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time flies.

 After answering the last subject examination paper, the examiner collected the examination papers, and the three-day spring examination officially came to an end.

 The students who had finished the exam stood in the Gongyuan, stretching their arms and kicking their legs, with pain on their faces. It is indeed a kind of torture for these pampered young ladies to sit in a cramped dormitory and answer the questions for three days.

Lu Zong was okay. Being locked up in a dark room for three days was something she was used to. Besides, when answering questions seriously, she had no sense of the passage of time.

Finding the medical box and putting the pen back, Lu Yan walked out of the Gongyuan and saw a few people standing under the pillars at the entrance of the Gongyuan. Du Changqing and Miao Liangfang were squatting with their heads down and counting ants. They didn’t know how long they had been waiting here.

“Girl!” Yin Zheng saw her, his eyes lit up, and he waved to her vigorously. When Lu Zhu came closer, he hugged her and felt distressed: “I have lost a lot of weight, and there is nothing to eat in this Gongyuan. Acheng We made pork bone soup in the hospital, let’s go back and eat it.”

 Miao Liangfang and Du Changqing did not show any joy on their faces, especially Du Changqing, who was almost like a mourning heir.

“Xiao Lu,” Miao Liangfang looked at her face and considered his words, “We all know that there is an additional subject in the spring examination, ‘Clinical Examination’… It doesn’t matter if you haven’t passed the exam, the important thing is to participate, right?”

“It’s a ghost!” It was better not to say anything. When he mentioned this, Du Changqing became furious, “Don’t you know everything about the Spring Examination? How come you don’t even know what subjects to take? Quack doctors harm people!”

Miao Liangfang collapsed: “How do I know? When I was working at the Medical Officer’s Hospital, there was a **** medical examination department. Who would have thought that the Imperial Medical Bureau would still look after the dead!”

He was so anxious that he started to use vulgar words.

 Three days ago, Lu Zhuo went to Gongyuan to participate in this year’s spring examination of the Imperial Medical Bureau.

Because Lu Zhen participated in the spring examination this time, there was quite a big fuss in West Street, and because of the grudges related to the Minister of Taifu Temple, even the medical practice was alarmed. There was a bit of turmoil in the spring test this time, but some people came over to watch the excitement and didn’t mind telling Dadi.

On the second day after Lu Zhen took the spring examination, the inquisitive Widow Sun got some fresh news from the medical clinic and hurried to Renxin Medical Center to spread the news.

 This new news brought by Widow Sun made Miao Liangfang feel like he was struck by lightning.

This year’s Spring Examination of the Imperial Medical Bureau has added a “Physical Examination” department!

The inspection department, it is the inspection department of the dead body!

He did not take such a subject when he originally took the spring examination. Until he was expelled from the medical hospital, he did not take this subject in the spring examination in these years.

Who is a good person who has nothing to do to see a dead person?

The people in the Imperial Medical Bureau were really nimble and secretly added new disciplines to the Imperial Medical Bureau without informing the outside world. How can ordinary medical workers who take the spring examination be able to answer the question if they are completely unprepared?

Lu Zhen was originally from a wild background and has not been taught by Taiyuan Hospital. It is hard to say whether he can pass this year’s spring exam. Add to this the fact that he is in a medical department that he has never been exposed to before. Failing is a sure thing!

The people in the medical hospital wear masks and enter the coffin – so shameless!

When everyone on West Street sympathized with this incident, Bai Shouyi, the old man from Xinglin Hall, felt proud and came to Renxin Medical Center to make some weird remarks, but was kicked out of the door by Du Changqing with a broomstick.

Du Changqing was cursing on the surface, but when he turned around he was so angry that he could not breathe smoothly. Miao Liangfang drank two bowls of decoction before he recovered.

“These officials change their minds at the first glance. They simply don’t want to be admitted to the medical official hospital.” Du Changqing sneered, “It’s okay, a bunch of quack doctors share the same bad taste, so you won’t have to suffer.”

He looked at Lu Chen and saw that Lu Chen’s expression was as usual, not as depressed as he imagined. He felt a little relieved and waved his sleeves: “I think you should stay at the hospital with peace of mind. You have a boss to eat and you are not hungry.” you.”

Yin Zheng frowned: “Shopkeeper, the results haven’t come out yet, how do you know that my girl failed the exam?”

 “Nonsense, can she survive?”

“Of course!” Yin Zheng was very confident and turned to Lu Zhu: “I believe you, girl.”

 She had always trusted Lu Chen blindly. Lu Meng smiled slightly and said nothing.

Du Changqing couldn’t bear the optimistic self-comfort that the master and servant had to do, so he turned around and rolled his eyes, saying: “Stop delaying, the carriage is at the door. Let’s go back to the hospital for dinner first.”

“No matter how late it is, the bone soup will be gone!”

The Imperial Medical Bureau has added a new subject of “Physical Examination” in the spring examination. Some people criticized it, but some people felt relieved and very satisfied.

In the palace of the Minister of Taifu Temple, Mrs. Dong was leaning on the soft couch, listening to the maid in front of her.

“… I have inquired with people from the medical practice, and they said that it is the newly added subject ‘Examination’, which the students in the Imperial Medical Bureau usually find difficult. In addition, this year it is a question given by Master Ji himself, and Lu Yun is just a A young doctor from out of town will definitely not be able to pass. Madam, there is no need to worry.”

Hearing this, Mrs. Dong relaxed a little.

“It’s good that it’s difficult.” She smiled, opened the lid of the tea cup, brought it to her lips, and took a leisurely sip, “Lu Zhen’s eyes grew to the sky just because of his medical skills. I really thought that She is the only one in Shengjing who knows how to treat illnesses. None of the students in the Imperial Medical Bureau know more than her, but she is so self-righteous that she dares to despise…”

Having said this, shut up.

The maid hurriedly lowered her head, not daring to say anything.

Everyone knows that the young master Dong Lin was so seduced by the medical woman at Renxin Medical Center that he ignored everyone else and did not hesitate to have a big quarrel with Mrs. Dong. Mrs. Dong sent her servants to humiliate Lu Huan at the entrance of the medical clinic, trying to make Lu Huan retreat. Unexpectedly, the medical woman did not know what was good and what was good, and retorted with a group of untouchables on West Street, saying that Mr. Dong had a mediocre appearance and an unremarkable figure. .

 The implication behind her words is that she, Lu Zhen, doesn’t like Master Dong!

  When the servant passed the message back, Mrs. Dong was immediately very angry.

If you said that he had previously rescued Dong Lin at Wannn Temple, and gave Dong Lin the benefits of treatment. Now that this is the case, this friendship is completely broken.

You must know that Mrs. Dong took good care of Dong Lin like a jewel. Even if her son was not satisfied with the match made by heaven, Lu Zhuo, a lowly medical woman, dared to humiliate her son in front of everyone. It was a slap in the face of the Dong family.

The Dong family also had some friendship with Cui Min, the envoy of Hanlin Medical College. Mrs. Dong asked someone to tell Cui Min that Lu Yun’s name must not appear among the quotas for the imperial examination this spring.

Cui Min is in charge of the entire Hanlin Medical Academy, and a quota is just a small matter for him. For ordinary people with no status or background, their future and destiny are nothing more than a word from a powerful person.

 As light as dust.

 Mrs. Dong asked: “How is the young master doing lately?”

 “Still locking myself in the room all day long and ignoring others.”

 Mrs. Dong restrained his feet, and Dong Lin couldn’t get out. At first, he wanted to go on a hunger strike to protest, but after all, he had been living in fine clothes for so many years, and he really couldn’t be hungry, so he gave up after one day. But after all, he was not worried, so he resisted his mother’s “tyranny” with silence.

 “Stubborn.” Mrs. Dong sneered, “Let him go and see how long he can persist.”

“By the way,” she remembered something again and told the maid, “go to the warehouse to get two square meters of high-quality Tao inkstones and have them delivered to the envoy Cui Yuan of the Medical Officer’s Hospital.”

The maid agreed, thought for a while, and then spoke: “Actually, the people from the medical practice have already said that this year’s questions are difficult, and the competition among the students in the Imperial Medical Bureau is fierce. Lu Zhuo will definitely not be able to pass it. Madam has already sent money before, so why bother…”

“What do you know?” Mrs. Dong sneered, “That medical woman is not simple.”

Although she kept calling Lu Zhuo a “untouchable” and a “mountain doctor”, she still remembered that Lu Xiu had cured Dong Lin’s lung disease earlier.

Her family’s Lin’er had been suffering from lung disease for many years, and many doctors were helpless. However, after drinking Lu Zhuo decoction for a year, he was almost cured. There was also Princess Wenjun Pei Yunshu. The medical officer in the palace didn’t even notice that Nao Shi’s son was “suffering from childishness”, but Lu Zhu saw it at a glance and kept Pei Yunshu and her daughter safe.

Although she disliked Lu Huan, she had to admit that Lu Huan was not a liar.

 The students of the Imperial Medical Bureau are indeed taught by famous teachers, but who knows if another accident will happen.

 It is better to be foolproof.

“What are you doing standing there, why don’t you go quickly?” she urged the servant.

 “Yes, ma’am.”

 After the spring examination of the Shengjing Imperial Medical Bureau, all student examination papers will be sent to the Hanlin Medical Officers’ Hospital for review by ten selected medical officers.

During the seven-day marking period, all marking examiners are not allowed to go out, and they have to stay in the side hall for food and accommodation, in order to speed up the time to release the red list for the spring examination in seven days.

 Today is the last day of marking.

 Chang Jin is a member of the grading examiners.

This year’s spring exam is different from previous years. Firstly, the most stringent doctor Xunji personally set the questions. As soon as the exam was over, I heard the students coming out of the dormitory crying and howling. Secondly, there was a new subject of “Examination”. The Imperial Medical Bureau These students were already struggling with this new medical science, and they were fine on weekdays. But when the spring exam came, the test papers they handed in were appalling, and their true colors suddenly became apparent.

There was a huge long table in the side hall, with medical officers sitting on the left and right. There was a stack of examination papers stacked high in front of each person, and sighs could be heard from time to time. “Crush Artemisia annua into fine pieces, add three liters of water and fifty liters of children’s feces, and fry the same until it reaches one and a half liters. Remove the residue and leave the juice, then fry it into a paste and make it into balls. Take twenty pills each time. On an empty stomach, lie down and drink warm wine. Take… fifty liters of child urine… fifty liters…”

He spoke in a sharp voice: “Fifty liters, is this to cure tuberculosis? I think this is to send the person away!”

Chang Jin glanced at the medical officer who spoke, shook his head, and went crazy again.

  Staying in the side hall for a long time and grading papers endlessly became unbearable after a long time. Especially when I see some exam papers that are full of errors and omissions, I often make people very angry, and I am also worried about the new batch of medical officers who will join the Medical Officer Academy in the future.

“Such a simple question is wrong. What does he study in the Imperial Medical Bureau all day long? Does he eat shit?” The crazy medical officer held his chest and breathed.

The medical officer next to me handed him a glass of water and said comfortingly: “Being angry is harmful to your health. There are not many exam papers sent this year that I can read. If you ask me, it’s Medical Officer Ji’s fault.”

Chang Jin raised his head and asked, “What does this have to do with Medical Officer Ji?”

“It’s a big deal! He made the questions so difficult that the guys at the Imperial Medical Bureau gave up at first sight. They just managed to answer a few questions, but will they end up writing them all in a mess later?”

This is true.

A medical officer opposite held his chin and almost chewed the pen holder. “There are not many exam papers that are passable. I wonder if the twenty medical officer quotas this year can be enough.”

This year’s spring examination will select 20 candidates from top to bottom. Some of these 20 candidates will be admitted to the Royal Pharmacy Hospital and some to the Imperial Medical College. In previous years, it was not difficult to select twenty medical officers. However, this year Ji Xun’s question was so difficult that the paper was extremely ugly. It made people feel guilty to actually select twenty medical officers.

“Hey, what are you doing? Look at Dr. Chang’s side. That’s an ugly roll!”

The speaker was gloating about the misfortune, but Chang Jin, who was pointed out, showed pain on his face.

Let’s forget about others, the medical department he is responsible for reviewing happens to be the “examination” newly added this year.

This is a new medical discipline. To be honest, even the medical officers at the Imperial Medical College dare not claim to be proficient in it. The reason why he is responsible for reviewing is because he worked for a period of time with a widower when he was young, and he knows more about examining cases than other medical officers. But even so, Chang Jin felt that Ji Xun’s question was a bit too much.

Even he thought it was better, let alone the boys from the Imperial Medical Bureau. Some didn’t answer even half of the answer, and some just made it up. What’s worse, they simply handed in a blank paper without writing a single word on it, as if they had given up on themselves.

  It has been five days, and he has not seen a single exam paper in which he has answered all the questions.

 Everyone is equally bad.

“I can’t even choose the sample exam paper this year, how can I show it to the stubborn old guys at the Imperial Medical Bureau? God, can a genius appear and save this year’s spring exam!” The medical officer who spoke clasped his hands together.

Chang Jin smiled disapprovingly.

There are so many geniuses in the world, and most of them have mediocre qualifications. Shengjing has only had one genius in the past few years, Ji Xun. Compared with this genius, they are like idiots who only know how to eat.

 People are different after all.

Chang Jin sighed with emotion and picked up a new examination paper to mark.

As soon as he opened the examination paper, Chang Jin couldn’t help but frown. For no other reason than the handwriting was too sloppy.

Students at the Imperial Medical Bureau are taught to write clearly and neatly when answering questions, and the marking is pleasing to the examiner. However, the handwriting on this examination paper is very unruly.

Chang Jin wanted to see which young master was so wild, but the names on each examination paper were covered with black paper and could not be opened until the review was completed.

 You can only suppress it.

That’s all, although this person’s handwriting is a bit sloppy, at least he has written everything on the exam paper. Regardless of whether it is correct or not, his attitude is quite correct, much better than those who turned in blank papers.

Chang Jin frowned and continued to look down.

As he watched, Chang Jin’s expression gradually became strange.

The answers to this test paper turned out to be quite good!

 The “Examination” department, as the name suggests, examines the condition of the corpse. Mr. Tai Yiju will use real corpses to teach on the spot during class. However, the students in the Imperial Medical Bureau were probably too young and not experienced enough. When they saw the real corpse, they all shrank back. How can you become proficient if you study with trepidation?

  It is a mess with two rolled noodles.

However, in the examination paper in front of me, even though the handwriting was scrawled, every question was answered correctly. At first, Chang Jin thought it was the medical science written by the student who had made up the answers. Unexpectedly, after looking at them one by one, he found that the answers were quite correct.

Especially for the “decomposition of corpses seven days after death”, this student actually wrote most of the exam paper, from the appearance to the internal organs, limbs and brain, it was… it was like he was standing in front of a corpse and studied it carefully for seven days. Day by day, I watched this corpse decay with my own eyes!

  It makes people shudder!

 Inexplicably, Chang Jin trembled and quickly called to his colleagues: “You guys, take a look at this exam paper!”

Perhaps the expression on his face was too distorted. Seeing this, the people around him put down their examination papers and gathered around. They took a look at the test questions in his hand. They were shocked at first by the wild handwriting, and then when they saw the full test questions Then he smiled knowingly: “Hey, I’ve answered all the questions. You have a good attitude.”

“Look carefully again,” Chang Jin said, shaking the exam paper in his hands, “He got every question right!”

“Let me take a look. Cover the corpse with a red oil umbrella in the sun and wet it with water. The scars will appear…”

 The surroundings gradually became quiet.

This was Ji Xun’s last question, asking how to deal with the corpse without obvious injuries. At that time, the medical officers of the Medical Officer’s Hospital argued for a long time and could not come to a conclusion. It was Ji Xun who finally knew the answer.

They thought that no one would be able to answer this last question, and Ji Xun was simply doing it unnecessary. Unexpectedly, someone wrote the answers clearly on the exam paper, word for word.

Looking at the other questions on this examination paper, the respondent answered each question carefully, and the scrawled handwriting has now become more pleasing to the eye, as if he was able to do it with ease and ease.

 This is a perfect answer!

“When did the Imperial Medical Bureau produce such a talented person? Doesn’t it mean that no one in the medical examination department can do it?” Chang Jin murmured.

Gentlemen from the Imperial Medical Bureau complained among their medical officers from time to time, saying that it was a thankless effort for the imperial court to add such a department. But now it seems that the person who answered the question is clearly a genius!

“Have a look,” a medical officer said eagerly: “Tear off the name tag and see which student from the Imperial Medical Bureau it is. If you are so good at medical examination, it can’t be the young lady from the Lin family! But she is not the best at it. Gynecology?”

Chang Jin came back to his senses, quickly picked up the examination paper in front of him, and hurriedly grabbed the name slip and pulled it –

Anyway, the examination paper has been marked now, so it doesn’t hurt to take a look.

 Everyone craned their necks to stare at the name under the name tag.

 The black note was torn off, revealing the word “Lu”.

 Then, the complete name appears.

 “Lu Hu?” Chang Jin was confused and turned to look at his colleagues, “Why is this name so unfamiliar? Is he a relative of someone from the Imperial Medical Bureau?”

Because the medical officers of the Medical Officials’ Hospital sometimes give lectures to the students of the Imperial Medical Bureau, the names of every student of the Imperial Medical Bureau are also familiar. But the name Lu Chen felt very strange to Chang Jin, and he couldn’t remember what this person looked like.

Someone asked: “I have never heard of this name. Does our Imperial Medical Bureau have such a person?”

“Nonsense, there is no such person in the Imperial Medical Bureau. Is he just an ordinary student in the medical clinic?”

“There is only one ordinary medical worker taking the exam this year, you are dreaming!”

There was a lot of discussion around, and in the midst of this noise, a medical officer in the crowd suddenly thought of something and shouted.

 Everyone looked at him.

 “Well, I suddenly remembered something…”

 “What’s the matter?”

The medical officer who woke up glanced at everyone and said weakly: “The ordinary medical worker recommended by the medical association this year…”


“It seems like your last name is Lu…Lu, right?”

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