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Chapter 180 Threat

 There was silence inside and outside the house.

The man in green was lying in front of the door, trying his best to suppress the sound of gasping for air.

 The sun was shining brightly outside the door, the shadows of the trees were dancing, and there was no one following around. Lu Chen was puzzled. There should be many guards in Yan Xu’s official residence. Why did Pei Yunying break in like this without anyone stopping him?


Don’t dare to stop it?

“Pei Dianshuai,” Yan Xu glanced at the mess of tea on the ground, narrowed his eyes and said, “You are rude in my mansion, you are too presumptuous.”

“I have something even more outrageous. If you want to see it, you can try it.” He said with a cold face, then turned to Lu Yan, his eyes falling on the skirt of her medical officer’s robe.

Lu Zong followed his gaze.

 The hem of her skirt was stained with a large amount of blood, which had been applied while rescuing someone in the darkroom. At first glance, it looked quite scary.

 He stared at Lu Huan: “How are you?”

Before Lu Zhuo had time to answer, Yan Xu said coldly: “When the medical officer performs a consultation, I wonder which of Mr. Pei’s taboos he has violated?”

Yan Xu stared at her closely.

“What is the relationship between you two?”

 But she was a little confused.

 “Make a diagnosis?”


Pei Yunying is really extremely arrogant. In this situation, it is somewhat out of line. He doesn’t even cover up. Even with the help of the Holy Dragon’s grace, it is really too arrogant.

 There was silence in the room.

“The “Xingtong” also said: Anyone who is over seventy years old and under fifteen years old, has a disability, a disability, a serious illness, or is pregnant, has the privilege of being an official and is not allowed to torture. The instrument of torture is uniformly stipulated as a rod. ‘, the back, legs, and buttocks should stop at thirty each time.”

 After I finished speaking, I could hear needles dropping all around.

“The Commander-in-Chief is still too young,” Yan Xu stopped smiling, his eyes were gray and gloomy, lingering on the young man, and he said coldly: “Don’t you know that just because of the charge of rashly breaking into my mansion and delaying official duties, you can let him be punished?” You suffered a lot.”

 Lu Zhuo was startled.

She said: “The injured person I just rescued, although I used Guiyuan Pills to hang his life for three hours, his injuries were too severe and he could not stay conscious for a long time.”

She spoke gently, as if she was a good doctor who really cared about the patients. Yan Xu’s face changed: “Are you threatening me?”

Lu Yan said in a warm voice: “If Mr. Yan has anything to ask the other party, it is best to ask while his mind is still clear, otherwise it will be too late and it will be too late.”

 In the midst of this tension, Lu Zhuo suddenly spoke.

This question was ambiguous. Lu Zhuo frowned, as if he felt something was wrong. Before he could think about it carefully, he heard Pei Yunying say: “Debt relationship.”

Lu Zhen still smiled slightly and said calmly: “In the “Laws of the Liang Dynasty”, it is strictly prohibited to set up a private court without asking for a decree, illegally torture, and imprison without reason.”

Pei Yun stood in front of him, blocking most of Yan Xu’s sight, preventing the other party’s cold gaze from falling on him, like a safety barrier.

 “After an hour, he will fall into coma again.”

 Lu Tong: “…”

Pei Yunying suddenly smiled: “I’m here to support the ‘creditor’.”

 “It has exceeded the thirty-stick punishment in the “Xingtong”.”


Yan Xu stared at him coldly, his eyes turned between him and Lu Zhu, and suddenly said: “I asked Medical Officer Lu to conduct a consultation, but Pei Dianshuai barged in. Could it be that Pei Dianshuai can be Medical Officer Lu’s boss?”

The sun was shining brightly outside the window, and the room was eerily quiet.

“The palace commander is young and energetic, but it may not be a good idea to show off his sharp edge, and sometimes he needs to restrain himself.”

Pei Yunying looked sarcastic: “I know Master Yan is old, so there is no need to keep reminding him.”

 “Master Yan.”

 The situation in the house was tense and on the verge of breaking out.

Yan Xu laughed loudly, and the laughter was a bit harsh, “Then what are you doing today?” He glanced at the silver long knife on the table. The long knife had not yet been unsheathed, and the silver light on the scabbard was flowing, and it was cold. “Want to take action?”

 Lu Zong was stunned for a moment.

 He picked up the silver knife and raised the corner of his mouth, “I’m already looking forward to it.”

Pei Yunying turned around and curled her lips: “I don’t know who Master Yan is treating and what kind of injury he suffered. Why don’t you come out and have a look.”

 He raised his eyes and his tone was meaningful.

Such an open and honest protection is not a good thing for Pei Yunying. This will make people mistakenly think that she is Pei Yunying’s weakness, and exposing her weakness to the enemy is what a fool would do.

 The two people in the room looked towards her.

After a pause, Lu Huo continued to speak: “The injured person I saw just now has a broken leg first and a serious injury later. He should be a ‘disabled person’. His body injuries include soldering iron, whipping, and severed fingers…”

He spoke in an understatement: “I made it clear enough on the hunting ground. Didn’t Master Yan understand?”

 “She is my ‘creditor’.”

 “I don’t dare to lower my rank.”

After a while, Yan Xu sneered, picked up the teacup and took a sip.

The guard at the door heard the movement in the room and looked at Lu Tong with disbelief, as if he couldn’t believe that at this juncture, Lu Tong still dared to respond like this.

Pei Yunying also stared slightly.

Yan Xu stared at her, his eyes wavering.

 “If the official just moved out of this, this would be called a ‘threat’.”

Lu Tong’s tone was calm.

“However,” she changed the subject, “the Privy Council residence is very close to the imperial city, and the secret room must be known to His Majesty. As for the marks on the injured person’s body, it seems to have been there for a long time. I think they were there before I came here.”

She looked at the person in front of the desk and smiled faintly.

“All kinds of crimes, of course, have nothing to do with adults.”

Pei Yunying was very silent all the way out of Yan Xu’s official residence.

I don’t know whether it was because he was intimidated by Lu Zhuo’s “Xingtong” section, or because Yan Xu rushed to the darkroom to interrogate the patient who could only wake up for less than an hour. In short, the Privy Councilor did not deliberately embarrass him. The two of them exchanged a few words with Pei Yunyingji and then let him leave.

The journey was smooth, and the right door became farther and farther away from behind. It was not until he reached the verandah that Pei Yunying stopped.

 Lu Zhen looked at him.

 He looked at Lu Huan and asked, “How are you?”

“It’s nothing.” Lu Huan replied: “I just went to treat the injury of the person in the darkroom. He invited me to sit down and drink tea, but you threw the cup before I drank it.” Thinking of the cup he threw in front of Yan Xu just now Lu Zhen sighed in his heart.

It’s really impulsive.

Pei Yunying looked at her and said nothing.

 Lu Zhen thought for a while and said, “Actually, there is no poison in that cup of tea.”

Pei Yunying was nervous because he might have thought that there was something added to the cup of tea.

 He interrupted Lu Huan: “What if there is?”

I didn’t expect him to be persistent on this issue. After a moment of silence, Lu Xu continued: “It doesn’t matter if it’s poisonous. Didn’t I tell you? I am immune to all poisons.”

 He was speechless for a moment.

“If there is any suspicious person looking for you again in the future, you should first ask someone to go to the front office of the palace to look for me. If I am not there, do the same thing to Deputy Ambassador Xiao.”

Lu Zhen was stunned for a moment, and something strange suddenly appeared in his heart.

Pei Yunying’s words were subtle. He supported her several times and seemed to be very serious. He couldn’t just pretend to be real after hearing too many rumors about Fengyue. Or maybe he found out about Sunan’s life-saving grace of ruining the temple when he was young. This person was… Attitudes have changed.

 Is the life-saving grace really worth it?

What’s more, if you look closely, it shouldn’t be considered too “life-saving”.

Seeing that she was still silent, Pei Yunying asked, “Did you hear that?”

Lu Zong pursed his lips and answered the question inappropriately: “Are you very afraid of this Master Yan?”

Although Pei Yunying acted arrogantly in Yan Xu’s study just now, as if he was going to chop Yan Xu’s desk with a knife at the next moment, he had never given such serious instructions before and after. It seemed that he was not as serious as when he faced Prince Wen and the Qi family. Serious now.

The person who can be Pei Yunying’s opponent is by no means an ordinary person.

“Yes, I’m very scared.” He said angrily, thought of something else, and glanced at Lu Huan: “But you are very brave.”

“what you mean?”

“Threatening Yan Xu with “Xingtong”, you are the only one who wants to come to Shengjing.”

There was a smile on his face: “Do you know what kind of person he is? Aren’t you afraid that people will become angry and deliberately retaliate?”

Lu Yan said calmly: “The palace commander also knows that I have memorized “Liang Dynasty Laws” very well. Wouldn’t it be a loss if I don’t use it at this time?”

“Besides,” Lu Yan looked him squarely in the eyes, “I got into this trouble because of the Commander-in-Chief, and I threatened you because I spoke for you. Why is the Commander-in-Chief still here making sarcastic remarks?”

 “Speak for me?”

Pei Yun raised his eyebrows, looked at her and smiled: “So, the more debts I owe, the more I owe it, which makes me feel a little embarrassed.”

“I think the commander-in-chief is quite calm.”

He pondered, “If this continues, I won’t be able to repay you with my life, right?”

 “Is the commander repaying a favor or taking revenge?”

Pei Yunying snorted and was about to say something else when he looked behind Lu Zhu.

Lu Zhen turned around and saw Qing Feng approaching from behind the verandah.

“I’ll ask Qing Feng to take you back first.” Pei Yunying withdrew his gaze and said to Lu Zhuo, “In case there are too many eyes, people will see you when you look back.”

Lu Zhen frowned slightly, these words made them look like two wild mandarin ducks having a private affair.

 She asked: “What about you?”

“I still have some things to deal with,” he signaled to Qing Feng, and then said, “I’ll see you later.”

 After saying goodbye to Pei Yunying, Lu Zhuo returned to the medical hospital.

  It was already afternoon when she returned, and Cui Min had gone to the palace to serve. Lin Danqing was shocked when she saw the blood on the corner of Lu Chen’s skirt, thinking that something had happened to her. Lu Chen only said that he had gotten it when he went to see the Privy Councilor’s injured subordinate. Lin Danqing confirmed again and again to make sure that she was fine. He breathed a sigh of relief.

“Why did Cui Yuanzhang leave this job to you?” She sat on the bed and shook her head as she watched Lu Huo change out of the blood-stained medical officer’s robe, “Now the whole palace is spreading rumors about the relationship between Pei Yunying and you. Yan Xu and Pei Yunying have nothing to do with each other. It is very likely that he has bad intentions when he comes to see you at this time. If he comes again next time, just call him sick and go away to avoid causing more trouble. “

Hearing this, Lu Yun’s heart moved and he put the dirty clothes into the basin, “Master Yan and Dian Shuai Pei really have such a big feud? Even if it’s because of… it was decades ago. Why is it like this?”

At the point of Yan Yan and Mrs. Xian Zhaoning, Shengjing Gao Gate has heard more or less. But speaking of it, after all, it is a matter of the previous generation. Moreover, Mrs. Zhaoning had passed away many years ago, so Yan Xu would not have been holding her grudge for so many years.

Lin Danqing curled his lips, “Don’t underestimate men’s jealousy and pettiness. Mr. Yan is now in his forties and has not yet married. Outsiders say that he is keeping the integrity of Mrs. Xian Zhaoning.”

  ”If you haven’t been in love for many years, and your sweetheart is still dead, isn’t it easy for you to become abnormal? It’s normal for your mentality to be distorted. This kind of thing is written a lot in the storybook.”

Lu Zhen found it difficult to understand.

She asked: “Besides this, do they have no other festivals?”

Lin Danqing thought for a while and analyzed it carefully with Lu Chen, “We just started from the emotional aspect. Yan Xu didn’t like Pei Yunying. Let’s analyze it from other places, and it’s the same.”

Seeing that Lu Zhuo still didn’t understand, Lin Danqing sat cross-legged on the bed and listened to her in detail: “The Privy Council and the Front Office have the power to dispatch troops, and the other has the power to command the troops. The Privy Council has the power to have no troops, and the Front Office has the power to do so.” Without power, mutual checks and balances, you think, there is no room for two tigers in one mountain. When two people meet, they will naturally be jealous and it is common for them to stumble upon each other. “

“So,” Lin Danqing concluded, “Pei Yunying and Yan Xu, both public and private, emotional and rational, are a unique pair created by heaven and earth.”

   Lu Huan: “Revenge?”

Lin Danqing affirmed: “Dead enemies.”

 The darkroom is quiet.

  The corpses covered with white cloth were all carried out, and the blood stains left by dragging on the ground were scrubbed and cleaned, making them spotless. Under the dim light of the torches on the wall, the **** remnants of earlier could no longer be seen.

Only the sweet smell of blood remains in the air, which has not dissipated for a long time.

A man in a black robe stood with his back to the door. The silver bat pattern on his robe was dazzling and detailed. On the wall where he stood, old blood slowly seeped from the cracks in the stone. It seeped too deep and formed dark brown lines. , seen from a distance, it looks like fine palm prints on the palm of a human hand.

He looked carefully, the scars at the corners of his eyes glaring in the shadows.

There was the sound of footsteps on the stone steps behind him, and someone walked in.

The person came up behind the man in black robe and stood quietly without saying anything. The man turned around and punched him.

 The wind of the fist shook the motionless flames.

On the wall, on the outer wall of a bronze frame displaying torches, a goshawk is draped in clouds and mist, its claws kissing the blood. It is vivid and lifelike in the firelight.

Yan Xu looked down at the person in front of him.

The young man raised his hand, wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth, and smiled instead.

 “Teacher,” he said.

Xiao Pei, who is no more handsome than three seconds ago

  (End of this chapter)

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