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Chapter 98 Children’s Washing Party

On the fifteenth day, the sun rose early.

It’s just past the cold dew and it’s almost the beginning of winter. The sun shines on people’s bodies with a faint layer of coldness, but it doesn’t warm the clothes.

 Lu Zhen arrived at the Prince’s Mansion very early, and the children’s washing ceremony had not officially started yet. Yin Zheng didn’t follow, so Lu Zhu asked her to stay in the hospital to help. Pei Yunshu’s personal maid Fangzi saw Lu Huan and pulled her into the courtyard with a smile: “Doctor Lu came just in time. The young lady has just woken up. Please go and take a look.”

Ever since Lu Huan successfully induced labor for Pei Yunshu and her daughter last time, the people in Pei Yunshu’s courtyard have become particularly respectful to Lu Huan. Lu Zhen followed Fangzi into the courtyard. As soon as he entered the house, he heard the loud cry of the baby girl.

Pei Yunshu was picking up the baby girl from the cradle. When she saw Lu Zhu approaching, she handed the baby girl to Lu Zhu and said with a smile: “Doctor Lu also holds Baozhu.”

Lu Zhen took the swaddling clothes and looked down. When she was first born, the little girl was like a sickly kitten, and she cried softly. After one month, she became much rounder and fuller, and gained some weight when held in her arms, unlike when she was just born.

Pei Yunshu named the little girl Baozhu, which means the pearl in the palm of the hand and the treasure in the heart. The little girl was hard-won and was very dangerous when she was born, so this name fits the situation.

Qiong Ying whispered: “Doctor Lu, the little lady’s poison…”

Lu Zhu inspected the condition of the orb, carried it back to the cradle, and said, “It’s much better than before.”

 Several people in the room breathed a sigh of relief.

These days, many medical officers from Hanlin Medical Hospital came to visit, and they all said that Baozhu was healthy. The more so, the more uneasy Pei Yunshu felt. Now she no longer trusts the palace medical officer, but firmly believes in Lu Zhuo’s words. Now that I heard Lu Zhuo say that there was nothing serious, I felt a little relieved.

There were some golden fruits and rhinoceros jade from Xi’erhui on the table. Lu Zhu took out a congratulatory package from his sleeve and handed it to Pei Yunshu’s hand, saying: “Princess, this is what a woman wants.”

Pei Yunshu was stunned for a moment.

Xu Shi was pregnant and had just given birth. Her thoughts were not as clear as before. People around her also forgot to remind her that the people who came to watch the “Water Washing Ceremony” were either rich or noble. There were many rhinoceros jade and pearls in the congratulatory package, and Lu Shusu Sitting in the hospital every day and giving her gifts with her monthly salary is really too much.

While she was hesitating, she heard Lu Huo say: “The gift is shabby, just a bunch of money. I hope the princess doesn’t mind it.”

The lottery money was a copper coin wrapped in gold and silver thread. Pei Yunshu breathed a sigh of relief and took it generously. She smiled and said, “I would like to thank Dr. Lu for your thoughtfulness on behalf of the pearl.”

Lu Zhen smiled slightly.

Since the auspicious time had not come yet, the ceremony had to wait a little longer, and the distinguished guests who came to watch the ceremony had not yet appeared, so Pei Yunshu invited Lu Zhuo to sit down first and asked Fangzi to make tea.

Lu Zhuo sat down in front of the small table and saw that Pei Yunshu looked in high spirits. Because he had taken a shower today, he had specially changed into a rose-purple facial makeup. His hair was lightly pulled back, which made his face rosy and his expression soft. , much more energetic than when we first met.

 I think this month has been good.

While teasing the infant Baozhu, Pei Yunshu said to Lu Huan: “Before, the affairs in the house were too busy, and I was worried about Baozhu’s illness, so I didn’t have time to thank Dr. Lu properly. I wanted to ask Aying to send some thank-you gifts to the door. But he left the city the day before yesterday and hasn’t returned yet, so it was delayed.”

Lu Zhen lowered his head and took the hot tea from Fangzi, “It is the doctor’s duty to treat illnesses and save people. Princess, there is no need to say thank you.”

Pei Yunshu looked at her with a smile: “You and Aying are friends. Wouldn’t it be awkward to call me princess? You can call me sister.”

Lu Zhen’s hand holding the tea tightened, and after a long while, she said: “Sister Yun Shu.”

Pei Yunshu didn’t care, and just looked at her curiously: “Speaking of which, I didn’t know that Doctor Lu was Aying’s friend before. I heard from Aying that Doctor Lu came to Shengjing from other places half a year ago… Where is Doctor Lu from? “

 Lu Huan replied: “I am from southern Jiangsu.”

“Sunan?” Pei Yunshu read silently, “Aying also went to Sunan a few years ago.” She looked at Lu Chen and suddenly said as if she had discovered some secret: “Did you meet in Sunan?”

Lu Zhen was slightly startled, shook his head and said, “No.”

 “Then you guys…”

“Not long after I came to Shengjing, I encountered someone making trouble on the road, and Mr. Pei helped me once.”

She spoke in an understatement, but Pei Yunshu laughed, “So we are so destined.”

Lu Zhen didn’t quite understand what Pei Yunshu meant by “predestined”, so he heard Pei Yunshu continue to ask: “I think Doctor Lu’s medical skills are already better than those of the medical officers of Hanlin Medical Academy at a young age… How old are you this year?”

 “It’s seventeen when the new year turns.”

Pei Yunshu’s eyes lit up and she murmured: “Little Aying is four years old…” She looked at Lu Huan again and asked with a smile, “I wonder if Dr. Lu has any family members?”

 Lu Huan: “…”

She was rarely speechless. Princess Wenjun now looks less dignified and dignified than she did when we first met her. Instead, she is so enthusiastic and familiar that it is a bit overwhelming.

After a moment of silence, Lu Huo said: “Promise.”

Pei Yunshu’s smile faltered.

 “I already have a fiancé,” she said.

The smile on Pei Yunshu’s face suddenly turned sly. After a moment, she spoke to herself as if to lighten the atmosphere, “That’s right. Doctor Lu is such a sweetheart, so there must be a lot of people proposing marriage.”

She wanted to ask again, but Lu Yan interrupted her: “I would like to ask, has the princess found the person who poisoned the young lady?”

Pei Yunshu paused.

Lu Zong looked at her seriously.

Mohai Luoli’s “child worry” has caused Pei Yunshu and her daughter to be poisoned for a long time. As a last resort, Lu Huo could only find a way to temporarily induce labor. Pei Yunshu said at that time that this Mohailuo was given to her by Prince Wenjun.

Even if Mu Sheng dislikes his own princess, there is absolutely no reason to harm his own flesh and blood. But these days, there seems to be no major news in the county prince’s palace.

Pei Yunshu’s face became a little uncomfortable, and she just smiled and shook her head: “No.”

The prince’s palace is so big, and if you really want to find the person who committed the poison, you may not be able to find him. Pei Yunshu said this because he must have some difficulties.

Lu Zhen thought for a while and then asked: “Where is the concubine? That day, I induced labor for the princess and bumped into the concubine…”

She said it tactfully. At that time, Meng Xiyan transferred the guards from the palace to protect Lu Zhuo. If Pei Yunying hadn’t arrived, no one knew what the consequences would have been. Today, Lu Zhuo did not see Meng Xiyan’s shadow nearby, and he didn’t know if it was her misunderstanding. The servants of the county prince’s palace were much more respectful to Pei Yunshu.

Pei Yunshu’s smile faded and she said, “She is grounded. You don’t have to worry.”

 Lu Zhen’s heart moved.

 Pei Yunying took Meng Xiyan away that day, but now Meng Xiyan is still in the house, just grounded. It seems that Prince Wen still saved Meng Xiyan.

 This concubine is really favored.

Pei Yunshu came to her senses, shook her head and said, “Let’s not talk about that. I think an auspicious time is coming. Dr. Lu, please accompany me to prepare.”

 The “Washing Party” is always lively.

  Maternal mothers in Shengjing invite relatives and friends to attend a newborn “baby shower” after the baby is one month old. Wealthy people often boil hot water mixed with spices and pour it into a basin together with fruits, colorful flowers, money, onions, garlic, gold, silver, rhinoceros, etc. The basin is surrounded by several feet of colorful silk, which is called “enclosing the basin”. . Stirring the soup with a hairpin is called “stirring the basin”. Viewers threw money into the water one after another, calling it “adding pots”.

 After the baby is bathed and the fetal hair is shaved off, the fetal hair is put into a gold and silver box, and then tied into a sash with colored silk threads. Finally, the baby was held in his arms, thanked by all the relatives and guests, and carried into his aunt’s room. This is called “moving to the nest”.

Princess Wenjun had a fetal movement before giving birth and had a sudden emergency delivery. Fortunately, the mother and daughter were safe in the end. As the legitimate daughter of Princess Wenjun, she invited all the noble officials from the capital to attend this “Water-Washing Party”. After all, in addition to the prince’s palace, Duke Zhaoning also had to give her face.

 The laughter of the guests passed through the courtyard, making the usually deserted courtyard look a bit crowded. The lively sound spread through the wall to the other eaves.

In the vase on the table, the golden osmanthus has completely withered, leaving only clusters of dry branches and leaves stuck in the vase, struggling to support a little freshness.

Meng Xiyan was sitting on the couch. She had not applied makeup, but her originally beautiful face looked a little haggard.

She glanced at the clock on the table and asked in a low voice: “Has the bath started?”

 The maid beside her carefully answered: “Yes.”

Meng Xiyan lowered the corner of her mouth coldly.

On August 15th, Pei Yunying asked the imperial guards to take her away. After suffering for several days, Prince Wenjun took her back.

I don’t know what Prince Wen said to Pei Yunying, but Pei Yunying finally let her go. Come to think of it, no matter how arrogant he is, Prince Zhaoning cannot take away the concubine of the county prince’s palace at will without evidence. He just took her back and took her back, but King Wenjun didn’t treat her as lovingly as before.

Meng Xiyan knew clearly in her heart that Prince Wenjun had a grudge against her because she was trying to harm the heirs of the prince’s family.

Meng Xiyan presented the doll to Mu Sheng. She said she got it by chance. Seeing that the doll was cute and auspicious, and fearing that Pei Yunshu would not like it, she refused, so she asked Mu Sheng to send it to Pei Yunshu’s courtyard in the name of Mu Sheng. After Pei Yunshu gave birth to a baby girl, Mu Sheng learned that Mohailuo was poisonous. Although he took her back, his look at her changed.

Meng Xiyan knelt in front of Prince Wen and cried so hard, “Prince Mingjian, even if I have ten courages, I would not dare to harm the princess. I have never heard of the word ‘child’s sorrow’. This clay doll is the maid on the street in the south of the city. I bought it from a clay doll shop. I was thinking that the princess was about to give birth, so I left this thing to pray for the princess to give birth to a son.”

The maid who purchased the clay doll had committed suicide out of fear of crime on the day of the incident. Prince Wenjun could not find out anything. After all, thinking of their loving past, he did not pursue the case any further and simply grounded her in the palace.

As for the poisoning of Pei Yunshu, the matter was not announced to the outside world, and the Zhaoning Palace was not aware of it. It was related to the face of the Prince’s Palace, so Mu Sheng’s protection of Meng Xiyan was also to protect himself.

Meng Xiyan was originally worried that the commander in front of the palace would be unyielding, but she didn’t expect that Pei Yunying had not made any movement as these days passed, and she gradually felt relieved. In the final analysis, the Prince’s Palace is a sacred favor, and Pei Yunying still has to take into account the title of Prince Wen.

Today, Pei Yunshu held a “child washing party” for her daughter and invited all the family members, but she was restricted from going out. Those noble family members are always talkative, and I don’t know how they will arrange her behind her back. Moreover, since she entered the royal palace, she has not attended any feast, and now she is deliberately neglecting her, as if she is slapping her in the face.

Meng Xiyan’s face turned livid when she thought of the bath.

She asked the maid next to her: “Who are the distinguished guests here today?”

The maid lowered her head and replied in a low voice: “There are Mrs. Dong from the palace of Taifu Temple, the palace of the Grand Master of Jixian Palace, and the palaces of the envoys of the three departments…” After mentioning many people in succession, the maid remembered something again and added: “The doctor Lu who came to induce the princess’ labor that day is also here.”

 “Lu Tong?”

Meng Xiyan’s expression changed.

That day in Xunfang Garden, she did not take this female doctor seriously, but she only wanted to make him a scapegoat. Who knew it would fall into the hands of this woman.


 Why did she do this?

Now he is banned in the courtyard, completely disgraced, and even separated from Prince Wen, all because of this woman.

Meng Xiyan sneered: “A doctor who is sitting in the palace is also invited as a guest of the royal palace. Do you really think that you are climbing a high tree?”

 The maid dared not speak.

There was a baby shower party outside, and the laughter could not hide the harshness even through the wall.

Meng Xiyan walked to the table. The withered golden osmanthus on the table was placed in a vase, showing a towering and struggling life.

She stretched out her hand and caressed the withered branches.

The man surnamed Lu climbed up by rescuing Pei Yunshu and his daughter, but she couldn’t go anywhere because she was locked in the room by the man surnamed Lu. It is clear that there is only one step left, but the success is on the verge of failure. How can we be willing to do so? This bad breath accumulated in Meng Xiyan’s heart, and she couldn’t swallow it.

She can’t do anything to Pei Yunying, nor can she do anything to Pei Yunshu, let alone Prince Wen.

But Lu Zhen is just a civilian medical woman with no power and low status. How can she still not be able to do anything?

If you want to wade in this flowing water in a big household, you have to see if you have the fate.

There was a slight crunching sound, and the cinnamon branch under his hand was pinched in two. Meng Xiyan retracted her hand, curled her lips, turned around, walked to the room and sat down again.

 “Go and call me.”

She raised her eyebrows, and the two drops of red coral in her ears were so bright that they bled: “I have something important to tell you.”

The day is getting late.

 The “Xi’er Meeting” ended at noon. After the luncheon, Lu Zhu stayed at the Prince’s Mansion to take the pulses of Baozhu and Pei Yunshu again, and also changed the prescription. After teaching Fangzi how to cook the new medicine, it was already evening.

Pei Yunshu asked the Prince’s carriage to take her to the door of the hospital before leaving. Someone from the neighbors on West Street recognized the Prince’s carriage and looked at Lu Huo in a different way.

Before, he was the Minister of Taifu Temple, and now he is the Prince of the County. The big shots recruited by Renxin Medical Center are more powerful than the others, which shows that the medical skills of this female doctor at Renxin Medical Center are indeed quite good.

Du Changqing was lying in front of the counter table, looking forward until the Duke’s carriage came out of West Street, then he pulled back, glanced at Lu Zhuo, and said lazily: “Not bad, the carriage is all on board.”

Acheng walked out holding a lantern with a proud expression on his face, “That’s natural, Doctor Lu is the princess’s savior!”

“My savior,” Du Changqing chuckled and flicked his finger on the young man’s forehead, “I really think it’s so easy to be your savior. You see thieves eating meat all day long, but you also see thieves being beaten. Who knows what will happen next? What trouble.”

Acheng covered his head and said aggrievedly: “What trouble could there be?”

“That’s too much…forget it, you don’t understand even after I tell you.” Du Changqing took the lantern and held it in his hand. It was getting late and the hospital was about to close. He walked to the door, thought of something, and turned around to ask Lu曈: “Look…”

“A murderer died on Wangchun Mountain and the murderer has not been found yet. We two weak women have no ability to protect ourselves and we should be targeted.”

Before Du Changqing could finish speaking, Yin Zheng took over his words and said with a smile: “Now that we know Shopkeeper Du, we will be careful and not run away blindly.”

Du Changqing pointed and finally said: “…It’s good to know.” He took Acheng and left.

Yin Zheng and Lu Zhu locked the door of the medical center and entered the small courtyard.

When Lu Zhen came back from the prince’s palace, he also brought a basket of wedding baskets distributed to the guests at the “Xi’er Hui”, which contained some jujube, osmanthus and colorful silks that symbolized good luck. Yin Zheng picked out the preserved fruits, put the colored silk aside separately, washed it with water, and planned to pick a few of the right colors to make silk flowers for Lu Zhuo.

“Did you see any important people when you went to the prince’s palace today?” Yin Zheng asked Lu Zhuo while squatting on the stone platform and washing colored silk.

 Lu Zong took the Zhang Zhuzi and stuffed it behind her, shaking his head: “No.”

She knew the meaning of Yin Zheng’s words, but among the guests at the banquet at the County Prince’s Mansion today, there was no one from the Grand Master’s Mansion.

 She originally attended the “Child Washing Party” because she thought that the county prince’s palace would invite distinguished guests, perhaps including the Qi family. It would be great if we could use this to get closer to the other person.

But at the moment, it seems that the Prince’s Palace and the Grand Master’s Palace have little to do with each other, and this road seems to be unworkable.

Seeing that Lu Zhuo was silent, Yin Zheng twisted a wet cloth and smiled and comforted: “Don’t worry, girl, now because of ‘Chun Shuisheng’ and ‘Xianxian’, our medical clinic has gradually gained a status in the medical practice. Today, the carriage of the county prince’s palace As a gift to you, and as the former minister of Taifu Temple, your reputation will only grow. By then, the officials, wealthy households, and big shots will be asking you to treat them with posts, so there is no rush now. “

 Lu Zong nodded: “Yes.”

The colored silk was quickly washed. Yin Zheng hung the cloths one by one on the thick lines in the yard and carefully smoothed out the wrinkles.

 There was a rapid knock on the door outside, which was very clear at night.

Yin Zheng asked curiously: “It’s so late, who’s knocking on the door?”

 “Maybe he is a patient seeking medical treatment.” Lu Yan said. As Renxin Medical Center became more and more famous, another medical center on West Street, Xinglin Hall, was not making much money and closed early every day. Patients could only knock on the door of Renxin Medical Center for treatment.

Lu Xu said: “I’ll go take a look.”

Not far ahead on West Street is a restaurant. Guards from the barracks patrolled every night. Lu Zhu walked to the door and the knocking on the door quieted down. She held a lantern in hand and opened the wooden door of the hospital.

 There was no one at the door.

The light of the pale red lanterns under the eaves was swayed by the wind. The cool night breeze blew along the long street, and when it got into people’s sleeves, a layer of tiny goose bumps immediately appeared. There was no one on West Street, and it was so quiet that you could hear a pin drop.

Yin Zheng came up from behind and asked while wiping her hands: “Girl, who are you?”

Lu Zhen turned around and was about to speak when a bright white sword suddenly stabbed from his side.

Yin Zheng’s eyes widened and she screamed in fright.

Lu Zhen stood at the door of the medical center, with no other obstacles around him. He saw that it was too late to escape, and he was about to receive the knife——

  It was late and then fast, there was a “bang” sound, and another sword shadow came from the diagonal stab, blocking the tip of the knife that stabbed Lu Yan’s heart.

 Someone fell from the sky and flew in front of her.

“Xi’erhui…”—“Tokyo Menghualu”

 (End of this chapter)

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