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Hold His Hand

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Chapter 33: Orphans in Wheelchairs (6)

Xie Chengze always thought that after Lu Yanzhou took care of him for a few days, he would feel impatient.

But no, Lu Yanzhou took good care of him every day, and even took care of him… cleaner than before.

He wouldn’t have kept the house so clean before, and he wouldn’t have wiped his body every day, now? Lu Yanzhou wiped his face every morning, let him brush his teeth, and wiped his body at night…

Seeing Lu Yanzhou rubbing mud off his body, he couldn’t tell the shame, but Lu Yanzhou completely took it seriously.

In this world, how could there be such a good person as Lu Yanzhou?

As for the New Year, he was actually worried too. Lu Yanzhou’s house is in the city. It’s not too close, but it’s not too far away. You can get there in four or five hours on foot, and you don’t need to take a car.

Because of this, Lu Yanzhou and Lu Hongxing would go back every year for Chinese New Year and stay at home for a few more days.

Xie Chengze’s health is much better now. In fact, even if Lu Yanzhou leaves, he can move around with both hands and survive.

But after living with Lu Yanzhou for about 20 days, he didn’t want to be alone anymore.

When the village chief and the others left, Xie Chengze asked Lu Yanzhou, “Will it be bad if I go to your house with you?”

“No, I already told my parents, and I don’t worry about you being at home alone.” Lu Yanzhou said.

As the Chinese New Year is approaching, he no longer needs to go to work, and he was not at home before, so he just went to the village to make a phone call to discuss this matter with his parents.

I came to this world and became someone’s son. I always have to go back to see it during the Chinese New Year, but if I leave Xie Chengze, that’s not enough.

Xie Chengze spent the New Year alone in the past few years, and he can’t leave him alone this year.

Fortunately, his parents agreed.

The image of the original owner “good old man” has always been well shaped. Although his parents thought it was a bit silly that he took the initiative to take care of the paralyzed patients, they did not stop him.

Xie Chengze clenched his fists, and while he was happy, he became worried: “Will your family dislike me?”

Lu Yanzhou said: “You don’t live with them, so what if they don’t like you?”

Really… Xie Chengze was relieved.

Lu Yanzhou said again at this time: “Aze, your health is better, and you can’t always lie in bed in the future. Lying in bed for a long time is not good for your health. I will take you out to see the fish tomorrow in the village, okay?”

If a person stays in bed for a long time, the muscles will atrophy, and the person will be useless after lying down for a long time.

Xie Chengze was a little hesitant, he would definitely be surrounded by people when he went out, and he would have to trouble Lu Yanzhou.

Lu Yanzhou laughed: “Don’t you want to watch me catch fish?”

Xie Chengze said, “I want to see it.”

“Go and see if you want. As for the villagers, at the beginning, they will stare at you, but as time goes on, you will live your life how you want, and I will always be by your side.” Lu Yanzhou knew, Xie Chengze Surely he didn’t want to be watched, but he always had to go out.

Xie Chengze took a deep breath. Lu Yanzhou cares about him so much, he must not let Lu Yanzhou down!

Early the next morning, the village chief turned on the water pump to pump water from the pond.

It was very interesting for the children in the village, all of them gathered around the pump to watch the water being pumped.

At this time, the water pump is relatively simple. When pumping, some small fish and shrimp will be pulled out, and children will pick up these things.

The big fish and shrimp can be eaten by themselves, and the small ones can be minced and fed to chickens and ducks.

“I don’t know how many fish will be produced this year.”

“We’ll be able to divide the fish later, my boy has been thinking about it for a long time.”

“That kid in my family wants to eat braised braised too.”

The villagers were chatting when they saw Lu Yanzhou coming with Xie Chengze on his back. Xie Chengze’s hands were functional and he was holding a bamboo chair.

Coming to the pond, Lu Yanzhou asked Xie Chengze to put the bamboo chair on the ground, and then put Xie Chengze on the bamboo chair.

Some people in the village went to Xie’s house to see Xie Chengze, but many people didn’t. Those who had never been to Xie’s house were a little surprised when they saw Xie Chengze.

That black, thin, skinny kid in the Xie family who was dressed in rags and beggars looked like a beggar. Today, he looked red with red lips and white teeth, which was quite likable.

Of course, this is mainly because he is wearing Lu Zhiqing’s clothes. Although the clothes are a bit big, they look good!

Lu Zhiqing took good care of him.

Lu Yanzhou thought that Xie Chengze’s clothes were too tattered, so he put his clothes on for Xie Chengze. As for Xie Chengze’s state… He actually felt that Xie Chengze was still too thin and wanted to make Xie Chengze fatter.

After catching fish today, he can stew one to make up for Xie Chengze.

Putting a pillow from the original owner on Xie Chengze’s leg, Lu Yanzhou saw that the river would take a while to drain, so he said, “Aze, wait for me here, I’ll go home and get something.”

“Okay.” Xie Chengze agreed and watched Lu Yanzhou leave.

“Xiao Xie, you’re having a good day! Tsk tsk!” A middle-aged woman walked towards Xie Chengze and said yin and yang strangely.

Xie Chengze looked up at him.

The middle-aged woman said again: “But you are too naive. You rely on Lu Zhiqing like this, aren’t you causing trouble for Lu Zhiqing?”

Lu Yanzhou was very popular in the village, and all the young girls in the village wanted to marry Lu Yanzhou.

Although Lu Yanzhou is an educated youth, his home is in the city, and there are relatives in the village. After marrying him, he will definitely have a great day waiting for them.

Even this, just look at Xie Chengze!

Xie Chengze was a poor man before, how long did Lu Zhiqing take care of him? He has flesh on him.

However, although Lu Zhiqing is a very good target, he now takes the initiative to take Xie Chengze over his body. With Xie Chengze’s oil bottle, his worth will plummet.

The middle-aged woman in front of her was determined to marry her daughter to Lu Yanzhou, so Xie Chengze was not pleasing to the eye.

When Xie Chengze heard her say this, his heart sank.

“You were hit by a pig because of your bad luck, and Lu Zhiqing was involved in the end…” the middle-aged woman rambled.

“I’m willing to take care of him, I don’t need you to care.” Lu Yanzhou came back just when he heard this, his face sank.

He knew someone would say something unpleasant, but he didn’t expect them to say it.

Xie Chengze had a low self-esteem, and he was afraid that it would be more uncomfortable to hear this.

The middle-aged woman was a little embarrassed to see Lu Yanzhou and left embarrassedly.

Lu Yanzhou went back to get the sickle and the basket, and wanted to cut some yew grass before he started catching fish.

He put the things next to Xie Chengze and said to Xie Chengze, “Aze, don’t listen to their nonsense, you are not in any trouble.”

Xie Chengze blinked, his eyes were red: “Brother Yanzhou, I’m sorry.”

He hadn’t called it that before, but at this moment… the three words “Brother Yanzhou” were suddenly called out.

“Don’t say that.” Lu Yanzhou said.

Xie Chengze grabbed Lu Yanzhou’s sleeve and lowered his head: “Brother Yanzhou, fortunately I still have you, if it weren’t for you, I would be dead now…”

Lu Yanzhou didn’t want to hear this, he sighed and said, “Aze, don’t talk about this in the future, you know, I like you.”

Lu Yanzhou’s voice was very soft, but Xie Chengze heard it clearly, and the corners of his mouth twitched slightly.

He was indeed a little uncomfortable because he caused Lu Yanzhou trouble, but there were other reasons for saying that.

He wanted Lu Yanzhou to pity him, sympathize with him, and not let him go.

He had refused and didn’t want to drag Lu Yanzhou down, but Lu Yanzhou stayed and treated him so well.

He can’t bear to let go now, he wants to be with Lu Yanzhou for the rest of his life.

With the cold wind blowing, Xie Chengze was full of firmness, but timid on his face: “I know…I like you too.”

Lu Yanzhou was stunned, looked at Xie Chengze in disbelief, and saw Xie Chengze looking at him seriously, his eyes full of himself.

In the last world, Xie Chengze always looked at him like this.

Lu Yanzhou suddenly realized that he had made the same mistake as the previous world.

Xie Chengze in the last world was almost isolated from the rest of the world. Occasionally, when someone was nice to him, he fell.

The same is true of Xie Chengze in this world. He has no one close to him who bears the name of Keqin. If he treats him better, he will be tempted.

At this moment, Lu Yanzhou was extremely fortunate, fortunate that he had said something he couldn’t do.

If they don’t do anything and stay together for a lifetime, Xie Chengze will not be angry when he regains his memory in the future?

It would take several hours for the pond to be drained, so Lu Yanzhou mowed the grass on the beach first.

The river beach is a bit steep. Usually, the adults in the village do not allow children to come here to mow the grass. They can also mow some grass, and some dead branches can be collected and used as firewood.

The most important thing is that by the end of the year, those two sheep will be handed over soon. Next year, Lu Yanzhou will not plan to raise any more sheep.

With this time, he might as well do something else to make money.

After Lu Yanzhou mowed a basket of grass, he heard the village chief call someone to catch fish.

In later generations, there are various tools for catching fish, and there are “water pants” made of rubber, that kind of waterproof suspenders, so that people who go into the water can wear thick pants and not touch the water.

But there was no such thing in Lianfeng Village at this time. Lu Yanzhou and the others could only take off their cotton trousers and go straight into the water in the winter, catching fish with a net.

Large and small, all kinds of fish were brought up, and more and more people were on the shore.

And those who came to catch fish would take a few glances at Xie Chengze.

Some of them dislike Xie Chengze, but some sympathize with Xie Chengze, no matter what, they will inevitably point at Xie Chengze.

Xie Chengze ignored all of them and only stared at Lu Yanzhou seriously.

After thinking about it, he felt that these people were not important anymore, and he didn’t live with these people, he lived with Lu Yanzhou.

The current him is indeed not worthy of Lu Yanzhou, but he can learn.

His hands can move, he can learn to make clothes and weave bamboo baskets, and he can always find a way to make a living.

In addition, Lu Yanzhou would like him, and it must have something to do with his appearance… He should take good care of his face.

At this moment, Xie Chengze was extremely thankful that Lu Yanzhou did not move.

Only in this way can he and Lu Yanzhou be together forever.

Lu Yanzhou caught fish very fast.

Even if his strength and memory are sealed, his learning ability is much stronger than that of ordinary people. It is said that catching fish was a little awkward at first, but he learned it quickly, and he caught it accurately.

“Lu Zhiqing is amazing!”

“As expected of Lu Zhiqing!”

“What a big fish!”

The villagers who came to catch the fish started talking, but Lu Hongxing watched this scene, but felt that something was really wrong with his brother.

His brother, who loves cleanliness so much, went down to catch fish in a pond that had been drained and turned into a mud pond!

It’s winter, how cold!

According to what he knew about his brother, his brother would only give the fish that was distributed to him to the poor in the village…

Together with the others, Lu Yanzhou caught all the fish in the pond all afternoon.

That night, the village divided the fish overnight. Lu Yanzhou got a lot more than the others because he went into the water to catch the fish.

He took the fish home, marinated the big one, and packed up the small one, ready to stew and eat it.

“Brother Yanzhou, let me start the fire.” Xie Chengze said.

A few days ago, Lu Yanzhou didn’t let him work, but now… he can help Lu Yanzhou!

“Okay.” Lu Yanzhou carried Xie Chengze to the bamboo chair behind the stove.

Xie Chengze couldn’t sit still, but luckily the bamboo chair had a backrest.

Xie Chengze grabbed a handful of straw, tied it in a knot and stuffed it into the stove – this would make the straw burn slower: “Brother Yanzhou, I want to learn a craft… I’m going to learn to tie a broom? Or make a bamboo chair?”

The villagers made these things and asked the village chief to take them to the town’s supply and marketing cooperative, and they could also exchange work points.

Lu Yanzhou immediately refused: “No.”

Xie Chengze was stunned for a moment, and then heard Lu Yanzhou say again: “You have to study. You were injured before, and I didn’t have any books at hand, so I didn’t care, now… I’ll take you to my house during Chinese New Year and get my textbooks back. , I’ll teach you to read when the time comes.”

Xie Chengze looked at Lu Yanzhou blankly: “Reading? I haven’t read books…”

In his family’s situation, of course he didn’t have the chance to go to school, and now he doesn’t know how to read.

Lu Yanzhou asked him to read, is this a joke?

“Yes, study, wait until the new year to study!” Lu Yanzhou was sure.

He has taught Xie Chengze once in his last life, and he already has experience, so he will be able to teach Xie Chengze well this time!

Three years can be long or short. After three years, he can take Xie Chengze to the college entrance examination together, so that they can leave together.

Xie Chengze was still a little confused: “Why study?”

Lu Yanzhou thought for a while and said, “I like scholars.”

If Xie Chengze didn’t confess during the day, Lu Yanzhou would definitely not say so.

But today during the day, Xie Chengze confessed to him and looked at him with that look.

He felt that Xie Chengze would listen to him.

Xie Chengze opened his mouth and finally said firmly: “I will study hard.”

Lu Yanzhou has studied books, and it is normal for people who like to read, so he must recognize words as soon as possible!

He can’t be worse than the others!

Lu Yanzhou can only like him alone!

Xie Chengze’s heart was filled with endless fighting spirit.

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