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Chapter 95 Master and Servant

 The fifteenth day of the moon is always sweet.

In the dark torture chamber, the unkempt prisoner huddled in the corner, chewing on half a piece of moldy mooncake in his hand.

Fan Zhenglian has been imprisoned for nearly a month. In this month, he has gone from being a high-ranking and famous broadcaster to a prisoner who is despised by everyone. He couldn’t eat well or sleep well every day. He lived with rats and bugs in the torture room. Even half a piece of moldy moon cake was a luxury.

He listened to the chatter of the jailers every day, and after learning about the tribute fraud case, the Ministry of Rites was shaken up and down, the emperor was furious, and a group of officials were found in both the government and the public to secretly sell their official positions and get titles. Now that the matter has come to this, he, the court of punishment, has made a detailed decision. Most of the officials will have bad luck and bad luck. Perhaps it was because he originally raised Qing’s name so high that when the Dongchuang incident happened, it aroused public outrage.

The entire Fan family and the female family members were all implicated, and the powerful people who used to please people were busy protecting themselves wisely. He stayed in this prison for many days. At first, he thought that someone could help rescue him, but until he was covered with gold and jade that could be given to the jailer, It has been collected completely, and no one has come to check it out.

 Official circles are like tea when people leave. Fan Zhenglian chewed the mooncake in his mouth and thought bitterly.

Just as I was thinking about it, the sound of human footsteps came from the darkness. The jailer who always looked to the sky stood at the cell door with a face full of impatience: “I promised you a stick of incense, hurry up!”

 The person behind him said “Hmm”, and after the jailer left, a familiar face appeared.

 “Qichuan?” Fan Zhenglian was surprised.

 “It’s me, my lord.”

 Under the light, half of the man’s face was stuck in the darkness, his expression was unclear, and his tone was as dull as ever.

 However, this dullness immediately became friendly in the eyes of Fan Zhenglian, who was currently isolated and helpless.

Fan Zhenglian grabbed the iron fence, almost pressing his face against it, and said excitedly: “Why are you here?”

He didn’t expect to see Qi Chuan again. He was now guilty, and all the servants around him should be implicated. He thought Qi Chuan was also in jail, but he never thought that he would actually be standing in front of him.

Fan Zhenglian hesitated and said, “You…were not embarrassed?”

Qi Chuan shook his head: “The younger one was just recording things, they didn’t find anything on me.”

 When he said this, Fan Zhenglian just remembered it. Since he returned to Shengjing to take up his post at the Court of Criminal Justice, he has deliberately suppressed Qichuan’s official position and prevented him from being promoted. It is indeed not easy for others to look down on such a small thing.

Qi Chuan didn’t say anything. He just took out a few dishes of wine and food from the food basket behind him and handed them to Fan Zhenglian through the gap in the railing. He said, “I know you have suffered a lot these days. I am useless and can’t help you, so I brought you Come get some food.”

Fan Zhenglian looked at Qi Chuan and then at the roast goose he handed over. For some reason, he suddenly felt a little emotional in his heart.

He has been in prison for a long time, and in one month he has seen all the changes in people’s feelings. The one who adds insult to injury, takes advantage of someone’s situation, takes advantage of someone else’s situation, and in the end, the one who is willing to take the risk to see him is this servant who he doesn’t really care about.

The record-keeping official hat that originally suppressed him now made him feel a rare sense of shame.

Qi Chuan silently poured wine for him. Fan Zhenglian took it and suddenly smiled bitterly and said, “Xiao Chuan, you are the only one who is willing to come see me when you are in this situation.”

The title “Xiaochuan” was too old. Qi Chuan was stunned for a moment, and after a long time he whispered: “The adults are kind to the little ones, and the little ones are grateful.”

 Fan Zhenglian sighed.

 In fact, he and Qi Chuan have grown up together since childhood, and their master-servant relationship is by no means ordinary. When Qi Chuan wanted to study in his family, his family was poor and Qi’s father was unwilling to provide money and even scolded him for not knowing how high the world was. It was Fan Zhenglian who persuaded Fan’s mother to leave Qi Chuan’s position and take him to the academy together.

There are many children from rich families in the academy. Seeing that Qi Chuan was from a lowly background and was bullying them wantonly, Fan Zhenglian helped to protect them. And Qi Chuan would also secretly help Fan Zhenglian with his homework. At that time, his gratitude was sincere, and his support was also sincere.

 It’s just that in the human world, high and low are already determined. Qi Chuan is loyal and smart, but it is a pity that he is the son of a lowly slave.

Fan Zhenglian asked: “How is it outside now?”

“The Ministry of Rites should have no room for maneuver. The Yushitai attaches great importance to this case. The old lady and the madam’s little one have been taken care of, and it will be better.”

Fan Zhenglian nodded, looked left and right, and suddenly called Qi Chuan forward, whispering to him: “Help me do something.”

Qichuan was startled.

“You secretly go to the Grand Master’s residence and find a way to send a message to the Grand Master. Just say that I have something to offer to the Grand Master and ask for the Grand Master’s help.”

Qi Chuan hesitated: “This…”

Fan Zhenglian smiled mysteriously, “Although I am in the situation I am in now, it is impossible for me to escape unscathed, but there is still room for judgment on how to judge this case. You are not in the officialdom and you don’t know that saving me is just a sentence to those big shots. It’s a matter of words.”

“The Grand Master’s Mansion is my last supporter, Fan Zhenglian.”

He took a step back and took a sip of hot wine, his eyes shining brightly in the dark prison.

 At the beginning, he dealt with the boy named Lu and gave the Taishi Mansion a favor, but he did not forget to save a favor for himself. He did not submit the boy’s letter to the Grand Master’s Mansion, but kept it privately.

This thing is a life-saving talisman if not used well, but if used well, it can also save lives.

Now that he is at the end of his rope, he is bound to die anyway, so it is better to give it a try first and think about what happens next.

Qi Chuan wanted to say something else, but the jailer’s urging came from outside: “It’s time—”

Fan Zhenglian looked outside and said to Qi Chuan: “Go, don’t forget what I said.”

He responded, packed up the empty food basket and took it away. When he was about to leave, he was stopped by Fan Zhenglian again.

“Xiaochuan,” Fan Zhenglian said in a guilty tone, not daring to look into Qi Chuan’s eyes, “I have been sorry for you all these years.”

Qi Chuan was shaken and hurried out without saying anything.

After leaving the door, he put another piece of broken silver into the jailer’s hand. The jailer weighed it, looked better, and looked at him, “You are a loyal servant, and you are here to visit the prisoner.”

The word “loyal servant” didn’t sound like anything in the past, but now it sounds a bit harsh. Qichuan walked out of the Prison Department gate with a dull head, and there was a strong wind blowing outside.

The wind hurt his face like a knife. He walked aimlessly, thinking about what Fan Zhenglian had just asked him to do to go to the Grand Master’s Mansion, and he felt confused.

Fan Zhenglian is going to ask the Grand Master’s Mansion as his last trump card in an attempt to make a comeback from the desperate situation. However, Qi Chuan knew that the situation outside was worse than Fan Zhenglian had imagined.

These days, no matter where he goes, he can almost hear people talking about the tribute fraud case. The superiors decided to conduct a thorough investigation, and there was even news that they would investigate whether the players in previous years had cheated.

He felt guilty as a thief, and he was like a frightened bird. In his dreams, there were scenes of people being sent to arrest him.

Once the investigation is carried out and Fan Zhenglian is found, he will also be found out. Jiu’er is still young. If he has such a father, his life will be ruined.

 In fact, since Fan Zhenglian was imprisoned, other people have also approached him. Fan Zhenglian has made many enemies in the years since he was an official. If he defected to others, he would use Fan Zhenglian as a proxy.

 For some reason, he remembered what the medical woman at Renxin Medical Center had said.

“The ship is sinking, why don’t you run away quickly?” Qichuan’s footsteps paused.

In the dark prison, Fan Zhenglian didn’t know whether he suddenly woke up or something, so he called him “Xiaochuan” and said “I’m sorry” to him.

If it were the past, they might have settled their differences, and those who shared the same adversity would always have a closer relationship than others. After all, in those years, he was truly grateful to Fan Zhenglian and vowed to be loyal to him throughout his life.

  It is now.

 It’s a pity that it’s now.

  If the relationship is better than when we first met, there will be no resentment in the end. This apology came too late, and a rift between master and servant had already arisen.

The ship is about to sink, and a smart person always escapes first. If he doesn’t want to sink with the ship, he must find another way to make a living, at all costs.

 Even if you use your former benefactor as a stepping stone.

The cold wind blew, making his body feel chilly. Qi Chuan calmed down, held the food basket in his hand, and walked quickly into the crowd.

The wind in Shengjing is getting colder day by day. Looking into September, the dew is cold, and the swans from the north begin to fly south.

Swan geese flew past the mansions of noble families in Shengjing, but they spread the anecdotal stories in the market to the whole city.

Two days ago, a piece of news spread quietly in the market, saying that Fan Zhenglian, the criminal who was imprisoned for the tribute fraud case, had a close relationship with the current Taishi’s house. Now when something happened, Fan Zhenglian went around in prison to bribe the jailers and asked people to help him send a message to the Grand Master’s Mansion, asking Grand Master Qi to help.

This news was unfounded and absolutely ridiculous. At first, everyone thought it was some random rumor spread by a Thousand Swordsman. After all, there was an official of the Judgment Court and a powerful Grand Master of the dynasty who did not see each other on weekdays. Eight poles could not hit a single spot. Speaking of which, the Fan family is quite high.

But the news spread very quickly, and some people said that they had seen the carriage of the Taishi Mansion stopping at the door of Fan’s house a few years ago. Gradually, the rumors spread more and more, saying that Fan Zhenglian was originally a subordinate of Taishi Qi, and colluded with the Ministry of Rites to commit fraud. It was because Taishifu secretly gave instructions. After all, once you control the examination room, you control half of the Liang Dynasty and the public. If there are those who seek an official career, they can obtain glory and wealth through the hands of Fan Zhenglian and offer heavy bribes.

This rumor spread through various departments inside and outside, passed through the streets and alleys of Donglou, crossed the censor’s desk, reached the emperor’s desk, and naturally also reached the Taishi’s residence at Zhuquemen.

In the courtyard of Taishi Mansion, there are fish roaming around the pond and rockery, golden helmets, ink eyes, brocade quilts, plum blossoms… At a glance, the golden clouds in the water are sparkling and gurgling into rhyme.

At present, the Chinese civil servants in the dynasty love to raise cranes and enjoy fishes. Refined scholars from all over the Liang Dynasty followed suit and often kept these animals in their courtyards. However, the fish and cranes in other people’s residences are not as rare as those in the Taishi’s residence. If we talk about it, the rare birds in the Taishi’s residence are even better.

It was noon, someone walked through the promenade by the pond, walked quickly, lowered his head and entered the teahouse not far from the pond.

 In the tea room, the sand pot on the table is decorated with carvings. Someone is holding an ancient scroll and taking a nap by the window. The soap-colored crane cloak is gathered loosely around his body, under the lotus jade crown, and the whirling white hair hangs down to his shoulders. He only has a back view, which looks quite like a fairy.

The person who came was a short butler. He quickly entered the house and stood far behind the old man in black robe. He said softly: “Master, the rumors outside are getting worse and worse.”

In the past few days, there has been a lot of buzz about the Fan family. Even if you want to pretend you don’t know about it, it’s difficult.

 The old man said nothing.

“If it is passed on any further, it may damage the reputation of the Taishi Mansion…”

“It doesn’t matter,” the old man still held the scroll, and his voice was neither fast nor slow, as if the matter he was talking about had nothing to do with him. “The Fan family has nothing to do with our house. Let the rumors go.”

“But…” the steward lowered his head and said, “This matter has something to do with the young master.”

 The old man’s hand that turned over the book paused.

“In the middle of February of the year before last, the young master accidentally injured a good woman in Fengle Tower. Later, the good woman returned home and was entangled endlessly. Her family went to Beijing to find the trial court. After knowing the truth, the detailed judge Fan Zhenglian took the initiative to help and brought the matter to light. Deal with it.”

“Because something unexpected happened and the young master was confused and uneasy, the servant dared to hide it from the master. He didn’t want to cause a big trouble now and asked the master to punish him.” After the steward finished speaking, he immediately knelt down.

There was silence in the room.

After a long time, the old man said calmly: “Get up, I don’t blame you for this.”

It’s just that a good wife died. This is a trivial matter that can be handled by servants. There is really no need for retribution and the master will listen to it. Even if time goes back, the way the Taishi Mansion deals with it will not be different.

“This rumor is spreading so much that it is probably Fan Zhenglian who is dying and trying to drag the Taishi Mansion into trouble. The Tian family’s tribute case is exactly what they want. If someone with intentions takes advantage of it, if Fan Zhenglian opens his mouth, the young master’s affairs will be made public. , after all, it will be detrimental to the reputation of the young master.” The old housekeeper tried his best to persuade him.

The old man in black was silent for a moment and said warmly: “Then shut up.”

 The butler looked serious: “Yes.”


The steward stood up from the ground and was about to leave the tea room when he was stopped by someone in the room: “Wait a minute.”

 “What are your orders, sir?”

The ancient scroll in his hand was put on the desk. The old man in black took the sand pot from the table, filled the tea cup in front of him, and then slowly spoke.

  “Go check that good woman’s house again.”

The housekeeper was stunned: “Master, do you think there is something wrong with it?”

“Rumors are spreading strangely. Fan Zhenglian has also been in the officialdom for several years. Even if he goes to the Grand Master’s Office, he won’t make such a big fuss. This matter is not his hand.” He brought the tea to his lips, took a sip, and took out another He took out his handkerchief and wiped the tea from the corner of his mouth before continuing: “There are many people in Shengjing who are keeping an eye on the Qi family. If the good woman’s affairs were known to others, they would probably be used as a knife in their hands.”

“Go and check the future situation of that family. Where are the relatives? If you find them, interrogate them carefully.”


Thinking of something else, the old man put down the tea cup, “That evil beast did such a shameless thing and defiled the courtyard. He was punished by being grounded for a month and facing the wall in the ancestral hall to think about his fault.” He sighed again, “After all, I have made a mistake in teaching my son. “

The steward hurriedly said: “Young Master was young at the time, and he already knew his mistake. He feels guilty every day. I have shown good intentions to you, and you will eventually know it.”

Turning his back to the housekeeper, the old man shook his head: “That’s it. You go ahead.”

  The housekeeper stood up and was about to retreat. Suddenly he thought of something. He stopped and hesitated before speaking: “Master, since we want to investigate that good woman, we have to continue to silence Fan Zhenglian…”

The incense burning on the desk is still burning, and in the green smoke, the back figure becomes more and more dignified, like an aloof immortal, playing with the fate of mortals while talking and laughing.

 He said calmly: “Of course.”

 (End of this chapter)

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