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Half Immortal

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Chapter 11 : CH 11

Chapter 11 – Promenade Hotel (11)

Yan Wei stared at the photo for a while.

The woman in the photo had beautiful features and her temperament could even be seen through the photo. Her eyes in particular were like flower petals. They were slightly raised at the ends, making her smile appear even more stunning.

The painter’s self-portrait was placed together with the doctor’s identification photo. Both were smiling at Yan Wei.

Yan Wei’s eyes hardened. The various clues he had gathered after entering this instance gradually appeared in his mind.

The people inside the painting who could drag people in and dig out their eyes, the painter who could come out of the painting and dig out their eyes, and the attendant who clearly wasn’t cleaning up a corpse for the very first time which meant that the woman in the long dress who died last night wasn’t the first victim.

Several scattered clues rearranged and connected into a logical sequence.

He took out a wet tissue and carefully wiped off the dust from the photocopier off his fingers, “When the woman in the long dress died last night, Yan Mingguang and I went to the scene and noticed that it wasn’t the attendant’s first time cleaning up a corpse. This means that the woman who died wasn’t the first victim.”

Yan Wei rubbed his chin, “The instance we are currently in is clearly asking us to look for someone who is missing. Missing equates to death. In other words, this clue is actually telling us that the female doctor is dead and that she had died on July 3rd, the day the painter’s condition suddenly got better…..As for his paintings, her portrait was also the only one that was later completely painted by him.”

A thought suddenly came to his mind.

Outside the archive room, staff footsteps were getting closer.

Yan Mingguang glanced out the room through the blinds and said in a low voice, “Someone is coming.”

The light coming through the blinds drew small horizontal lines on his face, giving his usually cold and distant look a touch of softness. The silver-rimmed glasses also weakened the sharpness in his eyes and added a hint of gentleness and elegance.

When this person stood thousands of miles away, it seemed like his entire body was covered in ice but once you became more familiar with him, you would realise that Yan Mingguang was actually easier to get along with than someone like Yan Wei whose smile never came from the bottom of his heart.

Yan Wei took a few seconds to appreciate Yan Mingguang’s appearance under the soft light and then promptly made a decision. He quickly stopped the photocopier, picked up the printed information and pulled Gao Ming along, “Let’s go back. I have something that needs to be confirmed.”

“Back to the hotel?” Gao Ming asked.

“Yes.” Yan Wei blinked a few times, his thick eyelashes creating a shadow under his eyes, “Let’s go back to the hotel and go……to the art studio.”

Although the hospital wasn’t very far from the hotel, at most twenty minutes on foot, the three of them had spent quite some time searching for clues in the hospital and it was already afternoon when they returned to the hotel.

Fortunately, the instance didn’t ask that they return to the restaurant for lunch. After they ate some bread, they hurried directly to the art studio on the top floor.

The hotel without any residents was very quiet. Rows and rows of portraits hung quietly along the corridors, looking quite terrifying. On the top floor of the hotel, the door to room 1 was still half open like before while the door to the art studio was also wide open.

Yan Mingguang walked at the front with his knife. Yan Wei and Gao Ming followed behind as they slowly arrived at the art studio.

Fortunately, nothing dangerous seemed to be happening for the time being.

Yan Mingguang, who was at the front, paused for a moment. A momentary look of surprise flashed across his dark eyes.

Yan Wei raised a brow and stepped forward to look, “What’s wron……..”

His words suddenly came to a stop.

All three saw the change in the studio.

Perhaps it couldn’t be considered a change. Everything in the studio was still exactly the same as how it was yesterday, filled with eyeless portraits hanging from the wall. Everything seemed completely normal.

That completed portrait of the female doctor was also sitting on the easel in the middle of the room.

But on another easel next to it……There was another completed portrait!

Yan Wei’s memory had always been pretty good. He clearly remembered that there was a portrait of a woman in a classical palace dress on that easel yesterday with a blank space where the eyes should be.

But now, that painting had seemed to have been given life after the addition of a beautiful pair of eyes. ‘She’ looked ahead with a light smile on her face and her big and gorgeous eyes slightly bent. Besides the portrait of the female doctor, this painting was the only other painting in the room that had eyes.

Gao Ming’s eyes widened, and his breathing seemed to have stopped for a moment. He patted Yan Wei and spoke hesitantly, “That woman’s eyes in that portrait, it looks a lot like……..”

Yan Mingguang slowly raised his eyes. The silver-rimmed glasses gave him a cold and noble air, and his dark eyes under the lenses was calm, “Yesterday’s victim.”

As soon as he said this, the surrounding temperature seemed to drop.

Yan Wei had already slowly sorted out the clues in his mind.

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He tucked his hands in his pocket, subconsciously drew the two sides of his windbreaker together and came to a conclusion, “It’s clear now—-Digging out the eyes to complete the painting.”

Why did the painter who always aimed for perfection suddenly recover the next day?

The painter clearly could no longer draw eyes that satisfied him but why was there a completed painting of a female doctor in his studio?

Yan Wei blinked slowly. Enlightenment gradually emerged in those nice light-coloured eyes of his.

He put forward a suggestion, “Let’s sort this all out.”

“He was originally a gifted painter who could draw beautiful and life-like eyes. As a perfectionist, he was constantly in the pursuit of reaching even higher levels and he relied on this ability of his to make a lot of money and even opened this hotel to display his paintings. But one day, the painter seemed to have lost his gift and could no longer draw eyes that satisfied him, so he drew painting and painting of eyeless portrait and even sought out psychological help. All of that however didn’t help. He not only didn’t recover, but his condition also seemed to worsen. But later, on July 3rd ten years ago, he found a new method of drawing eyes and recovered.”

In the studio, the female doctor in the portrait had her head tilted slightly as she smiled at them with gentle eyes. Just like her identification photo, one could tell in one glance that she was a patient and good-tempered doctor.

He however felt a chill run down his back when he looked at this perfect painting.

“And this method….” Yan Wei’s words slowed down, “is to dig out eyes to complete the painting.”

“He invited the doctor to the hotel, dug out her eyes and painted this completed portrait of her. It wasn’t the attendant’s first time cleaning up a corpse and he also didn’t clean up the body of the first player who died in the hotel lobby because he was in charge of cleaning up the bodies whose eyes had been dug out by the painter. The first body he had cleaned up was the female doctor’s and the second one was the player whose eyes were dug out by the painter — The woman in the long dress.”

Yan Wei turned and glanced at the door to room 1 on the other end of the corridor and hooked up the corner of his lips, “Five rooms. We initially started with nine players. If the first player didn’t die and the number of players is odd, how would the attendant have allocated the rooms?”

“My guess is that the initial arrangement of this instance was to have one person stay in room 1 and the remaining eight players spread across rooms two to five. Room 1 was the place where the female doctor died and had her eyes dug out. She was the first victim. Adding her to the total number of players, there are a total of ten people who would be spread across the five rooms. It was just that we started off with one player dead so there was no need for anyone to stay in room 1.”

“My god…..” Gao Ming swallowed nervously and wiped away cold sweat from his forehead using his sleeve, “What you said sounds logical. Although I can more or less guess the matter about the eyes, but I would have never thought of those things about the attendant and room 1. So right now, we just need to worry about the painter coming out of the painting to dig our eyes out and complete his paintings?”

Yan Wei nodded slightly and then frowned, “I think—–”

He paused.

A small gust of wind that came from who knows where suddenly blew through the long and narrow corridor, bringing with it a cool sensation that wrapped around Yan Wei’s ankles.

Yan Wei suddenly felt something behind him, as if something was watching him from within the darkness. This feeling was even more uncomfortable than the feeling he had on the first day when he walked down the corridor with the attendant.

He quickly turned his head and looked down the empty corridor behind him but only saw portraits and mirrors interspaced on the walls. The entire corridor was silent and empty. There was no one else except for the three of them.

That feeling then disappeared.

But as soon as Yan Wei turned his head back, that feeling of being watched suddenly appeared again. The cold sensation seemed to linger on the back of his neck.

Before he could speak, Yan Mingguang sensed that something wasn’t right and said succinctly, “It’s dangerous here. Go back to the room.”

Yan Wei lowered his voice and used a volume that could only be heard by Yan Mingguang, “I may have been targeted and I also have a debuff. Probably can’t escape.”

In any case…..he still had time. Before twelve o’clock midnight tonight, he was still in an immortal state.

Even if he encountered a ghost, Yan Wei was certain that he could work around it.

In a hair-raising situation like this, Yan Wei actually laughed. He ignored the feeling behind him and shrugged, “Let’s go.”

The three went straight to Yan Wei and Yan Mingguang’s room.

But as soon as they stepped out of the elevator and before they could enter the room, the three of them stopped in their steps, their gazes falling onto a certain location in the corridor.

Yan Wei stood in front of the door and turned his head to look at the bin that had been restored back to normal. The chill behind him seemed to grow even stronger.

He said to Gao Ming, “When we went downstairs this morning, this bin was still lying on its side and there were two dolls whose eyes had been dug out lying next to it.”

In front of the door, Yan Mingguang’s indifferent voice also sounded, “The bloody handprints in the room are gone.”

Yan Wei’s heart skipped a beat.

They had watched the attendant take away the body of the woman in the long dress earlier. Although that scene was quite terrifying, they had at least seen it with their own eyes but right now, not seeing something was more terrifying that witnessing a bloody scene.

This kind situation where everything had somehow disappeared without a trace made them even more uneasy.

Gao Ming also found this situation rather creepy. He tugged Yan Wei’s hand and said, “Why don’t we enter the room first……With so many paintings out here, it should be a little safer in the room.”

Yan Wei nodded.

He took a closer look at the bin that had been restored to its original state and only returned to the room with Gao Ming and Yan Mingguang after confirming that he hadn’t overlooked anything.

As soon as he entered the room, Yan Wei quickly closed the door behind him.

He went to the desk, picked up a notepad and pen and sorted out the clues, “There should be no doubt about the matter with digging out the eyes to complete the painting but there’s also the matter with the traces we saw this morning disappearing. The likelihood of it disappearing on its own is low….After all, I also had a bloody handprint on my neck and that sensation wasn’t just my imagination. It was probably cleaned by the attendant. He cleaned up the dolls and the bloody handprints…..”

Gao Ming didn’t think much of it, “In the instances I was in before, these kinds of things left by ghosts are usually cleaned up by a certain boss or NPC in the instance. This is a good thing. If everything was automatically restored, it conversely means that there are some rules we need to figure out. Our immediate priority right now is to find the clues for the stairs. If the danger in this instance is a ghost coming out to dig out our eyes and complete their painting, what could the stairs be and how could we clear this instance?…..Yan Wei? What are you thinking about?”

Yan Wei didn’t speak.

The young man leaned back slightly in the chair and casually tossed aside the pen and paper in his hand. His eyes stared ahead as he seemed to be thinking about something.

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He dug out a coin from his pocket and distractedly tossed it in the air over and over again as he thought over everything he had encountered since entering this instance. The coin fell in his cool palm time and time again as time slowly ticked on.

This was Yan Wei’s habit.

He wasn’t someone who liked stability and would often wander around to various places with small change in his pocket to use for tipping. As a result, over time, every time he needed to think and had nothing to do, the act of tossing a coin helped him with organising is thoughts.

“Yan Wei, that coin…..” Gao Ming pushed up his glasses, “It seems a bit different? It’s not money?”

Yan Wei’s eyes glanced over, “Not money, it was custom made. I carry it with me to play with.”

The coin had a swallow on the front and a capital ‘V’ on the back as a homophone for his name. It was just that he had actually had two of them made back then but he didn’t know where the other one went.

Yan Wei lowered his head again as the coin fell into his palm with the resting swallow facing up. He slowly gathered his fingers to wrap around the coin and the scattered clues in his mind also connected together in that instant.

Everything joined together into a dense and complicated web in Yan Wei’s mind. All the clues were intertwined, as if it was all sorted out but there was also no beginning and end in sight.

It looked as if everything was explained.

But Yan Wei still felt that….something wasn’t right.


On the other end, Sun Shi and the other three players arrived at the art exhibition.

The paintings in this exhibition were also works painted by the hotel owner and were similarly portraits painted during the early to middle stages of his career. None of his later works were displayed.

The four players inquired about the painter’s background and as they searched, they suddenly seemed to have activated a trigger where the people in the portraits suddenly came to life and tried to drag them into the world inside the painting.

The three beginner players trembled with fright, but Sun Shi was still calm. He was actually a level three player but had performed too poorly in his previous instance, resulting in him dropping down to the first floor.

He originally thought the first floor would be very simple, but he didn’t expect the instance to actually be of such high difficulty and it even activated the betting stage! The item he had used up his luck to acquire was all used up as a result of this!

Fortunately, it wasn’t all for naught. After Sun Shi and the others cleared this stage, they found an item behind a mirror in the exhibition hall — A diary.

The diary didn’t look too old, and it was actually rather new and well preserved. There was a name written on the cover that matched with the name of the painter Sun Shi and the others had inquired about earlier.

The four of them were overjoyed.

This was the painter’s diary!

If something like a diary appeared in an instance, it would inevitably carry with it a lot of clues — After all, it would reveal the secrets of the person writing the diary from their point of view. He had also analysed several low-level instances back in the tower world and had basically concluded that these low-level instances mostly involved finding the necessary clues and using them to clear it. There typically wouldn’t be too many twists and turns in an instance like this.

This diary most definitely holds most of the clues about the painter!

While carefully holding the diary, Sun Shi impatiently turned to the first page.

—– “……….”

—– “If there is someone who is blessed by the gods, it must be me. No one else can paint such vivid eyes except for me. I don’t even need any skills to give life to the people in my painting!……”

—– “…..I’m getting better and better. It’s great. They’re all rushing to buy my paintings……”

—– “………..”

—— “Why can’t I draw eyes well anymore? This is an insult to me! This can’t be!…….”

—– “I really can’t draw it anymore! I’m going crazy. The talent I have been most proud of is gone. Without it, I’m nothing!!…….”

—– “I’ve tried so many times but I can’t draw it. I’ve painted so many portraits but I can never draw the eyes! I can’t tolerate how unsightly those eyes are, I would rather not paint them. No, I want to paint them, but it has to be a perfect painting!

—– “……..”

—– “…..I found a way. I can paint now! My talent is back! Those paintings of my can all have perfect eyes now! I just have to fill in their eyes. That is all that I need to do…….”

—– “…….”

Sun Shi flipped through this well-preserved diary page by page, and his eyes gradually widened with joy.

He laughed out a few times and said to the other players, “I found the clue to the stairs! Those useless wastes are still wasting their time in the hotel. Sure enough, the clues in this exhibition are more valuable than anything in that hotel! The male ghost who dug out the eyes, the players who had their eyes dug out and those eyeless paintings….This painter could no longer draw eyes so he dug out people’s eyes instead. To complete those eyeless paintings is what he is obsessed with.”

“We just need to back to the studio and fill in the eyes in those portraits before tomorrow is over and we’ll be able to find the stairs!”


In the entertainment area of the world inside the tower, in front of the live broadcast projections.

Many players who were in their buffer period gathered before the newly appeared level one instance broadcast projection hesitating over whether or not they should place a bet —– A first level instance activating the betting stage was very rare and, with beginner players placed in such a high-difficulty instance, the chance of complete annihilation was high. As long as they placed their bets on the players failing to clear this instance, it was pretty much a gamble with a high chance of winning.

A young man dressed in a very punk style stood under the projection, casually watching the process of Sun Shi and the others searching for clues in the exhibition. He curled his lips in disdain.

“He went in the wrong direction. What an idiot.” He said to the younger man next to him, “Even the most powerful player in here is so stupid, this instance won’t be cleared. Little brother, go and bet. Bet on them failing to clear this instance.”

Chapter 11 – Promenade Hotel (11)

Yan Wei stared at the photo for a while.

The woman in the photo had beautiful features and her temperament could even be seen through the photo. Her eyes in particular were like flower petals. They were slightly raised at the ends, making her smile appear even more stunning.

The painter’s self-portrait was placed together with the doctor’s identification photo. Both were smiling at Yan Wei.

Yan Wei’s eyes hardened. The various clues he had gathered after entering this instance gradually appeared in his mind.

The people inside the painting who could drag people in and dig out their eyes, the painter who could come out of the painting and dig out their eyes, and the attendant who clearly wasn’t cleaning up a corpse for the very first time which meant that the woman in the long dress who died last night wasn’t the first victim.

Several scattered clues rearranged and connected into a logical sequence.

He took out a wet tissue and carefully wiped off the dust from the photocopier off his fingers, “When the woman in the long dress died last night, Yan Mingguang and I went to the scene and noticed that it wasn’t the attendant’s first time cleaning up a corpse. This means that the woman who died wasn’t the first victim.”

Yan Wei rubbed his chin, “The instance we are currently in is clearly asking us to look for someone who is missing. Missing equates to death. In other words, this clue is actually telling us that the female doctor is dead and that she had died on July 3rd, the day the painter’s condition suddenly got better…..As for his paintings, her portrait was also the only one that was later completely painted by him.”

A thought suddenly came to his mind.

Outside the archive room, staff footsteps were getting closer.

Yan Mingguang glanced out the room through the blinds and said in a low voice, “Someone is coming.”

The light coming through the blinds drew small horizontal lines on his face, giving his usually cold and distant look a touch of softness. The silver-rimmed glasses also weakened the sharpness in his eyes and added a hint of gentleness and elegance.

When this person stood thousands of miles away, it seemed like his entire body was covered in ice but once you became more familiar with him, you would realise that Yan Mingguang was actually easier to get along with than someone like Yan Wei whose smile never came from the bottom of his heart.

Yan Wei took a few seconds to appreciate Yan Mingguang’s appearance under the soft light and then promptly made a decision. He quickly stopped the photocopier, picked up the printed information and pulled Gao Ming along, “Let’s go back. I have something that needs to be confirmed.”

“Back to the hotel?” Gao Ming asked.

“Yes.” Yan Wei blinked a few times, his thick eyelashes creating a shadow under his eyes, “Let’s go back to the hotel and go……to the art studio.”

Although the hospital wasn’t very far from the hotel, at most twenty minutes on foot, the three of them had spent quite some time searching for clues in the hospital and it was already afternoon when they returned to the hotel.

Fortunately, the instance didn’t ask that they return to the restaurant for lunch. After they ate some bread, they hurried directly to the art studio on the top floor.

The hotel without any residents was very quiet. Rows and rows of portraits hung quietly along the corridors, looking quite terrifying. On the top floor of the hotel, the door to room 1 was still half open like before while the door to the art studio was also wide open.

Yan Mingguang walked at the front with his knife. Yan Wei and Gao Ming followed behind as they slowly arrived at the art studio.

Fortunately, nothing dangerous seemed to be happening for the time being.

Yan Mingguang, who was at the front, paused for a moment. A momentary look of surprise flashed across his dark eyes.

Yan Wei raised a brow and stepped forward to look, “What’s wron……..”

His words suddenly came to a stop.

All three saw the change in the studio.

Perhaps it couldn’t be considered a change. Everything in the studio was still exactly the same as how it was yesterday, filled with eyeless portraits hanging from the wall. Everything seemed completely normal.

That completed portrait of the female doctor was also sitting on the easel in the middle of the room.

But on another easel next to it……There was another completed portrait!

Yan Wei’s memory had always been pretty good. He clearly remembered that there was a portrait of a woman in a classical palace dress on that easel yesterday with a blank space where the eyes should be.

But now, that painting had seemed to have been given life after the addition of a beautiful pair of eyes. ‘She’ looked ahead with a light smile on her face and her big and gorgeous eyes slightly bent. Besides the portrait of the female doctor, this painting was the only other painting in the room that had eyes.

Gao Ming’s eyes widened, and his breathing seemed to have stopped for a moment. He patted Yan Wei and spoke hesitantly, “That woman’s eyes in that portrait, it looks a lot like……..”

Yan Mingguang slowly raised his eyes. The silver-rimmed glasses gave him a cold and noble air, and his dark eyes under the lenses was calm, “Yesterday’s victim.”

As soon as he said this, the surrounding temperature seemed to drop.

Yan Wei had already slowly sorted out the clues in his mind.

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He tucked his hands in his pocket, subconsciously drew the two sides of his windbreaker together and came to a conclusion, “It’s clear now—-Digging out the eyes to complete the painting.”

Why did the painter who always aimed for perfection suddenly recover the next day?

The painter clearly could no longer draw eyes that satisfied him but why was there a completed painting of a female doctor in his studio?

Yan Wei blinked slowly. Enlightenment gradually emerged in those nice light-coloured eyes of his.

He put forward a suggestion, “Let’s sort this all out.”

“He was originally a gifted painter who could draw beautiful and life-like eyes. As a perfectionist, he was constantly in the pursuit of reaching even higher levels and he relied on this ability of his to make a lot of money and even opened this hotel to display his paintings. But one day, the painter seemed to have lost his gift and could no longer draw eyes that satisfied him, so he drew painting and painting of eyeless portrait and even sought out psychological help. All of that however didn’t help. He not only didn’t recover, but his condition also seemed to worsen. But later, on July 3rd ten years ago, he found a new method of drawing eyes and recovered.”

In the studio, the female doctor in the portrait had her head tilted slightly as she smiled at them with gentle eyes. Just like her identification photo, one could tell in one glance that she was a patient and good-tempered doctor.

He however felt a chill run down his back when he looked at this perfect painting.

“And this method….” Yan Wei’s words slowed down, “is to dig out eyes to complete the painting.”

“He invited the doctor to the hotel, dug out her eyes and painted this completed portrait of her. It wasn’t the attendant’s first time cleaning up a corpse and he also didn’t clean up the body of the first player who died in the hotel lobby because he was in charge of cleaning up the bodies whose eyes had been dug out by the painter. The first body he had cleaned up was the female doctor’s and the second one was the player whose eyes were dug out by the painter — The woman in the long dress.”

Yan Wei turned and glanced at the door to room 1 on the other end of the corridor and hooked up the corner of his lips, “Five rooms. We initially started with nine players. If the first player didn’t die and the number of players is odd, how would the attendant have allocated the rooms?”

“My guess is that the initial arrangement of this instance was to have one person stay in room 1 and the remaining eight players spread across rooms two to five. Room 1 was the place where the female doctor died and had her eyes dug out. She was the first victim. Adding her to the total number of players, there are a total of ten people who would be spread across the five rooms. It was just that we started off with one player dead so there was no need for anyone to stay in room 1.”

“My god…..” Gao Ming swallowed nervously and wiped away cold sweat from his forehead using his sleeve, “What you said sounds logical. Although I can more or less guess the matter about the eyes, but I would have never thought of those things about the attendant and room 1. So right now, we just need to worry about the painter coming out of the painting to dig our eyes out and complete his paintings?”

Yan Wei nodded slightly and then frowned, “I think—–”

He paused.

A small gust of wind that came from who knows where suddenly blew through the long and narrow corridor, bringing with it a cool sensation that wrapped around Yan Wei’s ankles.

Yan Wei suddenly felt something behind him, as if something was watching him from within the darkness. This feeling was even more uncomfortable than the feeling he had on the first day when he walked down the corridor with the attendant.

He quickly turned his head and looked down the empty corridor behind him but only saw portraits and mirrors interspaced on the walls. The entire corridor was silent and empty. There was no one else except for the three of them.

That feeling then disappeared.

But as soon as Yan Wei turned his head back, that feeling of being watched suddenly appeared again. The cold sensation seemed to linger on the back of his neck.

Before he could speak, Yan Mingguang sensed that something wasn’t right and said succinctly, “It’s dangerous here. Go back to the room.”

Yan Wei lowered his voice and used a volume that could only be heard by Yan Mingguang, “I may have been targeted and I also have a debuff. Probably can’t escape.”

In any case…..he still had time. Before twelve o’clock midnight tonight, he was still in an immortal state.

Even if he encountered a ghost, Yan Wei was certain that he could work around it.

In a hair-raising situation like this, Yan Wei actually laughed. He ignored the feeling behind him and shrugged, “Let’s go.”

The three went straight to Yan Wei and Yan Mingguang’s room.

But as soon as they stepped out of the elevator and before they could enter the room, the three of them stopped in their steps, their gazes falling onto a certain location in the corridor.

Yan Wei stood in front of the door and turned his head to look at the bin that had been restored back to normal. The chill behind him seemed to grow even stronger.

He said to Gao Ming, “When we went downstairs this morning, this bin was still lying on its side and there were two dolls whose eyes had been dug out lying next to it.”

In front of the door, Yan Mingguang’s indifferent voice also sounded, “The bloody handprints in the room are gone.”

Yan Wei’s heart skipped a beat.

They had watched the attendant take away the body of the woman in the long dress earlier. Although that scene was quite terrifying, they had at least seen it with their own eyes but right now, not seeing something was more terrifying that witnessing a bloody scene.

This kind situation where everything had somehow disappeared without a trace made them even more uneasy.

Gao Ming also found this situation rather creepy. He tugged Yan Wei’s hand and said, “Why don’t we enter the room first……With so many paintings out here, it should be a little safer in the room.”

Yan Wei nodded.

He took a closer look at the bin that had been restored to its original state and only returned to the room with Gao Ming and Yan Mingguang after confirming that he hadn’t overlooked anything.

As soon as he entered the room, Yan Wei quickly closed the door behind him.

He went to the desk, picked up a notepad and pen and sorted out the clues, “There should be no doubt about the matter with digging out the eyes to complete the painting but there’s also the matter with the traces we saw this morning disappearing. The likelihood of it disappearing on its own is low….After all, I also had a bloody handprint on my neck and that sensation wasn’t just my imagination. It was probably cleaned by the attendant. He cleaned up the dolls and the bloody handprints…..”

Gao Ming didn’t think much of it, “In the instances I was in before, these kinds of things left by ghosts are usually cleaned up by a certain boss or NPC in the instance. This is a good thing. If everything was automatically restored, it conversely means that there are some rules we need to figure out. Our immediate priority right now is to find the clues for the stairs. If the danger in this instance is a ghost coming out to dig out our eyes and complete their painting, what could the stairs be and how could we clear this instance?…..Yan Wei? What are you thinking about?”

Yan Wei didn’t speak.

The young man leaned back slightly in the chair and casually tossed aside the pen and paper in his hand. His eyes stared ahead as he seemed to be thinking about something.

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He dug out a coin from his pocket and distractedly tossed it in the air over and over again as he thought over everything he had encountered since entering this instance. The coin fell in his cool palm time and time again as time slowly ticked on.

This was Yan Wei’s habit.

He wasn’t someone who liked stability and would often wander around to various places with small change in his pocket to use for tipping. As a result, over time, every time he needed to think and had nothing to do, the act of tossing a coin helped him with organising is thoughts.

“Yan Wei, that coin…..” Gao Ming pushed up his glasses, “It seems a bit different? It’s not money?”

Yan Wei’s eyes glanced over, “Not money, it was custom made. I carry it with me to play with.”

The coin had a swallow on the front and a capital ‘V’ on the back as a homophone for his name. It was just that he had actually had two of them made back then but he didn’t know where the other one went.

Yan Wei lowered his head again as the coin fell into his palm with the resting swallow facing up. He slowly gathered his fingers to wrap around the coin and the scattered clues in his mind also connected together in that instant.

Everything joined together into a dense and complicated web in Yan Wei’s mind. All the clues were intertwined, as if it was all sorted out but there was also no beginning and end in sight.

It looked as if everything was explained.

But Yan Wei still felt that….something wasn’t right.


On the other end, Sun Shi and the other three players arrived at the art exhibition.

The paintings in this exhibition were also works painted by the hotel owner and were similarly portraits painted during the early to middle stages of his career. None of his later works were displayed.

The four players inquired about the painter’s background and as they searched, they suddenly seemed to have activated a trigger where the people in the portraits suddenly came to life and tried to drag them into the world inside the painting.

The three beginner players trembled with fright, but Sun Shi was still calm. He was actually a level three player but had performed too poorly in his previous instance, resulting in him dropping down to the first floor.

He originally thought the first floor would be very simple, but he didn’t expect the instance to actually be of such high difficulty and it even activated the betting stage! The item he had used up his luck to acquire was all used up as a result of this!

Fortunately, it wasn’t all for naught. After Sun Shi and the others cleared this stage, they found an item behind a mirror in the exhibition hall — A diary.

The diary didn’t look too old, and it was actually rather new and well preserved. There was a name written on the cover that matched with the name of the painter Sun Shi and the others had inquired about earlier.

The four of them were overjoyed.

This was the painter’s diary!

If something like a diary appeared in an instance, it would inevitably carry with it a lot of clues — After all, it would reveal the secrets of the person writing the diary from their point of view. He had also analysed several low-level instances back in the tower world and had basically concluded that these low-level instances mostly involved finding the necessary clues and using them to clear it. There typically wouldn’t be too many twists and turns in an instance like this.

This diary most definitely holds most of the clues about the painter!

While carefully holding the diary, Sun Shi impatiently turned to the first page.

—– “……….”

—– “If there is someone who is blessed by the gods, it must be me. No one else can paint such vivid eyes except for me. I don’t even need any skills to give life to the people in my painting!……”

—– “…..I’m getting better and better. It’s great. They’re all rushing to buy my paintings……”

—– “………..”

—— “Why can’t I draw eyes well anymore? This is an insult to me! This can’t be!…….”

—– “I really can’t draw it anymore! I’m going crazy. The talent I have been most proud of is gone. Without it, I’m nothing!!…….”

—– “I’ve tried so many times but I can’t draw it. I’ve painted so many portraits but I can never draw the eyes! I can’t tolerate how unsightly those eyes are, I would rather not paint them. No, I want to paint them, but it has to be a perfect painting!

—– “……..”

—– “…..I found a way. I can paint now! My talent is back! Those paintings of my can all have perfect eyes now! I just have to fill in their eyes. That is all that I need to do…….”

—– “…….”

Sun Shi flipped through this well-preserved diary page by page, and his eyes gradually widened with joy.

He laughed out a few times and said to the other players, “I found the clue to the stairs! Those useless wastes are still wasting their time in the hotel. Sure enough, the clues in this exhibition are more valuable than anything in that hotel! The male ghost who dug out the eyes, the players who had their eyes dug out and those eyeless paintings….This painter could no longer draw eyes so he dug out people’s eyes instead. To complete those eyeless paintings is what he is obsessed with.”

“We just need to back to the studio and fill in the eyes in those portraits before tomorrow is over and we’ll be able to find the stairs!”


In the entertainment area of the world inside the tower, in front of the live broadcast projections.

Many players who were in their buffer period gathered before the newly appeared level one instance broadcast projection hesitating over whether or not they should place a bet —– A first level instance activating the betting stage was very rare and, with beginner players placed in such a high-difficulty instance, the chance of complete annihilation was high. As long as they placed their bets on the players failing to clear this instance, it was pretty much a gamble with a high chance of winning.

A young man dressed in a very punk style stood under the projection, casually watching the process of Sun Shi and the others searching for clues in the exhibition. He curled his lips in disdain.

“He went in the wrong direction. What an idiot.” He said to the younger man next to him, “Even the most powerful player in here is so stupid, this instance won’t be cleared. Little brother, go and bet. Bet on them failing to clear this instance.”

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