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Hold His Hand

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Chapter 250: Interstellar Live (12)

Xie Chengze gave the smashed mechanical bug to Laohou, told Laohou that there was a mechanical worm looking for Lu Yanzhou last night, and asked Laohou to help him check it, but said nothing else.

If Lao Hou knew that Lu Yanzhou was here to seek revenge, he would definitely lock up Lu Yanzhou and prevent him from contacting Lu Yanzhou.

If Lu Yanzhou acted a little too aggressively, the old man might even hurt Lu Yanzhou.

This is not what he wants to see.

He also did not intend to explain to Lu Yanzhou that he did not kill Lu Yanzhou’s adoptive parents.

After explaining Lu Yanzhou, he may not believe it.

Second… Even if Lu Yanzhou believed it, he and Lu Yanzhou would definitely be embarrassed.

Lu Yanzhou suspected him, and he installed a camera in his residence to peek at Lu Yanzhou and learned of all this… After this happened, will Lu Yanzhou still be as close to him as he is now?

Lu Yanzhou must have wanted to avoid him.

What’s more, Lu Yanzhou had to pay a certain amount of responsibility for the death of his adoptive parents.

So even if he explained it clearly, Lu Yanzhou might still hate him.

Xie Chengze’s heart throbbed with pain, and he felt that he had entered a dead end.

And he thought about it again and again, and finally decided not to say anything.

Although Lu Yanzhou was so close to him in order to let him put down his guard and gain his trust, he really liked Lu Yanzhou’s hugs and kisses to him.

He hopes that such a beautiful life can be longer and longer.

In short, he didn’t want Lu Yanzhou to alienate him.

As for later…

After becoming a fallen beast, he already felt that life was meaningless, and it would be fine if he could die at the hands of Lu Yanzhou.

No, he couldn’t die at the hands of Lu Yanzhou.

If he died at the hands of Lu Yanzhou, Lu Yanzhou would surely blame himself and feel uncomfortable when he knew the truth.

And Laohou and the others… If Laohou and the others found out that he died at the hands of Lu Yanzhou, they might hurt Lu Yanzhou.

Xie Chengze had all kinds of thoughts flashing through his mind, and then went back to his residence, and then saw Lu Yanzhou sitting there with his eyes closed, not knowing what he was doing.

But as soon as he approached, Lu Yanzhou opened his eyes and smiled at him: “Aze, you’re back… Let’s go eat together? After eating, how about you go outside with me?”

It is imminent to find Lingzhi to improve his strength.

Xie Chengze nodded and took Lu Yanzhou to make breakfast over the fire.

A few days ago, Lu Yanzhou was very enthusiastic about cooking. He would take the initiative to cook and feed Xie Chengze.

But today, he threw seven or eight ground potatoes into the fire, put a few pieces of meat in the pot to cook, and buried his face in Xie Chengze’s hair and didn’t move.

Lu Yanzhou is for cultivation.

The strength of his mental power cannot exceed the capacity of this world, and the capacity of this world is much weaker than the previous world.

So he can’t have the divine consciousness as powerful as the previous world, and he can’t cultivate like the previous world.

Fortunately, he has a set of very good cultivation techniques, and the demon cultivation technique “Rising Dragon” is not only very suitable for him, but also has no requirements on the posture of the practitioner.

When a snake is cultivating, it is impossible to have a five-hearted person.

He has already planned to keep cultivating all the time, eat something… just don’t starve to death.

When the meat and potatoes were cooked, Lu Yanzhou opened his eyes, then he found a basket with meat and potatoes, and looked at Xie Chengze: “Aze, let’s go.”

Xie Chengze looked at Lu Yanzhou’s basket suspiciously – don’t you leave after eating?

Lu Yanzhou knew what Xie Chengze meant, and he said, “I eat while walking.”

Xie Chengze listened to what Lu Yanzhou said, and took Lu Yanzhou out of the town.

He used to think that Lu Yanzhou treated him no change… It really wasn’t.

When Lu Yanzhou treated him today, he was a little colder than before. Lu Yanzhou was buried in his hair just now, and he didn’t even kiss him.

Lu Yanzhou still has no appetite to eat… He must have been hurt by watching the video last night.

Xie Chengze felt a little distressed for Lu Yanzhou, and he felt more and more uncomfortable.

He couldn’t help Lu Yanzhou at all…

Xie Chengze was sad when he saw that Lu Yanzhou had eaten a piece of meat that was much bigger than his fist in three or two bites, and ate three more potatoes that were bigger than his fist.

Seeing Xie Chengze looking at him, Lu Yanzhou handed Xie Chengze a piece of meat: “Aze, do you want it?” Xie Chengze had eaten before, but he kept looking at him, maybe hungry again.

Xie Chengze shook his head blankly.

Lu Yanzhou ate the piece of meat again, then looked at the rest of the food in the basket: “The rest is for lunch.”

Xie Chengze: “…” Lu Yanzhou was overeating after being sad?

The person watching the live broadcast: “Lu Yanzhou has eaten a lot!”

“Isn’t he notorious for having a small appetite? I used to eat a little salad to get full.”

“Why did Lu Yanzhou ask Xie Chengze to accompany him out of the town? Could it be what he wanted to do?”

“Is it good to go to the wild?”

“Please don’t!”

“Can the live broadcast company contact Lu Yanzhou? Don’t let him hurt Xie Chengze!”

The netizens were in a hurry, but Lu Yanzhou was concentrating on finding Lingzhi.

He handed the basket with his own lunch to Xie Chengze, let Xie Chengze hold it, he took another basket and picked it everywhere.

Lingzhi is best eaten after processing, but it is not impossible to eat it directly, especially since he is a demon cultivator now, and it absorbs faster than a human cultivator, so he can directly swallow it raw, and then use a small amount of spiritual power in his body to transform it. .

Just doing this will make his stomach hurt… If he is now in the form of a snake and there is no one around, there should be a snake rolling around by now.

When Lu Yanzhou faced Xie Chengze, he showed nothing, but when his back turned to Xie Chengze, he would immediately show pain.

Xie Chengze found that Lu Yanzhou was always carrying his back, and felt more and more uncomfortable. He didn’t dare to come up to trouble Lu Yanzhou, so he could only stand behind Lu Yanzhou and look at Lu Yanzhou tenderly and sadly.

People watching the live broadcast: “Woooooooo!”

“Crying while watching.”

“Lu Yanzhou must be very uncomfortable. He is overeating and eating indiscriminately, and he can’t help but feel uncomfortable.”

“He must be uncomfortable, he has encountered too many tragedies.”

“Hey, what’s even more pitiful is Xie Chengze, his eyes looking at Lu Yanzhou are so gentle and full of melancholy… He is a fallen beast now, and I am moved by his eyes, if he hadn’t become a fallen beast… just one look, I’m afraid will fall in love with him.”

“Lu Yanzhou, don’t do it!”

“Xie Chengze didn’t know that Lu Yanzhou had misunderstood him, and he was kind to Lu Yanzhou. If Lu Yanzhou suddenly killed him at this time… Just thinking about it makes me want to cry.”

After Lu Yanzhou ate another grass, Xie Chengze couldn’t take it anymore and typed on the contact terminal: “Don’t eat indiscriminately.”

Lu Yanzhou said: “I didn’t eat them indiscriminately. I know that these things are not poisonous, and they are good for me to eat them.”

When Lu Yanzhou spoke, he glanced at his contact terminal.

He didn’t know if there was any monitoring device in his contact terminal, but he said that there should be no problem.

Xie Chengze was a little dazed. He learned to fight since he was a child, and he really didn’t know much about animals and plants.

Lu Yanzhou said: “I like to study plants, I understand them.”

After speaking, Lu Yanzhou picked a few berries and ate them.

The spiritual power in this world is not very sufficient, but there are no cultivators in this world digging spiritual plants everywhere.

In addition, there should be spiritual veins near this fallen beast town… Lu Yanzhou can find a lot of useful things.

That is, after eating too much, I will have a stomachache… Lu Yanzhou clutched his stomach and looked at Xie Chengze awkwardly: “Aze, wait for me, I’ll go to the toilet!”

After Lu Yanzhou went to the toilet, he and Xie Chengze continued to walk to the place with sufficient spiritual power.

At this time, more and more people are watching the live broadcast. His live broadcast has set a new record and has become the most watched live broadcast!

“How much has Lu Yanzhou eaten?”

“Is it really okay for him to eat like this?”

“Isn’t he supposed to eat it? Didn’t he say he studied plants?”

“Does anyone really believe what he said? The plants on each planet are different. The parent planet is rich in species, and many species are still new. In addition, no one has ever studied the plants of the parent planet… It is impossible for him to understand the parent planet. Plants of the stars.”

“He’s just talking nonsense. He should be doing this because he is mentally abnormal and has triggered pica.”

“Most plants are still not poisonous, so he is not poisoned?”

“These grasses should be hard to eat. Alas, he definitely has a mental problem.”

Xie Chengze’s resume is too wonderful, and his experience is miserable enough.

If Lu Yanzhou was in a normal spirit, the people watching the live broadcast would probably scold him right now.

But before Lu Yanzhou’s manager dumped so many diagnosis records, Lu Yanzhou was diagnosed with various mental and psychological diseases…

Even Lu Yanzhou’s black fans couldn’t say anything about him.

This is a patient!

If he wasn’t sick, he wouldn’t keep stuffing grass in his mouth!

in the palace.

The emperor watched the live broadcast with more and more viewers, and saw that those who watched the live broadcast not only did not scold Lu Yanzhou and Xie Chengze, but also pitied them and became anxious for a while.

He worked so hard to make this live broadcast, not to make Xie Chengze and Lu Yanzhou fans!

Marshal Lu’s power has grown bigger and bigger, and he also controls all military power, and can force him to abdicate at any time, and now it is still popular…

He really wanted to kill Xie Chengze and Lu Yanzhou immediately, so that he could hit Marshal Lu.

If he hadn’t wanted to see these two turn against each other, he would have already done it!

The emperor looked at Lu Yanzhou, who had never been sick, and felt a little restless.

Not long after, Lu Yanzhou went to the toilet again.

The more Xie Chengze looked, the more worried he became, and the more he blamed himself.

If he didn’t like Lu Yanzhou, Lu Yanzhou should not have been poisoned, watched, tortured so he couldn’t wake up, and even Lu Yanzhou’s adoptive parents died.

Lu Yanzhou should kill him as well.

But he liked people for so many years and wanted to kill him, and his heart was like a knife file.

Lu Yanzhou was in a good mood. Eating a bunch of spiritual plants in a mess would make the spiritual power in his body a bit messy, but no matter how messed up the spiritual power was, it was still spiritual power.

After eating Lala like this, all the toxins in his body have been pulled away!

The most important thing is… Lu Yanzhou saw a tree.

It was a tree surrounded by thick spiritual power, and the few sparse fruits on it contained even more spiritual power.

The key is that this tree, Lu Yanzhou, understands that the fruits it bears are all spiritual fruits, which have the effect of nourishing the body, but…it’s hard to eat.

Bitter, sour, and tingling in the mouth.

Of course, the cultivator is not afraid of this, and after protecting his mouth with spiritual power, he can eat it without error.

If you use it to make alchemy, the effect is better.

Xie Chengze was startled when he saw Lu Yanzhou staring at the tree with bright eyes, and hurriedly typed: “You can’t eat the fruit of that tree, Lao Hou was poisoned after eating it…”

After Lao Hou became a fallen beast, he was probably too bored, and was keen to try all kinds of food he had never seen before.

Old Hou picked the fruit from this tree and ate it. After eating it, he felt uncomfortable for several days, his mouth was sore and numb, and he had diarrhea!

However, just after Xie Chengze finished playing, he released it in his voice, and Lu Yanzhou had already started to climb the tree.

As long as you have skills, it is not difficult to climb trees, and Lu Yanzhou has the skills to climb trees.

He climbed up the tree in twos and threes, picked the fruit and threw it on the ground.

Xie Chengze: “…”

Lu Yanzhou also said: “Aze, this fruit is not poisonous, but it is a bit unpalatable.” After speaking, Lu Yanzhou took a bite of the fruit in his hand.

He can’t block his sense of taste yet. This fruit is really unpalatable, but eating it is good for the body, so Lu Yanzhou endured it.

Xie Chengze was so anxious to scratch the tree that he wanted to take away the fruit from Lu Yanzhou’s hand, but Lu Yanzhou was in a very high position, and he couldn’t get close to Lu Yanzhou at all.

He wanted to shout, but couldn’t.

He wanted to break the tree, but was afraid that Lu Yanzhou would fall.

He could only look at Lu Yanzhou in horror. At this moment, Xie Chengze hated himself a little.

Lu Yanzhou was frightened by Xie Chengze’s behavior, so he quickly got down from the tree and gave Xie Chengze the fruit he had bitten in his hand: “Aze, it’s really okay to eat this… If you don’t believe me, try it.”

This fruit nourishes the body, and those who have old wounds on the body eat it, and the old wounds can be healed.

On the contrary, it was him… He actually had no injuries on his body. The toxins were accumulating in the beast beads, nerves, and brain. It was useless to eat this.

It was so unpalatable and useless, so Lu Yanzhou stopped eating it, and planned to leave these fruits to Xie Chengze to eat.

He had checked Xie Chengze’s body before, and Xie Chengze had many dark wounds, some of which were even left over ten years ago.

Xie Chengze in this world should be a veteran who has fought on the battlefield for many years, and even the beast beads were broken in the end!

Xie Chengze has suffered so many injuries, so he should eat more of this fruit… He is reluctant to give this fruit to people other than Xie Chengze.

Xie Chengze stared blankly at the fruit that Lu Yanzhou handed to him.

He told Lu Yanzhou that the fruit was poisonous, and Lu Yanzhou wanted him to eat it?

Lu Yanzhou said: “It’s really not poisonous, you see I ate it.”

After speaking, Lu Yanzhou planned to take another bite to show Xie Chengze.

Seeing Lu Yanzhou make this move, Xie Chengze quickly grabbed the fruit from Lu Yanzhou’s hand and swallowed it.

Seeing this, Lu Yanzhou smiled. He hugged Xie Chengze’s head and kissed Xie Chengze’s forehead.

Xie Chengze was a little uncomfortable before, but now he was kissed by Lu Yanzhou, but the discomfort disappeared.

If Lu Yanzhou is willing to get close to him… it’s okay to eat a fruit. Although this fruit is poisonous, if you only eat one, it shouldn’t poison him?

Instead, Xie Chengze was a little worried about Lu Yanzhou – Lu Yanzhou also took a bite, will it be okay?

Thinking of this, Xie Chengze looked at Lu Yanzhou, but found that Lu Yanzhou was smiling, without the slightest worry on his face.

Maybe… Lu Yanzhou didn’t eat it?

He was anxious when he saw Lu Yanzhou took a bite, and hurried up to stop it. He was really not sure whether Lu Yanzhou had really eaten it.

Xie Chengze was thinking so, when Lu Yanzhou picked up another fruit and said, “Aze, eat the rest.”

The benefits of this fruit to Xie Chengze are huge, but they may be monitored, so he can’t explain it to Xie Chengze.

It’s just that Xie Chengze has always trusted him, should he?

Xie Chengze looked at the fruit silently.

The old man was screaming and screaming in the town, and wrote to tell everyone that the fruit was poisonous, saying that he was tossed to death after only one bite.

At that time, he still thought Lao Hou was stupid, he would never eat something he didn’t know.

But he didn’t expect that today he not only ate, but also had to eat a lot.

People watching the live broadcast saw Xie Chengze say that the fruit is poisonous.

They didn’t think Xie Chengze would lie, so this fruit should be poisonous. Judging from Xie Chengze’s anxious appearance, the poison should not be small.

As a result, Lu Yanzhou ate the poisonous fruit with a smile.

Xie Chengze didn’t see it clearly, not sure if Lu Yanzhou ate it, but they did!

Lu Yanzhou really ate it!

Why does he still eat poisonous ones, is Lu Yanzhou crazy? !

Well he is indeed crazy.

Everyone kept wailing, and at that moment, their mood was the same as Xie Chengze, who was clawing the tree with his claws, eager to dig the fruit out of Lu Yanzhou’s mouth.

As a result, after Lu Yanzhou finished eating, he even fed Xie Chengze…

“Oh my God…”

“Does Lu Yanzhou want to live? Take a bite and let Xie Chengze eat too?”

“Is he planning to die with Xie Chengze?”

“Xie Chengze shouldn’t eat, right?”

Everyone was thinking that Xie Chengze wouldn’t eat it, but Xie Chengze rushed to eat the poisonous fruit because Lu Yanzhou planned to take another bite.

“No ah ah ah ah!”

“I know it’s a tragedy, but doesn’t it have to end so quickly?”

“Too cruel.”

“Will they die? No!”

While crying, they saw that Lu Yanzhou picked up another fruit for Xie Chengze to eat.

Xie Chengze hesitated for a while, then ate again.

“So good!” Lu Yanzhou kissed Xie Chengze again.

His family Aze is really good. Even though he thinks it is poisonous, he will still listen to his words and eat it.

Thinking so, Lu Yanzhou hugged Xie Chengze’s head and kissed him.

Xie Chengze looked at Lu Yanzhou with wet eyes.

After kissing, Lu Yanzhou rubbed Xie Chengze for a while, and then picked up all the remaining fruits: “Aze, eat some more.”

The netizens watching the live broadcast were dumbfounded: “Lu Yanzhou, stop ah ah ah ah!”

“I can’t watch it anymore!”

“woo woo woo woo…”

“Xie Chengze ate it because Lu Yanzhou ate it, so he ate it too?”

“Is this a sacrifice for love? Why are you showing me this?”

“Seriously… Lu Yanzhou even ate it. Does he also have feelings for Xie Chengze and doesn’t want to live anymore?”

“The two of them don’t want to live…”

“Think about it, if I were them, I might not want to live anymore.”

The people watching the live broadcast were already incoherent, and Marshal Lu felt like he had been punched hard in the heart, and his chest was so tight.

He looked at Xie Chengze who grew up, is he going to die?

The rest of the military watching the live broadcast also felt heavier than each other.

Major General Xie fought on the battlefield for so many years, but now he is so dead, which is really unacceptable.

Lu Yanzhou put all the fruits he picked up on Xie Chengze’s mouth, and Xie Chengze ate them all one by one.

If he eats one of this fruit, he may not be poisoned to death, but after eating so much… Xie Chengze is really not sure that he will survive.

Xie Chengze knew why Lu Yanzhou wanted to come out with him today, and he ate indiscriminately along the way.

Maybe Lu Yanzhou just wanted to find an opportunity to eat poisonous plants and let him die outside.

He thought that Lu Yanzhou would be willing to coax him for a few more days and find a surefire way to do it, but he didn’t expect Lu Yanzhou to wait even a day.

It’s just… If something happened to him, what would Lu Yanzhou do in the wilderness here?

If a beast comes over at this time, Lu Yanzhou may become the beast’s meal!

Xie Chengze had finished eating the fruits, he stood up and wanted to send Lu Yanzhou back.

But there was a sharp pain in his stomach, and the moment his legs were weak, he fell to the ground.

“Does it hurt?” Lu Yanzhou was surprised to see Xie Chengze’s situation.

He knew that people who ate this spiritual fruit would have some reactions.

But he didn’t expect it to be so uncomfortable, Xie Chengze couldn’t even stand!

I knew earlier that he would wait for a place to live before feeding Xie Chengze!

But the fruit has been plucked for a long time, the effect will be weakened…

Coming to Xie Chengze’s side, Lu Yanzhou touched Xie Chengze’s stomach: “It’s alright, don’t worry, it will be fine in a while…”

Seeing Xie Chengze twitching and twitching, although he couldn’t make a sound, he was very uncomfortable at first sight. Lu Yanzhou still hugged his head and kissed him: “Good boy, it will be alright soon…”

Xie Chengze felt pain all over his body, as if something was cutting his body.

After eating so much poisonous fruit at once, he might die soon.

Lu Yanzhou is holding him now, right in front of him…

Xie Chengze, who had never dared to lick Lu Yanzhou with his tongue, stuck out his tongue and licked Lu Yanzhou’s face.

Lu Yanzhou chuckled lightly and did not hide.

Dogs love to lick people. In fact, he always wanted Xie Chengze to lick himself, but Xie Chengze was very reserved and never spoke.

He didn’t take the initiative to ask for it, and he never enjoyed the treatment of being licked by a dog on his face and hands, and now he finally feels it!

Xie Chengze was already lying down, and Lu Yanzhou lay beside Xie Chengze, letting Xie Chengze lick his face: “Aze…Aze…”

Lu Yanzhou called out a few words, but he also fell ill…

He also showed some pain, and hugged Xie Chengze’s neck tightly.

Practice it!

After practicing, you will feel better!

One person and one dog were lying under the tree hugging each other, and in Lu Yanzhou’s live broadcast room, everyone was crying.

“Lu Yanzhou looks at Xie Chengze… He should also like Xie Chengze.”

“So the two of them are sacrificed for love, right?”

“I’m so miserable.”

“I didn’t expect it to end like this…”

Xie Chengze was not as uncomfortable as the people in the live broadcast room.

Lu Yanzhou’s heartbeat was normal.

But he was getting more and more uncomfortable.

Xie Chengze licked Lu Yanzhou several times, feeling Lu Yanzhou’s existence.

He was about to die, and it was good to have Lu Yanzhou with him before he died.

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