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Hold His Hand

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Chapter 261: Interstellar Live (23)

in the forest.

An old tiger is taking a step by step, slowly walking forward.

His fur was dull, and in some places the hair was even bald, and his body was mottled and ugly.

He is still very thin, and the bones are particularly obvious when walking.

He is very old, so old that it is difficult to hunt, and he can only eat some leftover scraps from other people’s eating, or rip open withered trees to eat the worms inside.

He always felt that the next moment he would fall to the ground and lose his life.

He was also looking forward to death.

But thinking about his comrades who died in battle, and thinking that if he died, no one would remember those people, he felt that he could still hold on.

This tiger is a fallen beast.

He didn’t know how long it had been since he came to the home planet, he only knew that when he first came, he was young and strong, but now, he was almost unable to walk.

From an orc, to a tiger who can’t speak and drink blood, he couldn’t accept it at first, but slowly, he got used to it.

It’s just that even if he’s used to it, he doesn’t want to be with other fallen beasts.

That would remind him again and again that he was originally a human being.

Such reminders make him miserable, and he feels he might as well live as a tiger and die.

Over the years, he occasionally encountered other fallen beasts, they would say hello to each other, and then go their separate ways.

He remembered that among the fallen beasts he had encountered, there were also tigers, and he didn’t know what happened to that person now.

When he is old, he can’t help but recall the past, but unfortunately, he can’t go back to the past.

Once upon a time, he was young and strong. In order to avenge his parents, in order to support his younger siblings, he joined the army and fought the Zerg to the death… But now… his younger siblings are probably still young, but he is about to die.

The old tiger continued to walk, and suddenly, a roar sounded above his head.

He looked up and saw a helicopter appearing above him.

What’s going on here? To take him for treatment?

When he came to the home planet, the military did not have a base on the home planet, but he knew that the military had built a base on the home planet in recent years.

People at the base patrol the homeworld and sometimes rescue injured fallen beasts.

But he doesn’t need bailouts.

He’s been alone for so long, he doesn’t need to go through a bunch of unnecessary treatments when he’s dying, and use those treatments to prolong his life for a few days.

The old tiger did not know where the strength came from and ran forward.

But he is already a fallen beast, and he is still too old to run away from the strong soldiers who came to catch him!

Those people quickly caught him with a net and kept him under control.

“Roar!” The aged tiger tore the net covering him angrily.

The soldiers who caught him rushed up to hold him down. One of them choked and said, “Captain Li, now the military has a study on fallen beasts and needs your help!”

The tiger’s struggle stopped and looked at the person in front of him suspiciously.

The soldier wiped his tears and said again: “If the research is successful, the fallen beast may be able to recover…Captain Li, are you willing to cooperate with the research?”

Tiger nodded.

Several soldiers looked at him with red eyes.

On their contact terminals, there is information about all fallen beasts.

The Captain Li in front of him looked old, but in fact he was only in his seventies, which was a prime time for orcs.

But he was injured thirty years ago and became a fallen beast, and now he is dying.

However, even if he is about to die, knowing that he is useful to the country, he is willing to participate in the experiment…

These people quickly took the tiger onto the plane, asked the medical staff to give him a simple examination, and said, “Captain Li, you must cooperate with the treatment! Only then can you participate in the next research! If the research is successful, in the future Fallen beasts, you can return to human form!”

The tiger, whose teeth were about to fall out, nodded solemnly.

The plane flew forward, and the soldiers went to find the next target!

This is an old goat.

He was lying in a cave, nibbling the hay beside him.

He originally lived with some other fallen beasts, until half a year ago, he felt that his body was not good enough.

He didn’t show discomfort, just said he wanted to walk around and left the place where they lived together.

They’ve been through too many deaths, and every time someone around them dies, it’s very painful, and he didn’t want his friends to go through that kind of pain again.

He would rather die quietly alone.

He found a cave to live in, prepared some hay for himself, and planned to spend his last years in the cave when he could no longer run.

Now, he can’t run anymore.

Once upon a time, he ran so fast, although his animal shape was not strong, and he couldn’t be fully animalized, but when he was half-beastized, all four legs could come out. Run for hours without stopping, evading the pursuit of the Zerg.

At that time, he also relied on this ability to rescue his lover.

Too bad he’s dying now.

I don’t know what happened to his lover.

Three years ago, his lover visited him once, but he ran away as soon as he saw the man… Now the man should have gone back?

The war was over, and he hoped that man would find another partner and live happily…

“He’s here! I’ve been staring!” A familiar voice called.

The goat was stunned, and he suspected he was hallucinating—he heard his lover’s voice.

He looked at the entrance of the cave subconsciously, and saw his lover break the fence he had worked so hard to get in.

The goat stared blankly at the man in front of him who had not changed much from twenty years ago. Is this an illusion before death?

He looked greedily at his lover whom he hadn’t seen in decades, and then heard his lover say with tears: “He’s here, grab him!”

After he finished speaking, his lover suddenly rushed over and hugged his feet.

Is it because he is afraid that he will run away? But he couldn’t run anymore.

Wait, isn’t this a hallucination?

His lover is here again? Did you find someone to arrest him?

What to do with him? He is just a fallen beast that is dying of old age, can’t catch him and eat mutton?

The goat was a little dazed, and then someone rushed up, lifted him up and walked out.

“Bah…” he called out blankly.

At this time, his lover spoke again: “Ayun, we are conducting a research. If it is successful, the fallen beast may be cured and become a human again… Are you willing to participate in the research?”

The goat couldn’t react a bit.

For such an important study, why did he invite such a dying fallen beast to participate in the experiment?

Is it because the experiment is dangerous and there may be casualties?

If that’s the case, then someone who is dying like him should really be found.

The goats were also carried onto the plane.

His lover hugged him and kept crying… Is it because he couldn’t bear him?

He licked his lover, trying to comfort him, he was not afraid of dying in the experiment, as long as he was still useful?

But…how is his lover so dark compared to the time they met three years ago? Not well dressed, is he doing well?

Similar things are happening in many places on the home planet.

The military bases add up to 2,000 people. Most of them are disabled soldiers who were injured in the war.

But apart from them, there are actually some other orcs on the home planet – some people will settle on the home planet after their loved ones become fallen beasts.

Some of these people are scattered all over the home planet, some live near the military base, and there are probably hundreds of people in total.

All these people, except for a few who stayed behind, everyone else went to arrest people!

At noon, Lu Yanzhou was eating when an old fallen beast was brought over.

Zhao Nan did not immediately bring the people to Lu Yanzhou’s side, but let them settle down nearby first, and then went to Lu Yanzhou to talk to him.

“Young Master Lu, someone has already been sent over. They are all very old, and two of them are in very bad condition.” Zhao Nandao.

“Do you have any information on these people?” Lu Yanzhou asked.

Zhao Nan immediately took out the information about the fallen beasts: “Yes!”

The time was relatively short, and there were only eleven fallen beasts brought back.

And among these eleven people, two were in very poor condition.

One is a captain surnamed Li. This Lieutenant Li’s animal shape is a tiger. He was seriously injured and turned into a fallen beast to cover the retreat of his comrades. It has been decades since he was very old, and he is about to die.

Another very bad condition is an orc named Baiyun. Baiyun’s animal shape is a goat. He is not a soldier, but an ordinary person on the planet occupied by the Zerg.

In order to retake the planet, the military arranged for some soldiers to go to the planet to investigate the movement of the Zerg. At that time, Baiyun helped them a lot.

Unfortunately, when the military liberated the planet, Baiyun was injured by the Zerg and became a fallen beast.

At that time Baiyun was still very young, but the sheep’s lifespan was not long, and now he is dying.

“Then treat these two people first.” Lu Yanzhou made a final decision.

When Lu Yanzhou made the decision, outside the home planet, the military released the information of Captain Li and Baiyun.

Captain Li’s parents died at the hands of the Zerg. At that time, he had just awakened, and there were two younger brothers and two younger sisters below.

To get revenge and to support his family, he joined the army and served in the army for twenty years.

In those 20 years, he was brave and good at fighting, and made a lot of contributions. In the end, he became a fallen beast in order to save his comrades who were seriously injured.

After that, he chose to go to his home planet and live alone.

In the interstellar era, there are many devices that can record various images. The military released some images related to Captain Li, especially the tragic war that turned him into a fallen beast, which was clearly displayed in front of all the people of the interstellar space .

There is no doubt that Captain Lee is a hero.

Lu Yanzhou treated him first, and now Lieutenant Li, who was brought before Lu Yanzhou, was a bald tiger without teeth.

People watching the live broadcast saw Captain Li’s introduction, and then looked at the skinny tiger, and burst into tears for a while: “It’s silly to cry.”

“Captain Li is so pitiful.”

“After he arrived at the home planet, he has been living alone, and he doesn’t know what his life has been like these years.”

“He must be fine!”

At the same time, on a certain planet, someone was crying loudly: “Didn’t you say he died? Brother! Brother!”

As he cried, he called the other siblings, and finally the four of them cried together.

They are the younger siblings of Captain Lee.

After Lieutenant Li joined the army, they lived and studied on the money sent back by Lieutenant Li, thinking that they would repay their brother one day.

As a result, one day, the military told them that their brother had died.

The military also sent relics from their brother.

As a result, their brother didn’t die! Just turned into a fallen beast!

The four of them have all accomplished their careers now, but now they are crying so hard that they can’t wait to go to their home planet right now.

The military concealed the information that their brother was still alive. They complained a little, but they also knew that the military would do this, and it must have been their brother’s request.

Now they ask for nothing but their brother to get better.

“Lu Yanzhou, when my brother is healed, I’ll give you half of my property!”

“Brother! Brother!”

“Brother how did you become like this…”

“When my brother is healed, I will give you all my property…”

The four of them typed in the live broadcast room with trembling hands. Those who were married promised to give half of the property, and those who were not married directly promised to go out with the entire property.

But Lu Yanzhou couldn’t see this.

At this moment, Lu Yanzhou felt that the condition of this tiger was really bad.

It should be because of his age that he could not hunt enough prey, and the tiger was even severely malnourished.

Lu Yanzhou treated this Captain Li in a simple house built by Zhao Nan. After he checked Captain Li, he brought a pot of spiritual plants and placed them in front of Captain Li: “Captain Li, eat, put these grasses. ate it all.”

Lieutenant Li was stunned.

He thought he would be sent to the research institute, how did he end up being sent to such a place?

It’s very simple here, and it doesn’t look like a research institute.

The key is that the person in charge here is very young at first glance!

This very young man even let him a tiger eat grass?

“Captain Li, this is part of the experiment, eat quickly.” Zhao Nan urged.

Captain Li could only be aggrieved and ate the whole pot of grass.

At this time, someone had already cleaned him, tied him to a small hospital bed, and covered his body with a white cloth, only showing his head.

Is this for surgery? To dissect him?

Why do you have to do this, don’t give it to him, sterilize this room? Because he’s dying, no need?

Captain Li felt that these people should dig out his beast beads and take a look. After the orc dies, the beast beads will disappear, so they have to do it while he is still alive.

If it had been a few years earlier, Captain Li would have been afraid, but now he is dying!

Captain Lee embraced the ensuing death calmly.

Then he saw the young man who let him graze come to him and put his hand on his forehead.

He felt a warm current in his body, which was quite comfortable, but he couldn’t digest the grass he ate before, and now his stomach hurts a little, most likely because of stomach upset.

Wouldn’t it be a bit embarrassing if he had diarrhea during the operation?

Captain Li was very confused, and he didn’t understand why the operation never started…

Lieutenant Li’s beast beads were badly broken, and there were five large pieces in total. It would be a little difficult to glue the five pieces back together.

If you take it slow… Captain Li doesn’t have this lifespan, wait for him to take it slow.

After thinking about it, Lu Yanzhou not only converted the small pieces of beast beads in his body into spiritual power, but also converted two of the five large bead fragments into spiritual power.

In this way, he also has enough spiritual power to bond the remaining three larger pieces of beast beads.

Although after doing this, Captain Li’s beast beads are at most half of the original ones, but it’s good that he can survive!

Lu Yanzhou was already familiar with the way. It only took half an hour this time, and the tiger on the hospital bed turned into a strong man with tiger ears.

This strong man’s face with Chinese characters looks more square because he is too thin, and it doesn’t match the cute ears on his head.

But Zhao Nan and others who saw the scene of the big change for the first time were all excited, and many people cried again.

Of course, those who watch the live broadcast have to cry with them.

Still Lu Yanzhou was the calmest: “Okay, don’t cry anymore, take him out and give him something to eat, or he will starve to death… by the way, don’t forget to let him go to the toilet…”

Captain Li was wondering why he had not cut himself, and suddenly felt that something was wrong.

Why does he seem to have hands?

This is a hallucination before death, is it definitely a hallucination before death?

But why did he still want to have diarrhea when he had such hallucinations?

Just when Captain Li was wondering, someone hugged him and rushed out: “Captain Li, I’ll take you to eat something… Wait, are you feeling sick to your stomach? Otherwise, you can eat while pulling?”

Captain Li: “???”

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