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Group Pet Little Fat Baby: I Have Four Big Daddies

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“Master, don’t you never eat cakes?” The boy turned the carriage around.

“This time, that time.”

“There are dozens of pastry shops in the whole capital, so you don’t have to go there in person. If you want to eat something small tomorrow, go buy them for you one by one…”

“Stop talking nonsense. Just go if I ask you to go. Let’s start from this street.”


The boy drove the carriage towards the pastry shop in front.

Takasaki leaned in the car. She had not eaten cakes for many years, and she did not know which restaurant in Kyoto City would suit her taste.

Her mouth used to be very picky, but I don’t know if it has changed now. She must be able to eat better and be fatter when she grows up than when she was a child.

Sang Qi came out of Immortal Drunk and got into the car directly to be driven back to the palace. Along the way, he could still hear people mentioning the names of Xiang Minghou and Ye Qianning on both sides of the street.

Thinking of that engagement, he felt even more disgusted from the bottom of his heart.

“I’m not going back to the palace, I’m going to the outskirts of the city.” Sang Qi said angrily.

The **** driving the car changed the route and went straight to the outskirts of the city.

News spread very quickly in Kyoto City. The news that Ye Qianning was coming back was just like the news of her death. Some people were happy, some were worried, and more people wanted to watch the show.

Two days later, the rumors changed again. Earlier, it was rumored that the emperor was tolerant and allowed Mr. Chen and Marquis Xiang Ming and his party to enter Beili. Now, the rumor spread from unknown sources that the emperor personally issued an order to invite them back.

Moreover, the insistence is not to issue a letter. They don’t like Beili at all. Without the national edict, it is useless to them. It was the emperor who issued the decree to acknowledge what happened back then and invited them to come to Beili.

As soon as this rumor came out, it caused an uproar in Beili. The emperor personally issued an imperial edict to invite people. Like the other three countries, he probably went there for Fengling Jiao and Liang Yi Xiangsheng in their hands.

Although this kind of statement is not outright and fair, there are many people with great wisdom.

When Emperor Beili heard the ridicule from the outside world, he was angry and Que did not come forward to clarify. The emperor did not come forward, and some princesses in the harem couldn’t sit still.

Especially the sixth princess Sang Shu and the seventh princess Sang Zhen, who had been friends with Ye Qianning since childhood. Both of them felt that Ye Qianning was just being mysterious. How could the emperor of a country send an order to invite them.

The sixth princess, Sang Shu, is now twenty-two years old. She married the eldest son of the Earl’s Palace two years ago. The Earl’s Palace is a bit snobbish in the capital. Since Sang Shu heard some rumors that slandered the royal family, she had people take action.

Anyone who hears rumors or secret mentions of royal imperial edicts will be arrested and sent to prison.

Seeing the posture of the princess and the Earl’s Mansion, the people all shut up knowingly. The princess also came forward. It seemed that the imperial invitation was most likely fake.

When Sang Qi heard the remarks, he went to the palace to see the emperor and asked about the imperial edict. Emperor Beili did not respond directly and dismissed him with vague words.

Sang Qi left the Imperial Study Room, feeling extremely sure of the authenticity of the imperial edict.

As the prince, he didn’t know about the imperial edict. Could it be that his father didn’t tell anyone?

So who made the news again?

“Master.” The secret guard suddenly appeared.

Sang Qi looked back.

“Master, a large number of Jianghu people are pouring into Beili.”

Sang Qi frowned.

“They came all the way from the border, taking the route of Xiang Minghou and his party. There are also many coming from all directions, and the target seems to be the capital.”

Sang Qi thought of Fengling Jiao. People in the world were very active in Penglai affairs. The Fengling Jiao in Ye Qianning’s hand was more precious than the two sympathies, and it had already caused a lot of sensation.

She released the news that Fenglingjiao has matured in three months. If she enters Beili now, she will definitely be in Beili in three months.

“About how many people are there?” Sang Qi asked.

“There are many, and many of them are famous people in the world. There are also many masters hidden in the secrets of Xiang Minghou and his party. It might be bad if your highness’s Jianghu people enter the capital. Do you need to report to the emperor and send someone to stop them?”

“Things you can find out, the people around my father should have found out a long time ago. You should let others continue to keep an eye on it.” Sang Qi said.


Sang Qi knew from the beginning that if Ye Qianning returned to the capital, the capital would not be peaceful. Now he felt even more that she was a scourge, disturbing everyone before she even entered the capital. It would be okay if she did.

Even if Sang Qi wanted to stop him, there was nothing he could do. With so many people watching, if he took action, he would definitely step on his father’s back.

“Come here, please send more troops to guard the city gate. When entering the city, you must conduct a strict search, especially people from the other three countries. You must stop them outside the city and not let them into the city.”

The Jianghu people are the most disobedient. If they are allowed to enter the capital, won’t the capital be in chaos in the future?

Martial law has begun in Beili Capital. To enter the city, you must have a household registration issued by the government. Anyone without a household registration is not allowed to enter the city.

Not long after the rumors spread, martial law began in the capital, causing panic and suspicion. However, no one dared to speak openly about it, and could only discuss it secretly behind others’ backs.

Many famous aristocrats in Kyoto have nothing to do with this matter. They only listen to rumors and will not talk about getting into trouble.

The Gu family is getting happier day by day. Gu Shuo is coming back. The Gu family members are confident in speaking in front of some friends, but they don’t say a word about Gu Shuo returning with Mr. Chen.

It was a normal day in the Zhan family. Ever since Zhan Chi was banned from the house, few people in the house except for the purchasing manager had left the house.

Mrs. Zhan was happy and worried at the same time. As the day passed, her heart became more and more tense. From then on, she couldn’t sleep all night long. The soothing incense prepared by Zhan Yi was useless.

I usually rely on medicine to fall asleep more peacefully.

Since Sang Zhi entered Beijing, he was taken away by people from Beili. If there would have been a lot of trouble in the past, this time he was very quiet.

He didn’t make any noise, and he didn’t kill anyone. His calmness surprised Beili, and he still felt uneasy, so he asked the royal guards to keep a close watch on him.

No one in the entire palace had ever seen such a stable eighth prince. Even the eunuchs who accidentally made mistakes were not punished by him. This change made the eunuchs serving in the courtyard even more frightened.

The days passed day by day, and it was the end of August in a blink of an eye.

There was an endless stream of people heading to the capital along the road, and the weather at the end of August was a little cool in the morning and evening.

Sifang Town is the only way to enter the capital. The streets are very lively and bustling with people coming and going.

It is now morning in the restaurant in the west of the city, and the restaurant is full. Judging from the clothes and weapons and items accompanying them, most of them are from Jianghu, and it seems that many of them are not from Beili.

The capital is under martial law and outsiders cannot enter. Sifang Town is the nearest large city to the capital, so many Jianghu people have settled in the town, waiting for the opportunity to enter the capital.

“This guest has been booked on the second floor.” The waiter stopped a group of people who were about to go upstairs.

The leader of the group that was stopped was a thick-set man, who looked like he was a foreigner. Hearing these words, he grabbed the waiter by the collar and said, “Let the people above get down, and I will pay double the price.”

The waiter was so frightened that he almost cried: “Guest…Guest, please spare my life.”

The man threw him towards the waiter’s stairs: “Hurry up and go.”

The waiter hit the stairs and gritted his teeth in pain. Before he could get up, the shopkeeper happened to come down from upstairs.

“Ouch, what’s going on?” The shopkeeper helped the waiter up.

The waiter stood up tremblingly: “Shopkeeper, these people… want…”

“Shopkeeper, sir, I’ll pay twice the price to make room for the people upstairs.” The man pinched his waist with both hands, looking very arrogant. The shopkeeper was very embarrassed when he heard this: “I’m afraid the price is twice as high as your guest…”

I’m afraid you can’t afford it!

Naturally, he didn’t dare to say the rest.

“What? Twice is too little? I’ll pay three times the price.” The man waved his hand very boldly.

Everyone on the first floor heard the sound and looked around.

“Isn’t that the prince of Fanbang?”

“you know?”

“I went to Fanbang once in the early years because of some medicinal materials, and I was lucky enough to see it.”

“I heard that the emperor summoned several vassal princes to the capital. It turned out to be true.”

“Which vassal king in Beili is not powerful? Look at what that vassal king is wearing. Everything is valuable.”

Hearing this, the people in the arena who were sitting again all looked at the feudal lord. His waist was set with expensive rubies, and the gems inlaid from the scabbard to the hilt of the sword were enough to cost others a lifetime.

The jade belt around his waist and accessories are all made of pure white jade. The hat he wears on his head has a ring of shining gems, and each of his ten fingers has thumb rings, red, white and green, and one of the best purple ones.

Tsk tsk, if you don’t look carefully, you wouldn’t know that Prince Fanbang is simply a walking treasure trove of gems.

The outsiders’ comments came to the ears of Banbang Crown Prince Yu Shengyu. He rolled up his sleeves proudly to reveal the gem bracelet on his wrist, as if to show off.

I have to say that this scene caused another uproar.

I heard that a large amount of jade was found in Prince Yu’s fiefdom. It seems that the rumors are not false.

The shopkeeper also noticed the costume of the guest in front of him, and was a little embarrassed. The people upstairs seemed to be distinguished guests who could not afford to offend. The person in front of them seemed to be a foreign prince, and they could not afford to offend.

“What are you looking at? Why don’t you quickly make way for the people upstairs.” Yu Shengyou scolded.

“Yes Yes.”

Not daring to offend anyone, the shopkeeper had no choice but to nod and turn around and go upstairs.

Yu Shengyou leaned on the railing of the stairs, feeling very proud. His entourage behind him, who was used to being arrogant with his master all year round, also looked proud.

“We are almost in the capital, and we haven’t seen a few particularly luxurious restaurants. It’s really bad.” Yu Shengyu shook his head.

“Of course these cities cannot be compared with our place.” The entourage agreed.

“Everyone is poorer than the other, so they can live decently close to the capital.” Yu Shengyou looked down on the poor the most. He felt that eating with the poor would lower his status.

He has a special restaurant in his own land, which is popular and luxurious. Even if he accidentally goes to the restaurant and listens to music, almost everyone in the house will avoid it consciously.

Or just buy it at several times the price and throw the dissatisfied person out.

Most of them have been like this all the way from the fiefdom, acting rich and high-profile.

After a while, the shopkeeper came down from upstairs. When Yu Shengyou saw someone coming down, he thought the matter was done. He raised his hand and threw a stack of banknotes, and then walked upstairs.

“Sir, sir, wait a moment.” The manager stopped him immediately.

Yu Shengyou turned around: “What?”

“The customer upstairs said… that three times was too little, and he would have to pay ten times the price before he would give in.” The host looked ugly.

“ten times?”

Yu Shengyou was slightly startled at first, then sneered and mocked: “You have such a big appetite, who is booking the table upstairs?”

“This…little one doesn’t know. They just said that they won’t let it go unless it’s ten times the price.”

Yu Shengyou glanced upstairs. The second floor was very quiet, and there was no sound of anyone talking. I guess it was just a few people who were jealous of money.

“Ten times is ten times. I have plenty of money.” As long as money can be used to settle things, he, Yu Shengyou, never takes it seriously.

“The guests upstairs paid 3,000 taels when they booked the inn. Ten times that is 30,000 taels. The guests upstairs said that as long as the guests paid, they would leave immediately,” the shopkeeper said.

Yu Shengyou paused as he took out the money, his eyes flashing fiercely: “What did you say?”

“Sir, these are the exact words of the distinguished guest upstairs.” The shopkeeper shrank his head.

“You still need three thousand taels for this dilapidated building? You must be trying to trick me, right?” Yu Shengyou is not the one who is taken advantage of. Even in the sensational Xianhai Tower, a table of food only costs a thousand taels at most.

Three thousand taels for a meal in a small restaurant? Who are you kidding!

“Sir, the guest upstairs did pay three thousand taels, and our restaurant has records.” The shopkeeper said and shouted to the counter downstairs: “Bring the account book to the distinguished guest.”

“Yes Yes.”

The accountant had already noticed what was going on here. When he heard the shouting, he put away the account book and took a few steps upstairs to hand it to the attendant who arrived.

The attendant took the account book and handed it to his master carefully.

Yushengyou’s face turned livid, and he raised his hand and threw the account book out: “It’s only thirty thousand taels. I’m not so poor that I can go through the account book.”

He dared to take out the account book. Obviously the three thousand taels mentioned by the shopkeeper were not false. Wouldn’t it be a joke for him to look at the account book.

“Your Majesty…” The shopkeeper was in a dilemma.

“Thirty thousand taels, I don’t take it seriously, but I want to see who is upstairs.” Yu Shengyou pushed the shopkeeper away and strode upstairs.

“Guest sir…”

“Get out of the way, get out of the way.”

The attendant pushed aside the shopkeeper and followed his master upstairs.

Before Yu Shengyou could reach the stairs, he shouted in a rough and arrogant voice: “I can afford ten times the price, but I’m afraid you won’t pay…”

He went upstairs in one step and turned around to see the scene that immediately dissipated his arrogance.

The second floor was similar to the first floor. There were many people sitting there, all dressed in black and sitting upright, with swords beside them. At this time, cold eyes were focused on Yu Shengyu at the top of the stairs.

“It’s just that you dare to take advantage of the crown prince and live impatiently…”

The entourage from behind followed up, revealed his head to catch a glimpse of the situation on the second floor, and silently shrank his head.

Yu Shengyu suddenly felt an overwhelming coldness rushing through his body. He never heard anyone talking upstairs, and thought it was just a few guests.

He never expected that there were dozens of people densely packed together. They all seemed to be practitioners. Their auras were dull and depressing. He also practiced martial arts, and he immediately felt the danger.

“Hey, this is the rich man who wants to pay ten times the price to stay at the inn.”

A female voice came, the voice was clear and pleasant.

Yu Shengyou heard a female voice in his ears. He glanced around and finally saw the person who made the voice at the window. The woman was wearing a light-colored dress, with a veil covering her face, and a pair of extremely beautiful eyes.

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