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 “Why are you afraid of Pei Yunying?”

The medical books and volumes on the table that were blown by the wind were put away and put aside. Miao Liangfang leaned his crutches against the wall and sat down holding on to the edge of the table.

Lu Zhen waited for him to speak.

After a long time, Miao Liangfang touched his nose and said coyly, “Actually, this matter is an old matter many years ago.”

“Twenty years ago, I participated in the spring examination of the Imperial Medical Bureau and became the only ordinary medical worker who passed the spring examination that year. I was only twenty-two years old at that time, No, about the same age as your young boss.”

“I ranked third in the entire spring examination at that time. None of the students in the Imperial Medical Bureau could compare with me. Later I entered the Hanlin Medical Officer’s Hospital and was promoted to medical officer soon after receiving the imperial edict. The hospital envoy at that time thought highly of me. The nobles in the palace usually give me pulse diagnosis, medicine and food.”

“Young people can’t help but praise them. It’s because of the scenery, so they are inevitably a little frivolous. When they were young, they were straight-tempered. Sometimes they offended people, but by being favored in front of the nobles, things passed without incident. As time went by, , I even forgot my last name.”

Miao Liangfang was initially a little uncomfortable when talking about old things. As he talked, he was gradually moved by the past and his expression became sad.

 Lu Zong listened quietly.

“That boy from the Pei family, when I first met him, he was only eight or nine years old. He went to the palace with his father. His father was Duke Zhaoning, and he was the eldest son of Duke Zhaoning. He was handsome and smart. When he was young, Just likeable.”

Miao Liangfang recalled that when he first met Pei Yunying, he had a quick glance in front of the palace. The child was still young, but he was already outstanding. He was wearing a rosewood-colored brocade dress with red bird patterns, red lips and white teeth, and a pair of eyes as bright as stars. Can get a glimpse of the future.

Such aristocratic children seem to have a smooth road in life, and they can achieve great success without doing anything. Unlike when they were young, they had to earn a living in the mud and couldn’t even afford a pair of shoes.

Miao Liangfang is slightly jealous.

“Originally, I had no contact with him. Later one night, late at night, someone from Zhaoning’s residence sent a message to a medical officer from the Hanlin Medical Officer’s Hospital, saying that there was an emergency in the residence. I was on duty that night, and I asked casually, It turns out that the Pei family’s beloved foal accidentally ate poisonous weeds and is in danger.”

Lu Zhen raised his eyes: “You didn’t save him?”

“It would be better if he could not be saved,” Miao Liangfang laughed dryly, “I didn’t go to the clinic at that time.”

 Lu Zhen was slightly startled.

“At that time, I was young and energetic, and was busy compiling medical books. When I was upset, I heard that it was a medical officer, and I felt that the Pei family was insulting me because of their high status. So I told people from the Pei family that I was a medical officer. He is not a veterinarian, he only treats people, not animals, so he randomly sent another new medical officer to the Pei family.”

 Lu Zhen was surprised: “Mr. Miao, is there ever a time like this?”

Such arrogant words are difficult to relate to Miao Liangfang, who was only docile and ran away from Pei Yunying today.

Miao Liangfang covered his face and wailed: “…I must have had water in my head at that time! Or I was snatched away from my body. It’s true that a newborn calf is not afraid of tigers. I think I don’t have enough enemies!”

“and after?”

“Later…Later I heard that his horse could not be saved and died.”

Lu Huo nodded: “So, he is taking revenge on you for this?”

“That’s not true!” Miao Liangfang quickly waved his hand, “I heard that he had been depressed about this matter for a while, but at that time the medical office was busy with affairs, and the ladies in the palace called me for pulse diagnosis from time to time, so they put the matter aside. The back of the head.”

Miao Liangfang sighed: “Later, something happened at the Medical Officer’s Hospital and I was kicked out. I never saw him again.”

“In that case, why are you afraid of him?”

Miao Liangfang was helpless: “More than ten years ago, I heard that something happened to the Duke Zhaoning’s palace, and Duke Zhaoning’s wife disappeared. But now Pei Yunying has become the commander of the front department of the palace and is deeply favored. When I was wandering around, , I have seen him on the street and heard many rumors about him. This man is very protective of his shortcomings. He looks kind and humble, but in fact he is ruthless and a smiling tiger.”

“Look at how poisonous his eyes are. I look like this now, with a fat body, thin hair, and a limp leg. He can actually recognize me at a glance. It can be seen that he curses me in his heart day and night. “

 Lu Zhen was speechless.

 Based on her understanding of Pei Yunying, she felt that Pei Yunying did not have such leisure.

“After all, that was more than ten years ago. Besides, even if you went to see the doctor that day, you might not be able to save his horse. Maybe Pei Yunying has already forgotten the past.”

“Having said that, it’s always a bit embarrassing to see each other again.” Miao Liangfang lowered his head with a guilty conscience and picked at the holes in his trouser legs. “Back then, I was very arrogant and self-righteous in front of his servants. Now he is doing well, and I In this state of desolation, even if he doesn’t retaliate against me, I won’t be able to see anyone. Maybe he is scolding me behind my back now.”

 Lu Huo: “…Mr. is too worried.”

“However,” Miao Liangfang paused while picking at the hole with his hand and looked at Lu Huan in confusion, “I saw him talking to you today, and his tone and gesture were very familiar. Are you familiar with him?”

Although everyone in West Street knew about Lu Zhen’s previous rescue of Wenjun Princess and her daughter. As Pei Yunshu’s younger brother, it was normal for Pei Yunying to come to express his gratitude. But that’s it only once. For example, if you give the medicine to the young lady of the Pei family, you can let the servants of the Pei family come and get it on their own, so there is no need to go there in person.


Lu Zhen’s tone when he spoke to Pei Yunying didn’t seem to have any concern about his status, and could even be called rude. It was very much like his demeanor and integrity back then.

“I’ve only met him a few times.” Lu Yan said, “Not familiar.”

 “Have you met Miao Liangfang?”

 In the front office of the palace, Xiao Zhufeng spoke in surprise.

Pei Yunying put down the silver knife: “Are you surprised?”

“Accident.” Xiao Zhufeng said: “Miao Liangfang left the Medical Officer’s Hospital that year and has not been seen for ten years. There are rumors outside that he is dead. Unexpectedly, he has been hiding in Shengjing West Street.”

“You should be surprised that he is willing to guide Lu Zhuo to participate in the Spring Examination of the Imperial Medical Bureau.” Pei Yunying sat down in front of the window.

“Same.” Xiao Zhufeng nodded, “Not everyone can let Miao Liangfang resume his old career. This Doctor Lu is not an easy man.”

Pei Yunying sighed slightly and said nothing.

“It seems that Doctor Lu is your nemesis. Everything he does and the people he accepts will hinder you.” Xiao Zhufeng still had a expression on his face, but there was a hint of schadenfreude in his eyes.

Pei Yunying stopped smiling, with a hint of impatience on his face.

There was a plate of winter dates on the table that was dripping green. Xiao Zhufeng pinched a date in the palm of his hand and said, “In that case, there is something I want to tell you.”


 “Something’s been going on in Taishi’s Mansion recently.”

Pei Yunying raised his eyes.

After the tribute case, Fan Zhenglian committed suicide in prison out of fear of crime. But before that, there were rumors that Fan Zhenglian had colluded with the Taishi Mansion. Although the rumors were quickly suppressed and did not cause turmoil in the court, Pei Yunying still made people pay attention to Taishi. There is movement in the teacher’s mansion.

 The Ke family, the Fan family, the tribute case, the Taishi’s Mansion… Lu Zhuo’s shadow coincidentally appeared in each of them.

 He had a vague hunch that everything Lu Zhuo did was aimed at the Grand Master’s Mansion. But he didn’t know who was behind Lu Zong and what his purpose was. Qing Feng secretly checked Lu Chen’s background and found that she was like an outsider who appeared out of thin air in Shengjing. She practiced medicine every day and had no connection with others, just like all ordinary doctors with a clean background.

 Can’t catch any telltale signs.

So he asked people to keep an eye on the Taishi Mansion. Cause and effect complemented each other. If Lu Zhuo couldn’t make a move, it would be better to look for clues from the Taishi Mansion.

Pei Yunying asked: “What’s wrong?” Xiao Zhufeng pondered for a moment: “The Taishi Mansion recently asked someone to inquire about a girl from the same country.”


 “The late wife of Ke Chengxing, Lu Rou.”

Hearing this, Pei Yunying’s eyes moved: “Ke Chengxing’s wife?”

He had asked people to investigate the Ke family’s affairs after the incident at Wan’en Temple. The Ke family’s sudden collapse was due to the death of Ke Chengxing, who had no one to support him.

Later on the Mid-Autumn Festival night, Lu Yun rescued Pei Yunshu’s mother and daughter. In order to fulfill his promise to her, Pei Yunying promised not to pursue the death of Ke Chengxing, and the matter ended there.

The tribute case, the downfall of the Fan family, the rumors in the Imperial Palace, and all the subsequent events, the Ke family is just a small businessman, and the wife of Ke Chengxing who died young is like a particle of dust accidentally falling on a complicated tapestry. After being brushed away, there was no trace.

Ke Chengxing’s wife has been dead for a long time, but until today, everyone noticed that the real name of the woman who died young was Lu Rou.


Xiao Zhufeng said coldly: “The people from Taishi’s Mansion secretly investigated Lu Rou, so I went to the Imperial City Division first. They got the news faster than us. Do you still remember that in the tribute case at that time, there was a pair of Liu brothers ?”


It is not easy for the Liu brothers, who are of low status, to appear on the list of fraudsters in the examination hall and to have a relationship with Fan Zhenglian.

“Liu Kun, the father of the Liu brothers, acted as an informant on a case a few years ago. The suspect he reported in that case was Lu Rou’s younger brother, Lu Qian.”

Pei Yunying suddenly raised his eyes: “What?”

“Lu Qian was later executed. It was probably because of this incident that Liu Kun was able to board the boat of the Court of Justice. As for the Taishi Mansion, it was probably related to this case, otherwise there would be groundless rumors. As for the Ke family…it was also the Grand Master’s Mansion. Mrs. Qi presented a porcelain banquet cup to her birthday party.” Xiao Zhufeng looked calm, “That’s all you asked me to find out so far.”

Pei Yunying looked slightly cold and said nothing for a while.

The first wife of the Ke family was named Lu Rou. Lu Rou died of illness shortly after her marriage. Later, the Ke family collapsed.

The accuser Liu Kun sent Lu Qian to prison. Later Liu Kun died tragically at the foot of Wangchun Mountain.

 The court’s detailed judge, Fan Zhenglian, convicted Lu Qian and executed him. Later, Fan Zhenglian was imprisoned and committed suicide in prison.

 One by one, everyone involved in this matter ended in a miserable state.

 Next… Taishi Mansion.

 No wonder she disguised herself and sneaked into the Yuxian Tower. On the night of Qi Yutai’s birthday, there were only a few distinguished guests on the third floor. He had doubts at the beginning, but couldn’t figure out the reason. Now that this happened, the truth of some things came to light.

The one Lu Zhen wanted to deal with at first was the Qi family.

Pei Yunying was sitting in front of the window, her eyes complex and difficult to distinguish.

He thought about many reasons for killing Lu Huo, but he didn’t expect it to be revenge.

Such a reckless, crazy, yet meticulous revenge.

Xiao Zhufeng said: “Are you doubting…”

 “Her surname is Lu.” Pei Yunying interrupted her friend.

The reason why no one in Taishi Mansion has found any clues yet is because Lu Zhuo has always been an outsider in this game. She cleverly kept herself out of the situation, pieced together, arranged, and promoted the final result through seemingly unrelated coincidences.

Since the Qi family didn’t know that Lu Huan existed, they naturally had no way of starting.

Pei Yunying noticed Lu Huan from the beginning, even earlier than when her revenge plan started, so the same surname can easily be connected.

“She is just an ordinary medical woman. It is difficult for her to do it alone.” Xiao Zhufeng reminded, “Maybe there are others behind her.”

Even they may not be able to achieve this by one person, not to mention her next target is the Grand Master’s Mansion.

A small official trying to deal with the Grand Master’s Mansion is like a fool’s dream. Unless Lu Zhen is crazy, there must be someone behind him.

Pei Yunying said nothing. After a while, he asked: “What are the Qi family investigating now?”

“We are checking the relatives of the Lu family. Lu Rou is from Changwu County. The family is very small. Apart from Lu Rou and Lu Qian, there are currently no other sisters.”


“The informant found out that he once had a little daughter. I don’t know whether she died or got lost seven or eight years ago. I haven’t heard any news about her.”

Pei Yunying thought for a moment and said to the door: “Qingfeng.”

 Qingfeng walked in: “Sir.”

He said: “Go to Changwu County in person and don’t let go of any news about the Lu family. You must inquire about the missing daughter of the Lu family over the years and her past appearance and habits.”

 “Yes, my lord.”

 Qing Feng took the order and left. Xiao Zhufeng looked at Pei Yunying: “Do you suspect that she is the lost daughter of the Lu family?”

 “Why is it impossible?” Pei Yunying asked.

“It is not easy for a girl who has been missing for many years to survive. Furthermore, even if she is really a daughter of the Lu family, she has been away from home for many years and came to Shengjing to kill people alone. It is difficult for ordinary people to have such a desire for revenge. I think, unless someone If you want to deal with the Grand Master’s Mansion, let me use her as a sword.”

Pei Yunying smiled noncommittally.

 It is impossible for ordinary people, but it is very possible for Lu Zhen.

I have dealt with her several times, but I have not gotten any good results from her. Doctor Lu’s desire for revenge is not ordinary.

“Speaking of revenge,” Xiao Zhufeng asked him, “Aren’t you going to take revenge on Miao Liangfang? That’s your most beloved pony.”

Hearing this, the young man’s smile faded.

He thought of his beloved red pony, which his grandfather personally picked out for him among all the fierce horses. The little red pony was beautiful and proud. The brothers in the family even fought over each other privately over the pony. But in just one month, the red pony was gone. He fell down in the night due to accidentally eating poisonous weeds.

 He ​​didn’t remember whether he shed tears, but he still remembered the feeling of holding the horse in his arms and the red horse’s body temperature gradually cooling down in his palms. That was the first time in his smooth life that he felt powerless. Little did he know that there would be many more such powerless moments in the years to come.

He lowered his eyes and said, “I don’t have that leisure time.”

“Oh,” Xiao Zhufeng’s face was expressionless, but his tone was a bit mocking, “I have grown up and my mind is open. I thought you were going to vent your anger and add insult to injury, but it turns out you don’t hold grudges.”

Pei Yunying looked at him.

 Xiao Zhufeng looked serious.

 After a long while, the young man sneered and said, “No, I hold a grudge very much.”

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