involve its essence and core at all. Then cut off his wings first.

   The specific deployment is to cut off Yintian Group, Haiyi Group, Ronghe Group, Haotian Pictures and other enterprises.

   At present, the relatives of the Ren family, the Yintian Group headed by Renpai Renpai, and Haotian Pictures headed by the brother-in-law of Renhe Wu Mian. In the former case, although the lawsuit was settled, Ren Pai’s son Ren Chao was sent to the country, and he temporarily bowed his head. In the latter case, a large number of technicians, directors, and actors of Haotian Pictures were dug up, and they have just been relieved.

Guan Yujia, dressed in a light blue professional skirt, sat at the conference table, opposite Jing Gao, smiling, and said, “Brother Jing, if your news is correct, if Haiyi Group and us have a hard top in the insurance field, At that time, the capital chain will definitely break, and there will be big problems. Ronghe Group is being squeezed by our partner Fangyuan Group. The collected information shows that Cheng Herong is under great pressure.

   In addition, the Galaxy Group’s business in Southeast Asia is basically what is in the bag. They plan to appoint Ren Zhi to go to Southeast Asia to take care of mines, chemical factories, papermaking, ocean shipping and other enterprises. The main emotional card, Guo Lingyu submitted an email plan to you, she thinks it is not a big question. Ren Zhi is not her opponent.

   Then, we should actually consider how to resolve the final plan of the Galaxy Group. “

   Well Takashi tapped the armrest of the seat lightly with his fingers. At his level, there is no need to go to the subtle details of business operations, such as how to allocate funds, how to avoid risks, and so on. But we must consider how to really solve the problem.

   “Yes, you can talk about your thoughts.” Jing Gao flipped through the emails printed in front of him. This was Guan Yujia’s comprehensive opinions solicited by some senior executives of the Phoenix Group. There is currently no idea that suits his wishes.

   Dong Youwei stayed in Shenzhen a year ago, mainly to deal with the transfer of Vanke shares with Evergrande, which has not been processed yet. Involving more than 10 billion valuation shares, the handover was not completed so quickly. He thought for a while, “Mr. Jing, I listen to you.”

   He has been with Jing Gao for only a month or two, and his main energy is to deal with daily affairs, and how to please the boss and serve the boss. For example: arranging a beautiful flight attendant on a private jet, a young beauty in a villa.

  How to deal with the Galaxy Group, as Jing Gao’s assistant, of course he knows the grievances between the two sides, and he also knows the details of Jing Gao’s orders. But this kind of “big subject” he said too much wrong, and he doesn’t need to wear a “think tank” hat, it is better to be more cautious.

   Jingtaka is noncommittal, looking at the mature beauty assistant Jiang Zi on the left of Guan Yujia, “Jiang Zi, what’s your opinion?”

Jiang Zi wore an old-fashioned black suit and uniform. He was an elite and plump milf, and said straightforwardly: “Ms. Jing, your request is really difficult for a strong man. Since the Galaxy Group is to be demolished, we must not use illegal ones. Means, it’s difficult.

  First, our Phoenix Group cannot compete with Yinhe Group for internal connections. If you fight, you will lose, at most you will protect yourself. We also have to face the difficulties caused by some operations of the Galaxy Group at the regulatory level.

  Second, the commercial competition between domestic enterprises and enterprises is nothing more than these few means. Tax evasion and safety and health inspections are all minor crimes. At most, it will be closed for rectification and fined. Unlike the beautiful country, tax evasion is punishable.

   A little clever means is nothing more than wooing the second shareholders to rebel, or finding ways to break the opponent’s capital chain. Or tap talents and technology, and directly set up enterprises to fight against opponents. For example, **** companies such as Gree and Midea are fighting fiercely. At that time, Huawei’s President Ren was so angry that he was furious with the rebellious Huawei prince Li Yi, and he could only set up a special office to stare at him. The main method was to grab business. Just like what Ren He has done to us now, we use real estate companies to compete with our Xiashang Real Estate.

   It is very difficult to have a situation where professional managers, shareholders, Wall Street capital, and competitors all merge together. The majority shareholder holdings of domestic companies are basically very high. Unstable controlling rights, like this time Vanke, attracts Baoneng, which has regular scripts. This is simply impossible for us and the Galaxy Group.

   The more clever means is that the innovation of business model or the change of industry laws and regulations directly integrates opponents. The rise of the Internet created a group of rich people. Later, the mobile Internet outlet created a group of rich people. But this is difficult.

   Look, Ma Yun and Netease’s Ding Sanshi, so many years of grievances, who can do it? Both of them are still in the Internet industry. The grievances that are not in the same industry are even more unstoppable.

   Therefore, our strongest method is to establish a corresponding company to compete with the core business of the Galaxy Group. And this may not be able to do anything to the Milky Way. With a market as big as China, many industries can accommodate at least two world-class companies.

   What’s more, you still want it as soon as possible. Commercial competition, according to the law of industry changes, three to five years are always necessary. “

   “So…” Jing Gao spread his hands.

   Jiang Zi summarized it well. From a macro perspective, when Chinese entrepreneurs get bigger, they will eventually fall down. It is rarely said that rivals compete to dig a hole or kill you in some way. Basically, it’s your own death, or mismanagement, or industry changes!

   Give a few examples. At that time, the entrepreneurial idol Mou Qizhong, he was a pure scam. There is no reason for not closing the door. How can the Ponzi scheme survive to the end.

   There is also Shi Yuzhu. His Giant Mansion is constantly increasing to build heights, and the capital chain is broken.

   In recent years, mobile phone manufacturers, such as the Coolpad acquired by Jing Gao, have been poorly managed and the market has been shrinking. It does not mean that a certain domestic manufacturer sue you for infringement and violates the law, then compensates or goes bankrupt.

   Wanwan Hongda could only sell very hot mobile phones that year, but he sued foreign manufacturers for infringement, and then missed the market and development opportunities.

   Of course, from a micro perspective, there are still enough classic business cases about corporate failure in the business history of nearly 40 years.

   For example, in the beverage industry, the struggle between Chinese companies and foreign capital is a classic case. There are many business skills and methods. Another example is the gains and losses of competition in China’s auto industry. There are also many business competition skills.

   But but… in the final analysis, direct to the essence, it is just pure competition in the commercial field, after all, it is the same track first!

   At present, Jing Gao and Renhe are purely commercial competition. Why is it so? It’s not that the two sides don’t want to use higher levels of power to solve the problem, it’s so simple. It is the balance achieved by the struggle.

   As a third-year student, Jing Gao’s strength in the system is not enough to compare with Ren He. What Jing Gao said in front of Guan Yujia, Dong Youwei, Jiang Zi and other ministries: Not aiming at destroying individuals, is it actually worried that Ren He’s friends in the system will get angry after he wins?

   As for Ren He, his contacts were used in the fight between Didi and Uber, and the subsequent explosion of business that suppressed Jinggao. The height of the well at that time was very uncomfortable. Almost to go to jail. Domestic penalties for taxation, environmental protection, violations, etc. are very light, but in terms of production safety and major accidents, they have always been very strict. However, Jing Gao has stabilized the situation with his huge investments in Magic Capital, Handong, Beijing and other places.

   At least, he is safe before Jing Gao’s fab is put into production. Don’t worry about the pressure in this area.

   “Our competition with Yinhe Group is basically to set up related companies first, penetrate into their core business areas and then compete? For example, we are competing to acquire Xunzhi Pharmaceutical this time.”

   Guan Yujia, Dong Youwei, and Jiang Zi nodded, “Yes.”

  Itaka knew that the assistants were telling the truth, but he was a little disappointed in his heart. I feel that he needs a “counselor” by his side. These people are qualified as secretaries and assistants, and they have very good execution ability, but they are not good at planning and layout.

   But in any case, the Phoenix Group still has an advantage in the situation. In purely commercial competition, what is he afraid of holding the infinite card in his hand? A loss of one hundred or two billion dollars on a project is simply not enough to be fatal.

“It seems unlikely that it will be possible as soon as possible. It can only be done step by step. Okay. Close, follow the recommendations and adjust the company’s layout. Spin off the Taichu Strategic Research Office and set it up as a think tank. Set up Phoenix Group and save the rest. Of the staff are all set up as the headquarters organization.”

   The structure of the Taichu Strategic Research Office was built by Guan Yujia within the past six months and started to operate initially.

   So, they submitted a report, suggesting that he adjust the company’s structure.

   The structure of a “consortium” is actually related to the national conditions and the personal will of the person in power.

   There are almost a dozen companies under Jinggao, which are not counted as registered subsidiaries, branches, and affiliated related companies. Therefore, this is inevitable in accordance with the organizational structure of the consortium. He was following the advice of his teacher, Professor Wei Shenliang, and modeled on the structure of the Samsung Group.

  Because, the question he urgently needs to solve is how to outline the leadership, control the overall situation, and plan all the companies. The “Samsung Future Research Room” model used by Samsung controls and leads its subsidiaries.

   However, there is a national condition in it. Some of South Korea’s successive leaders over the years have suppressed the chaebols. There is also the invasion of US capital during the Asian financial crisis. Therefore, in the game, the chaebols gradually reduced their shareholding in subordinate companies.

   The equity of Samsung Electronics, the core company of the Samsung Group, is dominated by US capital. It’s just that the control of the company is in the hands of Samsung Lee. But with Li Zairong taking over, the question of control is very serious.

   The Japanese consortium has always been cross-shareholding, confusing and engaging in the same way as US-funded enterprises. It seems that a professional manager is managing the company, but in fact it is controlled by a specific family. For example, the Mitsui Consortium we are familiar with.

  In the society of the book, there are distinct levels. A little understanding of the society of the book will know. Their class is quite solidified.

  The reason why this book does this is because they need to pretend to fight collectively when they put pressure on the beautiful country, so that the beautiful country can not find the specific responsible person. Collective responsibility means no responsibility. The book is garrisoned by Yingjiang.

   The current situation of Idaka is different from the Samsung Group and the Mitsui Consortium. At present, his company structure does not require the cross-shareholding of its companies to hide him from the public eye.

   The game of the book’s consortium. Gee, it’s quite complicated. Maybe a small shareholder of 3% equity in a humble company may be the actual controller.

   This is what he intended to do. But the time is short, and when Didi competed with Uber, it was checked out. And it was foreign capital that was attacked in the media. Although he refused to interview from all walks of life and learned from Huawei’s President Ren, his name was still exposed.

   So, he doesn’t need to learn anything about Samsung now, Mitsui, just come! This way the company operates more efficiently. The company structure directly targets the best domestic companies: Alibaba, Tencent, and Huawei.

  Established Phoenix Group Headquarters, with various large business units (BG). Each company is under the jurisdiction of the division.

   Of course, as time and age grow, he still intends to use cross-shareholding to hide his name from the list of shareholders of Phoenix Group. He doesn’t like high-profile.

   Guan Yujia said: “Okay. I will make arrangements. Who will be responsible for the Phoenix Fund’s acquisition of Xunzhi Pharmaceutical? Bring Mr. Cao back?”

“I’ll come in person. I’ll go to Magic City to take the MBA course in two days, and we will deal with it together. However, you first prepare the acquisition team for me.” Jing Gao raised his hand to check the time. At 10:30 in the morning,” That’s it for today. Jiang Zi, stay for a while and I will understand the situation on Uber.”


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